Cathe Fans Part 5



  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I wanted to let you know that we got power back at 9:59 this morning. 28 hours without power! Thank God for those linesmen and tree guys!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a nice weekend. Ours was very busy with things around the house and yard. DH planted my three baby Clematis plants. We hope they'll survive our plant eating chicken!
    I found an amazing pancake/waffle discard recipe that was delicious. We added blueberries to each pancake batter. So good! I'm trying discard banana bread this week. I also need to attempt to make a loaf of bread. My starter is rising very well.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, yoga and Tracy Steen Standing Abs with Low Impact Hiit Cardio.
    Saturday walking and mobility.
    Sunday Walking and Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Biceps. I'm up to 5# dumbbells now, so this workout finally felt like I was exercising the muscle.

    Laurie, great workouts! I can't wait to do Caroline's workouts again. She does get the legs pretty good.
    I LOVE that your DH is asking what you'll do after this rotation! He must be feeling great!

    I only notice any behavior chance on one cat during the thunderstorm because she's a little afraid of thunder. The dogs slept were already sleeping in their crate, so they slept through it.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad the storm wasn't too bad for you. I hope you and your DH had a wonderful time in FL.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very nice weekend weather wise. We spent some time on Saturday doing a little more work on our landscaping, and then went out with friends. Sunday we had a family night out.

    On Saturday we also took the youngest to the garden center so that she could pick out some plants for her new condo. I also picked up some perennials that I have places for. I also received a yellow peony from the girls for Mothers Day. So pretty. DD has a few plants trying to survive that the previous owner seemed willing to kill. She has many very small hydrangea plants, so I told her to try to dig them up and try to put them in places that she wants. There are a few that are growing right next to the foundation of the condo.

    We worked out on Saturday with Iron Day 9 Full Body. Another good workout that was very concentrated on the Shoulders. Sunday was an off day, and this morning's workout was a Walking Workout #4 with Kat Gates-Buettner.

    Thelma, Glad to hear that your power was restored. Great job with your workouts! Sounds like you are finding may ways to use your starter. Everything that you mentioned sounds wonderful. I do hope that you are able to keep the plant eating chicken away from your new Clematis plants. DH said that he enjoys the Caroline workouts. She demos each move, and the workouts don't go on forever. The full body workout really gets the hr going, so he is getting that cardio without having to do jumping.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was very nice. It was wonderful spending time with family and being able to spend yesterday morning with my MIL. And the drive back and forth went surprisingly smoothly. For workouts, on Friday I did Gloved Up and Sweaty before we left. Saturday I did Cathe Live Cardio Core Blast. Yesterday I had no time for a workout. And today I did Slow and Heavy Chest and Back followed by Shock Cardio HiiT 30/30. Both workouts felt surprisingly good today.

    Thelma, I am so sorry about the lung power outage. We had 9 tornadoes in the Tennessee Valley last Wednesday night including one EF-3 tornado. We even had a tornado touchdown just outside the downtown area in Huntsville which did some pretty significant damage to some historical areas. This is the first tornado in the city of Huntsville in decades, and, yet, just a few miles south, I thought the storm was pretty mild. Just so not good. Great workouts. I hope your Clematis survive the chicken. One of our new clematis plants that we put in the ground just last weekend already has its first bloom. So pretty. And great workouts!

    Laurie, great workouts. I am glad your DH is already thinking about ‘what’s next.’. That is an excellent sign. Sounds like you enjoyed a nice weekend in your garden and garden center. I am glad you were able to spend yesterday with your family.

    Off to mow the lawn. :o Wish me luck. :D See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Triceps and Hot YinYasa.
    I thought I'd dislocated my toe during the yoga class. My toe got caught on the mat as I was getting ready to do a pigeon. It hurt like crazy, and I walked out of there limping. I dislocated my toe years ago and the pain was pretty bad. This wasn't that painful, but it scared me. I taped my toes together and iced. The ice definitely helped, and I don't think my toe is dislocated. I am no longer limping, but the toe is a little sore. It's a good thing Tuesday is a mobility day on my rotation, so the foot will get another day's rest. I will keep icing for sure.

    I made two more starter recipes on Monday. One was a banana bread. It came out pretty good, but it needed sugar. It actually looked just like the one on the recipe. The recipe called for chocolate chips, which I omitted. Now I realize that was the reason why my bread needs a little sugar. The maple syrup the recipe called for wasn't enough.
    The other recipe was dinner. It was a ground turkey skillet recipe topped with a very tasty discard batter.
    I still haven't dared make a loaf of bread. Maybe this week.

    DH had to make metal cloth cages for my three Clematis plans to protect them from the chickens.
    The hydrangea I bought online didn't bloom last year due to all that cold weather we had, but this year it's full of blooms. I bought two hydrangeas at Home Depot and they didn't make it, which is very strange.

    All the rain we were going to get on Monday didn't come. It was nothing more than a little drizzle. I think Tuesday will be the same thing.

    Laurie, great workouts. I'm glad you had a good weekend!
    How nice of you to take your DD plant shopping and how nice of the girls to get you a yellow Peony! I paid a lot of money for one of those plants in MA. I never got to see it bloom.

    There are a million discard recipes online! I could have a lot of fun baking with all those recipes.

    I really like that Caroline gives a preview of the exercises. It's very helpful.

    Laurel, I'm so glad you had a great time in FL and the drive back and forth went smoothly! Great workout!

    Our outage was long, but other people were out for 43 hours! I had no idea there had been 9 tornadoes in the TN Valley. The one in the neighboring county caused a lot of damage too. Thank goodness the tornadoes were not close to our homes.
    Yaay on the Clematis blooming for you already! So far all the plants I've ordered online are doing beautifully.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin into Shock Cardio Step Moves. I ended it with the core from MMA Boxing. I am surprisingly sore from that Slow and Heavy workout yesterday. It feels good. :)

    Thelma, great workouts, but I hope your toe is okay. I am glad the ice is helping and you are going to be able to rest it today. Your starter recipes sound great! I am surprised your hydrangea is blooming already. We have two (different kinds) that are healthy and growing but no buds yet. Neither bloomed last year either so I am a little concerned. I think we are going to feed all of our plants this weekend, so maybe that will help. Do you have cicadas yet? We have a constant humming noise all day long that is nothing I have ever heard from cicadas before but has to be cicadas. It sounds like an alien spaceship is hovering over us (or what I imagine it would sound like since I have never heard one :) ). Just very strange. They are predicting storms here again today. DH is currently driving back from a meeting he had in Atlanta, and I have my fingers crossed he gets home before they arrive,

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi Ladies, Tuesday turned out to be a very rainy day. We thought the storm had left the area in the late afternoon, but we were wrong. I quickly read a post from our weather guy that something had changed at the last minute in the weather, and it was going to put us in the severe thunderstorm zone. We had a bad thunderstorm and downpours. It's been raining all night.

    My workouts on Tuesday were walking, Yin Yoga and mobility.
    My triceps are sore from my Body Parts workout on Monday! Yaay!

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm sure it feels good to be sore!

    My toe is feeling better, but where I feel it now is the tarsometatarsal joint of my second toe, according to this graph. The pull I felt was in the neon green area of the second toe.

    My hydrangea has a long blooming season, so it is on target. It has little buds all over the place. Even the hydrangea topiary I ordered online has tiny little buds! I fed the acid loving plants their special food about two weeks ago, BUT I've been feeding the plants a diluted Miracle Grow flower food on a weekly basis. The box comes with a double ended scoop. I dilute a little scoop in a gallon of water.

    No cicadas here. We have never seen a cicada here. Last time we had the big awakening we never saw one either. We barely heard them. I even went around looking everywhere for them and couldn't find a single one.

    I hope your DH didn't run into the storm in GA and that he made it home safely.

    See you tomorrow.
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Guess I didn't hit the button for my post yesterday. I have a new laptop, so was dealing with having to boot this thing up myself. We have an IT person here, but he isn't very helpful when something goes wrong. :/

    Our workout on Monday was Iron Day 10 Back & Biceps, yesterday I did Heather Robertson's Low Impact HiiT and Day 11 Legs. This one was really tough. This morning I did a Low Impact Cardio Boxing Workout with BodyFit by Amy. This was way to beginner for me. I did find a you tuber that has a lot of low impact workouts, and looks like he is in London. Get fit with Rick is the channel. It looks like he has step workouts that are low impact also, so I may have to check those out but not use the step.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I wish those S&H workouts where not so long, those would be good ones for DH and I to do also. He really enjoys the length of these workouts, and it really does fit our timeframe. To much longer, and we have to have a hurry up dinner. For sure feed your Hydrangea, that should help it bloom. Sometimes Hydrangea's do skip a year in blooming, it depends on the species also. I have Hydrangeas that bloom in July, and then others that don't bloom until September. I'm not ready to hear those dang cicadas. One year Rocket had one in his mouth and was running around the yard with the thing buzzing away. It just really creeped me out for some reason. :D Hope your DH was all safe from those storms.

    Thelma, Awesome job with all the workouts! Sorry to hear about your toe, I'm sure that hurt a bit. Great job with all your baking, it sounds absolutely delish. The peony was a bit expensive, but it is so pretty. I'm into all of this yellow and purple this year. I think that I will take Friday off this week, just so I can get my plants in the ground. DH was working on our drip system when I got home last night, that will help when it gets really hot this summer.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders, the core work from Shock Cardio Travel Fit and Shock Cardio HiiT 40/20. My legs were quivering after the leg workout so I did the 40/20 on a 4” step, and that was plenty enough for a good workout.

    Thelma, great workouts. That storm moved through here as well, but it only came south far enough to barely impact us, but it looked rough up north. Thankfully DH was home before it hit because he would have been right in it a couple hours later. We are so behind in our yard maintenance this year which is probably why things like our hydrangeas aren’t where they should be, but hopefully they can still catch up. I am glad your toe is feeling better. Looking at that graph made me realize how complicated our feet are! I am really surprised you don’t get cicadas. It must be your elevation.

    Laurie, it is so frustrating when you post and it doesn’t post. Hopefully you and your new laptop start meshing soon. :) Great workouts. The Slow and Heavy workouts are really good but also really long. I am much more patient doing them now than I was 20 years ago, but I really don’t think I could ever do a full rotation using only these workouts again. But it is fun to revisit them. I think having Rocket run around with a buzzing cicada would have freaked me out too. We always get the cicadas that kind of scream in an undulating manner, but this year we have cicadas that are out only when the sun is out and it is a constant hum. It isn’t loud, but it is just constant all day long. So weird. I will definitely be feeding the hydrangeas this weekend!

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking, Walking, Hatha Yoga and
    Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Back.

    We 6/10" of rain between Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

    My sourdough journey continued on Wednesday with an attempt to make a 1/2 a boule. I haven't baked it yet, but this time around everything went well. The dough rose and I was able to shape it into a ball and do that back-and-forth thing on the counter to create tension. I told DH I had been able do the back-and-forth thing just like they show in the movies. LOL I was so excited!
    I found a recipe that called for cold starter. I fed my starter on Monday afternoon, and it rose to over double. It stayed risen for hours, so I put it in the fridge because a lot of people are doing it. On Wednesday morning I found the cold starter recipe and went for it. I decided to make a 1/2 a loaf because I didn't want to waste the flour in case things didn't go well.
    There's also a SD guru who came up with a rising. Hopefully it will bake well.

    Laurie, I was wondering where you were yesterday. I'm glad you're OK. I forget to hit post sometimes too.
    Great workouts! Sounds like you found another good instructor!

    The toe hurt a lot, but thankfully it's better. I am still being very careful with it.
    I love the yellow and purple combination you have going in your garden this year.

    Laurel, great workouts! You really hit the legs good!

    I'm so glad your DH made it home before the storm.
    I think you should definitely feed those hydrangeas.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    edited May 16
    Morning Ladies,

    Well I'm on my new laptop, but there is a bunch of weird things that I have to get used to. I took care of the grandson yesterday afternoon, so didn't get home until after 6:30. DH and I didn't get to do our workout. We of course will have to do a workout on Friday. Oh well. This morning I tried out a walking workout with Get Fit with Rick. I figured out that he is from Australia mate. :D The workout wasn't all that intense, but I did enjoy the workout and my knees felt fine afterward.

    Laurel, Nice job with those workouts! LOL about the quivering legs. I like how you indicated that you are much more patient now with those workout. Have to wonder if it is the progression of how weight workouts where put out over the years. I think that Beachbody made lifting really heavy the thing to do, even though Cathe was doing it years before. Our cicadas seem to be making noise all day long. It gets to the point that you can't tell if it's frogs or cicadas making noise. They are not as bad during the day, but at night it's crazy.

    Thelma, Great job with the workouts! Hope all goes well with your bread, and it turns out awesome. It sounds like you are really getting the feel for your dough. DH bought me a 6" solar fountain for one of my pots also. He didn't understand what it was until it arrived. Then he was like, Oh that's what this is. He said that this thing isn't going to water the pot, and of course I laughed and said it was just for ambiance. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin in Shock Cardio Cardio Core Circuit. I almost talked myself out of the latter workout because my legs are screaming at me today, but it went well. I did skip the last core move and held a plank instead because I knew my knees would not appreciate that rolling over into a push up move at all. I really didn’t mind skipping it. :)

    Thelma, great workouts. Again, your starter recipes sound great. I guess DH did feed our hydrangeas about 10 days ago, but still no buds. We’ll give them the hydrangea specific food this weekend and see if that helps. The good news is both plants look much healthier this year than they did last year, so that is promising.

    Laurie, great workout. And you had a good reason to miss last night’s workout. I think I am more patient with Slow and Heavy because of STS 2.0. I really love the pace in that series and at this age think lifting slower is safer for me. But, boy, this program makes my muscles shake. But I better enjoy my last Slow and Heavy workout because the series I picked out of the hat for next week is Hardcore, and that means those rapid Gym Style workouts. I am curious how that feels after this week. I love the idea of a small solar fountain. DH and I have toyed with putting a fountain in our yard, but maybe something like that would give us the (as you say) ambience without all the work of installing a fountain. Let us know how you like it.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were walking and STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs.

    I baked my baby SD loaf, and it came out pretty tasty. DH loved it, which makes my heart happy. He made us grilled SD ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner. Two things did happen, the basket I used for cold proofing was too big for my loaf, and the dough spread out, so it didn't rise enough. The crust was very pale, but the bread's internal temp was 209 degrees, which means fully baked, so I took it out of the oven. The crumb was really pillowy and soft, which is the part DH loved so much. I am going to attempt to make discard pizza dough. I feel more confident after my sort of successful first loaf.

    In the weather front we are expecting thunderstorms on Friday and Saturday.

    Laurie, good job with the walking workout! I bet you had a lot of fun with your grandson.

    What was great about the SD bread recipe I used is that the dough was sticky, so it was a great recipe for me. I am loving my Danish Whisk. It's easy to mix the ingredients without having to get my hands into that sticky mess.
    Too funny about the solar fountain. It's amazing how much they help with the ambiance though. Put it somewhere where you have a sitting area. The sounds are so relaxing.

    Laurel, great workouts! Good job listening to your body for that last core move!

    I'm so glad your DH already fed the hydrangeas! I wonder if I have buds because I've been feeding my plants that diluted flower fertilizer. I am so glad your plant are looking healthier this year. How are your tomato plants doing?

    How is your sister doing?

    Have a wonderful weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    edited May 17
    Morning Ladies,

    We got in our Iron Day 12 Chest & Tricep workout yesterday. That was a very good torture fest. DH was complaining even with his baby weights. Now he refers to them as baby weights, probably because I'm lifting heavier than he is. :D This morning I did a Standing Cardio Core Workout with Michelle Briehler.

    DH planted my yellow Peony yesterday, and today he is going to move my two Rose bushes. We will be planting a lilac bush in the place that I had the roses. This lilac bush says that it will bloom twice in the season. The other lilac bush that I have is beautiful this year.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, and of course doing my all time favorite CCC NOT!!! Great way to sub that last move (one that I have never been able to do). Oh I do love that Hardcore series, just wish that they had better premixes. Like you said they do move fast, and you need to be ready with your weights. You may have the hydrangeas that bloom later in the season, but they will not be hurt with more food. ;) I will let you know how that little fountain works. They indicate that birds would enjoy it also.

    Thelma, Love the workouts! Congrats on the tasty loaf of bread. I will have to get myself one of those whisks, but I do love to get my hands in the dough once in a while. :D That must come from helping my mom make bread. I have to get some baking done this weekend. I have to make potato salad when I get home, so I should just get some dough ready for proofing.

    Have an Awesome Weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Slow and Heavy Triceps and Biceps followed by Shock Cardio Double Wave Pyramid HiiT, which is still one of my favorite Cathe HiiT workouts. I really enjoyed revisiting these workouts this week.

    Thelma, great workouts. Your sourdough sandwiches sound so good. So far our tomatoes are doing well. I even have a couple of little tomatoes on one of the plants. I spice them with garlic and chili pepper a couple of times a week, and that seems to be keeping the chipmunks away since there is no sign of digging around them. That makes me a little more optimistic we might get some fruit off of these plants this year. Thank you for asking about my sister. She had her last chemo treatment on Monday, and has her lumpectomy scheduled for June 12. She will need to go through radiation after the surgery for a little while and be on medication for a year, but all signs point to a full recovery. She has really suffered from the chemo, so I am just looking forward (for her sake) to her feeling better.

    Laurie, great workouts. I was with your DH is whining about how painful my baby weights were in my triceps workout I did. :) I hope your peony does well. I am still toying with planting one of those, but it will probably be next year. I so wish we could plant a lilac here but the winters are just too warm for them. They are one of my favorite plants.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    edited May 20
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was good, but as always busy with things around the house.

    Sunday turned into summer. OMG, it was hot! All the rain we were supposed to get never came. We barely got 1/10 inch of rain. Daytime temps this week will be in the low 80's and our chances of rain are very low.

    My workouts on Friday were walking, yoga and Tracy Steen Standing Abs and Cardio.
    Saturday - walking and mobility
    Sunday - Walking and Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest.

    Laurie, great workouts! I can't believe you're almost halfway through the rotation!
    I hope you were able to make some bread. I want to try a cranberry walnut loaf. I love that stuff.

    Laurel, great workouts!
    I hope you actually got some rain this weekend. We did have some thunder.

    I'm so glad your tomato plants are doing well. I can't believe you have baby tomatoes already!
    I am so glad your sister had her last chemo treatment already! I Hope the lumpectomy and radiation treatments will go well. Chemo is so hard on the body. I pray she'll start feeling better soon.

    Have a great week!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We had an very busy weekend. On Saturday I did some weed pulling in our tree line. If this section of the tree line wasn't in the front of the house, I probably would have left it. It was so hot on Saturday, and I was soaked by the time I ventured into the house at noon. Yep it was that muggy in the morning. After that I just went into the basement and did some sewing. On Sunday we went and bought some more plants, just because it was on the way to youngest dd's house. :D Got some plants for the remaining pots that we need to fill. Should be really pretty. At dd's I raked out her planting bed in the front of her condo, and then planted the perennials that she bought. She just has to put down some Preen, and mulch. I don't know that she will be doing that today with the rain that we are getting. DH was putting in the posts for her back yard fence. The fence that was there was rotting, so had to be replaced. The condo association pays for that, but DH did the hard work digging out the holes and setting the posts. The two older men that are part of the condo association will put up the boards.

    Friday evening's workout was Iron Day 13 Glutes, Hamstrings & Back. We didn't workout on Saturday. Yesterday we did Iron Day 14 Full Body. This morning I was so dang tired, that I didn't venture downstairs at all. We will be doing our workout when I get home.

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up the S&H workouts! WTG on the HiiT, that one was always a favorite of mine, of course when I could jump and not have my knees talking to me the next day. :D I'm very glad to hear that your sister is done with the chemo. My mom had the radiation treatments, and they are better for the body than the chemo is overall. LOL about your triceps and the baby weights. I can say that I'm no where near lifting what Caroline is able to with the triceps, well basically everything that she lifts I'm impressed with. DH is venturing into upping his weights on certain exercises, so he is advancing in his baby weights. We may need to be buying two sets of some weight eventually. Peonies like the sun, but I put most of mine on the east side of the house. We did put this yellow one on the west side, so will see how it goes. So far it appears to be handling the planting. The roses are looking somewhat okay. :# I hope I didn't kill them.

    Thelma, Great job with your workouts! The weekend you had sounds a lot like ours, busy but productive. Sorry to hear that you are not getting the rain, we sure are. Everything is out of control growing, and it is hard to keep up with it. DH and I just where talking about being half way through this rotation. He said that he is really enjoying the full body workouts. I'm thinking of moving onto Fuel after this rotation. That one has HiiT in it, but we could skip those if they are to intense for DH. The other option I was thinking of was STS 2.0, but doing the shorter Premixes. I know you have done some of those premixes. I was not able to make bread this weekend. It was so hot in the house. DH doesn't want to put the AC on yet. ;)

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,796 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was good. Early Saturday morning I got out and did some garden clean up and then we got hit with some pretty heavy rain that last most of the afternoon. So yesterday, which was downright hot and muggy, was all yard work and chores. The abrupt change in the temperature had both DH and I feeling spent by the day’s end. Not ready for that humidity quite yet.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a Low Impact spin and 30 minutes of Peloton yoga. Yesterday was the start of the Hardcore Series week, so I did Kick Max into the Muscle Max Lower Body premix and ended with Muscle Max Core. Today was Gym Style Chest and Triceps followed by a 45 minute spin. The chest work felt good today but because my triceps were still a little angry from Friday’s Slow and Heavy workout, that part of the workout felt really tough.

    Thelma, great workouts. I’m sorry you didn’t get the rain this weekend. I was surprised how much we got. But now we are looking at a hot, dry week as well. I was very surprised to see baby tomatoes already on one of our plants as well. I had to double check and make sure we didn’t buy a dwarf plant (we didn’t) because the plant itself is barely a foot tall. But, so far, the plant and tomatoes look healthy. Thank you for your positive thoughts for my sister.

    Laurie, great workouts. Your Saturday sounds like our yesterday weather wise. I was drenched. Thanks for the info on your Mom’s reaction to radiation. My sister has been told she will feel fatigue and a burning sensation at the sight, but compared to what she has been going through, that sounds pretty positive. Thanks also on the information about peonies. I think if we plant one it will have to be in our front garden, which faces east. Our neighbor has a couple in his front yard, and they were beautiful this spring. We just have to decide where to put one, but, like I said, that won’t be this year. I hope your roses make it. I have never had any luck with roses. :( It’s good to hear your DH is graduating to heavier weights! That’s always such a good feeling.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,539 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Cathe STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs and walking.

    Monday was a beautiful day here. I met my yoga buddies for lunch at the BR Lake marina restaurant. It was a little cooler there, but we had a lovely time.

    Laurie, great workouts! I was wondering how you and your DH were sharing the weights during workouts. I love that he's sticking with the workouts. He clearly is feeling good and is seeing results.

    The joy of buying more plants!! I love it! I'm sure your yard is going to be beautiful. Is your DD going to be good about watering her plants? I'm sure her condo association appreciates the help your DH provided with the fence poles.

    I wonder how your DH would feel about going to Cathe's workouts after Caroline's. Cathe does seem to show the next move during the breaks in STS 2.0, but I don't it happens for every exercise. Some of the premixes are no repeats and I don't think you'd gain muscle by just doing those premixes. I do the no repeats when I'm short on time.
    OMG, NO AC yet? The moment I felt hot, the AC went on here. LOL
    I wanted to bake during the weekend, but it never happened. I have three very ripe bananas. I need to make a banana bread. I might make a half a loaf again, but I'm contemplating making a sandwhich loaf too.

    Laurel, great workouts! I can't believe you got so much rain! It did feel muggy after the passing shower we got on Saturday. Thankfully, it wasn't humid on Monday.

    I sure hope you'll be able to enjoy your tomatoes this year. Any signs of hydrangea buds yet? I actually have a full-blown flower now.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,441 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We got in our Iron Day 15 Shoulders workout yesterday. Feeling the shoulders this morning. My workout this morning was with Michelle Briehler, and I did All Standing Cardio. This one was low impact, but a very good cardio workout when incorporating weights.

    Laurel, Great job with the workouts! I'm sure that you will have a great time with the Hardcore workouts. Did you do Kickmax to get that one out of the way? :D That one can be so tough. Yep your weather sounds exactly like what we experienced. That type of weather can really make the body tired, even though you are only doing small gardening projects. I should be glad that we are having sun on the weekends, since today is cloudy with thunderstorms expected again. Now you have to decide what color of Peony you want, but you have a year to figure that out. I'm hoping to get some deep red ones from my SIL. She took all the ones that my mom had, so I'm sure that they can be split. I think that it has been almost 5 years that they where transplanted.

    Thelma, Nice workouts! Thanks so much for the information on the Premixes. I don't think that DH is ready for anything that doesn't have a preview. He is still learning the moves, so nothing fast. I have three weeks to decide what we will try next. I don't know if I can do another round of Iron right away, need something different. Glad that you had a chance to be with your friends for lunch. So far the no AC isn't to bad, because our evenings have been fairly cool. It is nice to have the windows open, and having the breeze flow through. The house just gets to hot when I start up the oven.

    Have a great day!