Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking, XTrain Hard Strikes and a simplified mobility routine.
    I really put my new and improved arm to the test today! I cleaned our bathroom without DH's help! I've been having him clean the shower. We have tiles on the walls and tiny tiles on the floor. I also did Hard Strikes while wearing the 10# weighted vest and held 1# dumbbells. My shoulder felt fine. I didn't feel it complain until hours later and icing helped. I am 4 1/2 months post-surgery now.

    Laurie, great workouts! I'm so glad Caroline's workout felt better. It really is insane how many times you have to change weights with a Cathe workout. I keep the remote control nearby because I pause to change weights when necessary.

    I was really happy about the rain. I have some Henckel knives. I like them. Someone in one of the FB SD groups recommended a bow knife that she had bought at a farmer's market in her local town. The lady says they're incredibly sharp. I got in touch with the farm and the lady send me pictures of the knives they had available. I do have an electric knife that I intend to try at some point.
    I can't believe you have your DH's grandmother's electric knife! DH only eats a lot of bread when we go to restaurants and the bread is warm.
    This is the latest thing in some of the FB SD groups. It's the Unloaf Bread Recipe. No kneading, no heating the Dutch Oven or oven. People are making their best loaves with this recipe.


    Laurel, great workouts! Your body is going to love the shock of the fast-paced workouts you're doing.
    I can't believe Cathe hasn't started filming the new series yet! I was hoping we'd get our DVDs in July.

    3" of rain! That's a lot of rain! I am not looking forward to mi-summer temps in May!

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We did Caroline's Iron Day 2 which was Shoulders, Back, Chest. I think this is really the best option for DH, he gets to preview the exercise. He did say that the rest between sets really helps. ;) He also thanked me for working out with him, otherwise he didn't think that he would do anything. I guess that I will have a weight partner for quite a while. Hey it gives me at least two workouts, plus our walk. We are even planning on a total body workout on Saturday. :o This morning I did a Michelle Briehler 15 min. Core & Abs workout.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! You must have a huge smile on your face doing workouts that you have not tried in a while. Always fun to revisit. You are correct, that is exactly the way DH must have been feeling about the Cathe workouts. I was used to the pace and what exercise was going to be coming next. He wasn't prepared, so it got a little frustrating. I'm just glad that I noticed, and changed things up before he decided to quit. These workouts are not bad for me either, I'm pretty sore this week with trying to lift heavier.

    Thelma, Awesome job with all the workouts! You are really doing great, and I can't believe that it has been that long since you had surgery. If you get that knife, you will have to let me know how it works. Thanks for the bread recipe, I'm going to try that one out tomorrow night to make the bread on Saturday. We are in need of another loaf of bread, and my starter has not been feed.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a fun 30 minute spin into Fit Split Low Impact Cardio and Metabolic Conditioning. I have never much cared for this Fit Split workout (because of the use of discs for much of the cardio), but it felt good today.

    Thelma, great workouts! You really did take your arm for a test drive with that combo. I can’t believe you did Hard Strikes with a weighted vest! :o That’s amazing. Your recovery is so inspiring.

    Laurie, great workout. It sounds like you found a program that works for your DH, and that is really good. Maybe over time he will find he is good doing these workouts on his own, but I love that you are helping him get there. If only I could get my DH to understand the importance of strength training. Sigh. But he still lives in the mental space that exercise is for losing weight and, therefore, it must be cardio. Maybe someday. Anyhow, yes I am loving this change of routine right now. I think I am going to spend several weeks doing something different every week until that point when I want some structure again. Because, right now, this is fun. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were walking, mobility and Cathe STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body. I loved this giant sets workout. I did the premix with two rounds and wore the weighted vest. I am loving this little vest!

    We seem to be stuck in thunderstorm conditions. We may have them from Friday through Monday!

    Laurie, great workouts! I really wish Cathe did a preview of the next exercise. She used to demo the move while she described it but doesn't do it anymore. I don't care how many times I do the workouts; I'd still like to see the exercises demoed.

    I am so glad your DH is enjoying Caroline's Iron series. Awwww! How nice of him to thank you for working out with him. You both are going to be in awesome physical shape! Fantastic! I wish I could convince DH to workout with me. When we first met I had him doing yoga DVDs with me. There's no way I can drag him to the yoga studio now. Maybe I should try asking him again.

    Thanks so much for the kudos on my recovery progress.
    I ordered the knife. I'll let you know whenever it gets here. You're welcome on the unloaf recipe! People are saying the recipe is a game changer for them.
    What do you use to proof your dough in? Do you have a banneton? I have been saving my unfed starter for the lemon poppy seed bread recipe I shared with you, but I don't have milk. We only have almond milk. I want to use the real thing for this recipe. After my failure last week, I won't be using any substitutes until I get better.

    Laurel, great workouts!!

    Thanks so much for those kind words on my recovery.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited May 3
    Morning Ladies,

    We did Iron Day 3 Glutes. What a torture session, and DH was feeling it this morning. Had to smile a little. I had him lay on the floor instead of using a step. He wants to try the step the next time we do a workout like this. I used my stability ball, and the barbell. I also took a que from Thelma, and had him use a chair for the Bulgarian lunges. I also didn't have him elevate his leg. Stability is his biggest issue right now, and at the same time I have to make sure that he has correct form. Overall he is doing really well, and I'm glad that he is talking about the next session. Switching to Caroline was the right choice. This morning I was feeling pretty sore in the glutes, so I popped in the foam rolling workout from STS 2.0. This one is more of an instructional workout, but just what I needed.

    Laurel, Awesome job on the workouts, and glad to hear that you are enjoying the FitSplit series. Enjoy your time working out with something different every week. I have done that once in a while. Mostly because for me it was drifting. Now we have a goal, so will be completing this Iron series. The one thing that is helping my DH with these workouts is the fact that there isn't cardio. That is one thing he hates the most. Hopefully we will be able to give you progress reports that will help you convince your DH that lifting is a game changer. This morning he said that he will be basing his progress on the fit of his pants. I tell you this is a totally different guy I'm seeing, and I'm surprised that I'm enjoying working out with him.

    Thelma, Great workouts, and of course loving your weighted vest! I still have to talk DH into trying out the vest on our walks. If we have a nice evening tonight, we will be going for a long walk. It's labeled as a active recovery day, so walking is probably the best option. I'm going to be making my dough tonight, so that I can bake it tomorrow. I pretty much make my dough and proof if just like Ben Starr, nothing fancy. I bought a bowl from the Dollar Tree, because I didn't want to spend to much on my venture. My starter is kept in the fridge in a glass container that I bought from Goodwill. When I find glass containers with lid, those are keepers. I had to look up what a banneton was. I do not have one of those, but just looking at them I know I can make one. :D I just use the Dollar Tree bowl, and a flour sack dish towel that I have put some flour on. I very carefully transfer the proofed loaf into my dutch oven. Now that I don't have to do the prewarm, it should be so much easier to just proof it right in the dutch oven with parchment paper.

    Have an awesome weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Fit Split Shred Cardio and Push Day. My workout room was at peak temperature today (77), and this workout felt tough. I think it is going to take me a few weeks to get used to the heat and humidity. It seems to have arrived while we were away and has taken me a bit by surprise. But I have enjoyed Fit Split this week despite that.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you are getting so much use out of your weighted vest and enjoying it. We are in the same weather pattern which is why our humidity is way up. But everything is so green and lush right now, I can’t complain too much.

    Laurie, sounds like another great workout. I will definitely be interested in your DHs feedback on the strength training and how it makes him feel. I am worried about my DH losing mobility in his joints and think he would benefit from strength and stretch, and all he wants is cardio. I mean, at least he is doing something, and that makes me happy. But for longevity, I think his routine could be a little more diverse. B)

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. We had a nice weekend even though it was busy. DH and I did some gardening on Saturday and went out to buy a few more plants, too. :)
    The weekend filled with thunderstorms and rain that had been predicted never happened. We got 1/4" of rain from Friday afternoon and early Saturday.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, Yin Yoga and mobility.
    Saturday walking.
    Sunday walking and XTrain Bi's & Tri's.

    Laurie, great workouts. I am so glad your DH continues to workout, and that you're enjoying working out with him.

    Now that your DH is lifting weights, he might enjoy walking with the weighted vest. I think walking is a great choice for an active recovery day.

    I am sure you could make a banneton basket! I should go to the Dollar Store to get a clear bowl from them. Did you try the unloaf loaf? I am hoping to make some pizza dough this week.

    Laurel, great workouts! It hasn't been humid here, which is nice. It really is amazing how green everything is!
    I hope you're able to convince your DH that strength training is very beneficial.

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a very nice weekend weather wise. We spent about 1-1/2 hours on Saturday working on the landscaping, and then Sunday we spent about an hour outside. Our front landscaping did look really good after that. We have decided that we will spend a certain amount of time on the outdoor work, and then spend the rest of the day for our hobbies, or other things that we need to get done. I did make some bread, and it turned out really good.

    Our Rocket has managed to kill two bunnies this weekend. I think that their nest was way to close to our house, so it's easy for him to find them. :o

    Our workouts where Saturday Iron Day 4 Full Body, Sunday was our off day and this morning I did Kat Gates-Buettner's Walk Off the Weight #1. After work it will be Arms, Abs & Core.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workout! That is a very warm temp to workout in. Hope you adapt quickly. We did have a hot day on Saturday, and then it was back into the 60's on Sunday. I already some changes with DH. One of the things that will help him, is getting himself off the ground easier. So far he is doing fairly well, but he hasn't been lifting super heavy weights. I keep asking him if he is feeling the weight with the exercise. We will have to try increasing his weight load at some point.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! DH and I bought some plants also. We got a few perennials, and some annuals that I knew would be gone if I didn't pick them up right when I saw them. ;) I may get these bowls that Ben Starr bought from Amazon. They are not that expensive, and he uses them for proofing.

    The unloaf is the second thing on my list to try. First I want to make some biscuits.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was nice. We spent Saturday shopping for plants and then planting them, and it is so nice to have flowers back in the yard. Yesterday we did normal yard work, then went and got some finishing touches for the garden. DH convinced me to try tomato plants again this year, so we got those planted yesterday as well. Our weather was beautiful both days but we had some pretty strong storms over night. Thankfully our new plants weathered it all well.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a 30 minute spin and 30 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was a 30 minute spin followed by 4 Day Split Higher Intensity Step and Chest/Back. Today was 4DS Kickboxing and Legs.

    Thelma, great workouts. Did you do a premix of the XTrain workout or the whole thing? It doesn’t matter because no matter how it is sliced, that’s a tough workout. Great job. Looks like we all were buying plants this weekend. :) I managed to control myself fairly well this year. So far. B)

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad you are already seeing improvements in your DH. My sister (67) mentioned to me a few years ago that she couldn’t get up off the floor, and it really was a shock to me because getting up and down from the floor happens in almost every workout. But then I thought to myself that if I weren’t working out, I wouldn’t be lying around on the floor a whole lot. But it is so important to be able to get up and down like that, and I am glad this is working for your DH. I also appreciate that he isn’t overdoing the weight. Some guys just have that ego thing. :# It sounds like he is being pretty smart. But, of course, he has the best coach. :) I love your weekend plan of a balance of chores and hobbies.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were XT Cardio Leg Blast,
    Hot YinYasa, Walking and mobility. I had a great workout day. I can't believe how much I love the hot yoga class. My body feels great after the class. It's invigorating!
    Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to tell you about today's small victory. I was able to do chaturangas!!! I simply took my time to make sure I was using proper form. I was so happy!
    I hadn't done the Cardio Leg Blast workout in forever. I really like it. I nearly fell off my feet in the process and I wasn't even using the step! LOL. At some point I actually stepped on the tip of my shoe. I almost did the entire workout. I skipped two plyo cardio moves. I used the Bosu for step ups and elevated lunges.

    The rain we were going to get today never came. Maybe we'll get lucky at the end of the week.
    I ordered a Clematis collection of three plants. The are arriving on Tuesday! :)
    The pollen is killing me. I'm sneezing all day long.

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a nice weekend! Good job with the landscaping and workouts!

    Sorry Rocket killed the bunnies!
    You have to get those annuals when you see them. I found these beautiful annual baskets on Friday and bought one. I decided I wanted two more on Saturday and the best baskets were gone.

    Those are good containers! I want to give pizza dough a try again, now that I have a stand mixer. This is not a sourdough recipe. It is the recipe from a famous Italian guy. I tried his recipe before, but it was a total failure. He uses 100% hydration, so it was really watery. I ended up making it into focaccia bread. It was really good. I couldn't get the gluten network to develop for the pizza.

    Vito Iacopelli Pizza Recipe. I love watching him make pizza.

    Laurel, I am so glad you had a nice weekend and went plant shopping! Hopefully your tomatoes will do very well this year.
    Good job controlling yourself at the nursery! LOL

    Great workouts!

    I did the 1-5 rounds premix. I am starting with half the upper body workouts to make sure my shoulder gets used to the movements slowly. I am up to 4# dumbbells this week. It's a good thing I have those buildable dumbbells! For the leg workout I held 5# dumbbells.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited May 7
    Morning Ladies,

    We did Caroline's Day 5 Arms, Abs & Core when I got home from work. Caroline worked the triceps in this one, and DH thought the dips where tough. Really feeling the workout this morning though, so I know that I used the right weight. This morning I did a Jessica Smith Youtube workout Belly Fat Blasting Cardio Ab Workout.

    DH has officially told someone else that he is working out (our youngest), so this makes me fairly certain that he is committed to this. They where putting in her new sink in the half bath on the first floor. She even had DH teach her about electrical wiring. Not something that I'm brave enough to do. He was walking her through what she needed to do over the phone. Of course DH told her she wouldn't get electrocuted.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! Looks like a 4DS week for you. You and I sound like we are needing those lovely flowers in our gardens. I bought some spray paint, and I'm going to make one of my planters a light blue. It should contrast very nicely with the flowers that I picked out. I need to have bold colors this year for some reason. :D Having a grandbaby has really made me notice that I'm on the floor a lot more. Like you I'm glad that I have been working out so that I can get up and down a lot easier. I'm sure that DH will get better and better as he looses the dad bod also. ;) No ego with my guy, he is starting to call his lighter weights "my weights". :D

    Thelma, Awesome job with the workouts! Sounds like the hot yoga will be something that you will do on a regular basis. Glad you had so much fun with your Leg Blast workout, and that you didn't fall. Thanks for the affirmation on my buying the plants. It always seems that the best ones are gone if you don't buy them right away. Thanks for the information on the pizza crust, and now you have me wanting to make some pizza dough. Of course it is nice that he gives you all the information on freezing it. I really like knowing and being able to pronouns all the ingredients in my food. Getting back to basics has been one of the things we are trying to do. Of course I'm not going so far as growing tomatoes like Laurel.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 20 minute spin into 4DS Bootcamp and Triceps/Biceps. These two weeks of doing cardio before strength training has been challenging. I think I am ready to go back to strength first. :D I have decided to pull a Cathe series (or a combo of series) out of the hat each week for the foreseeable future so every week will be different and I can decide how I want to use the series on the fly. I am just wanting variety right now. So I pulled out my selection for next week—a combo of Slow and Heavy and STS Shock Cardio. This will be interesting. :p

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you are enjoying the hot yoga. Wow on the chaturangas! That is amazing. We planted two new clematis plants this weekend. We already have two and they are so easy to grow and with each year just come in more beautiful. This year our plants are just covered in flowers. Makes me so happy. We have been enduring an allergy combo for the past week of heavy pollen and heavy cotton. I was trying to clean the deck this last week and it looked like it was covered in yellow snow. Not a good look. B)

    Laurie, great workouts. I love that your DH is teaching your DD about electricity. My dad taught me alot, but that is one thing I have no understanding of, and it is what my DH specializes in. My ignorance baffles him sometimes because it is profound. I am also glad he has owned the fact he is now working out. That’s a great step. Yes, this year I am all about the bright flowers. We have yellow, pink, red, orange, purple, etc. I usually try to match colors, but not this year. I love the sound of your planter. We need to re-stain one of ours, but I think that will be a project for next year since I already have flowers in it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Mobility and Yin Yoga.

    I made the discard Lemon Poppy Seed bread recipe I shared with you. I added 3/4 frozen blueberries and it turned out delicious. DH said it was really good! I used most of my starter for this recipe. I fed it after I finished preparing the lemon bread. Four hours later it hadn't risen, so I gave it a little more flour. It looks more promising.

    Laurie, great workouts! Dips can be hard when you're not used to doing them. I am so glad he told your youngest about his workouts. It definitely sounds like he is committed to the workout program. Good job Coach Laurie!

    How brave of your youngest for wanting to learn how to do electrical work!

    The hot yoga class will definitely be one of my regular classes. Vito is very good about the way he shares his recipes.
    This is the SD pizza dough recipe

    I hope my starter is still alive and that it will rise again.

    Laurel, great workouts!! You've chosen a challenging routine o next week!
    I love it when Clematis vines are full of flowers. Our little plants arrived today.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Our Day 6 Quad workout was completed last night. Talk about torture. DH experienced the cardio effect from doing torture legs, he made it through. I had to take the step down for the Bulgarian lunges. She really did a lot of them if various ways. This morning my body need a stretch. Jessica's Stretch, Rest and Relax to the rescue. :D

    We had to venture into the basement yesterday, we had tornado warnings going off. Thankfully no damage, and we didn't experience the shear winds that came with this storm. There was one meteorologist that was needing to show all the new technology. He was bouncing from one thing to the next, but made it interesting to watch.

    Laurel, Love the workouts! Sounds like and interesting way to do your workouts, and the selections are very interesting. Once you started talking about planting flowers, I started to look at ideas on line. I can thank the two of you with your talking about plants, for jump starting my willingness to paint a planter. I just couldn't see buying one, and it just wouldn't be the right color. :D Now I need to get that thing painted this weekend. So far I have the deep purple supertunias, sweet potato vine and some variegated coleus. Hope that it will be stunning with the light blue planter. DD is learning a lot owning a home, she stained the new vanity. She has also been dealing with eliminating carpenter ants by her front door.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Nice job with the baking of the lemon bread. Looks like your baking is getting better and better. I will probably need to make another loaf of bread soon. :) I'm sure your starter will be just fine. I watched Vito make cinnamon rolls this morning, that dough mixer that he has is awesome. I'm sure that it is very expensive. I really do need to make that pizza dough recipe that Vito has. Does he also share a sauce recipe? :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 4DS Lower Intensity Step with Shoulders, Calves and Abs. It was fun revisiting this series again.

    Thelma, great workouts. Your bread sounds amazing. Both DH and I are avid lemon and blueberry fans. I am still resisting trying a starter, but it is getting harder and harder. :)

    Laurie, sounds like a tough workout yesterday. Bulgarian squats are my nemesis for sure. I am glad you got a nice stretch this morning. I am sorry about the tornadoes. Those are never fun. DH was stuck at O’Hare through the storms yesterday and about four hours late getting home last night. But at least he made it home. Unfortunately they are predicting bad weather here for tonight. It must be spring. Your flowers sound beautiful. We went with a lot of pollinators this year.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking, Hatha Yoga and Cathe's XTRAIN Chest, Back & Shoulders. These XT workouts are perfect for the stage I'm in!

    We have been under tornado watch. One more hour to go. We had pretty scary thunderstorms too.

    I am attempting 1/2 of the unloaf recipe. People say they let their dough bulk ferment on the counter all night, so I'm doing that. I used my stand mixer to mix the ingredients because I don't like that sticky dough all over my hands. So far so good. A lady told me she let hers ferment on the counter all night and a good part of the next day. I'll open bake mine in a bread loaf pan. I'll put a Pyrex with water at the bottom of the oven to create steam. This is a big experiment!

    I still can't believe DH liked the lemon poppy seed bread. He had it for dessert tonight and told me again how good it was. The same website has a discard banana bread recipe, so I think I'll try that next week.

    Laurie, great workouts! Good job with that leg workout! I hope your DH wasn't too sore!
    Your DD is a great homeowner! I love that she is so into DIY projects!

    Vito has several pizza sauce recipes. Apparently, every type of pizza has a different sauce! LOL. I just use a marinara sauce.
    Vito's business has grown since the last time I watched one of his videos! That mixer is his own! It costs $995!!

    You got a nice variety of plants! I bet those purple superpetunias will look amazing in that blue planter!

    Laurel, great workout!

    If you and your DH are avid lemon and blueberry fans, then this recipe is for you. I love it. It uses the juice and zest from two lemons!

    I hope the storms weren't too bad for you. At least we are getting a good dose of rain.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Our workout last night was Iron Day 7 Shoulders & Triceps. I used heavy weights, and I'm feeling it this morning. This morning I did RAW Rebounding #1. I'm not sure how much I like this one, so I may stick to Kate for those type of workouts. Boxing will for sure be Kelly though.

    Laurel, Great job with the workout! I know you had fun revisiting it, was it easy or tough not having done it in a while? Dang on your DH having to be stalled in Chicago for that long. Those storms we had where pretty intense, the clouds got really close to the ground and in some places the hail was about the size of a golf ball. The only thing that we could see that was damaged by the hail where some hosta plants. They actually have holes in the leaves. If you do decide to try a starter, I highly recommend the one that Ben Starr has for Lazy People. It only took about 2 weeks.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! So glad that the XTrain workout are just what your body needs. Hope that you didn't suffer any damage from the storm. Now I'm going to be making both bread and the lemon bread. :D Anything with lemon and blueberry are delish. I love the Vito has many sauce recipes. That is a very expensive machine. Hope that your half loaf turns out well, and that your DH enjoys it also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,814 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin and Flex Train. After the storms last night, the humidity is through the roof, and I was a puddle at the end. But it felt good. ;)

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad you found workouts that are good for where you are at this time. I love those XTrain workouts. Our storms were pretty bad but not like what they had a few miles north. I am still waiting to see if we had a confirmed tornado in Huntsville, but there was some serious damage in places. We got lucky on our little hill with thunder, lightening, wind and buckets of rain. But no damage at all. We didn’t get out of the tornado watch until 10am today.

    Laurie, great workouts, though I am sorry you didn’t care much for the rebounder workout. I found the 4DS workouts to be pretty tough, to be honest. I think part of that was adjusting to the heat and humidity and part was doing the cardio first. But that series is about 17 years old now (or so), and whenever I go back to her older workouts, I am stunned at how rapidly she did everything, so the pace felt tough, especially coming off of a primarily STS 2.0 workout. I enjoyed the change. Yikes on the hail. I am glad you didn’t have any more damage than you did. Thanks for the starter recommendation. The name suits me perfectly. B)

    DH and I are off to Florida for the weekend to visit with his brother, SIL and parents (who are down there visiting), so I won’t be here tomorrow. So a day early….enjoy the weekend.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,558 Member
    Hi ladies, just a quick post to let you know we're okay. We lost power at 6:50 this morning and we're still wirhout. It's almost midnight. DH had to go to the library yo work.
    We got 1 3/4 inches of rain.

    A tornado touched down in the county 30 minutes south of BR. It was nothing like OK at all.

    Laurie, great wirkouts!

    Laurel, great workout. I'm so glad you're ok!

    Have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    edited May 10
    Morning Ladies,

    Our workout yesterday was Iron Day 8 Glutes & Hamstrings. She really does torture the legs pretty good. This morning I did Yoga with Adriene.

    DH asked what do we do after we are done with the Iron series. I told him we can do it again, or move onto another program. He said that he was okay with possibly doing the Iron series again. We may have to take a recovery week, but I'm okay with another round of this series.

    Laurel, Hope that you have a wonderful time this weekend. Great job with the workouts! Dang on the humidity, sounds like just having that added to the workout made it extra tough. For sure Cathe moves a lot slower with her workouts now than in the past. One of the reasons that I think I love Gloved Up & Sweaty.

    Thelma, Thankful that you and your DH are good, and of course your animals. I'm sure that they where not acting as usual. Rocket always seems to know when weather is going on.

    Have an awesome weekend!