"you don't need to lose weight"



  • lizziem90
    lizziem90 Posts: 22
    I get this alot! Because i am a siza 8-10 uk sizes people don't understand why I want to lose another stone! But i do say to people its how you feel inside. When i went to WW i was that nervous because i thought people would be looking at me like why is she here kinda thing! You will also find some people tease you with food like eating in front of you and flaunting it, others will try and de-rail you by offering you foods constantly and others are fully supportive. Sometimes the closest can be a tease..... I tend to say to people when they keep offering me food 'stop trying to feed me I don't wnat it. it usually shuts them up. It has been a great help that my mom is dieting too so we chat about food non stop and have healthy meals in the house. You just have to ignore some comments because you could be the skinnest girl but have the lowest self confidence of everybody in the room and at the end of the day do you ever listen when someone says you don't need to lose weight I don't think so and thats cus ur not fully happy at that weight. Good luck x
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    Actually most of the people who do say this are bigger than I am and are jealous that I'm not obese, and they are.

    Kevin James: "Ever get weight loss advice from someone bigger than you? 'You know, what you gotta do...' Yeah, not listen to your fatter a**" :)

    BTW, if you haven't seen his sweat the small stuff act I highly recommend it.

    Also, I've realized that people really don't know what they're talking about, especially if they haven't lost weight before. People are now telling me that I need to stop losing weight. They are like "you're scaring me. You're not eating enough. The weight you're at now is good." I used to just let it go and take it as a compliment but it happens like every time I see them so I've started to question them. The conversation usually goes like this:
    Me: "oh, well I'm 5'11", how much do you think I should weigh."
    Them: "I don't know, I'm just going by what you look like."
    Me: "And the last time you saw me naked was..."
    That usually ends it until the next time I see them.

    Some of my family members and family friends even say ridiculous things like "you're going to become anorexic." I don't know whether they're serious or not but it really bothers me especially because one of my close friends was actually anorexic for a while and it was really difficult for me to watch that happen to her. These people who are otherwise smart and logical, some of whom are medical doctors, either don't understand the condition or are trying to be funny (but they say it in a relatively serious tone) when they actually aren't. This bothers me enough where I will generally give them an angry look and say something to the effect of "oh really, well I'm pretty sure I eat about 500-1000 more calories per day than you do, so why don't you stick to commenting on things you're knowledgeable about."

    ETA: just saw kare's post. I guess me and that teacher think alike, lol.