Chicks on the Boys side of the Gym....



  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    There's NO such thing at my gym everyone is equal as it should be. No one is rude because everyone are just as much a member as someone benching 500lbs. This is not tolerated everyone has access to any equipment they choose to work out on provided someone isn't already using it. That's why I love my gym.

    I will be starting to work on my new program today and it involves lifting heavier using a barbell.:tongue:

    If they stare stare back, giving a malicious smile, and DON'T BLINK while you squat those reps.

    If you let them intimidate you now they always will. Same as a bully stand up to them and they collapse like a house of cards.:laugh:

    I dunno maybe it's just me but this is stupid crap no one should have to put up with now we're adults.:noway:
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    To me, seeing a girl lifting right in the middle of all the "bros" is pretty awesome. I give that girl long as she's actually WORKING and not just trying to hook up.

    On the other side of it...I run on the treadmill, and looking down the rows of machines the person I try to pace myself off of is a female.

    A cardio crazy, scary-fit female, but a girl nonetheless.

    You really wanna get some props from the bros? Try doing CrossFit moves on the "boys" side of the gym. Just sayin'.

    When I see girls doing cross fit moves on the "boys" side, I am in awe! I want to be one of those girls!

    Hey come join us! Who says you can't "be one of us"???:bigsmile: We may not all be in the same room, but we are all doing the same thing and it involves heavy lifting.

    Anyone and everyone is welcome guy girl should be able to do what they want even if society disapproves.

    You're competing only with yourself. besides who cares what anyone else thinks it simply doesn't matter!
  • KraseyBeauty
    It's funny, but we have plenty of female weight regulars, so I don't really feel odd about it.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    First off...I have an awesome gym full of serious lifters that are mostly men (I am almost always the only girl in the weight room or the only one lifting more than barbie weights). I don't care at all what anyone thinks....I'm there to lift heavy and find that I often lift heavier than the men anyways. If they have issues, it's their issue not mine. Matter of fact, I have even gotten compliments about how strong I am.
  • dabomb5198
    dabomb5198 Posts: 26
    My wife has been lifting with me for almost 3 years. When she started she was uncomfortable but now it's great. She works just like everyone else and has made friends with a couple of the guys. I enjoy having women in the weight room. I find that I work a little harder when they are around. Just being honest.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I'm VERY intimidated.... I bought some minor weights for home use, but I can't stand standing in front of that full mirrored wall at the gym. It's bad enough when I use the strength machines some of them will stare at me, I don't know if they are repulsed at me being there or shocked that I am doing them.

    A few women do use the free weights, but they are small well muscled women, and then I see they are almost always crowded over to one side.

    I have vowed, once I can use the max of my home set, I will stand up there.
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    This is gonna sound sad, but it's the only reason I haven't added strength training to my routine. When I was really big, before I got a gym membership (75 pounds ago..) I would walk outside, and a few times these built guys would be out on a front porch and they would yell mean things/oink at me. So I avoid boys in the gym all together. And I know that's extremely stupid because I'm sure like you guys said, everyone is there to pretty much get their own workouts in and they aren't worried about anyone else...but I can't help it. I'm so scared of being that close to guys who are in good shape, lol. I will stick to Zumba, with all of the other women, for now...

    Me too :( I feel like I should be over that, and it is only hurting me by not doing so. But I still can't venture to the "other side". I'm hoping to get over this soon. I hope you do as well!
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    There are quite a few women lifters at my gym, so I think the guys are used to it.
    They're very helpful and encouraging unless you're just wasting their space chatting on cellphones or dragging the 5lb weights around when you're not doing dropsets.
    There are a couple of high school boys that go to my gym. One time one of them told me that the weight (30lbs) I was picking up was probably too heavy for me and that I should try 10lbs instead. One of the serious lifters there overheard and commented that I was just fine and that when he needs a spot he would be asking me and not him.
    Anyone that's there to seriously work out are all on the same team, regardless of gender. And they will not tolerate bullying.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I do most of my stuff at home these days, but back when I spent more time in gyms, I was always impressed by women who knew what they were doing with the free weights. You don't see it a lot, so it's very cool when you do.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I'm intimidated by the "guy's section" so I've never gone over to the weight room. I go to a personal trainer (one on one) twice a week for strength training.
  • WhyeatKachra
    WhyeatKachra Posts: 404 Member
    Why do you care?!

    In fact, let the girls on the girls side look at you in awe as you lift HEAVY!!!

    Been there, doing that ;)
    In fact, the guys help out when I am not doing the deadlifts with correct form.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    It probably wouldn't feel awkward or uncomfortable for any of us to use any side of the gym if people didn't call them the "Chicks side" and the "Boys side" ....
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    This is gonna sound sad, but it's the only reason I haven't added strength training to my routine. When I was really big, before I got a gym membership (75 pounds ago..) I would walk outside, and a few times these built guys would be out on a front porch and they would yell mean things/oink at me. So I avoid boys in the gym all together. And I know that's extremely stupid because I'm sure like you guys said, everyone is there to pretty much get their own workouts in and they aren't worried about anyone else...but I can't help it. I'm so scared of being that close to guys who are in good shape, lol. I will stick to Zumba, with all of the other women, for now...

    Me too :( I feel like I should be over that, and it is only hurting me by not doing so. But I still can't venture to the "other side". I'm hoping to get over this soon. I hope you do as well!

    I feel the same way ...
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    Boys side of the gym? Psh, that's MY side of the gym lol :wink:
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    This is gonna sound sad, but it's the only reason I haven't added strength training to my routine. When I was really big, before I got a gym membership (75 pounds ago..) I would walk outside, and a few times these built guys would be out on a front porch and they would yell mean things/oink at me. So I avoid boys in the gym all together. And I know that's extremely stupid because I'm sure like you guys said, everyone is there to pretty much get their own workouts in and they aren't worried about anyone else...but I can't help it. I'm so scared of being that close to guys who are in good shape, lol. I will stick to Zumba, with all of the other women, for now...

    Me too :( I feel like I should be over that, and it is only hurting me by not doing so. But I still can't venture to the "other side". I'm hoping to get over this soon. I hope you do as well!

    I feel the same way ...

    Look at it as an opportunity to outwork them and make them eat their words. :drinker: I struggle with confidence in alot of areas, but this is not one of them. I grew up with three brothers who never took it easy on me just because I was a girl. It was either put up, or shut up. There's not much I like more than competing with the boys in a workout. It helps keep me motivated to push past my comfort zone where workouts are concerned.
  • stephaniekhani
    stephaniekhani Posts: 77 Member
    Thankfully I'm a member of a small gym and all of the guys are pretty friendly. When I started with my trainer (a guy) back in January he had me on the "guy's side" from the get go. I was totally intimidated but a lot of the guys would joke with me and offer tips. My sessions have since ended but the guys are still great--they don't make me feel like a weak little female and they're generally helpful!
  • SIMBA7860
    SIMBA7860 Posts: 25
    initially i was terrified of entering the 'boys side of the gym" - coz i thought i would end up like a wrestler or body builder. then i didnt know how to use the equipment. now that i have basic instructions - i go early in the morning when it is empty - and the gym trainers are free to help me out. and i am loving it.........though i havent lost any weight yet !!!!!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    This seems like an odd gym. At every gym I've been to, there's a Men's and Women's label on the locker rooms and restrooms....and no where else. Certainly not in any section of the workout areas. In 20 years of lifting, I've never heard any man refer to the free weight side as the Men's area, and during that same time I've never looked at a women and thought GTFO and I've never heard another male say anything to a woman along those lines. Never. Ever.

    Ladies, I'm going to suggest it's in your head. I'm betting if someone you know referred to the free weight section it was another female, not a male, and certainly not an employed of the gym. And the "what are you doing over here" looks I'm seeing in some of these posts? Those are probably just looks, not GTFO Looks or anything like that. The human eye tracks movement, so we look at you when you're in there the same way we look at another guy who's lifting around us. You see a person, maybe make a mental note of they are doing something curious and move on. We don't have blinders on and there's a lot of downtime between sets so you will look at other people around you.

    I'm not insensitive. I do get that women may understandably be uncomfortable and possibly intimidate in that environment. But trust me, we don't care. Come on in, set up your station, and get your workout on just like we are.

    Good post, it's exactly correct. If anything, new men are more intimidated than women. At least as a woman you aren't expected to be a master weight lifter from the get go. No one cares if you can only do a small amount of weight because it's expected when you're a woman. It should be LESS intimidating. In other words, if you're afraid of the heavy weights, it's all in your head.
  • GeoJenna223
    GeoJenna223 Posts: 68 Member
    The weight room at my gym is split into weight machines and free weights. I see mostly women and big dudes trying to isolate on that side. But on the free weights side I am typically one of 2 or 3 women and go at a very busy time. I feel great on that side though. I am about to move up to using what I call the "Big Girl Rack", which houses weights 30# and above :D. The only place in the gym that I feel slightly nervous in is the "Hammer Room". They have the name stenciled on the door and I think there is a minimum weight to go in there :) When I do end up in there, I definitely get stares, but most of the guys are polite. I combat my fear by playing Hammer Time every time I enter that room.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    Your thoughts? I started lifting several months ago, at first at home with a few free weights..and realized quickly that I would have to break down and start going to a gym to lift since I was no longer challeged by what I had at home...

    I am not gonna lie...the segregation in the gym is intimidating as all get out sometimes...there is a girl's side ( elliptical machines, treadmills and bikes) and theres a boy's side...( all the strength machines, cables-which happen to be my favorite!, free weights and bars). So my question to woman that you feel intimidated or uncomfortable by being the only female in the stregth section of the gym? And it annoying when a woman crosses over to your side?

    Just wanting some perspectives...from both sides. I am not going to stop lifting...I love it! But wonder why the gym is so segregated by gender.

    I think it's great. Just don't get upset if you get gawked at a little when you walk in with super-tight stretch pants or really short-shorts and a tank-top on. You dress like that you need to expect a small amount of attention. :)