Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another really good workout with Heather this morning. I did 30 Min. Low Impact HiiT. Kelly posted that she will be putting out some heavy strength workouts at the beginning of the year on her app. I'm going to seriously look at them, and will probably do a combo of her strength workouts and Heather's HiiT / yoga etc.

    DD's bed is in her new place, and she hauled some clothes over last night. I fished the canned food out of my pantry that she eats, and I think I will make sure that she takes some of the frozen meals that she eats out of the freezer. There is no need for us to keep them when I know I will never eat chef boyardee. She is still a little kid in some ways. :D We will be heading to Costco on Saturday, so that she can stock up on other essentials.

    I will be babysitting tomorrow, so will not be online. Have to be at dd's by 7:30, and I will have to deal with traffic. :p

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! The leg workout really does sound like a good one. I think that we walked out of Home Depot with more than what we intended to purchase also. Glad to hear the we are not the only ones that love that place.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Sounds like you had a really good PT session. Glad to hear that you found a way to be comfortable, and good for you trying it out beforehand. I don't know that I would be that prepared.

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, Thursday was a long day due to a doctor's appointment 90 minutes from here. My workouts were just two walking sessions.

    The struggle of getting comfortable in bed continues. I thought I had the set up just right, but it was making my shoulders roll forward in a weird way. I'm trying just a blanket over the hard wedge and a neck pillow. The recliner is probably going to be my best friend at this point. Of course every day the comfort needs might change, which I think is what I'm finding now.

    Laurie, great workout! A Kelly/Heather rotation sounds great and definitely something you will enjoy!

    Sounds like your DD is in her new place now. I'm sure you're very proud and happy that she's a homeowner, but also happy to get your privacy and kitchen space back! LOL. Hopefully learning how to cook is in her future.

    Enjoy your time with your grandson!!

    Have a great weekend!
  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a good weekend. Our weekend was a very busy. I spent the weekend cleaning, getting the clothes I will be able to wear post-surgery refreshed and putting the stuff I won't need away.

    I can't remember if I told you this, but my adaptable shirts came, and the sleeveless t's are perfect. I can open the shoulders, step into the shirt and pull it up.
    I had DH swap the handheld shower head from the guest room to our exercise room because we have a tub there. The hose in the handheld shower heads in the guest and master bedroom are not flexible at all. It was like wrestling a giant snake. I can't imagine doing that with my left hand. It is not a critical issue right now because DH will be helping me bathe, but even DH said it was a pain to deal with the hose.

    My workouts on Friday were Walking, Gentle Flow Yoga, Tracy Steen Legs.
    Saturday: Walking and Cathe Mobility I.
    Sunday: Walking x2 and Tracy Steen No Repeat Legs and Abs.

    The rain we were supposed to get didn't come as predicted. We got a little rain. I didn't check the rain gauge, but if we got 1/10" of an inch was a lot. It's now turned very windy and cold. Monday night's low will be around 17!!!

    Laurie, I hope you had a great time with your grandson!
    Laurel, I hope you and your DH managed to make a huge progress with the deck!

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very busy weekend. My babysitting gig was of course awesome. He is such a great little guy. On Saturday I headed to church to arrange the poinsettia's on the altar area. Walked in to a interesting arrangement of material that was being used by the Sunday School program. After I got home from that, dd and I went to Costo and spent a lot of money. :D We needed a bunch of things, and dd was able to get some pantry items. On Sunday I didn't get home from church until after noon. This is really a busy time for me at church, with choir and of course Christmas Eve being on a Sunday. I spent the rest of the day baking cookies, which where super hard to resist.

    My workout on Friday was Heather's Killer Abs Workout. I don't know that it was killer, but I really enjoyed it. It was 10 exercises and each exercise was 3 rounds. I didn't workout on Saturday of Sunday. This morning's workout was Kelly's RAW Total Body Drop Sets/ EXPRESS. Kelly used weights that where 15, 20 and 30's, and it was a good one.

    Thelma, Great job with all your workouts! Nice job getting everything situated before you have the surgery. Like I said before, I don't know that I would have thought of everything like you have done. We don't have a shower head like that in the "kids" bathroom. Probably should think of doing something like that, because it has a bathtub. We have one of those in our shower, and is very flexible. Right now I'm going to do Kelly workouts to replace the ones that Heather has placed as full body workouts. Tomorrow will be my first Pilates workout with Heather, so I'm hoping that it is a good one.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you are doing well and had a good weekend. Our long weekend was stupidly crazy busy. This deck is proving to be more work than we had believed mostly because the original construction was so poor. We had pieces of the support stringers for our stairs falling off when we removed the steps. Not good. But, thankfully, we repaired all that, got the new steps in and have the railing up as well. We need to finish the lighting in the railing and then do some cosmetic work on the outside of the deck and stairs, but functionally speaking, we have a working deck again. I am so glad we did this because I feel our deck is now ten times safer than it was.

    I managed to workout every day, finishing up my first week of the Ramped Up Upper Body workouts on Friday. Saturday all I managed was a 45 minute yoga session with Kristin McGee focused on a healthy back. I sure needed that. Yesterday was Ramped Up Shoulders x 3 premix, and I went up a little in weight over last week which was good. I followed it with 4 Day Split Kickboxing and Legs workout. Today was Ramped Up Biceps x 3, and I also increased weight in a couple of areas on this one. I followed it with a 45 minute spin.

    Thelma, great job keeping up with your workouts despite having so much going on right now and so much on your mind. Like Laurie said, you have thought of way more ways to make your recovery better than I ever would have thought of. I’m surprised you didn’t get any rain. We had quite a bit Saturday night and it spit all day yesterday. Of course now that DH is back at work, the sun is out, but like you it is chilly and windy here.

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad your daughter got moved in to her new condo and you sent the Chef Boyardee with her. :) I remember enjoying some of those cans when I was in college. Not something I am sure I would open up these days unless I had to. B) Sounds like you have been busy with the Christmas season. I did get to do some baking yesterday because DH had signed up to take cookies to his work Christmas party today. Of course, I had to keep some for us. :D It was nice last night to end a long weekend with a little taste of Christmas.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm in deep cleaning mode. I attacked part of the kitchen on Monday afternoon. I've been trying to do things lefthanded, so the kitchen won't be bad to clean. I tried cleaning the toilet lefthanded and that went better than I expected.

    I've been watching educational videos by one shoulder orthopedic surgeon. He said that the more damaged the tendon, the harder it is for the surgery to stick. From what I understood tendon retraction indicates that it is an older injury, so I will have to be extremely careful to make sure I don't injure myself. I've also watched other videos by a woman who had the surgery and she's been very helpful. She read about a study that found the riskier time to damage the surgery. The riskier time is at 6+ weeks. It makes sense because apparently at that time you start spending time without the sling. The risk of injury happens when people think they can fully use their arm. I think it's more for non-compliant patients. I intend to stay with that sling on, for as long as it takes.

    I thought of another thing I need two hands for today. I have to inject myself every two weeks with my RA medicine. It's like a giant epi pen, but I do need to pinch my skin with one hand and inject with the other.

    I also decided to buy an ice therapy machine because the ice treatments are crucial in order to manage the pain. This thing is a little cooler that you fill with water and ice or water and frozen water bottles. It has external hoses that connect to a bladder, and it constantly pumps iced water up to a bladder that goes inside a sleeve and wraps around the shoulder. It even has a remote control that you can program to run the pump at certain intervals. I've been looking for a used one on eBay, but they only have the ones with the knee pad. People put the pad on in the mornings and leave it on all day, they simply disconnect themselves from the cooler when they want to do other things. They even sleep with it on. With this thing I won't have to worry, about finding ways to hold an ice pack around my bicep and over my shoulder.

    I've been letting my hair grow on/off for the last four years and I'm thinking of cutting it short, in order to make our lives easier. I don't think I can do it. DH is just going to have to spend a little more time helping me with my hair.

    My workouts on Monday were walking X2 and Tracy Steen Abs.

    I think I have good news on the shower hose flexibility. I thought it was stiff due to lack of use, so I started articulating it by bending it every few inches and even pressing against the wall then bent. It made a huge difference! I'll keep doing that as much as possible before my surgery. The only thing is that I can't figure out how to make the water flow out of that shower head! LOL. This handheld shower head is the center of a biger shower head. We'll figure it out!

    I got a shipment notice from Cathe. It's definitely bittersweet.

    Laurie, I am so glad you had a great time babysitting your grand baby. You sure had a busy weekend! How is your DD doing at her new home? I'm glad you took her to Costo to get some pantry items.

    Great workouts! I can't wait to read what you think about Heather's Pilates workout. I hope to be able to do standing leg work such as Barre and Pilates.

    I think it would be really bad not to be prepared for this surgery. If you're going to bathe the baby at your house, a handheld shower head would be very useful. I am so glad I figured out what to do to make the hose more flexible.

    Laurel, what a weekend! I am so glad you guys decided to work on your deck because it doesn't sound like it was very safe! Hopefully another crazy busy weekend is all you need to finish the work.

    Great workouts! I hope you got your DVD shipment notification notice too!

    It was disappointing to not get the rain that was predicted. Monday afternoon turned windy. The wind really picked up on Monday night and by Tuesday morning temps will be around 20 degrees.

    I am a planner and thinking ahead will keep me from getting more stressed post-surgery. I am sure it will be a struggle to learn to live with the sling on 24x7.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    The pilates workout was very good, it was some standing and some floor work. Of course the 100's showed it's face. :D The workout was Pilates Fusion // Full Body HiiT.

    DH and DD moved everything that was in our house to her condo. The only thing they couldn't do was get the items out of the storage unit. The wind yesterday was so cold, it just wasn't a good idea to be out in it for any length of time. We woke up to temps in the teens this morning.

    Laurel, Wow that is so good that you decided to redo that deck. To bad that you had to go through extra work, but now you for sure know that it is safe. Awesome job with all those workouts! Of course seeing that you did 4DS kickboxing made me smile. Of course you need to keep some of those cookies for yourself. I still have to make the whiskey cookies, they are on my to do list still.

    Thelma, Great job with the workout! You are going to be really good with that left hand after all of this is over with. ;) I like the way Heather does her workouts in HiiT style. It really does help that she does each exercise, and then you repeat. Couldn't believe that I was sweating so much during the workout. I got my shipping notice, so I'm hoping to pop those into my rotation in the next year. I'm really interested in the barbell workout. I know that she is a certified Les Mills Bodypump instructor, so that means she can't put out a workout like that. Just hoping that some of that sneaks into the workout.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Ramped Up Upper Body Triceps x 3 followed by IMAX 4 with double blasts. I surprised myself by going heavier with the triceps today than I did last week. I really didn’t think I would be able to after how dead my triceps felt last week….but I did. I wonder how they will feel tomorrow.

    Thelma, great workout. I think you will be very good with your left hand by the time you heal from this surgery. But I also think it is great that you are taking the time to practice with it now. The ice therapy machine sounds amazing. I am glad you have done so much research into the possibilities of re-injury. This is just one of those things you will need to be very patient with. I sometimes wonder if it isn’t taking Cathe so long to recover because she re-injured herself along the way. I, too, got my shipping notice. No doubt seeing that was bittersweet, but they will be there for you when you are ready for them.

    Laurie, great workout. Pilates and HiiT are not too activities usually paired with each other. I bet is was great. And, yes, the 100’s always appear in Pilates. I am glad your DD has the bulk of her things moved now. Moving in the cold and dark of December is definitely no fun. 4DS Kickboxing is still so much fun!

    DH is off work until after the New Year, so I may be a bit sporadic in checking in, but I will try to check in as often as I can.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, the temperature early Monday morning was 21 degrees.

    My workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Yin Yoga and Tracy Steen lower body.

    Laurie, great workout! Sounds like a great workout! Those 100's are killers!

    How exciting that your DD is living in her own condo now!

    I may be fully ambidextrus by the time I'm done with this surgery. I think I would also like Heather's Hiit style workouts.
    I didn't know Cathe was a certified Les Mills Bodypump instructor! I'm sure they will be great workouts.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I'm glad that I've taken the time to research and prepare as much as possible for this surgery. Good question about Cathe's shoulder! I just think it's a slow recovery and I have the feeling she had a big injury. Overuse and age are big factors in these injuries.

    How exciting that you also got your shipping notice!

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Cathe Live Wicked Lower Body and Core followed by a 45 minute spin. We had Bagster come pick up all the old decking material and scraps from the new deck today, so DH and I spent about 90 minutes last night carrying all that wood from the garage to the street. And my body was absolutely exhausted this morning. I am really surprised how well my workout went. And the good news is they just came and picked up all that wood, which is a huge relief for me.

    Thelma, great workouts. I agree about Cathe’s injury. She had been complaining about her shoulder for about two years on Live before her surgery. But the good news with her is she has had full mobility from very early in. She just can’t lift the weight she used to. And, honestly, at our ages, mobility is really the most important thing.

    See you tomorrow if DH gives me the time to post. :);)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking X2, Gentle Flow Yoga and
    Heather Robertson Legs and Glutes-Unilateral. I really liked Heather's workout. I'm looking forward to trying other workouts.

    My pre-op prep work continues. I'm slowly cleaning the house using my left hand. I have been working on our monthly menus, so that the cooking is easy. I usually plan one month at-a-time, but I am doing menus for Jan and Feb this time around and might even do March.

    It was 20 degrees on Wednesday morning. At least it wasn't windy, and the sun was out. We are expected to get a little rain on Monday and Tuesday. We're finally out of the extreme drought conditions. Most of the county is in Severe drought conditions. We got a message from the county's emergency management agency that due to the low humidity conditions we were in perfect fire conditions. I hate that!

    Laurel, great workouts! I am sure you are exhausted from all that deck work. I'm so glad your decking material and scraps were picked up! What a relief to get rid of that stuff! You need a good and long stretching workout!

    I have the feeling that Cathe had a lot of muscle retraction, which is when the recovery is more delicate because they have to stretch tissue that's probably been atrophied for a while.

    Just in case you don't have time to post let me wish you both a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I can't believe 2023 is almost over!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry that I wasn't online yesterday, I stayed home because I had a sore throat. My voice was limited in volume also. I was able to do my workout, and that was RAW Kettlebell Kickboxing. This morning I did Heather's 30 Min. Full Body Metcon. Of course the raw workout is my favorite, and the MetCon was really good also.

    Tomorrow afternoon I will be off work until the new year. I probably will not be online very often, because during that week we will be going up to see my parents.

    Laurel, Can't believe that you hauled all that wood and then did double blasts and a legs! Great job on all those workouts! I didn't realize that Cathe had been dealing with that injury for so long. Totally agree with you on the mobility as we get older. I just like that I can get on the floor with the grandson and get back up, so I will keep on doing those stretch/mobility workouts. DD called last night and was wondering how you can tell if her stove is pre heated. Of course this is a super old stove so it doesn't beep or anything when it is warm enough. DH and I both had to laugh because we really don't have to think of things like that with our more modern appliances. She does have a preheat light.

    If we don't talk again Merry Christmas!

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Glad that you enjoyed Heather workout. I'm going to try one of her leg workouts from her new Express series tomorrow. She does the band work in the warm up, and she is using 40# for bridges. Now that is not as much weight as Caroline uses, but I can always add more. :D Your prep work still continues to impress me.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout started with Ramped Up Upper Body Chest x 3, and, again, I was able to increase the weight. Then I did Cathe’s Live class with her today, which she titled Reindeer Games. Cathe was in full reindeer costume throughout, which was pretty comical. But it was a fantastic nearly hour long workout consisting of eight rounds (each named for one of Santa’s reindeer) of completely different forms of exercise. There were rounds of compound moves, giant sets, speed drills, ladders, pyramids, Plyo moves, etc. Just a great, fun total body workout.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you enjoyed Heather’s workout. I am in awe that you plan meals a month in advance and you are thinking of doing three months. I am lucky anymore if I know from day to day what we are having. Great job with that. We are supposed to get rain next week as well, and I hope we do. I haven’t seen an update on the draught condition, but I can tell we need a lot more rain to get back to normal.

    Laurie, great workouts despite having a sore throat. I hope that goes away quickly. Happy Birthday to your grandson tomorrow. I can’t believe he is a year old already. That’s funny about the oven light, I remember those days. We have a super smart oven (our new one) that tells us everything….including the outdoor temperature, weather forecast for the weeks, etc. It displays a variety of photos everyday, and during the week of Thanksgiving even added trivia to the photos like telling us how long it takes to make a jellybean or where cashews come from. It’s kind of ridiculous when you think about it, but it is also a really nice oven so there is that.

    I probably won’t be here tomorrow, so Merry Christmas to you both. I will check back in next week, Thelma, to make sure you are doing okay pre-surgery. Enjoy the Holiday weekend!!!!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking and CG Abs.
    I had PT for my neck and the PT showed me the little neck, hand and wrist exercises I'll be able to do post-surgery.
    I also spoke with my surgeon's nurse, and I won't have to take the sling off to do any passive movements prior to my first post-op checkup like other surgeons prescribe. Thank God because that was a scary thought to me.
    I have accepted the idea that I'll have to sleep on the recliner because I slide down the wedge pillow during the night and that is pushing my shoulders forward, which bothers me a lot. My ice therapy machine arrived, so we'll be testing it over the weekend.

    My new DVDs arrived on Thursday! I can't wait to try them even if I don't use a heavy weight. I may be able to use the barbell without weights.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm sorry you weren't feeling well.
    Have a wonderful rest of the year. I'm glad you're going to see your parents. I hope it's not too snowy there yet.

    I don't remember how an older stove indicated that the oven was pre-heated! I'm glad you guys remembered there was light! LOL
    Speaking of mobility. I am worried about my mobility post-surgery. I don't know how much of that I'll be able to do. I guess I'll learn during PT.
    The Heather workout I tried was one of the express ones. I loved that she used the resistance loop. She used it in the beginning and later on during the workout.

    Laurel, great workouts! Cathe posted on FB the live workout's pictures, she looked so funny in her reindeer outfit. I loved her makeup!

    I am a planner. I don't know how people can decide what their meals will be the day of or hours before! I don't cook every day though. I make two big meals that feed us dinner for four days. On Thursdays we may have a sandwich or quesadillas and always make pizza on Saturdays. We always go out to eat on Fridays. I guess we'll have to plan meals for Fridays since we won't be going out to dinner on Fridays for a little while. We are definitely creatures of habit.

    Our weather man posted an outlook for the next month and it's not looking good in the rain department. He said he doesn't see us getting out of the dry pattern we've been in.

    We're again in dangerous fire conditions! I am not happy about this. The chances of rain for next week have gone down. We're down to occasional rain on Monday and a couple of showers Tuesday and Wednesday.
    I love your smart oven's non-oven functionality! I'm glad you're liking it.

    I'll have DH send you an email from my yahoo account to give you an update. We just got new phones and I'm glad we did because I'll be using its voice recording functionality to do my most of my typing.

    Merry Christmas to you both!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Of course this morning was Heather's Leg Strength & Power. I really enjoyed this one a lot, and will be doing it again.

    My oldest had tried to facetime me this morning, and I'm sure that it was so I could talk to the birthday boy. I was driving at the time, so I will call him later when DH and I can be together. He is going to be so spoiled this Christmas. DH went a little overboard. I thought we where getting him a truck, activity table and book. Looks like a stuffed frog was added, and some big soft things for him to climb on. :D

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I did see her post with all the holiday cheer. Glad that you had fun with that one. Wow that is a ton of information that you stove gives you, and of course that it does what it needs to do. Again have a wonderful Christmas!

    Thelma, You rock those workouts! You are very good with the planning. You will have to do some takeout on those Friday's. ;) Hopefully you have places that would deliver or even door dash. DH and I go out on Friday's also, it just makes for a nice change of pace from my cooking. :D Merry Christmas to you, and wishing you all the best for your surgery. I know that you will do great.

    Merry Christmas!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was very nice and quiet. It rained all day yesterday which made for a perfect day of sitting around and watching Christmas movies. After all the work we have done this past month on the deck, it felt good to just sit for a few hours. Unfortunately DH came down with a cold last week and managed to give it to me, so I am a little under the weather, which made the quiet Christmas that much more welcome.

    For workouts, on Friday I did Ramped Up Back x 3 premix and Cathe’s new spin workout, Cycle Sweat, which was really good. On Saturday I did Cathe’s new Kickbox workout, Gloved Up and Sweaty, which was a pretty moderate 39 minute workout that was easily modifiable to low impact in what was meant to be my recovery day. There was nothing new in this workout, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. On Sunday I did a 45 minute spin, Ramped Up Shoulders x 3 premix, and Cathe’s new Killer Legs workout. Again, this was a moderately intense workout that could easily be made harder or easier. I could feel my legs after it for sure. Yesterday was Ramped Up Biceps x 3 and LITE Rev’d Up Rumble, and today was a 20 minute Recovery spin and Ramped Up Triceps x 3 premix.

    Thelma, great workouts. I hope you got some rain yesterday. I saw where we are still in a severe drought as well, so the rain yesterday was very welcome. Thank you so much for having your DH send me an email after your surgery. I didn’t want to ask because I knew he would probably be looking after you. But I will be so thankful to hear how the surgery went. I am a planner as well, but I do a loose weekly menu and vary the days depending on the weather and when DH gets home from work. We used to have pizza once a week and eat out once a week, but we tossed those habits out with the pandemic and never went back to them. Our new habit it to barbecue both days on the weekends year round since DH is the primary cook for those meals so I get a welcome break.

    Laurie, great workouts. I hope you got to talk to your grandson on his birthday and I hope you all had a wonderful time sharing Christmas with him and each other this weekend, Christmas is so fun with children around.

    We are changing our internet service tomorrow so I may not be able to check in. But Thelma please know I am thinking about you. I will be so anxious to hear from your DH when he has a chance to let me know how you are doing.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Ours was nice and quiet. The weekend was busy with pre-op preparations. I've been in deep cleaning mode. I am almost done with the house cleaning, which is great. I got the 3.5 bathrooms out of the way, which is the hardest thing to do.
    It was fortunate that my neurosurgeon prescribed PT for my neck because I've been using those visits to ask for recommendations on how to do certain things and what I can do exercise wise. I can walk, ride a recumbent bike during my PT session. I can also do lower body exercises as long as I am holding on to something in case, I lose my balance. The important thing is to not move my shoulder or engage any muscles up there. I had the PT adjust me with the mesh sling I'll use during my showers. I have PT exercises to do which are simple things like squeezing my shoulder blades together, a hand strength exercise, neck stretching and strengthening.

    I still don't know my surgery time. I don't like this at all. For my other surgeries, I had way more notice. It doesn't help with planning. We're having a pet sitter come to twice to take the dogs outside to potty and don't know what times to tell her to come. I checked my hospital's patient portal and right now my surgery is scheduled for 10:15, but that's not official. It is better than 8:15, which would mean leaving the house at 5:30.

    We did a dry run with my ice therapy machine. The 12 frozen water bottles for the machine are already frozen, along a with some ice packs. DH rearranged the living room furniture so that the recliner loveseat I'll use is in front of the TV. We actually like the new setup much better. I found a medication reminder app, so I can stay on schedule with my pain meds. I also took it for a dry run and it works quite nicely, once you figure it out.

    I've only walked a couple of times a day for exercise. I have dedicated my energy to house cleaning. Keeping busy has certainly kept me from freaking out over the surgery. I am as prepared with everything I can possibly need, and I've educated myself on the recovery process. Hopefully I'll be one of the lucky ones with minimal pain.

    Laurie, great workouts! I really like Heather's workouts, but I like Caroline better.

    I can't believe your grandbaby is already a year old! He sure is going to be spoiled with lots of love and gifts. I love, love, love that your DH is the one buying his gifts!

    We'll have to do takeout some Friday's. I told DH that if I feel brave enough to go out to a restaurant, he'd have to cut my meat for me.

    Thanks so much for those wishes. I hope those first six weeks will go by fast.

    Laurel, great workouts. I agree that there's nothing new in the kickboxing workout, but it was enjoyable. I just can't imagine how hard it is to come up with new material after all those videos.
    I'm sorry you and your DH got sick though. I hope you feel better soon.

    Notifying friends was another task on my pre-op things to do list. DH has the info he needs to do that.
    We did get some rain. I think DH said our gauge had 1.75 inches of rain. If that is true, we got more rain than predicted. Thank God for that!
    We'll probably be doing a little grilling on Fridays during my recovery process. I am not sure I'll feel like going to a restaurant any time soon. Pizza is our comfort food. We get the pizza dough from one of the pizza shops here.

    I'll keep you posted the best I can.
    Happy New Year!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Hi Ladies! The Google Fiber people cancelled on us for today, so we still have internet. I think there is a problem in how they laid the cable earlier this year through the neighborhood. I am not surprised by that at all. Anyhow, it gives me a chance to pop in to say hi. I am still feeling a little not great with this cold, so my only workout today was Killer Legs with the Bonus Barre section. The last time I did Killer Legs, I had done a spin before it. It felt much easier today. I need to remember that and up my weights next time. But it was good for today when I am trying to keep my heart rate down a bit.

    Thelma, I am glad you enjoyed a nice holiday. You sound fully prepared for the next six weeks, and because of that, I think you will heal up nicely and quickly. I hope you get a surgery time today and are able to get some sleep tonight. I will be thinking about you tomorrow. Take deep breaths as much as you can and know you will be better than new before long.

    Happy New Year!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, happy new year! My surgery took about 90 minutes. The long acting nerve blocker got me through Thursday, Friday and 1/2 of Saturday without pain and no pain meds. I tried to see how long I could last without pain meds, and I waited too long, so I was in pain for a little while. Thankfully, It wasn't the excruciating pain I'd heard about, and I got it under control quickly. I only took pain meds late Saturday and Sunday. No pills on Monday. The ice therapy machine was worth every penny.
    I see the doctor Tuesday morning.
    DH has been amazing taking care of the zoo, me and everything else.
    I walked around the house Thursday through Sunday for exercise. Today I did two Jessica Smith beginner's workouts.

    The only restrictions I got were not getting out of the sling and not showering in order to keep the incisions dry.
    I've taken showers from the waist down and DH gives me upper body sponge baths.
    My bicep was pretty shredded, so it had to be detached, repaired and reattached. i had some arthritis snd that was shaved off. The doctor said that my bones are pretty hard. He had a hard time nailing the muscles to the bone. He thinks I'll heal up nicely.

    Laurel, great workouts! Sorry the Google Fiber people cancelled on you. I hope you're feeling better now.
    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This will not be long, because I had a ton of e-mails waiting for me on my first day back in the new year. I didn't workout at all, but did see family and friends. My Dad is doing good, but he was a little cranky when we went to visit. I guess that he wasn't as bad the next day when my brother and his girls went. It was good to see him, and of course spending time with my Mom.

    My workout this morning was a youtube workout from NML (ex Get Healthy U instructor). The workout was Full Body MetCon (Thrusters), this one had 100 thrusters incorporated throughout the workout. I followed the low impact option for the most part.

    Laurel, Thanks for the information on the new workouts. I have not had a chance to look at them yet. Every instructor that I like is kicking of the new year with some great workouts. Great job with your workouts despite the cold. I to have been suffering from a cold that I think turned into a sinus infection. Hope you are feeling better.

    Thelma, I'm so glad to hear that you are doing so well, and will be keeping those healing vibes going on my end. Sounds like all your pre-prep really helped.

    Have a great day!