Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi Ladies, my back has been killing me. I think it all started when I started sleeping back on our bed over the weekend. I can't get my upper back to relax no matter how much I massage or move.
    I'm 5 weeks post op and my PT told me that I am exactly where I need to be as he took my arm into an overhead raise while I was lying down. It did hurt a little and it was also scary.
    I've also been feeling a lot of tightness around the shoulder and bicep areas, which give me this sensation that a rubber band has been stretched to the max, then snaps back. I'm getting a sharp shooting pain in my bicep and one shoulder incision areas. I've iced a lot today.

    I'm more uncomfortable now than I was right after the surgery.

    My workouts on Wednesday were walking, GinaB Sweat, Dance & Tone Latin Style and abs.

    Laurie, I love the sound of that workout! Great job!

    I love the dance workouts!
    I hope some of that snow melted over the weekend!

    Laurel, great workouts and congratulations on your MFP 15th anniversary! Good for you for choosing to exercise!

    I am definitely seeing small improvements with my shoulder.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout this morning was Back + Biceps + Abs with Michelle. Again I went heavy, so I'm feeling it. I'm looking forward to stretching tomorrow. Can't believe that I said that. :D

    Laurel, I had to chuckle about the chocolate cake, great job with your workouts! Congrats on the anniversary, guess I will have to look at mine to see when I started on MFP. This time of the year is so hard to get through, so I'm sure that you will have an awesome time with your new rotation. I can say that I'm really enjoying Michelle's workouts. She keeps them in a good timeframe for me, and usually gets in 3-4 sets. Now she does have a 55 min. leg workout next week, so I will have to get up earlier for that one. :/ I think that split sets makes the time go by faster. She also likes to do compound moves to get the hr up.

    Thelma, I'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering from back pain. I was wondering if there was something happening, because you where not doing your usual posting. Nice job with those workouts! I'd be encouraged that the PT is liking your progress. Unfortunately you probably will have good and bad days with pain, so hoping that you have a better day today.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Back with bonuses, Cathe Live Cardio Kickboxing, Low Impact HiiT and Core, and 10 minutes of hip focused yoga.

    Thelma, great workouts. But I am sorry to hear about the increasing pain. Did you talk to your PT about that rubber band effect? I would think there is some pain that will come from the changes you are taking your body through (like sleeping back in the bed), but that ‘snapping’ sensation sounds not so great. Hopefully it is nothing, but if I were you, I would ask about it just to be sure. No doubt this is frustrating for you so long removed from the surgery. The upper back, for me, is the worst place to try to alleviate tightness. I hope it eases up on you soon.

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. This is a hard time of year to find motivation, and this year seems particularly hard for me. I do think a tough, focused rotation will help me get through these winter doldrums I seem to be experiencing at the moment and at least make me feel like I pushed myself in one area of my life. Maybe I need to craft up a spring cleaning rotation? :D Because, boy, do I need to focus on that more. :#

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi Ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking X2 and Tracy Steen No Repeat Legs and Abs.

    I believe I've figured out the cause of my upper back issues. It was recommended to me by my surgeon's nurse to use racer back bras during my recovery. I bought two different styles. One has thin straps, and it crisscrosses in between the shoulder blades. I think this is the issue. The other bra is more of a sporty bra with a wider back. I normally wear regular bras with wide straps.
    I had a pretty good day, and my upper back didn't bother me. I didn't feel the pulling sensation I've been feeling either. My PT thinks the pulling is due to tightness. He said the bicep incision area is tight. I've been massaging my incisions every chance I get, and I believe that has helped.

    I checked my MFP start date and it was 1/1/2014. I've been a member of MFP and this group for 10 years! I can't believe I've been with both of you for so long!

    Laurie, great workout and congrats for going heavy! I can't believe you're looking forward to stretching! I'm proud of you!!

    I was definitely going with short responses because I was so uncomfortable and worried because of my back.
    It is really encouraging to have the PT tell me that I'm making good progress. I think there will definitely be good and bad days.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I was telling DH that I've gone through a lot of changes in less than a week, such as getting off the sling, sleeping back in bed.
    The snapping sensation is freaky. I am happy it didn't happen on Thursday.
    I am convinced that the bra is the cause of my back problems. My brain kept telling me to take the bra off on Wednesday and I wore it all day!

    Our chances of rain for the weekend have been reduced. I hope the chances go up. We are still in moderate drought conditions, but it's no longer the entire county. A small part of the county is abnormally dry.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's stretch was awesome! She used a yoga band, which is something that I don't have. I used my lowest weight tubing, and I think that worked just fine. I loved every part of this routine with Michelle, which was Full Body Mobility. By the time I was finished, I could really feel a difference so I'm guessing that is why I loved it so much.

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts! Oh yes the spring cleaning rotation is going to be on my things to do. :D Have you been experiencing sun or overcast like we are. That is one of the things that I really don't enjoy about winter around here. I'm sure that you remember that from being up in Alaska, but there it was just dark. ;) We had at least one day this week that was sunny. One would think we live in Seattle without the rain. :D Just makes for little motivation.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts! So happy to hear that you have pinpointed the reason for your upper back pain. Your PT is awesome, and so glad that you are getting the feedback that you need to move forward. Yep keep rubbing those surgery scars, just makes it so much better in the future.

    Have a great weekend,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Triceps with Bonuses and a tough 45 minute spin. It was a good way to end the week’s workouts and my One Body Part rotation, which just flew by. It’s hard to believe I started that rotation in November. :o

    Thelma, great workouts. I am so happy to hear you didn’t experience that snapping feeling with your arm yesterday. Massaging that bicep must be working. I am also happy to hear your upper back is doing better. No doubt your bra could have been putting pressure in areas not used to it. We, too, are still in a drought condition, but just barely which is nice. I am still hoping for rain on Sunday but, like you, the chances keep going down. I’m hoping for a very wet spring. Happy 10th Anniversary on MFP! It is amazing how quickly time flies.

    Laurie, sounds like a fantastic workout. What a great way to end the week. Our weather has been so mixed this year, but I think my malaise comes in part because since before Christmas, my daily routine has just been all over the place. DH was gone on travel, then home for nearly three weeks on leave, then I got sick, then DH was gone, then he was home because we were frozen in, then DH was gone…..I just don’t feel like I have any normal rhythm. Add to that the darkness (which has been driving me crazy this year) and that we learned a month ago today that my sister, who is exactly Thelma’s age (date and year) has breast cancer….and I am just kind of a mess. But spring is coming, and I am hoping a good, tough rotation will help. Regarding my sister, they caught the cancer early, so a fully recovery is expected. But it is just shattering to see her going through this.

    Anyhow, enough of that. Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi Ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was good and very busy. We adopted a little dog, and she is a bit of a special needs dog. She was hit by a car on 12/31 and she walks a little wobbly. She is 10-12 years old and is a total sweetie. Vets think that there was a problem with her legs prior to the accident. We have two high steps at the front door, which were challenging for her, so DH built her a ramp. Much better! Everyone accepted her right away! Anyways, we've been busy with little Gigi.

    The rain we were supposed to get never came, which was disappointing because we're almost out of drought conditions.

    Saturday was a rough shoulder day. My shoulder was a little angry from Friday's PT and got angrier on Saturday. My right shoulder blade was not happy either. On Saturday night while in bed trying to get the shoulder comfortable, it hit me that the very flat pillow I use wasn't letting my shoulder lay flat. The PT had told me to lie flat for the shoulder to drop, but I thought the low pillow was OK. It wasn't! Once I ditched the pillow I got better!! No pillow for me!

    My workouts on Friday were walking and standing abs.
    Saturday Walking and Tracy Steen Lower Body Build and Burn. The leg workout was a great one. I wish I'd been able to hold weights on both sides!

    I had another victory with my shoulder on Sunday. I was able to wash my hair unassisted! Yaaay! I had to do a shallow squat and bring my head to my hands as much as possible, but I did it. It was a booty workout too!

    I had a new PT (to me) on Friday, and he massaged my shoulder like there was no tomorrow. It hurt, but he really got into the incisions. he told me that I was entering the dangerous period where people hurt themselves because they're feeling good and strong. I can see why that happens because I feel good and a little strong, but the range of motion isn't all there. I am being very cautious. He said the pull/snapping feeling is normal because things are tight in there. He said I should feel that less and less going forward, so far, so good.

    Laurie, great workout!! Is a yoga band a long strap with loops? If so, I've had one of those for years, and it's awesome for stretching.

    I am so glad I've been able to figure out what was bugging my back too!

    Laurel, great workouts!!! I can't believe you finished your latest rotation already!! Congratulations! I can't wait to read about your next creation!!!

    Massaging the bicep helps. I was icing a lot over the weekend. My incisions are starting to flatten out. I have 3 little incisions and they were pretty raised but kneading them hard is making them flat. The large incision at the armpit crease is another story. I am digging into that thing, so hopefully it will soften up. I'm using vitamin E and cocoa butter on my incisions because people say it helps fade the incisions. I think it might be helping. I'm still in the healing process, but I think they will fade away, just like my belly incisions did.

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a nice quiet weekend. Found out that DH's niece will be having a baby, so that means I have to get busy on a quilt. :D Now that is something that I don't mine a bit. We really didn't warm up as much as they indicated we would. It was nice out for walking, with a slight breeze.

    My workout this morning was Michelle B's Low Impact All Stranding Cardio. This one really got me in the core area, and of course it did make the hr go up. Good workout.

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up the body part rotation, so now it is on to your new rotation? I'm so sorry to hear that your sister has been dealing with breast cancer. So glad to hear that she will be fine, but I know how hard that is to go through. My mom had to deal with that a while ago. Usually the darkness doesn't bother me, but like you it really has been annoying. Have fun with your new tough rotation! ;)

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Gigi sounds like a great girl, and I'm glad to hear that your other pups and cats accepted her. You and your DH are so good to adopt older dogs, and I'm sure that she will enjoy playing with the boys. Nice that you where able to find the solution to your shoulder while sleeping. I use a flat pillow, just because I was feeling a kink in my neck. Glad that the PT gave you such a great massage.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Saturday was a beautiful day here so we got outside and started our winter clean up on the yard. It felt so nice to be outside working in the sunshine for a little while. Then we ran a ton of errands. Yesterday was a very cool and rainy day so aside from a couple of errands, we spent the day at home where DH worked on a puzzle and I baked some goodies to send to my sister in Colorado.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did Jessica Smith’s Cardio HiiT from the Walk Strong 3 series and 45 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was a 60 minute spin followed by 30 minutes of Peloton Pilates. And today was STS Meso 2 Disc 13/Chest, Shoulders and Triceps followed by Cathe Live Cross Fire Quick Fix Plus Core. The STS workout felt great. I might just end up really enjoying this rotation. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. I am sorry you had an uncomfortable shoulder weekend, but hopefully now that you have figured out the pillow issue, it will feel a little better. I am glad they are massaging the area and that the PT confirmed that snapping feeling is normal. Yay on the new pup!! Lucky Gigi has definitely found her way to a loving home. I am glad she is getting along with your other animals. Like Laurie said, you and your DH are just wonderful in adopting these pups. I am really surprised you didn’t get any rain, though. We had a nice, gentle rain for hours yesterday. And today is sunshine again so I am hoping spring starts doing its thing. :)

    Laurie, great workout. And yay for another baby in the family. My sister has been through a number of biopsies over the years so she always said it was not a matter of if but when she got breast cancer. But she was vigilant in her mammogram appointments, and that is how this was discovered. But cancer just isn’t an easy thing to go through ever. Having three out of the last four days being sunny and warm-ish (for this time of year) has done wonders for my mood. I am surprised how much this winter has gotten under my skin.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking and Tracy Steen Low Impact Cardio and Standing Abs.

    Next week will be my last week of PT 3 times a week, then PT will be twice a week for a while. I believe that toward the end of March we'll start working on strength. I can just see them giving me a 1 lb. dumbbell. I use one now for wrist exercises. My regular PT is off this week and his boss is his backup. OMG! This guy's massages are brutal! I'm surprised I don't have bruises all over my shoulder and bicep.

    We had a beautiful Monday. It was sunny and warm. Our weather guy says that we'll get hit with more cold weather though.

    You won't believe this! Remember that we almost ran out of propane last month and we finally got propane? The propane truck showed up on Monday and filled our tank again! By the time I realized what was going on and went outside, the guy had filled the tank. He told me that we were on his route for Monday. Someone forgot to update their system. God only knows how they keep their records.

    Thank you both for your nice comments about Gigi. Our local rescues post all adoptions on FB, so a lot of the people who know us said that Gigi had won the lottery. LOL. I made an appointment with our vet to have her checked. The dynamics around the house with the dogs have changed a little bit, but are starting to normalize again, which is nice. Gigi is learning the routines we have for the dogs and is using her new ramp.

    DH told one of his pickleball buddies that we adopted a female dog. He told the guy the name I chose for her and asked him not to tell anyone about it! LOL.

    Laurie, congratulations on the new baby! I can't wait to hear all about the quilt you'll make for the baby.

    Great workouts! I am going to have to check out some of Michelle's workouts. I just saw that she has standing ab workouts, which is what I can do now. I wish I could do rebounder workouts, but I'm not allowed to jump.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you enjoyed your weekend. Were you able to see if your plants are OK?

    I am so sorry about your sister's breast cancer. Thank God it was caught early and is expected to fully recover! I am sure it is tough to see her going through all that. I'm sure she'll enjoy the goodies you baked for her. I can't believe she is my age, and we share the same bdate and year! I'm sure you've mentioned this before, but I don't remember about it.

    I'm sorry that you're going through a tough time with everything that's been going on between the crazy weather, your DH traveling so much and your sister dealing with cancer. That's a lot to deal with! No wonder you're having a hard time! Spring is just around the corner, so hopefully that will help.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well the first thing that I want to talk about is the new workout series that Cathe posted about. I'm all in on this Lite Move & Restore. I was thinking that I probably wouldn't be able to order some of her series anymore, it they where to high intensity. Guess I was WRONG, and I'm happy about it. I hope that she has some really good rotations with other series.

    I made a quilted door hanger for Valentine's day. It turned out so cute.

    My workout this morning was Michelle's No Jumping Sculpt & Tone. Used 3 and 5 lb weights, and she went through three different segments. She used songs to start and end the round, so the first part was sculpting, then core/abs, and at the end was floor legs work. So with each song change, she did different moves, and repeated those moves until the end of the song. I found if fun.

    Laurel, Great job with all those workouts! Your weekend sounds awesome. Can't believe that you will be heading outside to do cleanup of the yard already. We are still waiting for the snow to drop again. Of course it will not be this week, since we will be having some temps in the 50's. Glad to hear that your mood is so much better this week. I'm sure getting be outside helps a lot. We had some sunshine yesterday when I left work, but this morning was foggy again. I need to make my mamo appointment. :)

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Good news on the progress, and maybe getting to lift some weight. Dang on the massage being so brutal. I always feel like massages are brutal, probably because I don't get them very often. You are getting them all the time for these PT sessions. It's always fun to find a pattern for a quilt. There are so many, and I have so little time. :D I think that you would enjoy some of Michelle's workouts, I really enjoy watching some of the background people. I don't feel bad when I'm not doing something right, because some of them are not either. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS Disc 14/Legs and a 45 minute spin. I was really excited to read about Cathe’s new program yesterday. I was ready to hit the ‘pre-order’ button right away. If these workouts are like some of her more recent Live workouts, they will be effective but completely tolerable. I am so glad she is doing something like this right now.

    Thelma, great workout. I am sorry about the painful massage though. Most of our plants seem to have made it through the freeze but some are definitely doing better than others. We’ll see as spring progresses. We are already seeing growth on some plants so it shouldn’t be too long before we know what survived this year. I think spring will definitely help my mood. :)

    Laurie, sounds like a great workout. And I echo everything you said about the new series. I have been looking over all my Cathe DVDs and wondering if it is time to start getting rid of some of them because I am not sure I will ever do some of them again. So a new series of doable workouts may finally push me into cleaning up my DVD collection. Spring does come early in these parts. In fact both Home Depot and Lowe’s are already set up for their spring mulch and soil sales, which should be happening in about a month. We really can’t plant everything until May 1, but there is a lot that can be done before that. :) Makes me happy.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi Ladies, since my brutal bicep massage on Monday I've been getting the stabbing pain and I hate it! I had PT on Tuesday afternoon with a different PT, and she kept it gentle. She gave me an ice cube massage! I'd never heard of such thing, but it felt sooo yummy! She held an ice cube with a washcloth and rubbed it gently on my skin. I can't tell you how amazing that felt. All I know is that I said, if I were a cat I'd be purring right now! She laughed. It really was able to target the particular area I was feeling the stabbing sensation in. The PT told me it's part of the healing process of the bicep repair.
    On Thursday I'll be 6 weeks post-op, which means I'll be in the next therapy phase. I will be doing assisted passive movements, meaning I'll be able to assist myself in moving my arm. Next week is also my last week of PT 3X a week. Thank God! I'll be going twice a week for a while.

    I don't know why PT leaves me extremely exhausted. You would think I'd just finished one of Cathe's killer workouts! I think it's more the outing that leaves me exhausted, since I've been a hermit for 6 weeks.

    I got two walking sessions in on Tuesday and did a leg finisher.

    I forgot to mention Cathe's new program last night! I love the sounds of it. I think she said the pre-order starts on Wednesday. Like Laurie, I didn't think I'd be buying more of Cathe's programs, but this one sounds like what we've been hoping she'd come up with for a long time. I don't think I'd buy anymore of her strength programs going forward. I have enough workouts and God only knows when I'll be able to lift weights again.

    Laurie, what a beautiful quilt!! Fantastic job!
    Great workout! I love the sound of that workout and I like the fact that she used small weights. I could do that with my left hand.

    I won't be lifting any weights any time soon. I really think when I enter the strength therapy phase, I'll start with a 1lb weight. The 1lb dumbbell I used today is strictly for my wrist. All I move is my wrist while I hold the baby dumbbell. The massage I get at therapy is just to the areas that might be bothering me and it's only for a couple of minutes.

    I would be very distracted by the people who aren't doing the moves right in the workout!
    Is Michelle's last name Briehler?

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I am so glad most of your plants look like they survived the freeze! I really think that spring and gardening are going to help you feel better.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I didn't workout this morning. :o I use my watch to wake me up, but this morning I didn't feel it buzzing. I know that I must have had my arm in a weird position, because I started to have that tingle when I did wake up to DH's alarm. Guess I needed the sleep. We did get our walk in though. :D I'm hitting the order button today! o:)

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I was wondering if she has been experimenting with the live group on some of the workouts that may be in the new series. She has done that in the past if I remember correctly. I have to start purging my workouts also, just wonder if I can do something on-line to sell them. Maybe facebook marketplace would be a start. We have a garden center about 2 miles away from us. We always know when they are ready to start selling. The lot where they have the product starts filling up. This weather has really made things strange around here, because you really do want to get outdoors and do things only to realize that we are not done with winter.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts! Now that massage really does sound interesting. I love how the different PT's are giving you such a variety of experiences. Glad that you will be down to 2 a week, I'm sure that has to take up a large portion of time. Can't believe it has been 6 weeks already, that time sure did fly by, and you are making such good progress. Yes Briehler is Michelle's last name. I find her workouts to be to the point, and very effective. Yesterday's workout her son came into the room to get something by the TV. I watch things like Criminal Minds, and at first I thought it was someone with ill intent. I think I need to limit my viewing of those shows. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was STS Meso 3 Disc 15/Legs, the core work from Body Max 2 and my new favorite workout :) Gloved Up and Sweaty, which felt great on my tired arms and legs.

    Thelma, I love the sound of the ice massage. Hopefully that will calm your bicep down a bit. I have always found going to PT somewhat exhausting, and I don’t quite know why. I think it is a little because I am always a tad anxious about what they are going to try that day. I am glad your sessions are going to be down to two a week going forward. Great workouts!

    Laurie, I forgot to mention your quilt yesterday. :o It’s beautiful. I so admire your creativity. Anyhow, I’m glad you got some extra sleep this morning. Some days that’s what is needed. Cathe doesn’t do too much foreshadowing of her DVDs in Live, but I think I have mentioned that over the last few years she really has migrated to shorter, more functional workouts. She does very little pure cardio anymore, with kickboxing being the primary exception. And she has been adding in much more mat/floor work over the past year than she has ever done. So I think this series is something of a natural migration for her as well, at least as it relates to her teaching if not her personal workouts. I’m hitting that pre-order button today as well. You had me laughing about seeing Michelle’s son in a workout and having a ‘Criminal Minds’ moment. I had one of those a few years back when we were looking at refrigerators, and I saw one labeled ‘2 people’…..and my mind automatically went to ‘it will hold two bodies?’ :D That’s when I realized I read too many crime novels. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    edited February 8
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking X2 and Tracy Steen INNER and OUTER Thigh Workout.

    I preordered Cathe's new program. I can't believe it's going out in the summer!

    The stabbing pain finally stopped! I am worried that I have PT with the same therapist on Friday, though.

    Laurie, your body needed the rest!
    People sell used workout DVDs on eBay, BTW.

    It really is good to learn different techniques from the different PTs. I highly recommend the ice cube massage!

    PT takes a large portion of time and it's exhausting!

    You made me laugh with your suspicious mind about Michelle's son entering the workout room. I used to love watching Criminal Minds. I no longer watch much TV and I used to record all my favorite shows to watch after work and during weekends.

    Laurel, great workouts! Gloved Up and Sweaty is a great workout. I was tempted today to do it, but it would've made me move a little too much.

    The ice cube massage did calm the bicep for a short time. The best part about it is how good it felt! I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds PT exhausting!

    I would've thought exactly the same thing, if I'd seen that label on a refrigerator! LOL

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout was a good one with Michelle, I did Chest & Back. This one was a different timeframe. Her previous ones where 30 sec, this one was 40 with 3 sets vs. 4 sets. This was a tough one, and I went heavy. I have been using the stability ball, and have found that I have to take the weight down a bit vs when I was using the bench. Must be because of the instability. I also hit the buy button yesterday, and was super please that these will be out this summer. ;)

    Laurel, Great workouts! You went for the Meso 3 legs, those where some of the better workouts in that series. I guess that Cathe is experiencing the same thing as she ages too. If I remember correctly she is a year younger than me. One would have to believe that her knees have to be feeling all the years of high impact. Oh that is so funny about the refrigerator. I probably would have thought the same thing. I was looking at my books, and realized that I'm already 2 books behind in my In Death series. That is the series that I just reread and was caught up. She just cranks those books out.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! I think that we will all enjoy these new workouts, and by the time the get here you will be able to do them won't you? She is talking about light weights, so that should be a positive. We will see what option is the best for selling the workouts. I know quite a few people that have had good success with marketplace. DH and I like to watch the older series of shows that we either didn't watch when they aired or want to watch again. When I'm downstairs sewing, I start watching these series. Right now I'm watching NYPD Blues. Never watched it when it came out, but I did watch Hill Street Blues, which had some of the same people in it.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,872 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a tough 60 minute spin followed by Cathe’s Live class from today which I’m Dreaming Core Express. It ended up being 32 minutes long which, to me, isn’t exactly an express core workout :) but she took a lot of breaks in it, so it wasn’t too tough. It was a good combo for today.

    Thelma, great workouts. I think these new Cathe workouts are coming out at the right time for all of us. It sounds like she got a lot of positive feedback on them as well. I don’t watch much TV either minus the odd series we can stream that is widely recommended. I just can’t handle commercial TV anymore. Both DH and I prefer to sit outside, even in the winter, and listen to…..nothing….over TV.

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. I can’t lift as heavy on the ball as I do a bench as well, especially when it comes to chest. I need that solid platform to help me get those heavy weights up for sure. I decided to do a blend of Meso 2 and 3 Leg workouts in this rotation just to shake things up a bit. When we were shopping for refrigerators for our new house in Florida after it was built, I had never shopped for a refrigerator before (since we never owned a home before that) so I had no idea refrigerators were sized not just by cubic feet but the recommended number of people in the house. When I asked DH why it was labeled ‘2 people’ and then told him what I thought it meant, I truly thought he was going to drop to the floor because he was laughing so hard. But I learned something that day. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,620 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking, Caroline Girvan Glutes Workout and Gina B HIIT for Weight Loss.

    Laurie, great workout! You do need to use lower weights when using the stability ball. Cathy mentiones that in some of her workouts.

    I hope that by the time we get Cathe's new workout program, I'll be able to do it even if I can only lift a pound.

    Let me know how you go about selling the DVDs please!

    I just can't get into tv series anymore.

    Laurel, great workouts! I wouldn't consider a 32-minute class express workout either. I think express is what Cathe calls a finisher.

    DH hates commercials. He records everything and watches later. He records shows to watch at a later time and fast forward through the commercials.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,505 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I didn't feel like doing a 55 min. leg workout with Michelle, that's just to long and I didn't get up early enough. :p I pulled out Cathe's Killer Legs, which I really enjoyed. Loved that the workout moved fairly well, and that she used heavy and light weights. I used the same weight as Cathe suggested, even though this was the first time I had done this workout. None of the weights seemed to heavy or to light. I still have the barbell workout to try at some point.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! Don't blame you for not doing the Meso 1 leg workouts. :D I love your story about the refrigerator. I don't think that I ever realized that they had that information on them. Isn't it interesting that we don't enjoy the silly commercials. We don't watch on air stations anymore, just for watching the races. We don't want to watch them anymore, because we grew up with them all our lives. Current generations just watch streaming, and can pay not to watch them. :D Even you tube puts in a skip button.

    Thelma, Great job with those workouts! For sure I will let you know how it goes with selling the DVD's. The last time I did sell some of my workouts, it was to another Cathe fan in my area. She was way younger than me, so she really appreciated it. I'm usually watching series from the 80' and 90's that I never watched before. When I'm sewing I'm usually just listening, because I'm concentrating on what I'm doing. The only other series I like to watch are from books that I have read, like Reacher and Bosch. They only have maybe 10 episodes a year.

    Have an awesome weekend!