The "Need" to Run



  • lauleipop
    lauleipop Posts: 260 Member
    This is so awesome. Almost everybody I talk to fears week 5. And you owned it. So happy to hear this!
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    This is so awesome. Almost everybody I talk to fears week 5. And you owned it. So happy to hear this!

    I did this time! A week ago I could not do W5D3 completely. I did 10 minutes of my 20 minute run, walked for 2 minutes, then walked 10. Two days later, I did 14 minutes and walked 2, and then finished the final six. Yesterday evening I did the whole enchilada , plus one minute.

    I think nothing of running the rest of the C25K program now. It is just a matter of building up endurance.
  • laureltn
    laureltn Posts: 87 Member
    Just found this thread and loved reading how much you're improving already. Yes, do take it slow (speaking from a painful experience of too much too soon) and read books and listen to the experienced sage advice you will see here. But go you, and welcome to the club. The Dark Side has cookies. We have running watches, cool shoes, running playlists -- well, much better than cookies.
  • RichEiler
    RichEiler Posts: 8 Member
    Laureltn.. said it.. be careful.... to much.. to soon... to fast.... to far.... to often.. I still have the video of her using a walker....
    Your in it for the long haul.. take it easy and listen carefully to your body...
    welcome to the dark side .. the cookies are really good...
    GO YOU congrats man !!!
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    You just became a runner. :D
    This. Congrats and welcome.

    Mind you, do try not to overdo it. Both myself (118 lb woman) and my friend (225 lb man, down from 300ish) hurt our knees during the initial "Must run MORE!" phase and ended up in physio, missing 6 glorious summer weeks of running.
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    I'm so glad to see this thread. I've had that same feeling recently it's almost as if I can hear the gravel road outside my house call my name in the morning. I'm serious, don't laugh, my legs start feeling weird almost jumpy or itchy and I just have to go. I'm bigger too and my pace is slow but I can do up to 3.8 miles without stopping. I have a hard time considering myself a runner- I just feel like I'm too slow, but I totally understand that need..
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    I am not having any pain except for my left knee, which has only recently begun acting up. My right knee is fine. I am going to get a knee brace- I think the ligaments and muscles are just stronger in my right leg. I can bear weight with no problem, it is just sore and tender, but when I extend it all the way it yells at me as if I am about to over extend my leg. My regimen is ice after running, and stretches. I have to go get a knee brace soon to stabilize my knee during running.
  • shreddin_mama
    shreddin_mama Posts: 1,076 Member
    Welcome to the club! See you on the roads
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    I am not having any pain except for my left knee, which has only recently begun acting up. My right knee is fine. I am going to get a knee brace- I think the ligaments and muscles are just stronger in my right leg. I can bear weight with no problem, it is just sore and tender, but when I extend it all the way it yells at me as if I am about to over extend my leg. My regimen is ice after running, and stretches. I have to go get a knee brace soon to stabilize my knee during running.

    Get a brace, but if you are having pain, especially knee pain, it is your body's way of telling you it is getting too much and you are injured. Granted, it is probably a small injury, but try and let it heal before it becomes a chronic injury. A brace is good to help you keep from getting worse or from getting injured in the first place, but only rest will help it heal.
  • laureltn
    laureltn Posts: 87 Member
    I am not having any pain except for my left knee, which has only recently begun acting up. My right knee is fine. I am going to get a knee brace- I think the ligaments and muscles are just stronger in my right leg. I can bear weight with no problem, it is just sore and tender, but when I extend it all the way it yells at me as if I am about to over extend my leg. My regimen is ice after running, and stretches. I have to go get a knee brace soon to stabilize my knee during running.

    Get a brace, but if you are having pain, especially knee pain, it is your body's way of telling you it is getting too much and you are injured. Granted, it is probably a small injury, but try and let it heal before it becomes a chronic injury. A brace is good to help you keep from getting worse or from getting injured in the first place, but only rest will help it heal.

    what he said! it takes time to build up those muscles and as much as you want to run free and often, patience pays. :)
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't run..yet, but I'm feeling the need to move. I'm liking exercise for the first time in my life, and I'm 44 and just under 260 and well it's just weird, but awesome. I take a zumba gold class on Monday and the rest of the week the songs get in my head and I just *crave* it. I do Leslie Sansone dvd in the morning, and I find myself weirdly craving another. Today I did both of those things, and the a/c was off at zumba class and it's 94 outside so it was HOT in there...and here it is 12:30 at night and i'm super tired..but still feeling the twitch to dance around the house. Just awesome, I hope it continues.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I don't know... I see a lot of great explanations, but I want it too!!! :)