Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking, Caroline Givan Inner & Outer Thighs with Ankle Weights with Ab Finisher, Tracy Steen INNER and OUTER Thigh Workout with PT Exercises, and Gentle Flow Yoga.

    My biceps were much better today, but it has become clear that I also have a rotator cuff injury. We started a couple of internal/external rotation exercises. I did more research in YT and found another good training exercises which I believe will help. It's all about the scapula and those upper back muscles.

    Laurie, a blizzard already! I'm sure that isn't abnormal for your neck of the woods.

    I need to do that BM Hams & Glutes workout. I know what you mean about Caroline, doing a different exercise between hip thrusts. It's a pain to have to offload all that weight. The tower is the way to go for sure in that case.
    Caroline's pace is usually slow on because lifts so heavy.

    Laurel, great workouts! Good luck with the two-hour spin class!

    Tendonitis is tricky for sure. I am definitely not going to be ready by the 19th to start the rotation, so if you'd like to start the rotation go ahead because I don't know when I'll be ready.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was RAW Stretch, and that sure felt great.

    No snow on the ground anymore, and we should be warming up a bit.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, and hope you have a great time with the 2 hour ride. ;) I'm sure once you get off the bike your legs will feel like rubber. Psyching yourself up for that ride will be tough, but once you get into it I'm sure it will be fun. Hopefully you have your water bottle ready, and it isn't to hot in your workout space.

    Thelma, Great job adapting your workout to fit around your injury. Dang on the additional PT work that you have to deal with. Has to be very frustrating for you, but glad that you are working through it as best you can. We where surprised with the blizzard conditions also. We couldn't see our neighbors house, and I was a bit concerned that the youngest was driving home in the middle of it. Thanks for the confirmation on the tower. If I enjoy this 2 weeks of Beastmode, then I 'm probably going to repeat it before I venture onto a different series.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 120 minute spin with Peloton followed by 20 minutes of glorious yoga. :D To be honest, the spin felt surprisingly good. My bike tells me I went 70 miles. I tried to keep my heart rate in the low end of my training zone (120-140 bpm) for most of it, but pushed it up a bit for the last 30 minutes. My legs and back were definitely tired at the end, but the yoga really helped. I think tomorrow those first steps out of bed may be rough though. :# I am so glad I did this. I needed that feeling of accomplishment. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. But I am so sorry to hear that your bicep tendonitis involves your shoulder as well. I hope you find the right exercises to help you heal, and take all the time you need to do it. I am sorry you won’t be ready to go with the rotation. I will probably still give it a try and, hopefully, we can do something like it together sooner than later.

    Laurie, great workout. I am glad your snow disappeared so quickly. I definitely had my water bottle on hand for the ride, but with these cold temperatures right now, my workout space was in the 50s which was perfect. I got enough sweat on to make me feel like I was working, but not so much that it made me feel like I was burning up. I have no doubt this workout would have felt vastly different if I had done it two months ago when my workout space was 20 degrees warmer. :o

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Tracy Steen Low Impact Cardio and Standing Abs, PT mobility exercises and walking.

    I had a pretty good day shoulder wise. I figured out what I was doing ergonomically incorrect to cause me to roll my shoulders forward and corrected it. BIG improvement.

    I also called my former physical therapy facility, had my doctor fax them a new referral and will switch to them. Unfortunately, their first eval appointment available is on 11/29, but I took it. I am not happy with the facility I'm going to, but since I couldn't get an appointment with the other place had to settle for less. I am not happy with their services. They've never done a stress test and I'm the one telling them what I think I have. I should've graduated to weighted exercises by now but that hasn't happened. We'll see what happens on Friday. I think the little bands they give me are not enough for me. I do use a heavier resistance band as much as possible at home though.

    I am basically dealing with the lack of availability of good doctors, PT's in a rural area. I was too lazy to drive 1/2 hour to another county so went to the current place.

    I can't believe we are already in November! DH turns 60 on Sunday, so I told him our Friday night dinner out is for his birthday. He didn't grow up celebrating bdays, so it's not a big deal to him, which means I got the short end of the stick for my bday. LOL

    Laurie, great job getting a good stretch workout in! I'm sure it felt amazing.
    Yaay on the snow having melted already!

    I am trying my best to workout around this injury, but it really is frustrating. I feel that I should be further along, but the PT facility I'm going to simply sucks.

    OMG, you got a lot of snow. I can't believe it melted so quickly.
    I really think you'd like Beastmode. I am feeling very strongly about alternating rotations between Cathe and Caroline going forward.

    Laurel, congratulations on completing the two-hour spin challenge! I knew you'd be able to do it. Great strategy to stay on the low end of your target training zone! I'm sure your legs will be feeling the ride on Friday.

    I really think the root cause of my bicep tendonitis is a week shoulder blade area. From what I've heard this rolling forward shoulder issue is not something that just happens overnight. It's a years in the making type of thing, and since I've been complaining for years that I feel my like shoulders roll forward, I have to agree. The tendonitis is caused by overuse, so I will have to make sure I allow myself rest time.

    I really think you should go ahead with the rotation. Do share it with us so I can add it to my rotation file. I hope we can do something together soon too.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I did a little change to the rotation, don't want to do the HiiT workout on Sunday. So this morning I did 30MTF Strong & Lean Workout 2: Kickboxing. I will be doing the total body tomorrow, and then have a rest day on Sunday.

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing that long ride! You Rock! Hopefully your legs will be fine today, and I'm sure that you will find a workout that will work on the soreness that is lingering. Glad to hear that your workout space was at a nice temp. When are you starting your new Cathe rotation. I know that you and Thelma where talking about sometime in November.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Sorry to hear that you had to find a new PT facility. I can feel your frustration, but you have to do what is best for your recovery. I think altering the rotation is a very good idea. Cathe and Caroline workouts are great for increasing strength, but in different ways. It will also give me a chance to move to different instructors. I just can't stay on one instructor for a really long time.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! I had no lingering effects from the spin yesterday. I did another long stretch yesterday afternoon after finishing my chores, and I didn’t feel anything in my legs after that. So I did a full workout today. It was a Cathe Live combo of two metabolic workouts….Low Impact Cardio Sweat and last week’s Scrambled Sweat. It felt good today, which I definitely wasn’t expecting. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you are changing PTs. My youngest niece is studying to be a PT Tech, and she is overwhelmed by all she needs to learn. But as someone who has had both horrible and wonderful experiences with PTs—the results of which have had long term consequences both good and bad—I tried to highlight to her how much she could impact a person’s life. I am sorry it will be less convenient, but going with somebody you trust, especially when dealing with tricky tendonitis and shoulder issues, is so important. Hope you and your DH enjoy his birthday! Your DHs attitude about birthdays sounds like my DH. We always celebrate his birthday because I grew up celebrating birthdays. And we rarely do anything for mine because he didn’t. Not so funny how that works out. B) I think I am going to start on a modified version of our rotation next week. I really want to give Caroline a try sometime, but DH and I just have a ton going on right now between his work trips, the house and holidays, so I am going to go with what is familiar to me for the foreseeable future. I will keep you posted!

    Laurie, great workout. Any substituting HiiT for kickboxing makes for a good workout. 😁 As I mentioned to Thelma, I am going to start a new rotation on Sunday. We had planned to start a week later and were going to do a 12 week rotation of various one body part workouts and metabolic workouts. Our format was going to be two weeks of the same one body part workouts into one week of metabolic workouts into two more weeks of different one body part workouts, one week metabolic, etc. But I think I am going to change that. I think because I did STS right into STS 2.0, for nearly a year, I am in the mood for a lot of variety. So I think I am going to split the one body part weeks up and add a week of something else between them. What that is going to look like…..I don’t know. But I have until Sunday to figure it out. :D

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was nice, but busy as always with house chores.

    My workouts this weekend were:
    Friday - Walking, Gentle Flow Yoga and Tracy Steen Leg Day with Cardio Kickboxing.
    Saturday - Walking X2.
    Sunday - Walking, Mobility and Caroline Girvan Epic I - #41 Dumbbell Glutes & Hamstrings.

    Caroline went for the glute and hamstring kill in workout #41! There were lots of hip, glute and hamstring thrusts. I used a 40# barbell for the thrusts, a 30# barbell for some RDLs and a 20# dumbbell for the other exercises. These are the heaviest weights I've used in what feels like years! Tomorrow's workout is shoulders and core. I am going to give it a go using baby dumbbells for shoulders.

    Laurie, great workouts and good job modifying the rotation to meet your needs.
    Hopefully I'll have better luck with the other PT facility.

    Laurel, I'm so happy you didn't have lingering effects from the 2-hour spin ride! Great workouts!
    What a great conversation you had with your niece about being a PT. I can't imagine how overwhelming it is having to learn all the stuff needed to become a PT. DH and I had a great time at dinner on Friday, especially because I chose one of my favorite restaurants! :)
    I grew up celebrating birthdays too. Birthdays are always big celebrations in my culture. It isn't funny how things work out sometimes.

    I can't wait to see the modified rotation you're going to start! I think you're doing the right thing by sticking with the familiar Cathe workouts during this busy time.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was busy. DH got home from his latest trip on Saturday and leaves again tomorrow for a week. We have decided to replace our deck during the week of Thanksgiving, so since that will start just a few days after he gets home, we did a ton of prep work Saturday afternoon and yesterday. I am looking forward to the finished product on the deck, but the process……not so much. But I think we put ourselves in a good place that if the weather permits, we will be able to get it done that week AND enjoy a quiet but nice Thanksgiving.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a walk with Jessica and 30 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was ICE Muscle Meltdown Chest x 4 premix and ICE Chiseled Lower Body Blast with Blizzard Blast and Abs 2 premix. Today was ICE Muscle Meltdown Back x 4 premix, a 45 minute spin and 20 minutes of Peloton Pilates. So far, I am really enjoying these Muscle Meltdown workouts and am back to thinking I may something closer to Thelma’s and my original rotation. I suppose I will know what I am doing when I push ‘play’ next week.

    Thelma, great workouts. I bet it felt good to use those heavy weights again. I hope everything goes well with your shoulder workout. I’m glad you enjoyed your DH’s birthday. I always make my favorite cake for DH’s birthday. :D I am lucky because he will pretty much anything I bake. We are officially in an extreme drought here and they expect it to get even worse before any relief. We have a deficit of 8” of rain just in the last 2 months. It is getting kind of scary how dry it is, especially since we are back in the 80s this week. I mowed the lawn yesterday and because of the tree cutting and such, which wasn’t exactly great on the grass, I was kicking up clouds of dust…..and we water every day! Just not good right now.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking X2 and Caroline Girvan Epic I - #42 Dumbbell Shoulders & Core.

    I used 1 and 2 # dumbbells for the shoulder workout and everything felt pretty good, but now my shoulder and shoulder blade are kind of angry. Hopefully I'll be better in the morning.

    I met with the PT today and I told her that all the exercises I was given were to strengthen my upper back, but my bicep and rotator cuff aren't making much progress, so she gave me some exercises for that.

    Laurel, you and your DH had a very busy weekend. I hope you'll be able to finish that deck before Thanksgiving too! Are you making it bigger than what you currently have?

    Great workouts! I can't wait to see what kind of rotation you come up with!

    It did feel good to feel good to lift those heavy weights again.

    The entire area is in extreme danger of fire. There's no rain in our future that will help the situation. Wildfires are already burning in NC, SC, TN and here in GA. It was hazy as a result of the smoke from the fires. I am a complete mess.
    Thankfully there are no fires in our county, but there was one 8.7 miles from BR, THAT is too close for comfort.
    We may get some showers on Friday, but that would be it for a while the weatherman says.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry for not being on yesterday, one of those days that started off fast. My workouts where Saturday Beastmode Full Body, Sunday was off day, Monday Beastomode HiiT and this morning was Beastmode Back & Biceps. So far so good with these workouts! Don't know if I will be doing them for another week. We will see what my mood is like next week. :D

    We had a nice quiet weekend, so I did get a lot of sewing done. DH was able to get the engine out of his 442, and things are not so good. Hope that it's not something that can't be fixed. Most of the leaves are off the trees after the snow we had some strong winds. So everything is brown around here. :D

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts! Thanks for the information on the one body part workouts, and metabolic workouts. I of course like the sound of the metabolic week. I will be very interesting in how you will be doing those. I'm sure that you have some really good live workout waiting for you to try. ;) After this week I may try out the ICE one body part workouts. I don't know that I have ever tried those workouts. Since they are all under 40 min. it might be fun to try them out for a week. Nice that you deck will be finished before Thanksgiving. Having that done will be another thing that you can enjoy when the weather is perfect.

    Thelma, Love the job that you are doing on the workouts! Nice that you where able to lift those heavy weights, but good job on getting in the baby weights for shoulders. I'm sure that you will get back to your "normal" weight in no time. Glad that you had a good time at your DH's birthday celebration. Like your DH we didn't celebrate birthdays. I think that my parents just had to many kids to do something. My mom would celebrate the important milestone birthdays. Of course with my DH it is different, we do celebrations a lot more now.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Muscle Meltdown Shoulders x 4 premix, Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast and 20 minutes of yoga. I am really trying to reach for the heaviest weight I can in these Muscle Meltdown workouts, and I am definitely feeling the DOMS. I think my rotation is going to look like this:

    Phase 1——3 weeks of Muscle Meltdown (upper) and LITE Stacked Sets Lower, 1 week of total body workouts (3 different total body workouts, probably including something like Strong and Sweaty Total Body Giant Sets, STS Total Body and…..I’m not sure yet), and one week of metabolic workouts.

    Phase 2——3 weeks of Ramped Up Upper Body one body part premixes and a lower body workout (I am still hoping it might be Cathe’s new one, but we’ll see about the timing on that), and 2 weeks of upper/lower workouts with the first week more focused on strength (example of Perfect 30 or STS 2.0) and the second week aimed more at metabolic workouts (example of the lower and upper body circuit workouts from RWH)

    Phase 3—3 weeks of STS 2.0 one body part workouts followed by 2 weeks of split sets workouts. This is where I am going to decide whether I want to do another 2.0 rotation or a 1.0 and. 2.0 rotation or neither. If I am leaning towards a 1.0/2.0 combo, those split sets will be 1.0 workouts. If not, I will just do something random like Gym Styles or these new Cathe Live Strong and Fit workouts.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad they gave you some different exercises to try to help with the shoulder and rotator cuff. I hope they work. We are just replacing the material on our deck. They constructed it out of unfinished wood, and even though we treated it, it is just beginning to look bad. So we are going to put in proper decking planks (Timber Tech) and an iron railing (instead of wood) with lights and all that. It should look 1000% better than our current one and last longer. We have had quite a few fires here in Alabama too, with one yesterday just south of us about 10 miles. So I know what you are saying when you say it is too close. As weird as it sounds, having been evacuated for fire before (Colorado ), I have started mentally thinking about what I will take with me if we have to evacuate quickly. I was not prepared for that evacuation in Colorado at all, and if a fire starts here, we will have far less time to get out for sure. Scary stuff.

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad you are enjoying the Beastmode workouts. I am sorry to hear about the engine, though. Hopefully, as you say, it can be fixed. I really enjoy the ICE Muscle Meltdown workouts. If you do them, though, you will probably want to reach for a heavier weight than Cathe is using. For all of the workouts minus triceps, I can go at least one or two weight increments up from Cathe (and more than that on chest and back). I would hate for you to reach for Cathe’s weight and think after the first round that you have just wasted a lot of time. But with the right weight, these segments are pretty challenging. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Yin, Walking, Gina B. Low Impact Cardio and Mobility.

    The shoulder workout was not a good idea. The more I research the more I understand about what I have. It is a rotator cuff issue but now I think my shoulder is impinged.

    This is what I found from a PT in YT. I've yet to finish watching the video where he provides rehab exercises, but this is kind of what I think I'm dealing with.
    If you have pain right in the front of your shoulder, particularly when lifting your arms above your head, it may be a supraspinatus impingement. Over time, as you keep using your shoulders and your joint is misaligned, the pinching will wear down the connective tissue in your shoulder. That wear and tear damage eventually turns into pain.

    Laurie, great workouts!
    Quiet weekends are good. Hopefully your DH's engine trouble will be fixable.

    Hopefully once I get the right physical therapist to help me, I'll get better. I will continue to do the best I can with my workouts.
    I'm sure celebrating birthdays in a large family is very expensive.

    Laurel, great workouts and good job for using the heaviest weights you can lift! The rotation looks fantastic! Thanks for sharing it.

    I hope the new rotator cuff exercises will help too.
    Too bad your contractor used unfinished wood for your deck. Sounds like you and your DH are going to make very nice improvements to your deck. I'm sure you'll enjoy your deck a lot more once you're done with it.

    There were 2 small fires in our county on Monday and one on Tuesday. They've all been contained.
    I've also been thinking about evacuating and what we will take. I want to load pet crates in my jeep now, just in case. I also want to have food for them and water. I'm going to get a couple of gallons of water too. I want to put a couple of changes of clothes for us and I will need my meds and pet meds. I'm so scared that I don't want to get too far away from our house. People unfortunately are clueless and continue to burn leaves around here!

    Wednesday will be a little windy so that's not good.
    We may get a little rain on Friday and a passing shower on Saturday.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We are getting lots of rain this morining, and they say throughout the day. Right now it is very fall out with the cloud cover. This morning's workout was Beastmode Lower Body. She sure does a great job with lower body workouts.

    Found a new youtube instructor that 2lazy really likes. The reason I started to look at her closer was because she does a lot of metabolic type workouts. So I do want to see what she has, and her name is Heather Robertson. She has some low impact workouts, so was thinking of trying those out. Most of her workouts are in the right timeframe also. Like Caroline she doesn't talk, but uses music and the timer. Maybe I will try some out next week, just need to do some more bodyweight workouts. Those are so good for the core.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Thanks for the information on the MM workouts and upping the weights. When you mentioned that you where going to be doing a week of metabolic workouts, I was really interested. I have always loved metabolic workouts, but have a limited amount of workouts. I'm sure that you have access to a few with Cathe Live. I'm going to work on my rotation, but will be seriously using your phases to help me. Thanks for putting that out, it really does look great. The one thing that I really really love about our deck are the lights. DH put up those light strings, and it just makes that area so cozy in the evenings. I'm sure that you will be super happy with the completed project.

    Thelma, Awesome job with your workouts, and adjusting them to avoid the shoulder issue. Glad to hear that you took it easy on that poor shoulder. Not being able to lift your arms over time can be super frustrating, so glad that you are getting your PT. I'm sure that it is very frustrating to have to wait for the new PT though. Sorry to hear that there where some fires. Can't believe that people are burning leaves. I to would be getting the to go gear ready.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body and Abs 1 followed by a 60 minute spin. I went quite a bit heavier than Cathe in the lower body workout, and my legs currently feel like rubber. One thing 2.0 really convinced me of is I can lift far heavier than I thought I could, and now I am trying to transfer that to these workouts. I am feeling it for sure.

    Thelma, great workout. I am sorry about the shoulder issue. Shoulders are so very tricky and hard to heal because we use them so much. Have you seen a doctor about this? I can’t remember if you did or just the physical therapist. I just read the governor here has implemented a state wide ban on all outdoor burning. Like I said before, that may not stop some people from burning stuff, but at least now it is a crime to do so. We are supposed to get some rain on Friday, but even at the 1/2” they are predicting, we will still be in a ‘drought disaster’, as they are calling it now.

    Laurie, great workout. I like the sound of the new instructor. I will be interested in your reaction. I do have a ton of metabolic workouts on Cathe Live. In fact, metabolic workouts comprise probably about 50% of her content over the past couple of years, which makes for a few dozen workouts in that genre I haven’t tried. While mentally they are my favorite workouts, my body still responds best to pure strength workouts, so I am trying to find a balance between the two. This time of year, we usually wrap a string of lights around our railing on the deck for lighting since we sit outside most nights after dinner, even through the winter. We are going to put lights in the capes of the railing posts on this new deck, which should give us a nice light without it being too bright. That is the part of the new deck I am looking forward to most. Thank goodness DH has a career in electronics!! :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking, Gina B. Low Impact Cardio, Gentle Flow Yoga and Mobility.

    Our forecast is starting to show more chances of showers, so there's a little hope. There may be showers on Friday and possibly some on Saturday and actual rain on Sunday. Of course, the story changes day to day or weather app to weather app.

    I've been a day ahead all week. I think it's because I want Friday to get here so badly just to see if we'll get some rain.

    Laurie, you need to send us some of that rain!
    Great workouts! Thanks for letting us know about Heather Robertson. I like what I see, so I will give her a try. I like that she has short workouts and band workouts.

    I can lift my arms but have to do it carefully when the shoulder is acting up. I definitely shouldn't be doing any overhead exercises. It is very frustrating to say the least because I feel that I've gotten worse with the current PT. I hope the new one will be better.

    This is the country, so people are used to burning leaves and even their trash. It's a way of life for some. If a controlled forest fire got out of control for the firefighters in NC, it can also happen to anyone else.

    Laurel, great workouts and again, good job going heavier than Cathe.
    I've not seen a doctor about the shoulders. My chiropractor did a test and diagnosed me with bicep tendonitis. At the time the diagnostic felt absolutely correct, but as time went on with PT, I realized that it was a shoulder weakness that caused me to develop the tendonitis.

    I've not seen or heard of any burning bans in our county and they should have one. Like I mentioned above, we also may bet a little rain on Friday morning.
    The drought disaster seems to be all over the south.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was Beastmode Chest & Triceps. Another good workout!

    We had rain all day yesterday, so sorry that I can't send this to both of your areas.

    I have tomorrow off, so don't know if I will be online. I'm going to be attending a class at my local quilt shop. They have a sales rep from a fabric company, and he will be giving out some interesting information on fabric. I feel like I need to find out more information on textiles.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Nice that you are using the great information from 2.0 to these workouts. I have been attempting that thought process myself. I'm not quite up to the poundage that Caroline lifts, but I know that I'm lifting way heavier than I would have before starting 2.0. I knew that you had a some metabolic workouts that you would be doing from live. I think that I'm going to try some of the Heather workouts next week. 2Lazy has a 4 week rotation, and she gives options for doing 30-40 min. workouts. That is so nice that you can sit outside during the winter season. That just isn't so doable with us. :(

    Thelma, Love the workouts! I do hope that you get some rain. I know that we really needed it, since our summer was so dry. I can believe that a fire that just gets a little out of control could be a disaster. Are those fires in Canada still burning? We really don't hear about them unless it affects our area with smoke. Glad I could find another instructor for us to try. I just love instructor variety.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Muscle Meltdown Triceps x 4 premix followed by my favorite Cathe kickboxing workout which is Cathe Live Love Me Some Cardio Kickboxing. So much fun. Anyhow, I find this the hardest of the Meltdown workouts to go much heavier than Cathe, but I gave it my best today. The only exercise I did not exceed her in was the overhead tricep extensions that start the rounds. But I upped everywhere else, and even added weight (30#) to the dips. I think I will feel it tomorrow, but I was pretty happy I was able to sustain it for all four rounds. When my triceps fail, they fail fast. And that didn’t happen today.

    Thelma, great workouts. Our rain chances are less than 60% all weekend, so I am hoping for rain but not really expecting any. There was another fire on the military base my DH works at here in town, which is the second one they’ve had in a week. It is just becoming so alarming right now. Thelma,I hope you don’t mind, but I am going to suggest you get a doctor to look at your shoulder if you can. You know I have had multiple issues with my shoulders, and one of my concerns for you if you don’t get it treated properly is it may devolve into something like frozen shoulder which is pretty common in women our age. I only say this because bad physical therapy advice after an injury (I dislocated my shoulder) resulted in me getting frozen shoulder some 17 years ago now. And it was no fun. So just a suggestion if getting a doctor to look at it is available to you.

    Laurie, great workout. And I wish you could send your rain our way as well. :) I hope you enjoy your day tomorrow. That sounds like a fun course. We talked to some people in Canada about the fires when we were there, and my sense is that they are out. In Nova Scotia at least, they went from dry to one of the wettest summers on record mid summer. So weather is weird there too. :D Our deck table has a propane fireplace in its center, so between that and our coats and slippers from Alaska, we can sit outside for at least a little while most nights here throughout the winter except for the very coldest of nights. I love it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking, Caroline Girvan Epic Heat - Day 1 Uncomplicated Complexes LEG DAY and Mobility. I loved Caroline's leg workout. I'll just keep trying the leg workouts she has available in YT.

    There was a fire in Blue Ridge on the side of the highway today. No one knows what/who started but it was extinguished by the fire department.

    So far, we have chances of rain Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Some apps say rain others say showers.

    Laurie, great workout!

    It really is unfortunate that you can't send us some rain our way.

    Sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun at the quilt shop! Someone I know posted this quilt website on FB today. Here's the link for you in case you haven't found it yet.

    I just did a quick search on the Canadian fires and as of late October some fires were still burning out of control. The article said that the fire season is slowing down because it's almost winter. This is a pretty interesting article.

    Laurel, great workouts! Excellent job going for the heaviest you can lift!

    Our chances of rain according are just like yours. OMG I can't believe there was a second fire at the military base your DH works at. How far is that from your home?
    I keep looking around the valley for smoke. I am praying all day long for rain and I have both my aunts praying for rain for us too. Right now, the largest fire in GA is 700 acres on the NW side. We are North Central GA, but it's just about two counties away. The fire in NC I've been following is probably at 5000 acres. The poor firefighters can't manage to contain the fire no matter what they do. The falling leaves are great fuel to those fires.

    The drought report came out today and NW GA has been declared in exceptional drought state.

    Laurel, I totally appreciate your advice of going to see a doctor because I am not getting better. I have PT on Friday morning and I think that will be the last one I will do with the current facility. I am already a patient at my preferred medical center's orthopedic institute because I needed orthotics, so hopefully it won't be hard to get an appointment with a shoulder specialist. They have a satellite clinic about 30 minutes from my house, but the majority are in Canton, which is about 45 minutes from here. I'd rather go to Canton because in that clinic they have all kinds of instruments to perform tests. Thank you, my friend!

    Have a great weekend ladies, and Laurel please thank your DH for his service from me!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was ICE Muscle Meltdown Biceps x 4 premix and a 45 minute spin. My biceps were screaming during the meltdown workout. I think I will change the order of the workouts next week and see how that feels…..just for fun.

    Thelma, great workouts. We had a very brief burst of heavy rain yesterday that lasted about one minute (seriously), and other than that, we have had drizzle. Hopefully we will get something more than that on Sunday, but, for today, the rain is over. This isn’t going to end our drought by a wide margin. The Arsenal DH works at is about 10 miles from our house. It covers a huge amount of land since that is where they test some weapons so there is a lot of forested land on it. But one gust of wind, and the neighborhoods that surround the area would be in danger. But as far as I can tell, we have no chance of a really good rain storm in the foreseeable future.

    I am glad I didn’t upset you with my recommendation to see a doctor. I hate to come across as alarmist, especially since we are communicating on a message board and you know your body. :) But I think having it checked out by a doctor may give your new PT a better direction to head in with your recovery because, as you said, given how long you have been suffering this, not getting better isn’t a good thing. As I often say, shoulders are tricky. And having lost the use of my left arm for about a year way back when because of bad PT/frozen shoulder makes me want to prevent anybody else from going down that road if possible.

    I will pass on your wishes to my DH. Thank you for remembering his service today. He is currently baking Christmas cookies with his mother up in Missouri. :) I hope he brings some home. B)

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had quiet weekend, which was great. We got a little bit of rain too.

    Thanks to Laurel for giving me the push I needed to go see a doctor about my shoulder/bicep injury. I called Friday morning and got an appointment that morning. I saw a shoulder specialist and he was great. My injury is greater than I ever imagined. I may have torn the long head of the bicep. The doctor also agreed with me that I have rotator cuff internal/external rotation issue.

    I've also have a rolling forward issue forever and the current PT thought it was due to my scapula. The doctor didn't think it had anything to do with the scapula but my neck. I have degenerative disc disease in my neck. I also have a little arthritis in my left shoulder.
    The doctor has ordered two MRIs, one for my neck and the other for my shoulder.
    I have one MRI on 11/22, the second one on 11/28 and my MRI review with the ortho on 12/1. The doctor thinks I might need surgery, so the MRI's are needed to help him determine what's next.

    I asked the doctor what I could do exercise wise, and he said I could do anything that didn't cause discomfort. He also prescribed PT, so when I go to the new place for an evaluation on 11/29, they'll have the order. I also decided to cancel the appointments I had scheduled at the other PT place.

    My workouts this weekend were,
    Friday and Saturday - Walking
    Sunday - Walking, Mobility, Caroline Girvan Epic I - #46 Dumbbell Abs & Core & Pushups and Caroline Girvan - Glute Workout with Dumbbells Only.
    I did two Caroline workouts on Sunday because the ab and core workout had a lot of pushups and I didn't do them. I did planks instead, but I skipped all the crazy pushups.

    Laurel, great workouts! Definitely change your workout order next week. Do biceps and triceps early in the week.

    I'm glad you got a little rain. We got a short period of slightly heavy rain too, but we did pretty good on Saturday. Early Saturday morning I could hear the rain on the metal roof, which told me it was raining a little heavy, then it was pretty much a light rain and drizzle all day long.
    The amount of rain will not help with the drought situation. We need a lot more rain. The forecast is showing chances of rain and drizzle next weekend.

    Thank you so much for your recommendation to see a doctor.

    Awww! How sweet that your DH got to bake Charismas cookies with his mom! I hope he brings you some too.

    Have a great week!