Has anyone tried DDP yoga



  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    Just a question for those that have it. Is there a lot of jumping around at all or high impact movement?. I live on a second floor in an apartment complex where you can hear the people above you. I can hear people moving on the floor above me. For this reason, I have not gotten any exercise dvds like P90X or Insanity because of the noise it would be making.
  • swimcoach07
    swimcoach07 Posts: 31 Member
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    bump for later.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @Brandon - There is absolutely NO jumping around, it is a zero impact workout so your neighbours below will have no reason to complain :)
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    @Brandon - There is absolutely NO jumping around, it is a zero impact workout so your neighbours below will have no reason to complain :)

    Thank you for the response. This is something I can definitely consider
  • Morderca
    Morderca Posts: 1 Member
    Does anyone know how many calories each of the ddp workouts burns? I am trying to add them to my log and I am unsure if they are accurate.

    Thank you,
  • lindaw66
    lindaw66 Posts: 258 Member
    bumpity bump bump bump
  • GMen5656
    GMen5656 Posts: 16
    Just want to jump in on this thread as I have just ordered my set today and should have it in 3 to 5 days. Also, if anyone is thinking about ordering, I found a discount code thats good for this month. Type in ddpbang and you get 10% off.
  • beckysiz
    beckysiz Posts: 54 Member
  • queenbea77
    queenbea77 Posts: 404 Member
    I bought these & tried the first DVD - it was good. I'm having an issue with tendonitis right now so as soon as I get done with physical therapy and can do all of the moves correctly & get the most benefit from the workout I'm going to jump back in with both feet. I do plenty of treadmill, elliptical & bike work so I've been looking for a Yoga workout I can do at home. I'm so excited there are other people here doing this!
  • karolina98
    I have question to those who tried DDP already. I've just had a try on it for few days. I've started from Diamond Dozen and then moved to Energy. It says that you should get to your fat burning zone during workouts and slow down if it goes to high. Problem is that not even once I've been able to get to my fat burning zone. It does get higher but drops quickly as well. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I do try dynamic resistance and follow instructions but still nothing. What is your heart rate before you start workouts and during exercises?
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    If you're not getting your heart rate high enough you're not engaging enough muscles.

    When you're standing straight up you should be tensing your toes, calves, quads, hamstrings, bum, abs, biceps, triceps, forearms, fingers.

    Everytime you move you should be forcing every muscle to not go in the direction you're trying to move, make it absolutely as hard as you can.

    It is hard to get the idea behind it, but with practice you can really raise that HR and keep it up there.

    In lunges and things make sure you are as low as possible, make it really hurt, get your front thigh down parallel to the floor and your HR will rocket - I promise!!!

    As you progress through the workouts your HR will naturally increase as they become more challening, but simply doing 2 or 3 diamond cutters in a row you should be able to get your HR up to at least 140
  • tisha125
    tisha125 Posts: 1 Member
    Cannot wait to start this program with my husband! We have been previewing the workouts on youtube and are looking forward to the day they come in the mail.

    I've done yoga workouts for years, but this stuff definitely engages ALL muscles.

    Hoping to post results after 30 days! :)
  • DaIllusiveMan
    I think, it's the best home workout on the market for the regular Joe or Jane. There are better ones out there for those looking to maximize every minute of their routines. Still, anyone can do these workouts and they're effective. Even just 20-30 minute a day will generate results. Of course if you want to speed up and/or increase your results plateau...mixing & matching the DDP Yoga routines plus monitored diet (no, not a starvation one) will do that.

    I have DJD in both knees and one ankle plus Gout creeping in now & then. Some of the moves I cannot do yet. Not because of impact (because there is none) but that I am not flexible enough at this point. It's good stuff, highly suggest you give it a shot. Can't please everyone but this DDP Yoga product would be used by the majority if they all had a chance to try it. Just my opinion.
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
  • angleu
    angleu Posts: 140 Member
    My husband and I are starting the workouts tomorrow. Super excited!
  • adopt321
    adopt321 Posts: 111
    I'm curious to hear if anyone has done DDP strictly the physical aspect and not the diet and what kind of results its produced, what changes you feel or see in your body.
  • shurlsmith
    shurlsmith Posts: 3 Member
    If you're not getting your heart rate high enough you're not engaging enough muscles.

    When you're standing straight up you should be tensing your toes, calves, quads, hamstrings, bum, abs, biceps, triceps, forearms, fingers.

    Everytime you move you should be forcing every muscle to not go in the direction you're trying to move, make it absolutely as hard as you can.

    It is hard to get the idea behind it, but with practice you can really raise that HR and keep it up there.

    In lunges and things make sure you are as low as possible, make it really hurt, get your front thigh down parallel to the floor and your HR will rocket - I promise!!!

    As you progress through the workouts your HR will naturally increase as they become more challening, but simply doing 2 or 3 diamond cutters in a row you should be able to get your HR up to at least 140

    I agree completely and would add, I notice an increase in my heart rate making a conscience effort to engage my lower body. You don't need to go lower, keep a good comfortable position, but make sure you are tightening ankles to glutes as described. I can watch my heart rate rise by refocusing my mind if it wonders and my body relaxes some.
  • shurlsmith
    shurlsmith Posts: 3 Member
    I started DDP yoga about 6 weeks ago after seeing the Aurthur video on TV. I am realistic and most days only have a half hour to work out. I love this workout. I am a yoga snob. I like good yoga with a good instructor. I think the quality of these workouts are top notch. You do need to watch your own form since no one is there to correct you. They are challenging and there are a variety of workouts to do in less than 30 minutes with add ons to extend the workout. I have only used discs one and 2 so far. There is also a longer workout I do at least twice a week. I have not lost weight, but I do think I am unusual. I just started using a heart rate monitor. My heart rate increases into my zone quickly. I burn calories that are a little higher than shown if you calculate Aerobics, general, in myfitness plan. After 6 weeks I feel stronger and taller. I was doing the 30 day shred before. I like this better. I have not done "real" yoga in almost a year. I am toning, if not losing weight. I find it incredible as someone else stated already, I was not able to find any negative reviews. It may not replace lifting weights, but it is a very good workout.
  • DaIllusiveMan
    I'm curious to hear if anyone has done DDP strictly the physical aspect and not the diet and what kind of results its produced, what changes you feel or see in your body.

    In my case, I dont strictly adhere to the no gluten or dairy fundamentals of this program's diet plan. Although if given the choice I do go with Gluten Free over alternative and water over milk. The results I have witnessed are significantly increased flexability, total body feeling more firm, and slow (and I mean slow) but consistent weight loss. One thing that changed quicker than expected was the shape and feel of my back. I don't have a chronic back condition or anything but its certainly stronger and very firm.

    My routine is 30-45\min 5 days a week. Going off the top of my head, I would say the workouts I do burn about 175-250 calories. Although somedays I just do the "Energy" routine..which, according to my heart montior, burns about 150.