Any wine drinkers???



  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Yea wine drinkers! :) Seriously some of the replys on this thred make me think some of you maybe be my long lost twins.

    Warning: This is NOT my favorite way to drink but if I need to strech the calories sometimes I do white wine makes 1 glass of wine into 2.... yea I'm crafty like that.
    I hadn't thought about that! When I do spritzers I use sparkling water but that is a seriously good idea!!! Like it, like it, like it!!!
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    As everyone on here has posted - I ALSO L-O-V-E WINE!!! Love having a glass or 4 on the evening where work has been insane all day! However I have a few of the Skinny Girl drinks not the wine. I liked the White Cran Cosmo & Sangria.... I liked the Sangria over ice better than the Cosmo. Very yummy for a low cal drink. And I'm pretty picky with my beverages.... if I'm gonna drink and have to burn the calories later - it better be good! :drinker:
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Wine drinkers??.......I think I found my new BFF's! I love having a glass or two/three/bottle of red wine. I'm trying hard to limit it on the weeknights. My sister just bought me a shirt that says "Wine takes the ***** right out of me". Guess she's noticed that I've been limiting my wine too:wink:

    I am a straight up red girl myself, hard to find red wine lovers, most people like that spiked koolaid crap!
    I drink white wine mostly, rose in the summer and merlot or pinot noir in winter!!! I just enjoy wine! But I don't like sweet or medium wines as a rule. That said, a cold Liebfraumilch as an apperitif before a hot summer day (rare here!) barbque is lovely! Wine is best served with food - that way the compliment each other. However, a film and a glass or XXX of wine on a Friday night - hard to beat!! LOL!:drinker:
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member

    But for real?

    ETA: I am not, white, blush.... love, love, love!
    Love it!!!:laugh:
  • 33KIKI
    33KIKI Posts: 304
    So nice to met fellow wine drinkers :tongue: I am like most try to be good during the week unless it's been a rough day but on weekends I am social so..I try to keep to 2 bottles a ....

    I figure as long as I still watch my food intake and I will workout those days too. :blushing:

    The skinny girl drinks are ok- there is not one that I am in love with..but good none the less
  • valwes04
    valwes04 Posts: 58
    I love love love the sweet reds too! My favorite is Hatteras Red from Duplin Wineries in NC. Oh. My. Goodness. So so good! I save it for weekends and special occasions though. I do like to have a glass of wine each night, so mostly during the week I stick to Barefoot (mainly to keep it cheap to support my habit!!!) Lol. But I have cut back a lot since trying to lose weight. So, one glass a night it is and I count every calorie! I am going to be on the lookout for the Riunite Lambrusco, though, since I've seen it mentioned a couple times on this post!
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Hello Fellow Wine Lovers.

    I just formed a group called Wine Lovers for people who enjoy the great taste of Wine.

    Send me a PM if you're interested!!

  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    The first person to join the group will receive a free bottle of wine!!

  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Being a "King" of course I love wine. Recently purchase 17 bottles on a recent trip to Napa Valley. Now I workout 6 days a week to support my wine drinking!!!

    I suggest we create a Wine Group!!!!

    What do you think everyone?

    Yes on the wine group. ;)

    BY REQUEST I HAVE CREATED A GROUP CALLED "WINE LOVERS" Go to group and select Wine Lovers to join!!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I hope the wine connosuer joins the group! You could teach us!!!!
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I just log them everyday!!!! hmmm anyone reading my diary will think I am a alcohic peanut eater lol!
    The word has to be "peanutaholic!"!!
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    hell yes!!! I do like a glass of wine, infact just having a lovely glass of white now
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My weakness is chocolate wine. I only get it once a month if that, because the calories in it lol... It's not bad for 1 glass it's the whole bottle, lol and Lord knows I'll drink it all in one setting...
  • kcox4166
    kcox4166 Posts: 20 Member
    I love Moscato! Anyone a Moscato fan? I've tried almost every kind of wine and this is my favorite. Recently took a trip to the Smokies and discovered some wonderful wineries.
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I like my wine, like I want my women...ready to pass out!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My weakness is chocolate wine.
    I've never had chocolate wine!!! What brand? How do you serve it?
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I love Moscato! Anyone a Moscato fan? I've tried almost every kind of wine and this is my favorite. Recently took a trip to the Smokies and discovered some wonderful wineries.

    If I can't have my Chocolate wine, then Moscato is my 2nd choice. It has to be in the blue bottle, it's just the best!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My weakness is chocolate wine.
    I've never had chocolate wine!!! What brand? How do you serve it?

    ChocoVine is the brand. I serve it in my wine glass over ice lol. If I'm feeling like it I'll just drink it from the bottle. But it's also good over frozen yogurt ;)
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    My weakness is chocolate wine. I only get it once a month if that, because the calories in it lol... It's not bad for 1 glass it's the whole bottle, lol and Lord knows I'll drink it all in one setting...
    Chocolate wine? OMG! Men look out! Women will take over the world with chocolate wine!!!!
    I have never even heard of this!!!:laugh:
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    I love my wine, I have started drinking low calorie wine - a whole bottle for 500 cals LOL

    As I recall from my research on this subject, most bottles of wine are around 500 cals.