Cathe Fans Part 5



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was RWH LIHI Back, Shoulders and Biceps, Core 2 and Low Impact HiiT One. Everything felt really good today. I am moving on to the LITE series next week, and I am really looking forward to that one for sure.

    Thelma, great workouts. No doubt your approach with your shoulder is serving you well. I just saw that Cathe is getting ready to start filming the new series soon. I really am excited to see what she does with it.

    Laurie, great workouts. Sounds like a tough leg week this week for sure. I am glad your DH is willing to try yoga. I definitely agree that a male instructor would probably be better. I remember you did a yoga series several years ago when your knee was causing you problems, and the male instructors name and the name of the series completely escapes me. But he had a 30 minute standing yoga workout (filmed outdoors in a forest) that was really accessible to all levels (IIRC). Just another thought if you have any clue what I am talking about, :D For some odd reason, I stopped crafts when COVID hit and started doing puzzles. I am still doing about a puzzle a week now because it is a great mind numbing tool. But I miss creating something unique, so I am hoping to get back to that this summer.

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a good weekend. Ours was good and busy. I just can't believe how busy we always are on weekends.
    We got 1/2" of rain Sunday morning. It rained the entire morning!
    I made a SD Honey Whole Wheat sandwich loaf, and it came out really good. DH liked it! My hope is that he starts eating my bread instead of the store bought.

    Sunday started a little crazy. I woke up totally confused thinking that it was Monday and that I was late for yoga. I jumped out of bed, looked at the time and thought I was late. It took me a couple of seconds to realize that my alarm hadn't gone off because it was Sunday! What a way to wake up!

    I decided to do Caroline Girvan's Iron series and I'm really excited about it. I tried to talk DH into doing it with me, but I did it as I was going to do the workout. I didn't give him any notice at all. He has to go to Boston this week for an annual staff meeting. I told him that if he wants to think about it, I would redo week 1 again next week.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, yoga and Jessica Smith's Standing Abs.
    Saturday - walking.
    Sunday - Walking and CG Iron Day-1 Legs.

    I held 10# dumbbells (yaay!) and wore my weighted vest, so I feel like I got a good workout. I'll find out tomorrow if I can handle 10# for upper body.

    Laurie, great workouts! I am so glad you see the improvement in your DH! Now I'm scared of the brutal leg workouts! LOL
    I hope your headache is gone. I've been feeling a subtle allergy headache the last few days, but on Sunday my eyes were killing me, for some reason, they were very dry and I literally thought I was going blind because everything was blurry.

    By the way, Tracy Steen has started sharing workouts with her very handsome son Stratton. He actually is leading some of the workouts. I haven't done any of his because I've been doing Cathe's rotation. People seem to like him from the comments I've read. Maybe that's something to look into for your DH.

    I love your husband's answer about doing a week of yoga! He's totally into the workouts, which means he is feeling good! Great job coach Laurie!
    Good idea to try the Heat workouts to see how he likes them.

    Laurie, I did search on YT on "yoga by male instructors" and there are plenty of them. Man Flow Yoga, Breathe and Flow.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm sure the LITE series will feel really good.
    I saw Cathe's announcement about starting to film the new series soon. I'm excited to see what she comes up with.

    You're thinking of Rudy Mettia Yoga Warrior 365! Right?

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Very busy weekend! I got the baby quilt done, and it was very cute. Along with that I finished up a soft book, and two burp cloths from the leftover flannel from the quilt. We had rain on Saturday, so DH's car show was not well attended. Sunday was a very humid day, so DH was feeling it and put the AC on. :D We managed to get through the whole month of May without it, so that is good.

    We didn't work out on Friday that was our rest day, and Saturday was a bust because of the car show / baby shower. On Sunday we did Iron Day 24 Full Body. This one was very metabolic, and DH survived. I think that we will be okay with some low impact HiiT. This morning I must have hit my watch with my wrist so my alarm didn't go off. So I over slept and didn't get a workout in.

    Her is a pic of the quilt.

    Laurel, Great job with those workouts and finishing up another series. Doing the LiTE workouts will be a nice change of pace for you. I have that instructor on my radar, it is Rudy Mettia. I have that workout, it was the introduction to the moves. With your DH going on all these site visits, it's a good thing to get back into the crafting. Interesting that you stopped during COVID, that was when everyone started up with their crafts. ;) When I was at the baby shower, people where saying that quilting is a dying craft. I was like what are you talking about. Of course I'm online with a bunch of like minded people, so I guess I don't realize if it is or not. Seems quilting stores are thriving vs. the places like JoAnn's.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! I think that you will enjoy the Iron series, it is a lot like 2.0. Expect lots of hip thrusts. I have been using my barbell, it is way easier to have heavier weight. I'm also using my ball, which is something I realized worked better for me when doing 2.0. I hope you are able to convince your DH to workout with you. DH and I are really enjoying the time together. I would never have thought that would be possible. We ordered another Cathe mat for our yoga week. So far I have only had the one day of headache. I saw that Tracy's son has been doing at least one workout each week. DH increased his weights for the full body workout, so I know that he is feeling better about the workouts.

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was pretty good. Saturday was rained out for all intents and purposes, so we ran some errands, did a few things in the yard between rain showers, and got DH ready to go on his trip. He left yesterday so I spent the day cleaning the house. We still had quite a bit of rain yesterday, which was a surprise. I am actually really happy we are getting the rain right now since it is still spring.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did LITE Metabolic Blast and 30 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was LITE Pyramid Pump Lower Body and a 45 minute spin. Today was LITE Pyramid Pump Upper Body, Core 1, and Rev’d Up Rumble. My body is really questioning my sanity after these Pyramid Pump workouts. What a shock after the heavy, slower lifting the past few weeks. :o

    Thelma, great workouts. That would be wonderful if your DH joined you in the rotation. I hope he really considers it. I hate waking up like you did on Sunday. It always makes me feel edgy the rest of the day. Just so you know, I have had similar issues with my eyes this spring. I really don’t feel like I have had a break from allergies since February…..except for the week we were in St. Lucia. B)

    Laurie, great workouts. Yes, I was thinking about Rudy Mettea. And, yes, I went a different direction than most people during the pandemic in stopping my crafting. But I did use the time to write a novel. :D So now I can say I have written two novels in my life that nobody but me will read. But, boy, there is a lot of escapism in writing which appeals to me at times, and COVID was one of those times. Sadly, I am just not good at it. B) Anyhow, I love that quilt!! That is such a sweet pattern. Our humidity skyrocketed this weekend as well. Definitely AC levels for sure.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, Hot YinYasa and CG Iron Day-2 Upper Body. I used 3, 5 and 7.5 lb dumbbells for this workout as well as a 15.5# barbell for pullovers.

    Laurie, great workouts!
    Is your Iron program a 6-week program? Apparently, there's also a 10 program, but that is from her paid programs. I might extend this 6-week program into 10 weeks by simply repeating weeks 1-4. I know I'm going to enjoy this Iron series.

    That baby quilt is adorable!!! Great job! I don't know if quilting is a dying craft. Maybe it is to people who are not quilters.
    and it was a "no can do" situation.

    Laurel, great workouts!! Sounds like you got more rain than we did.
    It really would be wonderful if DH worked out with me. I doubt it will happen, though.
    It wasn't fun at all to wake up so abruptly!

    My eyes got dry again today, and I immediately started applying moisturizing eye drops.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had 2.5" of rain yesterday, and they are predicting more storms this afternoon. Of course I was driving though some of it and managed to dodge rain storms when picking Rocket up from daycare.

    We got in our Iron Day 25 Shoulders, and this morning I did RAW Time Saver Abs. I enjoyed both of these workouts. We will not be getting in a workout tonight, I have a hair appointment with the dd.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts! Love that your body is shocked with the change of pace. Your weekend sounds a lot like ours. Of course we didn't get the lawn mowed, but hopefully it will dry up a little and DH can get that done today. He went to dd's condo to get the post set for her gate. I would never be able to write a novel. I used to do things like that when I was a teen, but nothing after that. If it wasn't for the humidity we would probably still have our AC off, but with all this rain it can get pretty sticky. Had to put the AC on in my car, it felt wet inside the car. :) Thanks for the kudos on the quilt, it was fun to make.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Good idea extending the rotation for another 4 weeks. I'm still toying with getting her app, everyone that has it really likes it. It would give us a different set of warm ups I'm guessing. :D Surprisingly I'm okay with the same warm up this time around. She does offer it for 14 days free, we may venture into those if we continue with Caroline. I'm hoping that we can up our timeframe to include Cathe's 2.0 series in the future. Thanks for the kudos on the quilt.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower Body, a 45 minute spin and LITE Extended Stretch 1, which felt wonderful today.

    Thelma, great workouts. You are doing amazing with the weights! We are in a surprisingly rainy pattern right now. We got hit with another really heavy rainfall yesterday afternoon and again this morning. But it is supposed to be drying up by Thursday. Like I said, after the dry summer last year, I don’t mind. Well, except for the humidity, which is off the charts.

    Laurie, great workouts. It sounds like we are having similar weather right now, but you have definitely had heavier rains than us. We had 2” over the weekend, and probably another 1” yesterday/this morning. All of that in one day for you is a lot!! No doubt your humidity is unbearable right now. Enjoy your hair appointment with your DD.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Yin Yoga, Walking and CG Iron Day-3 Glutes. It feels good to have DOMS all over! LOL. I held a 20# dumbbell for the Sumo squats. I wore my weighted vest for the standing exercises of this workout, and I put it over my thighs during the hip thrusts with a 15# dumbbell over it.

    We got 1/10" of rain in the early morning and 2/10" more in the late afternoon.

    I did some deep cleaning in the afternoon. Finished vacuuming the walls and this time the vacuum didn't feel like I was wrestling a python. Weird! Maybe I'm just stronger now.

    Laurie, that's a lot of rain! I'm glad you made it home safely.

    Great workouts!

    Does Iron have a warmup? I've not found one, so I'm doing from the other programs. People seem to like the app. Read as much as you can about to make sure it is for you guys. I don't mind the same warm up all the time.
    I think your DH will like Cathe's 2.0, just make sure he has a set of weights lined up before the workout starts.

    Laurel, great workouts! Thanks so much for the kudos on my workouts.
    You and Laurie seem to be in a very rainy pattern. We hardly got any of the rain predicted.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Again we had rain yesterday, and it started when I was starting to fall asleep. I don't know how much we had, but this morning was super humid.

    No workout last night, but I really enjoyed my time the the dd. This morning I did RAW Upper Box: Lower Tone. LOVED this workout. All the lower body work was bodyweight, and I used my egg weights for the boxing. She started the workout with a rebounder warm up. This was like the perfect workout for me. :D Oh the music rocked also.

    Laurel, Great workouts! This rain is getting a little tedious, so I will be happy when it finally decides to level out a bit. DH was able to get the lawn mowed, so that is a plus. The culverts in the neighborhood are super squishy when you have to walk in them. We had a dry summer last year also, so I'm glad that we are getting all this rain. Yes it is humid outside, and freezing in our office.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Good job with using the weighted vest. I have been doing that also with the sumo squats. Glad to hear that the vacuum didn't cause you problems this time. Like Laurel said you doing a great job with those weights. Iron doesn't have a warm up, we are using the one she created for the Epic 1 series. The last time I did some of these workout that warm up started to get annoying. Of course she does tend to use the same music. I'm finding myself tuning out the music, and that probably comes from talking with DH during the breaks. We actually have the his/her weights set up before us right now. We tend to use different weights for exercises. I'm not up to Caroline's level of being able to use the same weight for every exercise.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was LITE Strong Body Stacked Sets Upper Body, Abs 2, and Cardio Party. I kind of want to do this workout again tomorrow it was so fun. :) I won’t….but maybe Friday? :D

    Thelma, great workouts. I do enjoy that DOMS feeling as well. Since I am changing everything each week right now, I am getting some good muscle soreness…..the kind that just lets you know you’ve done something different, not the kind where you fall over when you stand up. ;) I am surprised you aren’t seeing any of our rain. We have had it on and off all morning again today, but today it has been much lighter.

    Laurie, sounds like a fantastic workout with tons of variety in it. Glad you found that one. I hope your rain lets up soon. I am hoping to get our lawn mowed tomorrow. The only good thing is it has been so rainy and murky that it hasn’t grown as much this week as it was growing. But I still want to get it taken care of so that it doesn’t get unmanageable if we have another rainy pattern like this one.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were walking and Hatha Yoga.
    All the rain we were going to get never came.

    Great workout! It sounds like a good one!

    Thanks so much for the kudos on weights progress.
    I am also using the Epic warm-up. I think the music in her workouts is very easy to tune out. I'm glad you both have your own set of weights! I don't know how Caroline can do an entire workout with the same set of weights!

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you're experiencing some muscle soreness too! It's such a good feeling.

    We might get some rain on Thursday, but I seriously doubt we will.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Our Iron Day 26 workout was completed last night. The workout did have step ups, but it was all bodyweight. This workout was a little deceptive, but you know you did a workout when you woke up in the morning. :D DH was even feeling it too. Can't believe that we are officially on our last week of the Iron rotation. I decided to do a stretch with Kelly this morning, just felt that my legs needed the love. Speaking of Kelly, she loaded some of her RAW workouts onto her youtube channel. The ab workout that I did the other day is one that she loaded.

    We had rain again last night, but we are expected to go through a few days of dry weather coming up. I really love our temps right now, low humidity and high in the 70's.

    Laurel, Great job on the workouts! Hey Friday sounds like a great time to try those out again. Hope the lawn mowing goes well. If your weather has been like ours then there will not be rain. Did you see Cathe's bedtime routine? I guess that is what people want to know about her. :o

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Sorry to hear that the predicted rain never came. That is what our summer was like last year. I enjoy seeing that Caroline struggles with her weights, and then you realize that she is lifting way over what I have. Crazy. DH and I now have our own Cathe yoga mats too, glad that they are different colors. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 60 minute spin followed by LITE Extended Stretch 2. And I have lawn mowing in my future. :o We got a wicked storm through last night. I had just climbed into bed when it hit, and so there is was in my PJs, robe and slippers (not suggested, btw) trying to rescue plants from the wind. I was successful. The plants survived. The slippers…..tbd. But the storm came on scary fast and dumped tons of rain. But that should be the last of it for a bit.

    Did you both see the email from Cathe for the equipment required for the new series? Just wanted to check. I know I will need to buy the balance tool, but, thankfully, that is the only thing I don’t have. And I don’t mind anything that helps with balance.

    Thelma, great workouts. I hope you didn’t get hit with the same storm last night, but I hope you get some rain. It must be getting pretty dry there right now.

    Laurie, great workout. Step-ups without weights are definitely more tolerable. I did see Cathe’s bed time routine. I got really hung up on the fact that one of the last things she did was take her contacts out. :o There is no way in this world that I would be snuggling in with tea and reading material and then take my contacts out two hours later. :D But I think you are right that people want to know what products she uses and such. That point is obviously lost on me. :D

    See you tomorrow (unless the lawnmower eats me).

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, Thursday's workouts were walking and CG Abs.

    We actually got 1/10" inch of rain in the early morning!

    Laurie, excellent job with those workouts! I was wondering if your DH was feeling the pain too! LOL.
    Thanks for letting us know about Kelly's YT workouts!
    You really have been getting a lot of rain! You'll need a boat soon!

    I hope we keep getting rain every week. So far, we are not in drought conditions.
    Did you get the regular yoga mats or the round ones?
    I like to see Caroline struggle with her weights, but sometimes I think she's faking it.

    Laurel, great workouts! I hope the lawn workout went well.
    OMG, in trying to rescue your plants from the wind! I can see how the slippers could've been a casualty!

    I did see Cathe's email about the equipment needed for the new series. I actually have everything, even those balance discs.

    I did miss Cathe's nighttime routine. Was that on Instagram?

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in our Iron Day 27 Upper Body last night. This one was Back, Chest & Shoulders. We will have a workout tonight, because of the one missed on Tuesday. This morning I tried out a Travis Eliot yoga routine. He has a 30 day series on youtube, and all the workouts are under 30 min. I tried out Day 1 Power Yoga Intention. Totally enjoyed the workout, and now I'm looking forward to trying out all 30 of the routines. This is probably to advanced for DH, but Travis does have a few beginner/gentle routines on his channel. I will probably combine that with Rudy's YW365 and some walking routines for next week.

    Laurel, OMG on the storm and having to rescue your plants in pj's and slippers. Hopefully those slippers where not brand new. Awesome job with the workouts. Hope all goes well with the mowing. :D I saw the email but have not had a chance to read it yet. I'm sure that I will need the balance disc. I will have to see what else I will need since she has a sale going on right now. When I had contacts, I always took them out before I washed my face. I was afraid that I would send them down the drain otherwise. :D Mine where way to expensive to have that happen. Wonder what the tea was, hopefully something that would make me sleep. :D

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! Every little bit of rain helps for sure. I think that we have gone over 24 hours without rain. Tomorrow we are expecting more, so no drying up around here. We have the regular yoga mats, the round one would be to big for my space. You have to wonder if Caroline is really feeling it. I'm hoping that she is. ;)

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was LITE PHA 2, Abs 2 and Rev’d Up Rumble. I must admit I really didn’t want to put this series away today and move on, but move on I will. Next week…..XTrain. :o

    Thelma, great workouts. I’m glad you finally got some rain and that you are not seeing drought conditions. Cathe’s night time routine was on Instagram.

    Laurie, great workouts. Glad you found a new yoga series to enjoy. All went well with the mowing yesterday….thankfully. I didn’t catch what kind of tea Cathe was drinking, but apparently she has an Amazon page with all of her product recommendations. I drink Sleepy Time Extra every night. It isn’t very flavorful (understatement) but it doesn’t keep me awake and I like tea every night so…’s my tea for now.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was busy with exterior cleaning. Time to wash that pollen off everything!
    We got a little bit of rain on Saturday night.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, yoga and mobility. I was too tired to do Iron Day-4.
    Saturday walking
    Sunday walking and CG Day-5 Total Body.

    Laurel, great workouts. I am sure that you'll also love doing the XTrain workouts!

    Have a wonderful week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a fairly good weekend, with just a little rain. The wind was pretty fierce though. DH and I went out for his birthday, and we had a very nice steak dinner. We will be going back to this place again. On Saturday it rained on and off. I went to a yard sale that my friend told me about, and I bought some items. I then ventured into a fabric store and bought some other items. :D Took some time to cut some fabric for a quilt, and then our grandson showed up with Mom so that we could watch him overnight. On Sunday he didn't wake up until 9am, so after some breakfast and DH getting things organized to do some work at the oldest dd house, we brought the baby back and spent some time in their swim spa and just visiting. Of course the guys where busy with electrical work, and sawing some length off of some bar stools.

    So with all that going on we did manage to get in a workout on Saturday and did Iron Day 28 Glutes. No workout on Sunday and tonight DH is busy, so we our next weight workout will not be until Tuesday. This morning I did a Jenna Collins Fitness - No Jumping HiiT and a 5 min. Core Workout. Overall totally enjoyed this instructor. I was looking at all this talk about wall pilates, and this instructor showed up.

    Laurel, What a great way to end the LiTe series with PHA. Still really love that workout. I'm sure that you will have just as much fun revisiting XTrain. I have not tried the Sleepy Time Extra, will have to look into that one. I enjoy tea in the evening also, it just makes me nice and relaxed. I will have to venture over to Cathe's Amazon page to see what products she likes.

    Thelma, Nice job with those workouts! I saw a post in the You vs. You Women over 50 FB group. There is this lady showing her workouts, and she was using two yoga blocks for hip thrusts. I think that I may have DH try that method to see if it works for him. Dang on that pollen. We do get pollen around here, but it doesn't seem to be as bad as your area. Our week is going to be very nice weather wise. Woke up this morning and the temp was 41. :)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. DH is still away, but mine was pretty good. I spent part of Saturday cutting back the nature area that is behind us and was encroaching on the yard. Saturday was also the day the Japanese Beetles arrived in swarms, so I treated all of our plants for those. So glad I was outside when they arrived because they really arrived in abundance, but no damage. In fact, my old hydrangea (one of their favorite food sources) has some buds on it! Makes me so happy that I might get flowers from both of my hydrangeas this year. Anyhow, yesterday I spent on cleaning the house and clearing out more stuff we no longer need.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did 60 minutes of yoga, which felt wonderful. Yesterday was XTrain Burn Sets, Core 1 and Hard Strikes (cardio only). And today was XTrain Legs and a 45 minute spin which instantly became one of my favorite spins yet. I will definitely do it again, and it is unusual in that it is taught by somebody I normally don’t mesh with. But I am so glad I tried it.

    Thelma, great workouts. Sounds like a busy weekend cleaning all of the pollen. My allergies are still driving me crazy. They have us getting close to 100 on Saturday. :o Are you warming up as well? I am not sure I am ready for those temperatures quite yet.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend. I am glad you enjoyed your DHs birthday celebration and time with your grandson. Great workouts. Now I have to look up wall Pilates. That is the first I have heard of that. Glad you are going to get some nice weather this week. 41 degrees sounds nice!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking, Hot YinYasa and CG 1000 Rep Ab Challenge.

    Laurie sounds like you had a nice weekend. You'll need to send some of that rain our way, though!

    Great workouts! I got a FB notification from the Iron group, and someone had posted a rotation calendar called Iron and Fuel. I downloaded it but didn't look at it. Sounds like a great rotation, though.

    The pollen is bad here. How was that woman using the yoga block for hip thrusts? Did she just have her feet on them?
    We had a humidity free Monday here. It was a beautiful day.

    Laurel, what a busy weekend for you too! OMG on the Japanese beetles! What did you treat the plants with? We don't have those here, but in MA we had them, and I know we used to get those bags with something they were attracted to.

    I'm so happy your hydrangea finally has buds! The little hydrangea topiary tree I bought is blooming now. I can't wait till the flowers turn white. They're kind of greenish now. I watched something where a guy was rooting a hydrangea cutting in water. He recommended a cutting with a bud in it, so I am giving it a try. He said it would take 20 days for it to root.
    Great workouts!!

    We are going to be in a hot and dry patter for the next 10 day. We'll be in the mid 80's to 90 this week. It got humid on Sunday afternoon. Monday was absolutely gorgeous. Warm, no humidity and a cool breeze. Perfect weather!

    See you tomorrow!