What type of 'body' are you attracted to?



  • 4x4play
    4x4play Posts: 200 Member
    It definitely depends on how they treat me but I love me some muscles. I love arms ... if a guy flexes for me it makes me melt... I want a strong man. Someone to lift me up!

    I think I should stop... I'm daydreaming now!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I am a firm believer of 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' but I wanted to get some of your views as well.

    It depends on what you're judging. If you're assessing whether someone else values a healthy lifestyle and being trim it's fair to assume that an obese person doesn't unless he says so and you actually see him eating healthily and exercising.

    I like boyishly handsome, trim men.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    I like my men to be skinny like a string bean.

    Figure 1

    sexy, I know.

    that's one lucky string bean lol
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    thats kinda shallow.

    Obese men can be every bit as shallow as anyone else. I went out with one who only went out with cute, thin women. But he refused to make any accommodation for my eating habits, such as buying some skim milk along with his whole milk at the market. And he was loaded.
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I married a body type I have never dated. LOL My husband is 5'11" and 140 lbs wet. He is mostly muscle with a little squishy in the tummy area. I always had dated men who weighed closer to 170-180 and well built. However, I find my husband to be the most attractive man I know. But that also comes with his personality. He has the brightest blue eyes I have ever seen and he looks at me like I'm everything. So that works for me. His had always dated blonde girls, small breasts, and small behinds before me . . . his dad said "you finally found a woman instead of a girl to date." I think that also had something to do with he used to date a lot of . . . air heads. . . I am a challenge for him so apparently that's appealing. :D I am curvy, size D cup and I have something to grab onto so apparently that works for him.

    Anyway . .. I think if I hadn't got to know my husband as a friend first (we met online and I didn't meet him until three months after we were talking via email and phone), I may not have given him a chance because he did not fit the "usual" body type I used to date. But I'm glad I did cause we have two beautiful girls.

    Oh wow, this work day needs to end. LOL

    Your answer really sticks out to me... typically I am attracted to stockier (athletic-looking?) men with darker hair, brown eyes and kind of a bad-boy vibe. However, I've recently met someone who is pretty much the opposite of what I normally am attracted to... and I really, really like him. :)
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    I like my women short, slim in the waist, and carrying some junk in the trunk. "Short and Thick" as we say it in Brooklyn.

    ^^this. I like my girls pretty faced too! Can't have a butterface!

    If it's a one-night deal, I can look past that. :laugh:

    Lol The level of attractiveness of a butterface is simply related to the number of drinks you have! By the end of night, she'll be gorgeous! :laugh:
  • stepharega
    stepharega Posts: 211 Member
    slim boys/muscular boys/tall boys.
  • Poorgirls_Diet
    Poorgirls_Diet Posts: 528 Member

    I am a firm believer of 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' but I wanted to get some of your views as well.

    It depends on what you're judging. If you're assessing whether someone else values a healthy lifestyle and being trim it's fair to assume that an obese person doesn't unless he says so and you actually see him eating healthily and exercising.

    I have lived in a relationship where I was constantly belitted for my size rather than the person that I am but yet he married me at 323lbs. Suddenly he changed and would constantly abuse me verbally because of the way that I looked. Now when I am losing weight he is trying to sabotage my weight. I guess its an insecurity of some sort, who knows?! I would never ever put someone else through that just because of what way they looked. Having seen both sides of the situation tonight then yes I can see where she is coming from. xx
  • YokoJ
    YokoJ Posts: 253
    Older muscular men with height.
  • leia_ophelia
    leia_ophelia Posts: 44 Member
    Like Korean actor/model Gong Yoo!
    In real life, smart nerdy lean guys.
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    a beautiful smile gets me everytime.....and a nice booty....but like Bell bev Devoe said, never trust a big butt and a smile...lol,
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    I was always super attracted to tall skinny men but since ive been out of school ive been seeing boys a bit on the shorter side and SUPER MUSCULAR. or like really strong. its weird. and better. i feel safe XD
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I often go for nerdy guys, nut I like athletic body types. Athletic nerd? Yes please!!:tongue:
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    People that are weak or easily persuaded should probably stick around people with the same goals, people that are strong and independent would do fine with anyone they want. The awesome thing about reaching a goal is that you are now an inspiration to those "weak" people. Try not to ostracize people because they don't fit into your regime. Remember, before your life changing decision to be fit and healthy, you were probably someone that a hunk or babe ostracized. Love people for their personalities because the looks won't always be there. Hey, let's say you meet this man that is just wonderful, but he has some baggage around the waist. That is no reason to leave him. You can get him going on MFP and he can get into shape and you will support each other. I was with this guy who asked me why I wanted to lose weight and he "loved me the way I was" and I gained a lot of weight. Someone who loves you would want you be healthy. My boyfriend now tells me that I am sexy, and if I want to lose weight it is something that I should go for. Not saying that he thinks I'm fat or anything, just that he supports me. So, I'm just pointing out the fact that you can meet some amazing people out their if you keep you "criteria" to a basic minimum.
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    Tall, dark and handsome! That's a thing right? For very shallow reasons I prefer blokes who are well built, just because I would be really insecure if they had thinner thighs than me. I know it's ridiculous, but it would save a lot of issues later on!

    I would also look for someone who was fit; and not for looks, but because I know that we'd have shared interests, such as healthy eating and exercise, something which does take up a lot of my spare time.
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    The thing that attracts me most is a man with depth....physically the first things I look at are eyes and smile. I am also attracted to a man with a manly voice. I like a man that is anywhere from thin to a little pudgy :)
  • sheybass
    sheybass Posts: 9
    Must be 5'11".
    Must be 182lbs.
    Must have rock solid legs.
    Must have a lil squish in the belly for me to lay on.
    Must have dark hair and piercing green eyes.
    Must be romantic, funny, caring, whitty, smart, empathetic, manly, faithful, loyal, honest, and must love heavy metal. \m/^_^\m/

    OMG, I've married the perfect guy!!! :love:

    Haha good for you :)
  • kelsiehoagland
    kelsiehoagland Posts: 107 Member
    There is a reason for my question. One of my mates were discussing about dating again after she lost all the weight and she happened to mention that she would never date fat people again incase she went back to her old ways and when she had lost all the weight she wanted to date lean looking men that looked as good as her.

    I am a firm believer of 'Don't judge a book by it's cover' but I wanted to get some of your views as well. So now you have lost the weight, what type of 'body' are you more attracted to?
    thats kinda shallow. if ur actually attracted to someone, your weight shouldnt make a difference. my fiance did this to me when i lost weight. he thought i wanted someone else since i was considered the better looking one in the relationship. of course my feelings didnt change because i did.

    but anyways to answer ur origanal question i tend to go for very hairy guys with a great sense of humor i think in my whole dating life ive been with one guy with muscle, otherwise they have all been normal weight just a lil squishy :)

    I totally agree with you, my husband is like that as well and I would never judge anyone on their appearance!

    I don't think that it's shallow at all. Dating a fat person when you're in shape may be difficult simply because they may have a different lifestyle, one that is sedentary and involves easy mac and hamburger helper for dinner, you know? If you date someone who's fit, maybe someone you meet at the gym, you already know that they have a similar interest in working out, at least. Their diet habits may not be ideal (especially if it's a man you're looking for, no offense men, but I've seen this a lot where fit men eat garbage haha), but they are more likely to want to go on a hike, to want to join you in a marathon, to motivate you to workout! I totally get that!
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    A warm one.
  • Randyamc
    Randyamc Posts: 365 Member
    Funny I don’t have a “type” so to speak. But I do have other “Must Have” requirements.

    Physically, as long as you are not taller than me (6’2”) occasionally with heels I could handle. The would also have to be committed to the pursuit of living a healthy lifestyle. I want to grow old with this person and enjoy life. That being said, I don’t care where they are on that path currently.

    Other requirements: Humor, the ability to openly communicate, understanding that relationships take work, must enjoy doing things outside. Oh and the obvious, not crazy. Yup, I’m simple…. Or at least I like to think so.