Women: What is the perfect size?



  • It_never_ends
    It_never_ends Posts: 105 Member
    I'm 5'8 but I have a small frame so a size 2-4 looks good on me. Anything more and I look chubby. Size 6 may be big if you 4'. -_- Stupid Yahoo.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I still shop in the "teen" stores or juniors section for jeans and pants so for me I would probably be a size 7, currently have pants in size 9. I recently purchased dress pants at Express though and size 8 fit but I tried on the 6 and they fit just lots of muffin top so I'll be a size 6 when I reach my goal weight.

    I'm 5'8 also and my goal weight is 130 :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i think that article said that size 6 is considered plus sized in the MODELING industry, that's not the real world . different industries have different standards that might not be necessary outside that industry. for instance i work as a PM in the language industry. speaking 1 foreign language might be impressive outside my industry but inside it's pretty pathetic. not sure the size 6 plus size in the modeling industry is anything to get your panties in a bunch about.

    in any case, i consider my perfect size to be a size 6
  • amruden
    amruden Posts: 228 Member
    I'm 5'4 and wear a size 9.(was a size15)
    I would love to drop a few more lbs and be a size 7.

    Thighs rub together...*grumble*

    But there is no way a size 6 is plus size

    I just watched the video on yahoo..
    It sort of made me ill.
    BR3ANDA Posts: 622 Member
    Whatever size each individual woman feels comfortable at. We can`t generalize which is the perfect size because everyone is attracted to something different, whether it be a man to a woman or a woman to herself. When we as women are happy with ourselves, we feel perfect no matter the size.

    My goal is to fit into a size 12 again, I think that would be perfect for me.
  • dreambodin2011
    dreambodin2011 Posts: 166 Member
    Happiness is not found on the scale ladies. So many have posted "I'll be happy when.....I weigh such and such"

    I know we're all striving and sweating towards our goal weights, but if you think 'happiness' is awaiting you there, you may be let down. I hope not. But think about it hey - we are sold what is acceptable by so many media messages, and it is all about making us feel inadequate, making us feel 'not enough' - most of the time in order to fatten somebody's wallet (with our purchasing power).

    I've met very curvy women who ooze sex appeal and confidence with beautiful vibrant personalities and an inner knowledge that their worth is so much more than their 'size' and I have gravitated towards them like they're magnets.

    Happiness - it's not on the scales.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Wasn't yahoo talking about a size 6 being plus sized for a model? Because in model land I can totally see that. Cuz norm is lik 0-4, cuz theyre all tiny. I do not think a 6 is plus sized out here in the real world. I'm 5'5 135lbs in a size 6. Though I feel like my belly is the thing that's keeping me in it, I do not feel I am plus sized. I think I'm about average, but not thin. This is how I am built though. Some ppl have bigger frames and look wonderful/fit/thin in a size 6. I dont think there is a perfect size, because there is no perfect woman. You should aim to be the best you that you can be. We all come in different shapes & for some women the tiny size (0-4) is practically unattainable no matter how much they lose because of their frame. I would like to be a 2. I feel like that is the perfect size for me, but not everyone.
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    next to smallest or next next to smallest is quite good, Anorexia is not attractive at all and women with super thin frame, muscles and curves at the same time are rare, so most of extremely thin girls are thin being unhealthy
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I dont want to be any thinner (nor do i think its possible) than a size 6. At my thinnest I was a size 4 and I hated it. I like having a butt a boobs, and at a size 4, I had neither. I cried in the dress shop because i had no clue i had dropped so much weight and i wanted my boobs back, lol. I want to be a size 8.... nothing thinner than a size 6. Im 5'3 by the way
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I'm hoping to get into a size 10, and that would be perfect for me. I used to be a size 26 and now I'm an 18, so I'm on my way slowly but surely :)
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I'm hoping to get into a size 10, and that would be perfect for me. I used to be a size 26 and now I'm an 18, so I'm on my way slowly but surely :)

    Amazing job! You should be very proud!
  • gimedatnow
    gimedatnow Posts: 173 Member
    The yahoo article you were reading (assumedly this one? : http://shine.yahoo.com/fashion/did-size-6-become-plus-size-122500787.html) was actually saying that size 6 models often pose for plus-sized magazines, NOT that size 6 is the new "plus size." It agreed with you, that this kind of mis-marketing is nonideal.

    As for me, I'm very short and gain weight awkwardly, so whenever I go above a size 4, my Asian family doesn't hesitate to let me know. XD
  • Ohmydaze
    Ohmydaze Posts: 403 Member
    I'm a happy 8 ( US 4 ) and that's the size that suits me perfectly. I'm a short girl, with a small bone structure, so I'm slender, but I'm not designed to be stick thin, I'd rather have some curves and muscle to me. Any bigger than an 8, and I feel chunky, but any smaller and my ribs stick out a lot, and i'd struggle to do a size 6 up at the chest anyway. A friend of mine is 5'11, and she's a 12 (US 8) and she looks like a model. She LOOKS very slim, with a gorgeous figure, but I tried to borrow a pair of her shorts, and they fell down! I guess that proves that what size looks good on one woman doesn't suit others, and that height isn't the only factor involved.
  • tansygreen
    tansygreen Posts: 85 Member
    It's really confusing sometimes on MFP because members are from all over the world, and stupidly, sizes are different in a lot of different countries (even though most fashion manufactuers make clothes for retail in all countries then have to sew in different labels).

    I'm from the UK and a UK 6 I would consider a healthy size for people I know who are small (less than 5 feet) but for me way too small. I would be very slim at a UK size 10 (which is the same as a US 6).

    When will the sizes just be made the same over the world?? It's like phone chargers used to be - annoying.
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    I'm 5'4" 126lbs, and am a size 6 bottoms, 4 up top. size 6 is a better size for me because I carry most of my weight in my butt and legs, I look chunky at an 8. I dont lift weights at all so I may look differently if I did. However, my face is thin and if I lose any more weight, I do not look good.
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    Ladies, to me the perfect size is whatever you feel most comfortable in. Never let anyone tell you what the "perfect size" is. What makes you happiest and feel the best is Perfect for you!!

    Well said! The best size is what personally feels good to you. The fashion industry and/or clothing manufacturer's that create sizes have nothing to do with how I live my life. When I shop, I buy what fits, never mind the number that some company put on it.

    Bump re: CMT
  • denisey94
    denisey94 Posts: 40 Member
    This year I've gone from wearing well fitting size 18 clothes to being able to squeeze into some size 16's and I'm 6'0", I have another 50lbs to lose and I'm hoping that when those pounds are gone that I'll have some curves in good places and be a size 12, although 10 could be alright too.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I just saw an article on Yahoo about how a size 6 may be considered plus size...WTF? I lost 20 lbs. before joining MFP and I am looking to lose about 5-10 more. I am currently 5'8" and I am 140lbs. I consider myself in good shape now, just need to tone up and lose a few extra pounds.

    ***Before any of you say anything about my weight and being too low...I have a neurological disorder, Muscular Dystrophy - Charcot Marie Tooth, which has taken away most of my calf muscles...so the less I weigh, the easier it is for me to walk. Remember, I have less muscle than most of you because of this disorder....and we all know that muscle weighs more than fat.***

    My question to all of you is "What is the perfect size?" Healthy size, that is? I would never have thought that a size 6 would be considered plus size. I am a size 6 right now and am quite thankful for getting myself to this point. But I do not think that this is a plus size!! I was thinking that a size 8-10 is a good size. What are your thoughts?

    i think i am pretty much at MY perfect size... i am a UK size 6/8 top, and size 10 trousers... i am 5ft5 and weigh about 128lbs.

    but its each to their own isnt it?! there is no one size thats perfect for everyone!!
  • katmariew
    katmariew Posts: 87 Member
    Ladies, to me the perfect size is whatever you feel most comfortable in. Never let anyone tell you what the "perfect size" is. What makes you happiest and feel the best is Perfect for you!!

    I <3 You.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    BTW---im a 6-8 and I DOUBT im plus size.

    Exactly!!! Size 6 a plus size ?? WTF!!

    Size 8 going for a 6