Late Night Snackers Challenge July 2012



  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 19 ✓
    LNS: 4

    I held strong last night--finally told my head to shut the hell up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I gave in to the munchie-monster last night!

    Me: 18
    LNS: 5
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 19
    LNS: 5 ✓

    It's TOM--couldn't resist the chocolate!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Alright, I'm going to focus on this for the remainder of more points to LNS!

    Me: 19
    LNS: 5
  • balancejenn
    balancejenn Posts: 234
    Me 17
    LNS 6 ✓
    ? 1

    A huge whopping +3 for LNS... cookies and ice-cream temptations in the house are too much... for me.
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 15 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 16 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Ate a big tub of Butter Popcorn at the Movies...but made sure I did not LNS :) Computer down couldn't log
    July 17 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Can't believe it is OVER the Hump for July already...time is moving
    July 18 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Where did this day go? But...I didn't LNS Yay
    July 19 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Blood test results back on my Cholesterol...My HDL is 47...First time since 2009 that high. Overall: 185
    July 20 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Last meal at 7:35pm...Cut off 8pm
    July 21 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to a Car Event...and it was 100 degrees HOT! I ate a good breakfast, then a good dinner...and stopped at 8pm...
    July 22 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to Zumba this morning, ate well all day
    July 23 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 24 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 I craved popcorn but couldn't find skipped LNS
    July 25 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Found the popcorn and ate it for lunch, so I wouldn't crave after 8pm. Enjoying a DVD, chewing gum and drinking tea

    Wishing that everyone stays STRONG! I *do* feel great not having LNS'd since the 13th of July. I lost 1 pound at least! Yay! :drinker:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 20
    LNS: 5

    I always like it when the "Me" category gets above 20 in a calendar month!!
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 20 ✓
    LNS: 5

    I went to a party last night and I didn't have anything to eat and drank only water.

    Beeps, we're tied!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 15 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 16 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Ate a big tub of Butter Popcorn at the Movies...but made sure I did not LNS :) Computer down couldn't log
    July 17 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Can't believe it is OVER the Hump for July already...time is moving
    July 18 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Where did this day go? But...I didn't LNS Yay
    July 19 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Blood test results back on my Cholesterol...My HDL is 47...First time since 2009 that high. Overall: 185
    July 20 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Last meal at 7:35pm...Cut off 8pm
    July 21 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to a Car Event...and it was 100 degrees HOT! I ate a good breakfast, then a good dinner...and stopped at 8pm...
    July 22 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to Zumba this morning, ate well all day
    July 23 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 24 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 I craved popcorn but couldn't find skipped LNS
    July 25 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Found the popcorn and ate it for lunch, so I wouldn't crave after 8pm. Enjoying a DVD, chewing gum and drinking tea
    July 26 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Cutoff 8pm...

    TOTALS: Me - 14 LNS - 0 I am AMAZED that I have had the will power to NOT LNS. I have eaten what I wanted during the day (in moderation)...and have been able to maintain my weight and not GAIN. However, NOW I need to get going on my way down to Weight Goal. I've found exercise to help me to strengthen and define...Feelin' Grreat! Just want to say "HEY" to everyone here...and taking the time to us the awareness about what we should be doing. It has helped ME. Sooo THX for this forum :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    Me: 20 ✓
    LNS: 5

    I went to a party last night and I didn't have anything to eat and drank only water.

    Beeps, we're tied!

    Good Job *Gmukris*...I have yet to do a FULL MONTH...soo you are doing AWESOME!! :drinker:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 21 ✓
    LNS: 5

    Having a dinner party tonight, but will try to not eat after 7.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Me: 21
    LNS: 5

    I think I should be able to finish at Me: 26 and LNS: 5. I really do NOT want to be above "5" on the "LNS" side!
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 15 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 16 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Ate a big tub of Butter Popcorn at the Movies...but made sure I did not LNS :) Computer down couldn't log
    July 17 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Can't believe it is OVER the Hump for July already...time is moving
    July 18 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Where did this day go? But...I didn't LNS Yay
    July 19 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Blood test results back on my Cholesterol...My HDL is 47...First time since 2009 that high. Overall: 185
    July 20 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Last meal at 7:35pm...Cut off 8pm
    July 21 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to a Car Event...and it was 100 degrees HOT! I ate a good breakfast, then a good dinner...and stopped at 8pm...
    July 22 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to Zumba this morning, ate well all day
    July 23 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 24 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 I craved popcorn but couldn't find skipped LNS
    July 25 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Found the popcorn and ate it for lunch, so I wouldn't crave after 8pm. Enjoying a DVD, chewing gum and drinking tea
    July 26 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Cutoff 8pm...I let my DH know that I am not eating anything after 8pm. Had a handful of popcorn right at the deadline, though...still UNDER CALORIE GOAL.
    July 27 - Me- 1 LNS - 0 So far sooo good. This morning I broke below 115. I was 114.8 Zumba this morning. YAY

    TOTALS: Me - 15 LNS - 0

    My LNS desire is getting weaker and weaker. I think a lot of it is because DH knows, and...I clean the kitchen...and don't want to dirty any dishes before morning LOL. Sooo Far soooo gooood!! Thx for everyone's support :)
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 22 ✓
    LNS: 6
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    Me: 24
    LNS: 5
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 23 ✓
    LNS: 6
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    July 13 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 14 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 15 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 16 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Ate a big tub of Butter Popcorn at the Movies...but made sure I did not LNS :) Computer down couldn't log
    July 17 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Can't believe it is OVER the Hump for July already...time is moving
    July 18 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Where did this day go? But...I didn't LNS Yay
    July 19 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Blood test results back on my Cholesterol...My HDL is 47...First time since 2009 that high. Overall: 185
    July 20 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Last meal at 7:35pm...Cut off 8pm
    July 21 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to a Car Event...and it was 100 degrees HOT! I ate a good breakfast, then a good dinner...and stopped at 8pm...
    July 22 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Went to Zumba this morning, ate well all day
    July 23 - Me - 1 LNS - 0
    July 24 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 I craved popcorn but couldn't find skipped LNS
    July 25 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Found the popcorn and ate it for lunch, so I wouldn't crave after 8pm. Enjoying a DVD, chewing gum and drinking tea
    July 26 - Me - 1 LNS - 0 Cutoff 8pm...I let my DH know that I am not eating anything after 8pm. Had a handful of popcorn right at the deadline, though...still UNDER CALORIE GOAL.
    July 27 - Me- 1 LNS - 0 So far sooo good. This morning I broke below 115. I was 114.8 Zumba this morning. YAY
    July 28 - Me- 1 LNS - 0
    July 29 - Me -1 LNS - 0
    July 30 - Me-1 LNS - 0 Had a very busy week-end...didn't have time to log in...however did not LNS...

    TOTALS: Me - 18 LNS - 0

    By the time 8pm rolls around now, I don't really think about food. That is a good thing...but...I don't think I am out of the woods yet...thanks for the forum and support!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I'm back after 10 glorious days in sunny Kenya where logging food was far from my mind. I ate reasonably well whilst I was there but still enjoyed lots more fruit juice, ice-cream and chocolate than I would in my normal day. Now its back to the real world and the snacks are out again. Are we following on straight through to August? This group is great to keep me motivated :drinker:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 24 ✓
    LNS: 6

    I finished July a bit better than I did June! I'm game for continuing into August, if everyone else is!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm carrying on into August, for sure.

    While I finished "strong", I prefer for my LNS number to be <4.

    Me: 25
    LNS: 5