Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking, Caroline Girvan Glutes Workout and Gina B HIIT for Weight Loss.

    Laurie, great workout! You do need to use lower weights when using the stability ball. Cathy mentiones that in some of her workouts.

    I hope that by the time we get Cathe's new workout program, I'll be able to do it even if I can only lift a pound.

    Let me know how you go about selling the DVDs please!

    I just can't get into tv series anymore.

    Laurel, great workouts! I wouldn't consider a 32-minute class express workout either. I think express is what Cathe calls a finisher.

    DH hates commercials. He records everything and watches later. He records shows to watch at a later time and fast forward through the commercials.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I didn't feel like doing a 55 min. leg workout with Michelle, that's just to long and I didn't get up early enough. :p I pulled out Cathe's Killer Legs, which I really enjoyed. Loved that the workout moved fairly well, and that she used heavy and light weights. I used the same weight as Cathe suggested, even though this was the first time I had done this workout. None of the weights seemed to heavy or to light. I still have the barbell workout to try at some point.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts! Don't blame you for not doing the Meso 1 leg workouts. :D I love your story about the refrigerator. I don't think that I ever realized that they had that information on them. Isn't it interesting that we don't enjoy the silly commercials. We don't watch on air stations anymore, just for watching the races. We don't want to watch them anymore, because we grew up with them all our lives. Current generations just watch streaming, and can pay not to watch them. :D Even you tube puts in a skip button.

    Thelma, Great job with those workouts! For sure I will let you know how it goes with selling the DVD's. The last time I did sell some of my workouts, it was to another Cathe fan in my area. She was way younger than me, so she really appreciated it. I'm usually watching series from the 80' and 90's that I never watched before. When I'm sewing I'm usually just listening, because I'm concentrating on what I'm doing. The only other series I like to watch are from books that I have read, like Reacher and Bosch. They only have maybe 10 episodes a year.

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Super Sets Total Body followed by Cathe Live Box and Burn. I was kind of dreading the total body workout this morning, but it felt surprisingly good. Doing it in the same week at those STS 1.0 workouts really highlighted the differences between the program, mostly with regard to the rep speed. I think I am sufficiently shocking my body right now because I have been hungry all week. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. DH and I didn’t watch any TV for about five solid months last year (over the summer and into autumn). When we sat down to watch something for the first time, after the first set of commercials I got up and left the room. Just….ridiculous. The ones that annoy me the most are the drug ads, though I couldn’t help but laugh at the drug that is supposed to reduce hot flashes having the side effect of… flashes. So these few football games we watched this year will be it until next year.

    Laurie, great workout. I enjoy that one because it isn’t really ‘killer’ but could be if you wanted it to be. I think it is a good intensity for days when you want a little burn but also want to be able to stand up later in the day. The YouTube ads are kind of silly as well. I have found no rhyme or reason for when they are inserted into content. I can watch something that is 20 minutes long and get commercials and watch something that is 45 minutes long without any. But at least you can skip them.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a good weekend. We didn't get as much rain as originally predicted. On Saturday we got about 1 inch. Sunday was not rainy at all, the rain started late Sunday night.

    My workouts on Friday were walking and legs.
    Saturday - walking.
    Sunday - Walkging and Heather Robertson Hamstrings & Quads.

    Laurie, good job getting the Killer Legs workout done!

    You were lucky to have found someone in your area who wanted to buy your Cathe DVDs. I don't think I'd be able to do something like sewing and listen to a tv show in the background.

    Laurel, great workouts and good job shocking your system!!
    Commercials on regular TV are insane. They last about 10 minutes! We have YouTube streaming now.
    I can't believe the hot flash med causes hot flashes! LOL

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very enjoyable weekend. Spent most of the day on Saturday sewing. Youngest DD came by and visited with me, and she did some ironing of fabric. Sunday was busy with two services at church, one being the new Pastors installation. Lot's of color changes in one day. :D This week is the start of Lent also. I was surprised that DH actually went to two services in one day. That's not something he does normally, but he was helping with the cameras. In between the two services I baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies, and made a pineapple upside down cake for after the installation. We did go to our oldest for the football game also, so of course I had some grandma time. :D

    My workout this morning was Michelle's Shoulders & Thighs. With the pace I was only able to lift 15lbs, but I probably should have done the first set with something slightly heavier and then transitioned down to 15's. Next time.

    Laurel, Sounds like you had a tough workout, but great job getting all that done. Sometimes that hungry feeling is hard to deal with, because it seems no matter what you eat you are still hungry. Glad that your body was truly shocked. That is a very good description of how I felt about the leg workout. I actually loved that I was still able to walk around, but I still felt that my legs go worked. I can never understand how those commercials work on you tube. Some of them stop the video, and some of them go and the video is still playing in the background. I only experience the video playing in the background with my ipad. Maybe that means I should start using my computer for that. ;)

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Did you enjoy the Heather workout? It sometimes is hard to listen to a movie that I have not seen before. I usually opt for something that I have watch many times, like the Christmas Hallmark movies. I don't need to watch those, because I have seen them so often. Some rain is better than nothing, we have not had anything since the snow storm.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was pretty quiet with a blend of chores and errands both days. It was gloomy all day Saturday, but didn’t rain hard until night. Yesterday we had rain again in the afternoon with some pretty good thunder and lightening. And it has been raining all morning here. I am hoping that this will spell the end of our drought here. We’ll see.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a walk with Jessica Smith and 30 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was Cross Fire Extreme premix and Perfect 30 Mobility Basics. And today was 2.0 Lower Body 1 and a 30 minute spin.

    Thelma, great workouts. I’m surprised you didn’t get more rain than that this weekend. Hopefully you will get more soon as I am hoping this is our weather pattern for a little bit. While I miss the sunshine, especially on the weekends, I really didn’t like how dry things got last autumn. Not good.

    Laurie, great workout. Sounds like a nice weekend despite being busy. I am glad you got to spend time with both your DDs and, of course, your grandson. We enjoyed the game yesterday. I didn’t have a preference on which team won which made it all the more enjoyable. But it takes a good game to have me up until 10pm watching football. B):D I have had videos stop on YouTube with my IPad and run in with my iPhone, so I really don’t think there is any rhyme or reason for the ads if yours run on your iPad.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were walking X2, Tracy Steen Standing Abs Hiit. I can always count on Tracy for added lower body work during cardio.

    We got more rain on Monday and the wind was howling Monday night. We're under a wind advisory until Tuesday afternoon.

    I got a new PT exercise on Monday. I'm doing finger crawls up the wall while facing the wall. This is something that PT's have had me do for my shoulders in the past. It's such a simple exercise and today it was the hardest thing ever. It even made me sweat!

    I had two little victories too. I was able to dice onions with my favorite cleaver knife. I love dicing vegetables with this knife because it makes me feel like those chefs on TV. LOL! DH keeps it sharp for me.
    I also was able to raise my arm high enough to hold a mirror so I could apply eye drops. I've been doing my eye drops blindly all this time, so my aim has gotten better.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had an enjoyable weekend and some grandma time!!
    Great workout!

    I do like Heather's workout, and I was feeling it this morning! I like that they're not super long.
    I can see why you can 'watch' tv and sew at the same time, if you've watched the movie multiple times. I used to watch movies and shows multiple times while growing up in El Salvador because there was nothing else on TV, so it was out of necessity. I don't like watching shows multiple times now.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you got some rain too. The drought map I look at gets updated on Thursdays, I hope we'll be out of drought conditions by Thursday.
    It's also turning cold!

    I was surprised we didn't get the rain over the weekend, but we got it on Monday. Our weather guy says we're going to warm up in about 8-10 days, but we're going into a little bit of a dry period too. I don't like these dry periods!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I did Triceps, Biceps and Abs with Michelle. Another good workout, and I was able to go to failure.

    They are saying snow/rain for tomorrow and into Thursday. :/

    Laurel, Looks like some great workouts! Glad to hear that you received some much needed rain. We watched the game until the end of the 4th quarter, but had to leave because it was getting so late. DH and I listened to the game on the radio as we where driving home. It was way more exciting to listen to that series of plays that way. We both had to laugh at how excited the announcer was. This morning I decided to use my lap top for youtube. I didn't have any commercial during the whole workout. Guess that is going to be my way of viewing from now on.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts, and of course getting added leg work with your abs. Love that you are making such great progress. Every little thing makes a big difference. No wonder you don't want to watch the same shows over and over. If I don't put something on that requires me to view it, then I don't get all the sewing done that I want to. But I really do need something in the background, and I don't enjoy listening to music. I like listening to people talk, so podcasts are always good to listen to also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Upper Body 1 and Cathe Live Cardio HiiT Plus Core. Like Thelma, we got hammered with rain and heavy wind yesterday, but it is calmer, cooler and sunny here today. My daffodils are really beginning to grow and some are already blooming down off the hill. Love seeing these signs of spring.

    Thelma, great workout. I remember doing that exercise the last time I dislocated my shoulder. I so understand how simple but brutally hard it is. But it sounds like you are making great progress. We might get more rain Friday into Saturday when it cools down a bit. I really hope we can manage to get rain every few days for the next few months before the heat kicks in.

    Laurie, great workout. But I’m sorry about the snow. No doubt this is the time of year you start thinking ‘Enough!’. I bet it was fun listening to that overtime on the radio. It really was exciting and fun. I love that the last few Super Bowls have been really good games. I read this morning that this year’s game is the most watched program since Apollo 11 and the moon landing. That’s kind of crazy in this day and age. That’s interesting about your laptop and YouTube. I rarely pull out a laptop for streaming, but it may be worth a try.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Gina B Power Walk, CG Glutes.

    I had a breakthrough day with my arm today. I have a long handle comb and I was able to comb my hair using my right hand. I was able to reach my head without leaning forward. I was able to pull my hair up into a ponytail too! That's huge!
    The wall crawling exercise wasn't too hard today. I was able to do 30 wall crawls, but not back-to-back. I treated my PT exercises like a superset to allow the bicep to rest between sets.

    Laurie, good job with that workout!
    Sounds like a messy commute for you, guys! Be careful driving.

    I am really excited about my progress this week. I'm feeling hopeful about getting my full range of motion back.

    It's understandable that you wouldn't get all the sewing you want done if you had to view.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    How wonderful that your daffodils are beginning to grow, and you have some blooming already! I love daffodils!

    Our next chance of showers is next Tuesday, then possible the weekend. I also hope we're able to get rain every few days.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning's workout with Michelle was Standing Cardio Core, this was all low impact.

    Laurel, Love the workouts! Sorry to hear that you got hit with that weather also. Can't believe that you have flowers blooming already. We will have to wait a few months for that yet. I did hear that was the most watched super bowl. I enjoy watching, but as far as the commercials. I think there was only one that I actually laughed at. Everything else was just pretty dull. DH set me up so that I'm able to plug my laptop or ipad into the TV. I'm going to stick with the laptop, I'm not a fan of the commercial interruptions. :D It was just easier to carry the ipad downstairs vs the laptop.

    Thelma, Congrats on more progress! I'm sure that it really does easy your mind to see that your mobility is improving every day. Nice job with those workouts! They are saying that we will have about 1-2 inches tomorrow morning, so I'm hoping that it isn't to slippery.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 60 minute spin followed by 20 minutes of core focused yoga.

    Thelma, great workouts. And yay on the shoulder! I remember being able to pull my hair back after my frozen shoulder as a huge victory…..even if my ponytail was a bit on the side of my head. :D But it worked! Sounds like you are making huge progress now.

    Laurie, great workout. I love standing core workouts. Hope your snow isn’t too bad. I wasn’t much impressed by the Super Bowl ads this year either. Too many celebrities, not enough creativity. But sometimes when they do get too creative, I can’t figure out what they are trying to advertise. :) But the era of watching the Super Bowl for ads grew during the time DH and I were living overseas so it has never made much sense to us. I remember when we moved back the first time after being gone over nine years, everybody was talking about Britney Spears and her Pepsi Ad. And both DH and I were like ‘Who’s Britney Spears?’ Boy we had some serious culture shock going on. :D

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were walking X2 and Gina B 60's power walk.

    PT was brutal! The PT worked on stretching my arm and it was painful. I got a new exercise. It's a bench press into a pullover using a stick. The press part was easy. The pullover was more of a challenge, but I was able to go pretty far back. The PT said I was doing great. DH walked into the PT area when I was in the middle of doing the pullover. I saw a big smile on his face and he said Wow! That's pretty good!

    The chances of rain we had for next week have evaporated. I am not happy about this.

    Laurie, Sounds like a great workout! Good job!

    Thanks Laurie, I am really happy with my progress. I don't think I'd be this far along if I didn't exercise.
    I hope your roads are not slippery in the morning!

    Laurel, great workout!

    I tried doing a ponytail last week and it was a sideways ponytail too! LOL
    This week has been huge on progress and I'm excited about it.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Full Body Barre was my workout with Michelle this morning. She incorporated light weights in this using 3 and 5lb weights. She started with standing work, then plank, and then floor. Nice change of pace.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! That really does sound like a true culture shock! Sometimes I would love to have that type of situation. It seems that we are way to informed on things that are not important to my life. I have stopped paying attention to anything Hollywood or even singers for that matter. It has been a really long time since DH and I went to a movie. We listen to our "classic" stations when in the car. :D Some of the performers in the half time show, I didn't even know. :D Our snow wasn't to bad, but it was slushy so slippery when turning corners.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! So glad to hear that you had even more progress. Like I told Laurel, the roads where not to bad. Of course our subdivision wasn't even touch. Guess that is going to be how it is for the rest of this winter season. My hair isn't long enough for a pony tail. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Lower Body 2 and LITE Rev’d Up Rumble, which felt great after some tough cardio workouts this week.

    Thelma, great workouts. And yay for the pullover!! That is really awesome. I am really glad to hear you are making such good progress. Our rain chances have dried up as well, but the temperature is going to drop like a stone between tomorrow and Saturday. Thankfully it will be a short-lived cold spell, but I really would like a nice weather weekend for a change. B)

    Laurie, great workout. I really should try to bring back some barre in my routine because it is so good. I am glad the roads (outside of your neighborhood) weren’t too bad. I am with you on disengaging from all things Hollywood or just the ridiculousness of popular culture. I just don’t get it, which ages me, but I am fine with being aged in this area. That people are popular for being ‘influencers’ on the internet is just beyond me. The only time I notice how out of touch I am is when I am trying to do a crossword puzzle and the clue is something like ‘____ who starred in a viral TikTok video for dog food’. I just move along. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    edited February 16
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking X2, Yoga for Flexibility and Caroline Girvan Quads. The yoga workout was on the floor and more of a lower body stretch. It felt good to do it.

    Laurie, nice workout!! I'm glad the snow wasn't too bad. That slushy stuff is nasty, though. I meant to ask about the snow removal in your subdivision. Sorry things haven't improved. Maybe if enough people complain things will change.
    I actually had to do one ponytail on top of my head and one in the back because my hair is shorter in the back.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I am very happy about my progress too. I am having to be very careful because it's too easy/natural now to want to pick up things heavier than 1 lb.

    We're out of the drought state! We're abnormally dry as of 2/13. We're going to have a short cold spell too. We have chances of rain next Thursday now.

    Our weather guy posted some maps of the summer outlook. He said it would be warmer than normal! Yikes! The rain could go either way. I hope it will be rainy and not dry again. I dread having to worry about forest fires again.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Upper Body 2 and a fun 45 minute spin.

    Thelma, great workouts! We are out of the drought as well, though still abnormally dry like you. But I will take it. I haven’t seen the long range forecast yet. I’m okay with hot, but I really want the rain. Fingers crossed we get it, but not in the form of the violent storms we had last year. I can understand why your PT cautioned you that now is the time people get injured because it would be really hard not to lift something that light. Boy, you must have to think about everything before you lift anything. You are being amazingly patient and disciplined!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,555 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. We had a nice weekend.

    We had a nice surprise on Friday night, it rained! The last time I checked the forecast didn't show chances of rain, but somehow there were 53% chances of rain! It got very windy too.
    The chances of rain have disappeared from the forecast again. We were under high fire conditions warning on Sunday.

    I had another painful PT session, but the PT is really getting my range of motion to further each time. He pretty much had me at 180 degrees while lying down on a massage table. It was slightly less painful than Wednesday's session. I got two new exercises too. He told me that I am about two weeks ahead of what most people would be at this stage in the rehab process. I asked him if it was because I was on the sling for four weeks vs. six weeks, or because I exercised and did some shoulder PT before the surgery. He said the fact that I exercised and did some prehab helped tremendously. It's quite different when people are not used to exercising because they don't have the strength or flexibility. It was a 'feel good' moment for me.

    My workouts on Friday were walking X2 and Gina B. Dance cardio.
    Saturday - Gina B Hiit cardio and walking.
    Sunday - Walking and Tracy Steen INNER and OUTER Thigh Workout.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I really hope we'll have a rainy summer, minus the violent storms. I'm OK if it's hot because we have AC.

    I have to be very aware of what I'm about to do with my right hand. It's when I drop my guard, that I could get in trouble. The strength part of my rotation might start at either 12 or 16 weeks. I'm only 7 weeks post op.

    How is your sister doing, Laurel?

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,455 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I didn't post on Friday, I took the day off. I had a dental cleaning, and then DH and I went out to lunch. We don't usually get to do that. My weekend was slow paced. We went to youngest dd's and dropped off a bed frame, and some mirrors that she wanted. Slowly things are disappearing from our house. :D I think that is about all that she wants. Well except for the plant that can't be transported until it is a bit warmer out. Spent some time trying to get the youngest dd's quilt done. I have been hand quilting a lot of it, so I'm calling this a labor of love. I so enjoy doing the hand work.

    My workout on Friday was Michelle's Stretches for Lower Back Pain Relief. Now I didn't have any lower back pain, but it was a good stretch. I didn't workout Saturday or Sunday, just walking. This morning was Michelle's Full Body Barre Blend. Starting to really enjoy her workouts like that, because they are barre, but she incorporates Pilates into them also.

    Laurel, Awesome job with all the workouts! I wouldn't have known anything about the answer to the Tik Tok question either. I just don't see the appeal to that app. I did see this article on how this woman posted a pic of herself and her niece playing cards. She couldn't believe the nasty comments about how she looked and other things. She said they missed the whole point of the post. I think that is the worst part about those types of platforms. People think they can say anything.

    Thelma, Great job with all the workouts! Another victory for you with the PT and of course your recovery. You had a sold foundation to work with beforehand, so that your progress has gone faster. I'm sure that you where very very happy about that. I'm sure that the time will be going a lot faster now that you are on the other side of 6 weeks. You will be able to start lifting those weights before you realize it.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,812 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours has been good. We are still in it because DH is home today for President’s Day. We have had a wonderfully relaxing weekend which we don’t get too often. Saturday was a solid day of errands, but yesterday and today were some chores and lots of work on a very difficult puzzle DH is determined for us to finish before he goes on another trip tomorrow. It is amazing how many hours can be lost on a challenging puzzle.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did Cardio Party followed by yoga. Yesterday was 2.0 Body Part Shoulder and 1.0 Meso 3 Plyo Legs. Boy did that combo show the difference between STS 1 and 2. That Plyo Legs workout felt like I had put the disc on fast forward Cathe was moving so fast. Anyhow, today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Biceps and a 45 minute spin.

    Thelma, great workouts. And great progress with your shoulder! I love hearing how your fitness is benefiting you now. That is so awesome. Like Laurie said, you will be back with weights before you know it. Thank you for asking about my sister. Unfortunately she is having a pretty bad reaction to chemo, and she has only had one treatment. She is hopefully having another treatment today and may ask her doctor if there is more they can do to mitigate the side effects. Hopefully they can figure something out to give her some comfort over the next few months before they do her surgery. Thanks again for asking.

    Laurie, sounds like a very nice extended weekend. And great workouts. I love the sound of a barre/Pilates blend. I agree that social media seems to bring out the absolute worst in people, especially when they can be anonymous. I have no interest in living my life on the internet and am amazed how many people are comfortable with it. But, once again, I think I am showing my age, and I am fine with that, :)

    See you tomorrow.
