Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, Thursday was a blah day for me. I didn't sleep well, so I felt sluggish all day. I did two walking sessions for workouts.
    We've been upgraded to a level 2 storm. We are expected to get rain and 30-50 mph winds.

    I resumed my injections Thursday afternoon and I was able to do it by myself. Another small victory!

    Laurie, great workout! I can't wait to hear about your rebounder leg workout!
    That's quite a dusting! Sorry you're getting all that snow.
    Dh went food shopping early Thursday morning to avoid the storm crowds. Be careful driving under those blizzard conditions.

    Thank you, Laurie. I feel like I'm making pretty good progress. Chili sounds like the perfect meal for the weather you're having.

    Laurel, great workouts! I love the sound of that kickboxing workout!
    We are expected to down to 7 degrees next Tuesday night. There's a chance of snow too. We are expected to get down to 11 next Friday.

    I feel that I am making good progress with my recovery. Being out of the sling requires full concentration in making sure I don't use my arm. I was putting chapstick on and I dropped it. I immediately tried to catch it with my right hand, which caused a little pull on the bicep area. It was scary.

    You're both making me want to make chili! I will be making Salvadoran bean soup though.

    Have a wonderful and safe weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I made it into work with no problem. They closed the schools around here, so that means there are less people on the road. The non confident drivers where in the right lane like they are suppose to, and the left lane was for people like me. :D The highest speed I got to was 50. We had way more snow out by us than we have here at work. They are saying that this snow will be around until tomorrow afternoon. DH went to the store last night, so instead of chili we will be having a roast. :D That's his type of winter comfort food. ;)

    Tried another Michelle B workout, and this one was Legs + Calves + Abs. Again the moves where done for 30 sec, 3-4 sets. I like her style. We tried to get a walk in this morning, but the snow was pelting us in the face. We had a hard time seeing, and Rocket didn't seem to like it either. He started to turn back to home. :D

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts! I saw a clip of that live workout, and I was kind of jealous. ;) I don't really mind driving in bad weather like this. I think it comes from living up north where you had to deal with this type of weather constantly. I know that I wouldn't be as productive, and of course I can leave early if I need to. Did Cathe ever indicate that she was planning on making any more of the Perfect 30 workouts? I sure would love to have some heavy weight splits in that series.

    Thelma, Love that you where able to get in those walking sessions. Your chapstick incident had to shake you up a bit. Your bean soup sounds great. I wouldn't be able to make anything like that, DH doesn't like beans. He always picks them out or takes the chili before I put the beans in. Guess that's why we will be having a roast this weekend. :D

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Barbell Total Body followed by a 45 minute spin. This was my first time through with Cathe’s new total body workout, and I liked it well enough. I know that sounds underwhelming, but I think I would like it more if I had her barbell which allows for changing the barbell weight faster than mine because there was a lot of changing weight. I used her weight throughout, and I will probably stick pretty close to that when I do this workout again because it is high rep in a lot of areas and the pace of the reps is pretty fast. It felt like a good total body maintenance workout to me……something I would reach for on a day like today when I am finishing up a week of heavier or different lifting.

    Thelma, I am sorry you weren’t feeling great yesterday. I’m glad you limited your workouts to walking because of that. I imagine being out of the sling is a little scary. For years (and I mean that literally because I still to it today…,some 18 years on) after the last time I dislocated my shoulder, every time I go into a crowd, I pull my arm across my body to keep anybody from bumping into it when it is extended. So I am sure you will take those cues from your bicep yesterday and adjust quickly and remember not to reach for something. We have a pretty decent storm going on right now with wind, rain, thunder and lightening but it isn’t the worst I have ever seen for sure. They are saying our wind chills on Tuesday may be close to zero all day. :o So I am back trying to figure out how to protect my plants. Your soup sounds wonderful!

    Laurie, great workout. I am glad you found another instructor you enjoy. I am glad your trip into work wasn’t too bad. After living in Alaska, I have no problem driving on icy and snow covered roads. But around here, I know I am the only one on the road that feels that way. :o It still amazes me that too many people where you are are uncomfortable with snow and ice. But at least they abided by the rules of the road this morning. :) Enjoy your roast!

    Enjoy the weekend. DH is off on Monday, so I will see you Tuesday.


  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was pretty good. It was busy as usual, but good.
    We are expected to get hit with arctic air Tuesday, but before that we'll get some snow and frozen rain. We're under a winter advisory from 1am Monday to 7am tuesday.

    The storm for last Friday didn't happen. We got 1/10 inch of rain. Friday night was windy though.

    My PT was able to extend my arm to 90°. He said that is where I need to be at this stage. He also said I could go back to sleeping in my bed. I tried sleeping in my bed but my arm wasn't happy. I will continue to sleep in the recliner until I am no longer in a sling.

    My workouts on Friday were walking and legs.
    Saturday walking and Gina B Low impact cardio.
    Sunday walking and Tracy Steen Booty and Thighs.

    Laurie, I'm glad you made it to work safely. 50 mph is good speed when the weather is bad. I hope the roast was delicious!

    Great workout! You are so brave for attempting to go for a walk while it was snowing!

    I used to work with someone whose husband didn't like beans either. Liking beans was a requirement for my future husband as beans are huge part of the Hispanic diet. Thank God DH likes beans!

    Laurel, great workouts! I hope you and your DH were able to protect your plants from the cold weather.

    Funny you would say something about your barbell clamps. Someone just asked about this on FB. Check Amazon for barbell collar clips. They are great!

    I think I'll be protective of my arm too, Laurel.

    Have a great week.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a crazy weekend! We had well over a foot of snow that came down on Fri/Sat. It was heavy and wet. None of our trees or bushes where damaged, but thee are numerous trees that either came completely down or branches where broken. Our youngest dd was without power until sometime yesterday afternoon. DH was on top of the snow blowing, so we didn't have any problems with getting up our driveway. Now on the other hand the snow plowing of our streets was not that great. There is only room for one car in some places. I know that this was a really bad storm, but they really could have done a slightly better job. DD did spend one night with us, but we made sure that her water was trickling the whole time. Our temp when I got up this morning was -12. Driving around here isn't to bad, but a lot of the side streets have the icy ruts so it's like riding in a tank.

    I didn't workout this weekend. This morning I had to take Rocket out for his walk before 5am, because he is refusing to go through all that snow to do his duty. I decided that since he needed to go out, I may as well take him for a walk. DH sounds like he is coming down with a cold, so I don't think that he wanted to venture outdoors. After that I did another Michelle B workout and that was Shoulders + Thighs. Overall a good workout.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I do have a barbell that is similar to Cathe's. I got frustrated with changing out weights, so I got a barbell set that uses the slip on clamps like Cathe's. I have not tried that workout yet, so thanks for that information. I'm always surprised at the way people drive around here. They think that they can go faster than conditions dictate. Of course there are still those people that just drive way to slow. Of course having really good tires are a must, and I think a lot of people realize that they should get new ones when storms like this appear. I told my DH that the tires I have on my car are some of the best that I have had for driving in the snow.

    Thelma, Love all the workouts! Nice progress with the PT, and hopefully you will be in that bed soon. The roast was awesome, and DH was super happy. :D I made all his favorites like mashed potatoes and carrots. Of course I couldn't pass up making some Irish soda bread to go along with it. I do hope that you don't have freezing rain, that is not fun to deal with either.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you had a good weekend. Ours has been good. We got supplies to cover our plants on Saturday, and got them covered yesterday which is good. They were predicting 5” of snow, but unfortunately all we have had is ice. The road up to our house is closed and the military base DH works on is closed today (he was off today anyhow) and tomorrow. So, needless to say, we are spending a lot of time at home. :) Thankfully we have all the groceries we need, along with power and heat. The arctic air will hit tomorrow with lows near zero. Hopefully our plants survive all of this.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a walk with Jessica Smith and yoga. Yesterday was 2.0 Body Part Shoulders and a 30 minute spin. Today was 2.0 Body Part Biceps and Cathe Live Lower Body HiiT and Abs.

    Thelma, great workouts. I hope you are not covered in ice like we are. I was so hoping for pretty snow instead (though not as much as Laurie got!). Great progress with your arm! Hopefully you will start feeling more comfortable sleeping in your bed soon.

    Laurie, great workout this morning….and braving a walk with Rocket. I heard about your blizzard up there and was thinking about you. That’s a lot of snow and very cold temperatures. I agree with you about tires. I had blizzax tires on my Subaru when we were in Alaska, and I never doubted my traction. So good. Glad your roast dinner went well! I have one kind of chili in the crock, pot right now and another kind planned for tomorrow. DH is in heaven with all this chili. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies! We only got a little bit of rain on Monday during the day and a little more Monday night.
    The high for Tuesday will be 26! I am sure there will be ice on the roads in the morning. I don't think we'll see snow here. There have been lots of school cancelations all over GA for Tuesday because of the potentially icy roads.

    My workouts were walking and Gina B low impact cardio.

    PT continues to go well and i can tell my flexibility is getting better. I got more exercises to do, which is A sign of progress in the right direction!

    Laurie, great workout!
    You did have quite the weekend! I'm glad you're all ok. It's a good thing your DH kept up with the snow! That's the best strategy.
    How unfortunate that the new snow removal crew isn't doing a good job. Poor Rocket. I don't blame him for bmnot wanting to go outside.

    Your DH totally deserve the wonderful roast meal you prepared for him!

    Laurel, great workouts! I am glad you were able to get your plants covered. I hope they'll be able to survive this cold weather.

    You are definitely getting hit lot harder by the storm. People here are not happy about the lack of snow, but we were inly supposed to get one inch.

    I think our icy conditions will be on Tuesday. I don't think we'll be able to escape the ice.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Another day of negative double digit weather. It is suppose to start warming up a little tomorrow, but right now it is -8 and a nasty wind chill. Rocket and I did the early walk again. It sure is funny how he runs to the garage when we get close to home. :D DH purchased some mushers wax, so I'm hoping that will be easier for DH to deal with than the rubber booties.

    My workout this morning was Michelle's Back + Biceps + Abs. Same format as the other workouts. Really enjoyed this one a lot, and feeling nice and toasty right now. I'm using as heavy of weight as possible. I actually am enjoying some of the variations that she does with her moves.

    Laurel, Sounds like some nasty weather you will be getting, hope that the plants will be fine with that low temp. Awesome job with all those workouts, looks like you are into the one body part section. My co worker, that came from Florida, is having his first experience with our weather. He told me this morning that he went into the ditch yesterday, it was his first time venturing out of their house since Thursday. Apparently no one was stopping, and then this 80 year old woman stopped. She told him that someone will stop to help, it she was noticed trying to get this car out. What a smart woman, and of course someone else did stop to help. :D I love it that you have two different chili's this week.

    Thelma, Great job with the workout. Hope that things are not to bad weather wise. One of the things that I don't enjoy is the icy roads. I agree with you on DH deserving the roast dinner. I still want that chili though, and now that I hear Laurel has two of them going, I want it more. I didn't get home in time last night to make biscuits, so I'm hoping to make those tonight to have with our leftover roast dinner. This type of weather sure does make me want those comfort foods.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Chest, spin, and a Cathe Live class from a few weeks ago called Core Explore, which was a surprisingly tough 30 minute solid core workout. I am loving being back with these 2.0 Body Part workouts. I just love the pace of them.

    Thelma, great workouts. We definitely appear to have gotten hit a bit harder by this storm here. All of the roads across the northern part of the state minus here in Huntsville itself are still deemed impassable. The only reason Huntsville is different is because we have the equipment to treat the roads for ice. That being said, the road up to our community remains closed. We got a thin layer of snow on top of the ice last night which, no doubt, is not helping the situation. We will be lucky to hit 20 degrees today, and DH read on our community’s Facebook page that people in our community have already had their pipes burst, and the coldest air is yet to come. I hope you weather the cold tonight without any issues. The South is just not prepared for this kind of weather for sure.

    Laurie, great workout. I keep reading about your weather up there. I am glad you will be warming up a bit. We will warm up on Thursday, but we are supposed to be back in single digits for lows on Friday and Saturday. I won’t be surprised if our plants don’t survive this (again), but at least we tried. I bet that was a scary situation for your co-worker. I am so glad people stopped to help him. I wouldn’t be able to promise the same courtesy would have happened in Florida. :#B) Last night’s chili was a white chicken chili and so good. Tonight we are doing the more traditional tomato-based spicy chili. DH is so excited. He even asked me first thing this morning if I was still planning on chili. :) It has been nice to have these comfort foods again for sure.

    See you tomorrow.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was a workout that I really enjoyed a lot. I did Michelle B's No Jumping All Standing Cardio. She included ankle weights and wrist weights. I did put on the ankle weights, but used by egg weights for the arm movements. Adding those weights really did make the hr go up higher, so I really burned some calories. Good steady state workout.

    Again we had below zero temps, but in the single digits at -5. Of course having that wind really doesn't help with making it feel warmer. :D

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts! Dang on those cold temps, and of course people having pipes burst. Having some warmer temps around here will help with getting the packed ice off the roads. Not fun going down the road and all of a sudden hitting those ice patches. Maybe I will have DH get the items for some chili. I really do want some. :D Now that you mentioned that white chicken chili, I will have to make some soup at some point also. Tis that time of the year after all.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Legs and Rev’d Up Rumble. It was a fun workout today, even the 2.0 workout felt good. :) We are into our third day of being stranded on our little hill. I realized yesterday how quiet it is when there are no cars moving about, even in our quiet neighborhood. I am really hoping they get the road open tomorrow or Friday so we can resupply, but there are so many major roads closed, I can’t imagine a road up to a purely residential area is going to take priority. A few of DHs co-workers are now losing power due to the strain on the electrical grid, so that is a little concerning as well.

    Thelma, I hope your not posting is not a sign of how badly the freeze hit you. I hope you are warm and well.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. Anything ‘no jumping’ anymore sounds good to me. I hope you warm up soon. Those temperatures are no fun at all. DH and I were talking about making soup last night. I am not a soup person and have never made soup, but this year may be the year I change my mind. :) Of course, next week when the lows are in the 50s, I might be thinking about salads more than soups again. B)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies! Sorry i didn't post the other night, but MFP logged me out and I don't know my password. I couldn't get to my secure password file because it's in the bedroom and DH was already asleep. I'm still sleeping in the living room.

    It's been brutally cold here and we almost ran out of propane on Tuesday. We were down to 5%. Our gas company couldn't keep up with the demand because they only have so many trucks. They had to get help from other regions. Our delivery request was finally escalated on Tuesday morning and we got our gas tank filled. We have a dual fuel furnace, but the electric part isn't efficient when temps are below 35°.
    It was 7° Wednesday morning.
    We got a little dusting of snow on Tuesday. A lot of people here had frozen pipes. I had some faucets dripping even though none of our faucets are on external walls.

    I got a big scare with my arm on Monday night. I had the sling on, so hopefully I didn't undo anything. It was another auto reflex moment. I tried to catch one of the cats to put a sweater on him, and he tried to escape. I reached out with both arms toward my left and I felt a pull on the bicep. It throbbed all day long on Tuesday. I iced it a lot. My PT doesn't think I've undone anything as there's no swelling, bruising and my bicep is not sitting at the bottom of my upper arm like it does when it comes detached. I felt MUCH better on Wednesday. I also discovered that the sling's shoulder strap was twisted. I believe this contributed to my discomfort on Tuesday because I felt that my bicep was flexed all day long becausethe strap was shorter. All of a sudden I'm twisting the strap when I put it on. I finally asked DH to adjust it for me and he saw the twisted strap.
    I am terrified of going off the sling, but my arm feels a lot better without it.

    My workout on Tuesday was just walking.
    Wednesday walking and legs. I've been taking it easy just in case.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm so glad you're enjoying your rebounder so much!

    I hope it warms up for you guys soon! We're going back to normal temps next week.
    OMG with your co-worker going in the ditch!! How scary!

    How is Rocket doing with that wax on his paws?

    Laurel, great workouts!

    You did get hit much harder than we did! I am not looking forward to the next arctic air hit!
    I really hope your plants are sufficiently protected to survive this cold weather.

    I hope Thursday warms up enough to melt the ice on the roads.
    It's unfortunate that people had their pipes burst!
    Our chickens have been safe on the guest room inside their dog crate. Today they'd had enough and were screaming downstairs. We laughed because we imagined them screaming something like get us the heck out of here!

    I love soups! You should have soup and salad night, so you both get what you like!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was a simple workout with Michelle, it was Slim Inner Thighs. She used ankle weights and mini ball. This one was short and sweat, just perfect for today. Again Rocket wouldn't go out, so I had to give him an early walk. I could get used to this walking before my workout. :D I think that Rocket likes it also.

    I have all the items I need for chili, so that is what we will be having tonight. That's if DH doesn't have somewhere to go. Yesterday he had to go to the oldest dd's and help with a speaker project. He was able to get some grandpa loving. So funny how DH enjoys that little guy.

    Laurel, Great job with the workout! I like how you said that the 2.0 workout even felt good. Dang on the road conditions. Our neighborhood roads where finally plowed wider. So much better to see since they pushed a lot of the snowbanks down. Hope you don't lose power. Temps are going to be in the 30's next week, that should help clear up some of the bad ice ruts on the roads. I think that you should do the soup and salad like Thelma said. I have always wanted to make the Toscana soup like Olive Garden, and have the salad too. Love that combo, and of course the bread sticks.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workout! Hope that all goes well with the bicep. I'm sure that as it feels better and better, it is hard to not move it. We have not received the Mushers was yet, suppose to get it today. DH is going to try to snow blow a space in our back yard, so Rocket has a place to go to. This morning he walked outside and turned around.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Back, Standing Abs Metabolic, and a 30 minute spin. Our road is still not open, and we are under another winter weather advisory for rain/ice later today with an arctic air push coming in tomorrow. We are above freezing today but since it is cloudy and the ground is so cold, they are suggesting not much clearing is going to get done. Some of the people up here on the hill are getting a little anxious about things like groceries and planned trips and such. I am really hoping they can do something to clear the road today because I think if they don’t, it may be next week. Thankfully we are still stocked with groceries with our bigger concern being that DH is supposed to leave on a work trip on Sunday. But what can you do?

    Thelma, yikes on the arm! I am so glad you felt better yesterday and your PT has looked at it. That must have been pretty scary. I am glad you took it easy with the workouts just in case. I am glad you were able to get some propane delivered. On Tuesday when our wind chills were below zero, both DH and I were up and down all night turning on the faucets to make sure our hot water device didn’t freeze like it did last year. This has not been the most enjoyable week. :) But we are warm and dry and well supplied, so it could be worse.

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. I don’t blame Rocket for not wanting to go out into those cold temperatures. Our temperatures are going to sore into the 60s next week which will probably feel downright hot. :D Thanks for the soup and salad recommendation. Now I am craving Olive Garden bread sticks. :p;) Hope you are able to make your chili.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm happy to report that my arm feels normal again. My workouts on Thursday were walking and a Gina B cardio workout.
    We are bracing for the next hit of arctic air. DH did our food shopping on Thursday morning.
    After three weeks DH felt it was safe to leave me alone at home for a couple of hours and went out to play pickleball. He finally allowed me to shower unsupervised too. I still need help washing/drying my left arm. I'm pretty self-sufficient, which makes me happy.

    Laurie, great workout!
    I'm glad your roads were finally plowed properly. Who could blame Rocket for not wanting to go out in that with your weather! Our smaller Chihuahua doesn't like the cold. He does his business and runs back to the house. The boys don't go far when the weather is nasty. I was going to suggest plow an area in your yard for Rocket to use for quick potty breaks.

    Awwww! How sweet of your DH loving your grand baby so much. ❤️

    Laurel, great workouts! I hope your road was cleared. I can understand people getting anxious about groceries and stuff. We are always well stocked with groceries too.

    I can't believe you were up all night turning on the faucets! Could you let the faucets drip/trickle? It really sounds like a very stressful week for both of you. I'm so glad your DH is there with you this week. Things could definitely be worse.

    These little garlic knots are pretty good and you could shape them into sticks.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm so glad that it is Friday! Today's temp is above zero, but it feels colder because of the wind. DH was able to get a small pathway, and this morning Rocket ventured outside. :D So DH was with us on our walk, after my workout was finished. I did make my chili last night, and it was so good. For DH the most popular part was the biscuits. :D

    My workout from Michelle was Pilates. I really like this one, she put pilates moves with stretching.

    Laurel, Awesome job with those workouts! I can't imagine not being able to get out and about, but I'm sure that it is hard for some areas to handle this type of weather. Crazy how those temps swing from freezing to in the 60's. We usually go out on Friday's, and I asked DH if we where going out. He indicated that his best friend wants to go out with us, and he wants a fish fry. We will see if that's what I want by the end of the day.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts! So glad to hear that your arm feels okay. Rocket didn't stay outside very long this morning, he didn't have his booties on. I'm just glad that he is venturing out by himself, and we don't have to bundle up and take him out. For some reason, Rocket needs to be way out by our road. He even went further than what DH was able to snow blow. Of course with this wind it's starting to drift also.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Triceps, Cathe’s live class from yesterday which was Low Impact HiiT with Active Recoveries, and some yin yoga focused on the hips. The Live class was really interesting because it was one HiiT drill followed by a move like many of those in the 2.0 Active Recovery workout. So it felt a lot like a cardio and core workout, which means I loved it.

    We are still iced in. :| They tried to grate the hill yesterday but couldn’t get up it, so, of course, they couldn’t open the road. We got rain last night which made things slushy (and I know some of our neighbors took that as an opportunity to run to the grocery store), but then it froze over so the roads throughout the city were even worse this morning. But we are sitting right at freezing with some sunshine, so the street in front of our house is looking good. We won’t venture out to the store until the road is officially open, but DH is going to put the snow tires we have from Alaska on my Subaru tomorrow and will leave home on Sunday very early in hopes he can get down the hill (open or not) while everybody else is sleeping to make his work trip Sunday afternoon. Frankly, while I understand Alabama is not prepared for this kind of weather, this is getting ridiculous. But, again, we have plenty of food and are safe and warm, so all is well for us…especially since we are expecting below zero wind chills again tonight. :/

    Thelma, great workout. I am so glad your arm is feeling back to normal and your DH felt comfortable enough to leave you on your own. You are making great progress. We have a tankless water heater, so if we leave the faucets running, the heater is constantly running and using a ton of electricity which we are supposed to be conserving. Of course, now they are telling people not to run their faucets because we are running out of water. :o So it has been quite a week for northern Alabama for sure. I hope you don’t have any problems with the cold weather this weekend. At least there are warmer temperatures on the other side. And thank you for the recipe!!!

    Laurie, great workout. Pilates and stretching are a great combo. I am glad you have warmed up a bit even if it doesn’t quite feel like it. There was always a debate between Air Force people on which was colder….where we were at in Alaska or a base in North Dakota. And while Alaska had colder temperatures, you couldn’t pay me enough to live in North Dakota because of that wind. Just… So hopefully your wind doesn’t stick around too long. I’m glad you were able to make your chili…and your DH enjoyed the biscuits. :)

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,559 Member
    Hi ladies! I hope you had a good weekend. We survived the arctic air! We are expected to get a lot of rain in the middle of the week. We need a lot of rain, but I hope it won't flood the area again.

    I had a bit of a miserable weekend. My shoulder throbbed all day Friday after PT. I had been told this could happen. I was hooked up to the ice machine all day. I suppose I should've taken a pain med. Saturday my back was killing me. My back and elbow can't take the sling anymore. I've been spending a lot of sedentary time off the sling because I feel better this way.
    I can't wait to see the doctor on Tuesday!

    My workouts on Friday were walking and Gina B Low Impact Cardio.
    Saturday - walking and lots of stretching.
    Sunday - walking and Tracy Steen Brutal Lower Body and Cardio. Great Lower Body workout! It had 3 circuits repeated 3X ea.

    Laurie, great workout!
    I am glad you DH was able to get a pathway for Rocket and that you made your yummy chili and biscuits!

    Laurel, great workouts! The live class sounds really good!

    I hope your DH was able to get out of your neighborhood safely to go on his business trip. Our high on Sunday was 40 and it was sunny. We didn't get any rain. There were a few flurries, but that was it precipitation wise.

    I didn't realize you had a tankless water heater! We were asked to conserve electricity for one day.

    Have great week!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,459 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had some cold temps this weekend, but this morning it was in the 20's and sleeting. The drive in was fine, but very slow. Had a enjoyable weekend, even though it was packed at Costco on Saturday. With all the snow the parking lot, it survival of the fittest. :D

    This morning's workout was Heather Robertson's current 12 week program. This one is her 4th version, so she refers to it as HR12 Week 4.0, and I did the Arm Strength Workout this morning. It was biceps, triceps and shoulders. I used heavy weights.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! I know how much you enjoy those cardio core workouts. I hope that your DH was able to get on his flight. I agree with you on the condition of the roads. That is a long time to expect people to be unable to use the roads. Sorry to hear that your area is dealing with such conditions. Up here it is normal, but there it can be a horrible experience for some. With hardly any trees in North Dakota, that wind just blows and blows. We at least have trees to block, but it was still pretty chilly this weekend. Then this morning I hear pellets hitting the window. We just get every type of weather this month. :D

    Thelma, Love all the workouts! Glad to hear that you survived the artic air. Dang on the pain you had to go through after your PT session. Hope all goes well with your doctors appointment. We did put some of that Mushers secret on Rockets paws. It seems to be working, he is starting to venture farther and farther out to the ditch. We still have been putting the booties on him for his walks though.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,815 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. We did because we were finally set free to leave the hill on Friday afternoon. :) Because we were expecting possible snow on Friday night and then single digit temperatures, we decided to go to the grocery store for a few things. It was a bit crazy but better stocked than I thought it would be. We ran a few more errands on Saturday with no problem. Our backyard is still a solid sheet of ice (DH stepped into it on Friday and slid all the way to the bottom of the slope standing on his feet :o ), and schools are still closed, but DH was able to make it to his flight without any problems. It is starting to warm up today and we are expected to get 2-4 inches of rain this week. I really hope we get lots of rain but no flooding. :)

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a 30 minute low impact spin and 45 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was 2.0 Body Part Shoulders with Bonus premix and Drill Max Cardio and Leg Blast premix. Today was 2.0 Body Part Biceps with Bonus premix, a 45 minute spin and 20 minutes of Peloton Pilates.

    Thelma, great workouts! But I’m sorry your arm and back are bothering you so much. Hopefully your doctor’s appointment will go well and you can get out of your sling more to give your elbow and back some relief. I am glad the cold weather didn’t impact you too much. I hope that is all the arctic air we see this year to be honest.

    Laurie, great workout. Sounds like your weather is being difficult up there. I would prefer snow to sleet, to be honest. Honestly, I don’t think I really appreciated how much ice fell last week until DH decided to try to clear off the driveway in case they opened the hill. Even with the sun beating on it, it took him hours to break it all up. It was during that same task that he realized our backyard had turned into a downhill ice skating rink. Not good. So I have a bit more understanding why it is taking so long to get the roads clear, but at the same time….not really. Huntsville has had hills and ice forever, so the city really should know that more roads and more people require more equipment and yet…… :#

    See you tomorrow.
