Kindle stolen from gym. I feel too angry to return



  • katatak1
    katatak1 Posts: 261 Member
    OP, you might try editing your first post to really point out that it's the violation that's bothering you, and not the loss. I don't think people are reading through the whole thread before replying, so they are missing the point.

    I wanted to, and I tried, but the edit button is gone. Not sure why.

    An OP only has a limited amount of time during which it can be edited. I don't know about here, but in other forums this allows the general context of a post to remain the same and prevents the poster from deleting an entire OP after having posting regrets.

    That makes a lot of sense.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Continue to go to the gym as you have been.

    When the negative feelings hit - turn them into a positive. Such as, "I'm getting fit and strong so that if I ever find the jackhole that stole my Kindle I can pummel them into squishy bits."

    See? Don't you feel better?
    Love it! :-)
    It sucks, I know -- I'm sorry someone took your stuff. It's mean, and it's kind of like a new violation every time you think about it. But every time you think about it, you're letting them do it to you again -- at this point, you're doing it to yourself. If you've done everything you can do to take action against the person, it's time to stop letting them make you feel like crap.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    Never let someone have that much power over you to control your emotions like that. Becaue trust me the person that stole your kindle from you isn't stewing about it.

    Of course it is a loss and that doesn't change your feelings. What I am suggesting is work through the feelings, don't stop going to the gym, and when you get angry depending upon your belief system know that what comes around goes around. Whether you think God will get even for you, Karma will play it's roll or something else. Just don't let this one thing defeat you from going to the gym. Work on when you have that feeling of anger replace it with another feeling. Maybe one of empowerment because you are at the gym and it will make you strong each time you go.

    Good luck. And realize that bad things happen to good people all the time. :flowerforyou:

    This. I have had my entire wardrobe with designer stuff stolen 2x as well as a .5 ct diamond ring (a gift to myself for my birthstone, April baby!) stolen. The reason why I wasn't wearing the ring was because I just moved and it needed to be resized. C'est la vie.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I had my road bike of 6 years stolen from me from right in front of my home. Granted my home is a BUSY area and it was my "Fault" I didn't leave it in the secured locked area with a proper lock on it. It was out in the open and easily snatched. It hurt a lot but I got over it. It's stuff and I replaced my anger with moving forward and I just got another bike.

    Sorry you had to go through that. Hopefully you can come to acceptance with the situation or maybe go out and buy a new one!
  • scunningham2012
    scunningham2012 Posts: 159 Member
    Find a good punching bag pretend it's the person that stole it and punch your little heart out. Or, sit down, take a few deep breathes and go on with your day.

    I had my kindle stolen at work, when I worked in a call center, right after xmas so I know the feeling. I was really pissed and didn't trust anyone that entire day. It was a present from my fiance and meant a lot to me. You leave a room for 2 minutes and it's amazing just how much people will steep so low to not even stating they found it. So I went home, deactivated my account and laughed at the thought of them trying to use it only to be a eletronic paper weight instead.
  • RejoicingL
    RejoicingL Posts: 95 Member
    Maybe you can use the anger to your benefit? Could you use it to motivate you, work through your anger in the gym. Take all that anger out on the equiptment!

    When I had my wallet stolen, I felt just like you did...violated, uneasy. It DOES get better with time...hang in there. I think you have to go through stages, kind of like grief...denial (maybe it'll turn up), anger(I wish I could get that person), eventually acceptance. that is what I found anyway. Make it a point to think of positive thoughts you can use to replace the negative ones you get when you are in the gym. And maybe change up your routine for a bit. Get outside, workout at home. And another good idea-can you find a friend to workout with. Having someone else with you, a comrade, might distract you from what happened.

    Hang in there!
  • ucpg
    ucpg Posts: 158
    I had the same thing except someone stole my $80 gym shoes!!! it still makes me mad today..
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Only theft I have had has been someone breaking in to steal. I never leave my purse or any other tempting items on the car seats, I take nothing into the gym or work that is not essential and keep it secured at all times.

    It is sweet to believe someone would turn in something "left" at a gym or work or where ever but in reality that is not so common. I would be madder at myself than at someone else and nothing like that would make me lose sleep, it's just a thing.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    A couple details. It was 5 am on Monday. I was alone in the gym and assumed I was safe. I forgot it was there when I set it down on the floor. I left the gym. It was empty. I walked back to my apartment, realized my mistake and returned. It was gone. The gym was empty. I spent about 10 minutes away from the gym. It's deactivated, police report is filed. My main concern now is how to get over the anger so I don't seethe for the rest of the day after a workout. Just being there pisses me off.

    Did you contact your apartment? They might have a camera in the gym. Most do in case someone falls and gets hurt and try to sue them.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I have had things stolen from me and I know that feeling of anger. Don't let it kill your workouts though! I am sorry that happened. :(
  • julie781
    julie781 Posts: 221 Member
    I know how you feel. I had a bike stolen from right out front of my gym. Where the desk attendant and plenty others could see it. I never went back :(
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    you could get nitroglycerin paste get another cheap or broken electronic device and smear the paste onto it, leave it in the same area and let the guy/girl steal it again, they'll have the worst headache of their life and probably want to die and the revenge will make you feel better :) My mom talked about doing it to our halloween pumpkins one year, haha she is evil

    edit to say: I am of course kidding........but man wouldn't it be sweet

    Genius. I love it! Since you live in the area, uh... you're gonna do this for me, right? fingerprints and all... lol. Thanks for the pick me up :)

    Flaw in that whole plan is someones kid picks up the obviously discarded device and says to his mum on the treadmill "Whats this mum?" Then the mum being a good citizen takes the device and hands it to a equally innocent gym staff member who handles the same device to place it in the lost and found box.

    Yeah bad bad plan. :)

    You need to find out who it is by other means and go the non tech route by giving them an old fashioned punch in the head.

    Personally I would put up a lost notice the person who took it may have picked it up and maybe there was noone at the counter to hand it in to. You may get it back. It happens.

    Good luck.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    That stinks. I can see why you're angry. It's not easy just to let it go...why not post some signs with a small reward?

    Someone honest might notice that someone else in their family / apartment has a mysterious new Kindle.

    Not allowed to post signs

    Hold on this is a apartment gym so no staff?
    And you left it in the gym unattended? So if someone found it were should they hand it in to?
  • turkishmelly
    turkishmelly Posts: 129 Member
    Yep! Somebody broke into my locker and stole my car at 24hr fitness. And I parked my car where the cameras were. And their cameras weren't working what a coincidence right... It was the girl who was working at the gym. Thanks a lot 24hr fitness!!
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    I made the mistake of not locking my locker the first time I went to a new gym. Someone took my bag out, took it in one of the bathroom stalls and went all through it leaving everything strewn about the bathroom stall. Fortunately they didn’t find anything worth taking but that feeling of being violated like that is the worst part. I’ve also had my car broken into twice in my apartment complex and stolen once from a nearby park n ride. It isn’t even about the property so much as it’s the knowledge that other human beings simply have no respect or regard for others and their things. It’s just disheartening.

    The best thing you can do now is move on, learn from it and take steps going forward to protect your things! Don't let those jerks steal any more of your time, emotions or worry!
  • lilah808
    lilah808 Posts: 60

    I know it shouldn't keep me out of the gym, and so far I haven't let it. I've been seething with anger, but I've been going. Any advice on getting over the anger? Thanks.

    My advice to you is to choose to stop being angry. The only one making you angry is YOU. Just stop. That is all.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    Okay - so if you want to get over it - why has this thread gone on so long? It's like taking an hour to rip off a band-aid. POINTLESS.

    You've vented, you've gotten good advice / bad advice, you've filed your police report, JUST GET OFF MFP AND QUIT DWELLING ON IT!

    You are giving the person / act far too much power over you. You can't change how other people act, but you can control how YOU react.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    You are angry, and you have a right to be, but until you forgive, that anger will stay with you. That's not to say that the person who stole the Kindle deserves forgiveness, but it's not really about them. Do you think that they are thinking of you? They either sold it or trashed it, either way, it's in the past for them. Until you can forgive them for being a jerk, you're going to keep holding onto this and the only person it's hurting at this point is you.
  • barbielovesgym
    That sucks, I'm sorry!

    That is why I never take expensive things to the gym. People will steal gym bags/water bottles, much less nice electronics.

    Use the anger to kick butt in your workouts!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'd be angry too in this situation - with MYSELF for being vague and leaving my gadget behind.
    Sure, no one should have taken it away - but you are the one who left it lying around, so you only have yourself to blame.
    Its a pain, but not the end of the world. Forget it and move on.