Cathe Fans Part 5



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout this morning was another Jenna Collins Fitness workout. This one was All Standing HiiT with Weights. Since we have our total body workout later today, this one worked well.

    Laurel, Awesome job with the workouts, and enjoying the spin workout. Always nice to find a workout that is fun. You had a very busy weekend in the yard, and of course tackling those Japanese beetles. We have one bush that those things like. Apparently they lay there eggs in the earth beneath the plants. We had a crab apple tree that those things loved, and we had a pest control guy out and he treated under that tree. After that I would spray them with dish soap/water combo. Hearing them fall off the bush is so weird. We had some lovely 40's weather again today. Tomorrow I will be babysitting again. DD's normal sitter had surgery, and she was told not to lift anything heavy. My grandson is heavy. :D

    Thelma, Nice workouts! I have not tried that ab workout, how did you like it? I wish I could send you some of our rain. They actually have rain in the forecast for every day. Guess they don't want to take a chance that people will not be prepared. :D I saw that rotation, and was tempted. Maybe after we try the Fuel rotation, we can do the combo. The yoga blocks where at her feet. Of course using the step would probably work also. When we do hip thrust again, DH is going to try that option.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today I did XTrain Tabatacise followed by 45 minutes of Peloton Pilates. Tabatacise hasn’t gotten easier or more enjoyable in the few years since I last did it, but it felt pretty doable today which made me happy.

    Thelma, great workouts. But 1000 reps is a lot! Yes, we get the beetle bags. They really are good at getting those bugs off of the bushes, but they are also pretty disgusting. I am leaving them for when DH gets home. :# They still have us pushing 100 over the weekend which is going to feel pretty brutal after these last couple of lovely days where we have barely touched 80. I am planning on mowing tomorrow to try to prevent either DH or I from having to mow in that heat, though right now they have us in the 90s from Thursday on until the forecast ends. :| I really hope they are wrong.

    Laurie, great workout. DH pre-treated our plants right before he left with Seven bug spray, but that wasn’t enough to keep the beetles off the plants. I sprayed the hydrangea again (since it was the worst) and put out four attractant bags, and they left quickly. Thankfully. Enjoy your time with your grandson tomorrow.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were Walking, Yin Yoga and CG Iron Day-5 Biceps, Triceps & Abs. These ab exercises made me feel Monday's 1000 rep ab work!

    We have Japanese beetles too! I discovered them today eating my Red Bud trees!
    I haven't seen any on my Hydrangea, but that plant is in the back of the house.

    Laurie, great workouts!
    I liked the 1000 rep workout because it was doable. There were 20 exercises, and they were not difficult moves. There were lots of crunch type of exercises and CG holds her head up for them. I can't do that because of the issues with my neck. I had to keep my head down, which probably made the exercise a little easier.

    I didn't know the Japanese beetles laid their eggs underground! Our pest control guy was here on Tuesday afternoon, too.
    I wish we'd get some of that rain you're getting. There may be a slight chance of rain a week from Thursday!
    I'll have to give the yoga blocks a try for hip thrusts!

    Laurel, great workouts! Good job with Tabatacise!
    1000 reps did sound like a lot, but there were 20 different exercises, and a few were unilateral, so those had to be done twice. Each exercise was 50 reps.
    I ordered some of the Japanese beetle traps. I just won't have time to get to the store and they will be here on Thursday. I can't believe that I had never seen a Japanese beetle here.
    Good idea to mow your lawn before it gets hotter! We will be in the 90's Friday through Sunday, and the rest of the time in the high 80's through next week.

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was XTrain Disc 1, Chest, Back and Shoulders followed by All Out Low Impact HiiT. And, again, lawn mowing in my very near future.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am sorry to hear you have Japanese Beetles there! They are so destructive. But the bags are easy to use and so effective. If you see the plants being really badly eaten, try Laurie’s suggestion from yesterday of spraying your plants with soap and water. Hopefully you don’t have the full on swarm we had because, left untreated, I think our hydrangea would barely exist anymore. So keep checking your plants. :)

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were Walking and Adding: CG Iron Day-6 Glutes & Hamstrings.

    Laurel, great workouts! I hope you won the mowing fight!

    I didn't check the Red Bud trees, but I did check the Hydrangea and it is OK. I will try Laurie's soap and water remedy too. Are you still seeing the Japanese beetles on your hydrangea?

    See you tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was a 30 minute spin into XTrain Super Cuts. I had forgotten how good that latter workout is. I really enjoyed it today.

    Thelma, great workouts. I survived the mowing, and I am so glad I did it yesterday when it was still pretty pleasant outside. I just came in from my outdoor chores, and it is very hot and sticky out there. And this is just the beginning. I did see one beetle on my hydrangea today, but that is the first I’ve seen on it since I treated it Saturday. But the beetles are still here because our bags were buzzing when I had to move them yesterday for mowing. Not fun. But at least they are still working. But I saw a lot more little blossoms forming on that hydrangea. :) Makes me happy. I really thought that plant was done after last year when it didn’t even grow. Now it is taller than me, which isn’t that tall. :D But it is still an improvement.

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Thursday were Walking and CG Iron Day-7 Shoulders & Triceps.

    Let the heatwave begin. I am not looking forward to the next three days. There's no rain in the forecast till the 23rd.

    Laurel, great workouts! I knew would love some of those XT workouts!
    I am so glad you survived the mowing!

    It wasn't humid for us on Thursday. It was actually very nice.

    I'm glad those Japanese beetle traps are doing a good job for you and that your hydrangea has more buds!. I went to check on the plants in the afternoon and didn't see a single beetle.

    Have a great weekend!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a wonderful time taking care of the grandson. We went for a morning walk each day, it was so hot and stickie though. I'm sure glad that I don't do that drive every day, it is crazy. There was a stalled car in the middle lane of the freeway so of course that was holding up traffic. With summer it has now become road construction season, and everything seems to be under construction.

    On Wednesday I did a walking workout with Kat Gates-Buettner. We where not able to do our Iron workout, I didn't get home until 6:30. DH had a meeting with the car club, so we had to push our last workout to yesterday. So we finished up the Iron Day 30 and Caroline had her pups celebrate with us at the end. DH is doing really well, and you can really see a difference. Now we will have to start working on the core strength. This morning I tried something different. We will be doing Fuel starting on Tuesday, so I'm going to do some light workouts in the morning. I don't want to overdo anything. My knees have been bothering me a little. So I tried out Fabulous50s youtube page, and did a combo of workouts. 5 min. walking, 5 min. Arm, 15 min. Full Body and a 10 min. stretch. I really enjoyed this, so will probably do it again. Now these workouts where not hard, so it was a change for me trying these.

    Laurel, Awesome job with all the workouts! That Tabatacise workout was one that never clicked with me. Dang on the amount of beetles that you are having to deal with. We get some, but nothing like what you are dealing with. I'm really glad to hear that your hydrangea is doing fine, and that the beetles will not have a chance to chew it up. Guess that fertilizer is just what the plant needed to regulate the soil ph.

    Thelma, Great job with your workouts! Yesterday we had dip fest for the last workout. Nothing super bad, but of course is you vs. you as Caroline says. I managed to get through all of them without any rests. I was very happy about that. Hope you are able to get through this heat wave. Our weather has been very nice despite the heat the last two days.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was XTrain Disc 2/Biceps and Triceps, Core 2 and XTrain Cardio Leg Blast. I had originally planned on doing the leg workout yesterday, but just didn’t have it in me after the tough workout and mowing on Wednesday. And I almost talked myself out of it today, but I didn’t. And I am glad I didn’t. I really enjoyed it today. Actually I enjoyed the entire week and was reminded why this was my favorite Cathe series for a long time. Next week will be a hodgepodge mess of workouts. I pulled STS 2.0 and ‘non-series individual workouts’ out of the hat, so I have a lot to play with. I still haven’t decided how it is going to look.

    Thelma, great workouts. Our heatwave has arrived as well, and it is warm. I had a guy here to do the semi-annual service on the AC units yesterday, and he made them worse! I called him back out once I figured that out, and after five hours, they seem to be okay. We are still waiting for a replacement part though which will hopefully come in soon. I was not a very happy person last night after that. :#

    Laurie, I am glad you enjoyed time with your grandson. But yuck on the traffic. Congratulations to you and your DH for completing the series!!! That is so amazing, and I am so happy your DH is seeing the benefits and wants to go on. That is such fantastic news. But I think it is wise you take the workouts down a notch until you start up again. Two-a-day workouts are really taxing. I know, for me, I plan on taking a lot more recovery weeks once we get this new Cathe series. Age is definitely catching up to me.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, I hope you had a great weekend. Ours was good and busy. I need a day off from the busy weekend! LOL
    The heatwave didn't quite happen and I'm thankful for that. I think we hit 90 on Saturday, but it wasn't bad. We actually had a thunderstorm on Sunday afternoon that delivered 1/2" of rain! I was so happy for the rain!

    My workouts on Friday were Walking and CG Iron Day-8 Glutes & Hamstrings.
    Saturday - 2 walking sessions.
    Sunday - Walking and CG Iron Day - Full Body Dumbbell Cardio.

    The new owners of my yoga studio aren't doing a good job managing the place. The instructors don't seem to last and now they're adding a coffee and tea bar service. They are having the construction done and simply cancelled classes starting last Thursday without notifying anyone, including the instructors! Monday's classes have also been cancelled. I think my friends and I are the only ones who buy monthly unlimited memberships, and we are not happy. We're thinking of finding a new place. I have one prepaid month left to use. Thankfully, I didn't activate it last week!

    Laurie, I'm glad you had a great time taking care of your grandson! Congrats on finishing Iron! I am so happy you can see the difference in your DH. I bet he feels great too. I wish I could've had DH join me in these workouts. Maybe when he retires.

    I am sure you'll both enjoy the Fuel program too. I found out that the 10-week Iron program is the one in the app and that membership is $99 a year. I definitely want to do the membership and do Caroline's workouts for a while. I was getting good results last year before I needed the shoulder repaired.

    Good idea to do light workouts in the mornings. Take good care of those knees.
    Good job getting through the dip fest!

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm sorry about your AC!! I hope the replacement part arrives soon!

    Have a great week!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited June 17
    Morning Ladies,

    We had a very busy weekend. On Saturday we attended a 50th Wedding Anniversary party for friends of ours. They had it at a auto museum. Fun having all those cars around to look at. On Sunday we went to our oldest dd's house. DH took the 442 out, and we picked up the youngest and had a great time visiting on Dad's day.

    DH and I took the weekend off of exercise, and will be starting Fuel tonight when I get home. This morning my workout was with Fabulous50s walking warm up, standing ab work, cardio HiiT and then a stretch.

    Laurel, Congrats on finishing up the XTrain week. Great job! Hope that you where able to get a nice rotation going with all the remaining workouts that you want to do. The workouts that I have chosen for the morning routine are fairly easy, but I think it was to hard on my knees. None of the workouts that I am choosing right now will be high impact, and each day has a stretch. I'm hoping the stretching will help me the most. One of the things that I added to my stretching was the yoga block. I think that having my hips stretched out more will also help with the knees. I will also be doing back lunges in place of the forward lunges when doing Fuel. I don't need to prove to myself that I can do them. Just small adjustments that I'm hoping will help. Sorry to hear about the AC, I know how bad that can get in the house without it.

    Thelma, Great job on your workouts! Dang on the yoga studio. Sounds like they are focused on the coffee instead of the yoga aspect of the business. Hope you are able to find another option.
    Glad to hear that you didn't experience the heat wave, and that you got some rain! At some point you will be able to get your DH to workout too. I didn't think that working out together would be so fun. It's nice to have someone else there experiencing the torture with you. I'm tempted to get the app too, there seems to be so many options available. Caroline posted on the fb group a week of workouts using workouts from the other series and new ones that she will be putting out. She isn't ready to put out a new series. I think it's worth the $ if she is providing those type of options.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you enjoyed the weekend. Ours was nice but very hot. DH got home on Friday, which made me happy. Saturday we spent running errands and doing just a few chores. We also took a nice walk despite the heat (about 93 I think). Yesterday off our little hill, the temperature was showing 100 in some places, but we only got to about 95. DH fixed a few things that broke while he was gone (a sprinkler, the dehumidifier, etc), while I cleaned. And we got another nice walk in. We are supposed to be in the 90s all week with high 90s for next weekend, so summer is definitely here. At least our AC is still working (despite the doomsaying by the technician last Thursday), but we will get our replacement part on Wednesday, which will make me feel more comfortable that it won’t die.

    For workouts, on Saturday I did a recovery spin and 60 minutes of yoga. Yesterday was STS 2.0 Body Part Shoulders and Cathe’s Lower Body Blast workout. Today was 2.0 Body Part Biceps and Cross Fire.

    Thelma, great workouts. But I am sorry to hear about your yoga studio. Cancelling classes without notifying people in this day and age when notifying people is easy is just wrong. I hope you can find a new place if it comes to that. I am really surprised you escaped the heat this weekend. I hope that trend continues for you for sure.

    Laurie, sounds like a nice weekend. I love car museums. DH and I were talking this weekend about going up to the Corvette museum in Bowling Green, Kentucky sometime soon. He has a bit of a passion for the 1960s era of Corvettes. Sounds like a nice workout this morning. I hope the extra stretching helps your knees. I am finding I don’t just need stretching more often, but I need longer sessions of it than I used to. My hips and tightness are probably my biggest issue because I feel my hip tightness all through my back and legs. I am even beginning to stretch my fingers and toes most every day. Aging…. :# .

    See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    edited June 18
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Monday were Walking and CG Iron Day-10 Back & Biceps. I am getting stronger, but I do need to redevelop wrist strength. I have been using my wrist wraps whenever possible and that helps. I was able to do a lot of the bicep work using 10# weights today. I eventually decreased the weight down to 7.5# and 6#. I was able to do the supported bent-over row with 15#, but it was definitely heavy for my wrist.

    My Tuesday Yin class got cancelled too. I found out we weren't notified simply because we hadn't signed up for the classes. We usually sign up the night before or even the morning of. The classes were cancelled before we had a chance to sign up.

    We woke up to no water. I woke up to DH calling somebody before 5AM. He was notifying the water department. He then had me call a second emergency number and I actually got a human to answer the phone. There was a busted water main somewhere and they couldn't find it. By mid-morning they had located the busted line and worked hard to repair it. The entire county is under a boil water advisory. They said that it usually takes 24 hours for all tests to come back negative. Thank goodness I had cooked a big meal on Sunday, so we had leftovers. I also had disposable plates, so we used that. I boiled water to wash dishes and we are using spring water to brush our teeth and for drinking water. What a pain!

    Laurie, sound like you had a wonderful weekend! Great job with the walking workout. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of the Fuel program.

    The yoga studio owners are definitely focused on getting their coffee shop business going. I am sure I'll eventually get DH to workout with me. Right now, his work schedule is a problem.
    I am so glad you're enjoying working out with your DH. I saw the workouts Caroline had posted for the week. The Bulgarian balancing workout sounded good. I really think the app is worth the $.

    Laurel, great workouts! I'm glad you had a good weekend and that your DH is back home. You are definitely warmer than we are. We've been in the high 80's. I really think that we've only had one 90-degree day. Thank goodness your AC is still working!

    Fantastic workouts!!!

    It really is insane that in the age of technology, the studio owners couldn't bother to send an email explaining the class cancelations.

    See you tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We are going to be in the 90's today, but hopefully these clouds stick around so that it isn't beastly hot. The humidity is crazy, and the mosquitoes are out in force. They are coming in when we let the dog in and out of the house, and of course they head right to your ears. :D

    We got in our Fuel Day 1 Giant Leg Day in yesterday. DH made it through the cardio exercises with modifications, very proud of him. I was able to do the exercises without modifying, and my knees where okay. For the burpee type move I had DH put his hands on a step, and he was able to move faster that way. This morning my workout with Fabulous50s started with balance work, abs, 5000 step indoor walking and then a stretching segment.

    Laurel, Great job with all the workouts! Glad to hear that your DH made it home safe, and that you where able to get in a couple of walks. For sure this weather is hot, and I hope that you get that part in and that it will fix that ac. Don't need to be without that cool relief in that heat. My DH has one style of Corvette that he likes. Our car club will be in Bowling Green next year for our annual car show. This year it is in Missouri. I'm sure it will be hot and sticky. The stretch workout that I did this morning had hand stretches in it. Holding those heavy weights makes the hands sore, so that really felt good.

    Thelma, Nice job with the workouts! So glad to hear that you are increasing that weight. Another cancelled class, that's to bad. Oh my on the water, sounds like you where very prepared for something like that though. Not something that one would want to go through though. We have a well, so hopefully we don't have anything like that to deal with. This Fuel workout moved a little faster than the Iron, and of course added in some cardio factor to each set. DH indicated that he was okay with the pace, he said that over time he will get better at it. I have to do a double take sometimes, because exercise was a four letter word for him in the past. :D

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was 2.0 Body Part Chest, the core work from STS Total Body and a 20 minute spin.

    Thelma, great workouts. I am glad to hear you are seeing strength improvements, but I also understand about the wrists. That will probably come back with time as well. I’m sorry about the water situation. We had that happen a few times in Korea and once in Florida and it is such a pain in the neck! I always keep bottled water in the house just in case. I hope your water is good to use again soon.

    Laurie, great workouts. I love your DHs attitude of ‘it will get better in time’. That is so the right attitude to have instead of expecting perfection from the start. The latter is a bit of a problem with my DH because he was a pretty decent athlete when he was young, but age is humbling for everybody. My hands started bothering me when we redid the deck this winter from carrying all that lumber and they just haven’t gotten better. So I stretch my fingers all the time now, and it seems to help. I had never had any issues with my hands before that but, thankfully, I still have strength in my hands. So far. :#

    If I am not here tomorrow it is because DH has the day off, but I will try to check in after my workout. I have a fun one planned for tomorrow. :)

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Tuesday were walking and CG Iron Day-11 Legs with Calves Included. This leg workout was brutal! It was mostly lunges and at the end she killed our calves! I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it up the stairs on my own, so I stayed in the exercise room a few extra minutes stretching my legs. Great killer workout! I wore my 10# weighted vest the entire workout. Some lunges involved holding dumbbells over the shoulders and guess what! I was able to swing the 10# dumbbells over my shoulders like they didn't weigh a thing. I am definitely getting stronger. I used 12.5# dumbbells the majority of the workout, though.

    I'm on week 3 of Iron and I can already feel my body changing. I love how my body responds so well to CG's workouts.

    Our boil water advisory was lifted on Tuesday at about 4PM, but I'm going to boil water at least through Wednesday morning.

    Wednesday's classes were cancelled too. A friend went to the city's park to take the free yoga class the studio offers on Tuesday's during the summer. The owner was teaching, and she said they'll be open on Thursday for sure.

    I went to the chiropractor on Tuesday morning, and I told her that the inside part of my right elbow hasn't been the same since my surgery. It's tender to the touch. I also told her that my right wrist felt a little achy. It turns out all that is scapula related. The scapula has been a HUGE problem for me since I pulled something in that area many moons ago. The chiro adjusted me, and I walked out of the clinic feeling much better. My wrist felt fine during the workout, and I didn't feel the need to use the wrist wrap. Amazing!

    The weather was actually quite nice on Tuesday. It was a little overcast, so the sun wasn't shining on full blast on us. It was a dry and breezy day. Very nice. We're going to be in the high 80's on Friday and in the 90's over the weekend. Next week's forecast is showing a log of possibilities for rain.

    Laurie, great workouts and congrats on starting the Fuel series! I'm glad your DH made it through the cardio part of the workout.

    We actually are prepared for water and power outages. We have lamps and candles, cell phone chargers and thankfully we have a gas range. We also keep filled water jugs in the guest room's shower stall that no one uses. This water we can use for the toilets and dishes. We only drink spring water, so we have lots of drinking water around.

    I am so loving reading about your DH's progress and physical and mental transformation. He must be amazed at how heavy you can lift!

    Laurel, great workouts!

    I hope my wrist strength comes back with time. I am glad I got the weighted vest because I am getting good lower body workouts even when I can't hold more than 12.5# dumbbells for now.
    I think this is my first time having to boil water. It has been a pain in the neck, but even after the boil water advisory was lifted, I still don't trust the water.

    My DH has Wednesday off too. He'd forgotten all about it. Of course, he was working till late on Tuesday night and knowing him, he'll probably work a few hours on Wednesday.

    See you tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,452 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    We did Fuel Day 2 Upper Circuits & Clusters. DH got through this one okay, the finisher was a bit of a mess. He wasn't able to do the sprawl, so I just told him to do the move he did yesterday. Feeling the workout now though. My workout this morning was Fabulous50s warm up, toned arms, full body workout and a stretch.

    Laurel, Nice workouts! My DH was far far from an athlete when he was in school, so I'm sure that his attitude comes from watching me through the years. I think that once he starts loosing the belly, he will have an easier time with the workouts also. Dang on the hands, but at least you are able to get relief.
    I have to lay in bed for a bit, and flex my knees before I get out of bed. Gives those knee joints some lubricant after being still for so long. Enjoy the day with your DH.

    Thelma, Great job with those workouts! I remember that workout being tough with the calf raises. Nice that you are seeing results from the workouts. I know that I have been seeing the same thing with the both of us also. Yesterday I just glanced at my calf muscle, and was like cool muscle tone. :D DH's legs are looking really good too. Yesterday DH ventured into my dumbbell section for back work. Guess we will be sharing weights soon, or I start using the barbell for some exercises. ;) Glad to hear that you where able to get relief for your wrists.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,809 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today’s workout was Killer Legs with Bonus Barre and Gloved Up and Sweaty. It really was a good, fun combo.

    Thelma, great workouts. Sounds like a super tough lower body one for sure. Great job with the weights! I hope your yoga class happens tomorrow. I am happy your chiropractor was able to help with your elbow and wrist pain. That has to be a relief. And I agree with you on continuing to boil water for awhile after the advisory is lifted. Better safe than not.

    Laurie, great workouts. Sounds like your DH is really adapting his workouts as he needs, which is awesome. Some days I hop out of bed and then stand there for a minute while my body screams ‘why are you upright?!!’ at me. I like your idea of gently awakening my joints better. :D

    Still waiting for the AC guy. I am hoping he gets here soon so DH and I can enjoy a little bit of his day off. See you tomorrow.

  • ThelmaSW
    ThelmaSW Posts: 2,553 Member
    Hi ladies, my workouts on Wednesday were walking and CG Iron Day 12 - Chest & Triceps.

    We are bracing for the heat starting on Thursday. I'm not looking forward to these hot days. Next week was looking rainy yesterday, but not today.

    It looks like the yoga studio is back in business. I don't like Thursday's instructor, though. I'll go back on Friday.

    Laurie, great workouts! The sprawl can be hard!
    I'm glad that you're seeing results too. I could just tell the other day my clothes were fitting a little different. It does sound like you're going to need to buy more dumbbells, or you'll have to use the barbell! Good stuff!

    Laurel, great workouts! I hope the AC guy showed up.
    I noticed a that one of water pipes in the lower level was dripping rusty stuff onto our water heater. I showed DH, sent him some local plumber numbers, and he called one of them. The plumber should be here on Friday morning.

    See you tomorrow!