Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a nice day off and a very nice weekend. Friday was dedicated to sewing, well all weekend related to that theme. I enjoyed the information on the fabric, and learned a lot about Batik's. He told us that JoAnn's will probably be filing for bankruptcy after Christmas. I had heard something about them having financial troubles and that it was a possibility. He did say that the small business fabric shops are doing way better though. I think it comes from the fact that the fabric is much better at the shops than coming from the chain stores.

    On Saturday DH and I went up to Oshkosh to get a table for my sewing room, and then we went to a quilt shop up there. Spent a little bit of $$. :) Sunday I did do some more sewing, and then my oldest came over with the grandbaby. She wanted to get some of her Christmas items out of the storage unit that our youngest has. So I watched the grandson while they went to get the items. He is getting so big and now has two teeth.

    My workouts where Beastmode Full Body on Friday, Saturday was a rest day, Sunday was Bestmode High Intensity and this morning I started the Heather Robertson rotation that 2Lazy created. The workout was Leg Day Strength Workout // For Lean Legs. It was a very doable workout. She does incorporate a warm up and cool down but no talking. The music was pretty standard, a lot like what Caroline uses. I do like that she doesn't go super fast with the moves, and she also added in a couple of cardio moves.

    Laurel, Awesome job with your workouts! I'm very glad that you enjoyed doing those one body part workouts, and of course mixing it up this week. I love that your DH is with is mom and baking cookies. I'm sure that she will send him home with some of them. I do hope that your DH was able to celebrate Veterans Day. I'm very glad to hear that you didn't have to deal with the fire smoke while you where up in Canada. I guess I really didn't think about it, probably because you didn't mention that it affected your vacation. Glad to hear that they are not dealing with them in their area.

    Thelma, Awesome job with all those lower body workouts! ;) Of course great work on all the other too. So glad that you where able to get some information on your shoulder, and you are getting some further information on what might be causing you pain. Hope that it gave you some peace of mind on what you will be dealing with in the future. Thanks for the link for the quilt show.

    Have a wonderful day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Mine was surprisingly busy despite the fact DH wan’t here. But it is leaf raking season, and the work on our deck is actually going to start on Thursday so I did some prep work for that. DHs parents have decided they want to move into a care facility, so I also spent a lot of time on the phone with DH to help him work through that. His parents are beginning to experience some mobility issues, and I think it would be good for them to move a place where there will be people who can help them. But what they want in the place and where they want that place to be are still questions to be answered.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did Cardio Party and 60 minutes of Peloton yoga. Yesterday was Muscle Meltdown Shoulders x 4 premix, a 30 minute spin and Cathe Live Plyo Legs Low Impact. Today was Muscle Meltdown Chest x 4 premix and Step Boss Step Sync and Bonus Abs. I am trying to up my weight from last week’s in the Meltdown workouts and I am, again, feeling it for sure. I am really enjoying these workouts right now.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am so glad you went to see the doctor. Hopefully you can avoid surgery, but at least you will have an answer pretty soon and, hopefully, a path forward. I am also glad he said you could still workout as long as it is comfortable. Since you have been living with this for awhile now, I am sure you already know what hurts and what doesn’t. We got very little rain out of that storm last week despite it being gloomy all weekend. Our next chance is Wednesday, and even then it is a small chance. I just think this is going to be our winter weather pattern for the foreseeable future.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend! I’m glad you enjoyed the fabric course. I’m not too surprised that JoAnn’s may be filing for bankruptcy. It has to be hard to compete in that category with Michael’s and Hobby Lobby. Great workouts. Thanks for the information on the Heather Robertson workout. It sounds good. DH says he is coming home with quite a few cookies, though I wouldn’t be surprised if a few disappear on his way home. :D I wouldn’t blame him. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking and Caroline Girvan Epic I - #47 Dumbbell & Bodyweight Lower Body.

    Laurie, sounds like you had a fantastic weekend! Is the new table going to replace the one your DH and his friend made for you, or it's more surface space? How sad that Joan's Fabrics is filing for bankruptcy!
    I can't believe your grandson has two teeth already!

    Great workouts! I am glad you like Heather Robertson leg workout!

    I am glad I got information on my shoulder, bicep and my neck. It does give me peace of mind, but it makes me sad because the recovery process is very long.

    Laurel, good job getting a head start with the deck's prep work! Wow! It must've been hard for your DH to hear his parents say they want to go into a care facility. He's so lucky to have you to help him work through all those decisions. Hopefully it won't be too difficult finding them the right place for them.

    I didn't check our rain gauge, but I heard we got about 1/2 inch. We had great chances of rain for this coming Friday and Saturday and now they're gone. Hopefully by the end of the week things will look better.

    I would be in trouble if I were in the car alone with lots of cookies. I would probably eat them all!

    Great workouts! Good job upping those weights! I'm so glad you're enjoying the workouts.

    I hope I can avoid surgery too because the recovery period is very long.
    The doctor prescribed a pain med that says causes drowsiness. It pretty much knocked me out for 1.5 days. I took it simply because I had a headache after the crazy day I had on Friday. I was a complete zombie and for two days I didn't do the PT exercises. It turns out that my bicep and shoulder feel a heck of a lot better without those exercises. I won't do them anymore because rest is a good thing for this injury. Hopefully by the time the ultrasound is done next week, some healing would've occurred.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was Heather's Back Sculpting // Upper Body Strength Workout. She used 10 and 5lb weights, but I knew that I could lift heavier than that. I used weights ranging from 5 to 25. Very good back workout. I like that she threw in a few no weight moves in the circuits, and not at the end of the workout. Sometimes I think that when they are put at the end of the workout, I don't give as much effort.

    Laurel, Awesome job on all those workouts! Good idea doing those workouts for a few weeks. I think the first week is just getting to know what weight would really work for you. In these workouts Heather usually does two circuits. I usually try out a weight for the first circuit, and then determine what the next circuit will be after that. Of course I do take advantage of what 2Lazy has posted for the weight she used. We where lucky with our leaves, the winds that we have been having blew them all to a neighbors yard. :# DH and his brother used a service called Care Patrol to find the place that his Uncle is currently in. They will work with your in-laws/DH to find a place they can afford with all the amenities that they desire. They will set up appointments for tours, and they can meet the managers of the facility.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! This new table is lower and I'm planning on using this one for putting a couple of sewing machines on. It will replace the folding table that I currently use. This one is at a better height for sewing. It is so hard to work through an injury. Of course you shouldn't follow in Cathe's footsteps so much. Will be crossing those fingers that you don't need to have surgery.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Muscle Meltdown Biceps x 4 premix and a 45 minute spin. I had more energy and strength on the biceps today than last week, which was good. But my biceps were done at the end. I guess I pushed to failure. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad rest is helping with your injury. Back in 2019 when I tore my calf muscle, I didn’t try to workout with it for several weeks. It was frustrating, but I really didn’t want surgery. I do think if you rest that arm, it will start to heal before your MRIs. Our rain chances keep disappearing as well. Thankfully it isn’t as warm, so things don’t seem as dry. But it is still very concerning. And DH made it home with the cookies!! They are so good.

    Laurie, great workout. I agree about easing off on non weighted moves if they come at the end of a workout. I much prefer them at the start or throughout. Thanks for the information on Care Patrol. I will definitely tell my DH about that. DH is handling all of this well. His parents minds are still good and they are not sick, so I think that helps.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking X2, Yin Yoga and Tracy Steen Balance, Stability, Core Workout. Tracy's workout was a functional mobility workout. It was really good. She has several of this type of workout and I am going to do them. I also checked Caroline's website and she has lots of leg workouts, such as calisthenics, body weight, ankle weight and the dumbbell workouts. I think that between Caroline and Tracy I'll have plenty of lower body and ab work to keep me active.

    I am also thinking that if I need surgery, I may have to join a gym because I won't be able to use my hands to hold weights for a while. At least at a gym I'll be able to change the weight stack in a leg machine. I am praying that I won't need surgery. My rotator cuff feels better, the bicep just a little and a slight movement the wrong way irritated it today. I'm learning to do things left-handed, just in case.

    My morning didn't go as planned. DH always takes my car out of the garage when I have to go out early in the mornings and Tuesday was no different. When I went to start my car to go to yoga, it wouldn't start! DH had gone out to help a friend, so he wasn't home. I finally called him, he had me try a couple of things, but nothing worked. I texted the yoga instructor to tell her I wouldn't be there. She reminded me that I could do it via Zoom, so I rushed back inside, grabbed my laptop and went to downstairs and did my much-needed class.
    My car battery was dead! DH jumped started the car but was afraid it was a temporary fix because it was the original battery. He called around to see if anyone had the battery and found a place. He looked under the hood for the battery, but it wasn't there. My Jeep's battery is stored under the front passenger seat! We tried to get it to the Jeep dealer, but they didn't have the battery. DH knew he needed special wrenches, so he drove to the auto parts store to get the battery and wrenches. He changed the battery in the middle of their parking lot! He's a keeper! Hopefully the Jeep will start in the morning!

    Laurie, great workout and good job making it more challenging by using heavier weights. I am with you on not putting much effort into body weight moves if done at the end of the workout.

    Sounds like you needed that new table badly! I'm sure your back will love being at the right height when sewing.
    It is hard to work through an injury. I pray surgery won't be needed.

    Laurel, great workouts! Good job pushing to failure!

    I hope the injury starts to heal with rest. I had pretty much been resting, but I think the PT exercises weren't helping.
    People around the here keep burning leaves. At least I think that's what's going on when I see smoke around the valley. It scares the heck out of me to see the smoke. I'm so so glad your DH and precious cookie cargo made it home safely!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was a good one. I did Heather's Cardio Kickboxing / 10 Minute Full Body Mobility and Flexibility Routine. The kickboxing was done two rounds, and she used basic moves. I used my 2# egg weights. The flexibility routine was yoga and stretching.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, and for going to failure on those biceps. Glad to hear that your DH made it home safe and that the cookies are delish. What type of cookies did they make? That is the best part about looking for a facility for your in-laws. Your in-laws will be the ultimate decision makers in there new abode, not like what DH and his brother had to go through with their Uncle. He only had a few options with the amount of $ that he had available.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts. So sorry to hear that your vehicle was non functioning. Nice that your DH went to all that trouble. I have been in the parking lot of parts stores a few time with DH replacing something in a car. We once where in the parking lot of a hotel, and DH and his friends where replacing a water pump.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was LITE Stacked Sets Lower Body and Cathe Live Keep The Cardio Coming. My legs are fried. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad to hear your shoulder is beginning to feel better. I hope the bicep follows. I really hope you can avoid the surgery. I so understand the dead battery frustration. We had a spell a couple of years ago where my Subaru battery was dying every couple of months. DH finally took it to Subaru and they were like ‘Yep. We have an update for that’. I was not pleased that Subaru didn’t let us know they knew they had battery issues. Our worst was in Florida when we drove down to see our house as it was being built and when we got into the car some 15 minutes after we had turned it off…..nothing. We had to get a ride from the real estate agent in the neighborhood to an auto parts store and back again. Luckily they had our battery. That is no fun. I’m glad you got your yoga in despite that.

    Laurie, great workouts. DH and my MIL made Whiskey Cookies, Russian Tea Cakes and Pecan Tarts. Those are their family tradition, and she mailed cookies to us every year until just a couple of years ago, so they became part of DHs and my ‘taste of Christmas’ as well. Last night I asked DH if he wanted to put any in the freezer for closer to Christmas and nope, so this year they will be part of our Thanksgiving as well. I am fine with that. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Gentle Flow Yoga, Walking X2 and Tracy Steen Lower Body.

    Laurie great workouts!

    I am so glad DH was able to replace the batter himself and that the battery died while the car was at home and not somewhere else. Sounds like your DH is quite handy too.

    Did your DD close on the condo yet?

    Laurel, great workouts!
    Those cookies sound delicious! I hope you have the recipes, so you can continue with the tradition of making them for the holidays.

    I am really happy my shoulder is feeling so much better. The bicep was not very happy today, but it felt gr lot better after my leg workout.

    I can't believe you had those battery problems with your Subaru! A lady at yoga today was telling me that her new Subaru's battery died on Tuesday too! I wonder if it's the same issue yours had. Her Subaru is not an Outback. It's a small vehicle.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's HR workout was Kettlebell HiiT // Full Body HiiT. I'm really enjoying the variety in this rotation. I haven't done a kb workout in a while, so it was fun to swing the kb again.

    Laurel, Nice job getting those legs worked so good with those workouts! Love all those cookies. I had to look up the Whiskey cookies. There is quite the variety of those cookies, so now I have to wonder about those. :D Well you can enjoy these for Thanksgiving, and then make a few varieties for Christmas. I know that I will be making quite a few, with all the requests that I have been getting. :D

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! DH is a very handy guy. Yesterday he was working on replacing the drain plug in our bathroom sink. After 25 years it was starting to deteriorate. DD will be closing on her condo at the end of this month. She gave the gentleman that was living there until the end of the month. She doesn't need to move in right away, and the current owner needed to find a place to live.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Muscle Meltdown Back x 4 and a 45 minute spin. And two hours of raking leaves. But with it being sunny and 75 degrees, I didn’t mind all that time outside. I wish my back could say the same. :D Raking is so hard on it.

    Thelma, great workouts. With our Subaru, we were initially told not to keep our key anywhere near the car when we weren’t in it because it apparently has been an issue that whatever communication that is constantly going on between key and car kills the battery, especially if you don’t drive it too much (all of this started about six months into the pandemic when DH was in Alaska and I had two cars in the garage—his and mine—that I alternated taking out for the few errands I was running at that time). So that might be an issue you can mention to your friend. But, ultimately, they did a software update on the car (if I remember correctly) and we haven’t had issues since. I do have recipes for all of my MILs cookies. :)

    Laurie, great workout. I so admire you for your kettlebell workouts. I really wish I had gotten into those, but I never found one that gelled with me so my kettlebell collects dust. :| For years I didn’t like Whiskey cookies. But we were living overseas or far away from my in-laws, so by the time they came to us in the mail, they were dry and hard. The first time I tasted one fresh was when we were living in Florida, and now they have become a favorite. If you want the recipe, I am happy to share. :D No doubt I will make my favorite Christmas cookies next month which usually include spritz cookies, shortbread, ginger cookies, cinnamon chocolate chip snowballs…….I could go on forever. From all the years baking for DHs co-workers and other military personnel, I have quite a list of ‘favorite’ Christmas cookies. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, I allowed a workout rest day today. I had a doctor's appointment 90 minutes from home and those long rides leave me exhausted. Thank God DH drives me to my appointments.

    My PT place had a couple of cancellations and I'm going for my eval on Tuesday at 7AM.

    Laurie, great workout! Variety is always good!

    Thank God your husband is so handy! DH had to do that two houses ago. We had a house that was buit I think in the early 1900's. That sink took several trips to the hardware store.
    How nice of your DD to give the current condo owner until the end of the month to find a new place.

    Laurel, great workouts! Raking is really hard on the back. I sure don't miss doing that at all.

    How strange that having the car key near the car would cause the battery to die. Thank goodness they gave you the software update!
    I'm glad you have your MIL's cookie recipes!

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was a workout that I don't do very often, but I found it fun and a good workout. I did HiiT Barre Fusion. I didn't burn a lot of calories, and the workout concentrated on barre and core work. I do have to say that Heather must have been a dancer at some point in her life. A dance mom can tell, because of the flow and toe point. :D Of course I probably would get laughed at by my dd because of my form. :D

    We will be heading to Chicago this weekend for a car show. Our oldest and family will be joining us there. Should be a fun time.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Dang on the back. :/ Hope that most of those leaves are finally off your trees. We don't have any leaves on our trees, but there are a few in the area that still have them. Yes I would love to try those Whiskey cookies. I'm sure that DH would love them. I always try to make a new cookie every year, and still include our favorites. I have to find the shortbread recipe that my SIL's grandmother from England gave me. They where so tasty.

    Thelma, Don't blame you at all for taking the day off. Nice that you where able to get an appointment so soon. I'm sure that we will be at the dd's new place helping her paint and get the old carpeting out. She needs to decide on what colors she wants. I didn't see any rooms that had wall paper, so that is a plus.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! This will be a quick check in because we are in early prep for our decking project which, all things going well, will start tomorrow. DH is at work this morning, so I am trying to get everything prepped on the deck, do a grocery list for Thanksgiving, get the house cleaned, etc before he (and the deck materials) get here. But, of course, I prioritized my workout. :) I did Muscle Meltdown Triceps x 4 premix, Icy Core 1, and Rock’m Sock’m Knockout with the Blizzard Blast.

    Thelma, I am glad you have yourself a day off. I am so glad you are going to be able to see a PT next week. At least you are going there with some more information and, hopefully, they can use that to give a thorough evaluation.

    Laurie, great workout. I admit I kind of envy the grace with which people move who have had since training. I am SO not one of them. :# I don’t have time today to type out the Whiskey cookie recipe but hopefully I can do that in the next week or so. They are definitely worth a try. Enjoy your trip to Chicago.

    DH will be off work next week while we redo the deck and, hopefully, start decorating for Christmas. So if I don’t check in, that is why. And if I don’t check in before Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was busy, but it was good. We're having a dear friend over for Thanksgiving, so I'm cleaning up the house a little bit at-a-time.

    We had a massive fire in downtown BR on Saturday. It was awful. It was one a little shopping plaza full of little shops and a restaurant. People are saying the fire started at the restaurant. There was a propane explosion apparently. The little plaza was engulfed in flames within 6 minutes! The flames were incredibly high. It took firefighters from three counties to put the fire out. This happened in the afternoon on Saturday, so downtown was full of tourists.

    We have a cold front coming our way on Tuesday and it is expected to give us some much-needed rain. Our weatherman confirmed over the weekend that December will be warmer and rainy.

    My workouts on Friday were Gentle flow, walking and Tracy Steen Inner/Outer Thighs.
    Saturday - Walking
    Sunday - Walking X2 and Caroline Girvan Epic Heat - Day 3 Depleted Lower Body.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout! Good job! I hope you had a great time in Chicago at the car show!

    Your DD will appreciate the help with painting and the carpets.

    Laurel, great workouts and good luck with your deck project!

    I hope the new PT place is able to help me too.

    Have a great week and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Did a lot of walking at the car show on Saturday, and Sunday was devoted to sewing. So no workout on the weekend. I will probably just be doing 5 days a week, that seems to be what I'm willing to do at this point. :D

    My workout this morning was Heather's Total Body Strength / / Dumbbell Supersets. I really liked this one a lot. She did this one circuit style, and after the weight exercises she did a cardio move.

    Laurel, Great job getting in the workouts before all the deck building starts. Hope that all goes well with the build, and that it turns out exactly as you dreamed it would be. No rush on the recipe, not going to be making any cookies until after Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving!!

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! That is great that you will have company for Thanksgiving. We will be having the girls over and of course the grandbaby. I'm going to be making the whole Thanksgiving meal. I just love making that meal for some reason.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, Tracy Steen No Jumping, All Standing Cardio HIIT and CG Abs.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a great time at the car show! You've been doing a lot of sewing lately. Are you working on your quilts, something for the church or both?
    Great workouts!

    Our Thanksgiving meal is very simple, air fried turkey breast, roasted sweet potatoes and baby carrots, steamed broccoli, mashed potatoes for DH, rolls and cranberry jelly because DH loves that stuff out of the can! Our friend will bring dessert and for appetizer I'll have a little cheese board with crackers.

    Are you working on Wednesday?

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was a really good one. It was Heather's Yoga Inspired Full Body. This is a great workout to get those yoga moves done in circuit style. This was two rounds of the same moves, and then the last round was all stretch.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Sounds like a great way to get in cardio and abs. For my sewing, I'm just loving everything about it. I'm working on a few projects, and most of them are "can I do this" type of project. Yes I'm working on Wednesday, just didn't see a need to take a vacation day.

    Your thanksgiving meal sounds a lot like ours, but my oldest is bringing the wine and appetizer. Of course that will be the same as your appetizer. I'm making everything else, and of course the jelly cranberries. Both my dd's love the cranberries that way. ;) Instead of broccoli we will have the steamed green beans. I will make carrot souffle, and stuffing. Our dessert will be pumpkin pie.

    Have a great day!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    This is going to be a lite workout week for me. Tuesday's workouts were walking and Yin Yoga. The rest of my energy went into cleaning the house. At the end my sweet DH offered to mop the floors when he saw me grabbing my shoulder. I also asked him to vacuum the perimeter of the house as well as under appliances and furniture with the heavy Dyson vac. I normally do these things myself, but I just couldn't with this injury. The vacuum is heavy but tonight if felt like I was dragging 200#s.

    We finally got rain! It rained most of the day on Tuesday and we got 6/10". This is the most rain we've gotten in a long time. The fire department chief FINALLY issues a burn ban, which includes trash, charcoal grills and firepits. The guests next door were lighting massive fires under windy conditions in the firepit. I called the rental company that manages that cabin to ask how their guests were notified of emergency situations. The lady told me guests are sent emails. The company knew about the ban days ago and send their guests an email before checking in notifying them of the ban. These people clearly don't care about the consequences of their actions. They must've gotten a call because they didn't light a fire tonight, either that or things were too wet to lite a fire up.

    My PT eval this morning went very well. I got the best therapist they have, and he was also the one I had last time. He is so good. He did all the right things in terms of strength and mobility tests.

    My shoulder MRI is on Wednesday afternoon. Say a prayer for me that I don't freak out inside that scary tube!

    Laurie, I love the sounds of that yoga workout! Great job!
    I'm so glad you're having so much fun with your sewing! how's the new table working out for you?

    Your meal sounds delish! We're having a dear friend over on Thursday and she will make a pumpkin rum cake! YUMMY! DH and I don't drink, so she usually brings her favorite beer.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was another good one from Heather, Total Body HiiT with Weights. This was done with her traditional circuit style, but all low impact. I used the same weight as Heather, with 5 and 10lbs and I really do feel like I got a good metabolic workout in.

    Probably not going to be around work all day, just have a couple more things to do before Thanksgiving.

    Thelma, Great job with the workout! Of course that sweet man helped you with the chores, that vacuum really does sound like it was a painful job to accomplish. So glad to hear that your PT is someone that you are familiar with, and that he is good. Nice that you had that rainfall, even if it wasn't much it was something. Hope that those guests don't plan on starting anymore fires. I'm sure that you will do fine with the MRI, but of course I will be saying prayers that your injury isn't to serious.

    Happy Thanksgiving!