How did you met your other half?



  • Miss_Chanelle
    Miss_Chanelle Posts: 87 Member
    6months after our first official meeting we started dating and on the 29th of August we will be 3years together (:
  • BrownEyedSister
    BrownEyedSister Posts: 74 Member
    craigslist, no really, it isn't a joke. I met him on craigslist...

    Ditto. I consider myself very lucky to have found him.!
  • al3xama3
    al3xama3 Posts: 19
    Mine saw me on a mutual friend's Facebook page and said "I have to meet this girl." A year and counting... :)
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I met mine through an old coworker. The old coworker was his girlfriend at the time and they split and then years later we got together. Great being friends first!
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    Picked her up in a strip club ( she was bartending ), had sex that night, in the morning again, stayed over the week-end, took her fishing and camping. Lived together for 5 years, engaged for 4 years, married for 12. 2 kids, 2 dogs, house, farm, mortgage, 401k, etc. etc......its all good!
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I was a bouncer at a bar and she happened to be the one that really stood out. She didn't want anything to do with me for quite some time, so I knew she had good judgement.... lmao.
  • Cassaaaaandra
    Cassaaaaandra Posts: 184 Member
    I met my hubby in a combat zone (Iraq). Were friends for the deployment and ran convoy security missions together occasionally. We remained friends after demob and dated on the weekends while I was in nursing school. Once I graduated we got married. A few months later we were expecting our first. We've been married 4 years and have two little ones :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Online dating website...been married just over 10 years awwww
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    at work she saw me and couldn't resist. she's been stuck with me ever since
  • stephenglover
    stephenglover Posts: 87 Member
    High School- Different ones though set up by her ex boyfriend in 1987 never been apart since. 2 kids and 23 years later. We have had or obstacles as much as any but we prevail no matter what. Family and Marriage is something you don't give up on.
  • Bethie_B
    Bethie_B Posts: 292 Member
    I had met him once, but then ran into him at a convenience store. I said hi, and looked up with red, bleary eyes and said "I need hot dogs." I was hooked.
  • ViDexSha
    ViDexSha Posts: 46 Member
    I met my hubby on "ICQ" , the chat service. We have been married 10 years, and together for 13. And I love him more and more everyday!
  • Dovekat
    Dovekat Posts: 263 Member
    I met mine when he took a break from his PC (it had crashed in the middle of a raid I think) and decided to pay a visit on a mutual friend that I was staying over with for the weekend so I could attend an event in London (i lived in Wendover (Buckinghamshire) at the time). 11 yrs later we are still together :)
  • moonspells
    moonspells Posts: 126 Member
    Online dating site...I was looking to sow some wild oats and instead wound up finding the love of my life! <3<3<3
  • raige123
    raige123 Posts: 352
    I was just remember how we met from another topic in another forum....

    I first met Jen when she was 13 - a geeky little straight A girl with a smokin' hot body, and I was the baddest dude around.
    Also 13 by the way:bigsmile:
    Anyway, she hated me, my criminality and violent nature, but I loved her even though she was out of reach.
    And then something happened to break her resolve. I met her at a teen swimming party and caught her checking me out. :devil: GOTCHA!
    2 weeks later, she was MINE!
    I went out and bought a ring like any well intentioned guy in love.
    People laughed. Nobody took us very seriously.
    We were married, and my own father said to me as we were getting dressed for the wedding
    "I know your first wife. I wonder who the next will be"
    In other words, we were doomed to failure.
    That was 29 years ago. We've had 5 kids and wonderful life with challenges like any relationship.
    To me she is still that geeky girl I wanted so badly at age 13, and I love her today just as much.
    I am the least deserving of such a woman, and if there is really a God in heaven, I thank Him for blessing me so richly in this life.
    All Is Possible:heart:

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    well my hubby was 7years old and met me for the first time in the hospital when I was born lol our moms are good friends. When I got out of college and ended a bad relationship my mom and his mom desided we should go on a date so they set us up and the rest is history lol we dated (pretty much just moved in together) for alittle over 2years and have now been married for 7years and have two lovely little girls together :)
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    we met in a chat room on "webtv"
    talked for a few months (phone, net, letters)
    then met on Oct 2nd, 1999, moved in together Oct 7th 1999 (though he asked me the very next day, I had to get my stuff in order 1st)

    we married April 14,2001 :love: (we met online April 1999)

    October will make 13 years since we have been together
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I met my right hand at birth, though I didn't realize it's full potential until much much later.
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    We met in a pub we deliberated over whether the kracken was pronouced kray-ken or kraaaaaaken. We've getting matching kraken tattoos this sat :) I love him lots :)
  • iris8pie
    iris8pie Posts: 224 Member
    Quit smoking support forum (sort of like this place) but for people trying to quit smoking....he lived in NC and I lived in Canada and we became friends and support buddies, and eventually fell madly in love and have been married 3 thing that ever happened to me!