I am eating ALL my exercise calories, 7/7/12

I have made a commitment too myself and the people here to eat all my exercise calories(I started with this yesterday). I can't remember how long I committed too but I think at least until September 1st should tell the story. There is such a wall between those that believe that is the way and those that don't and I am hoping this may help. Plus, I was feeling run-down and wondering if it actually was my body telling me I needed more fuel. I know several people here that have always eaten their exercise calories and have gotten in wonderful shape.

So why was I not eating mine? That's easy to answer, the scale kept going down. People were cheering me on! I got caught up in it all and I am not saying that was a bad thing. This is a wonderful place of support as well as tools to help me along. But what was I losing? Fat, lean muscle mass, water?? I don't know for sure but like I said, I was feeling weaker during workouts etc.

I want to use this thread as sort of a "check-in" point to let people know, that care to read, how it is going for me. I am not using the scale during this time so I am going to just hide my ticker. It isn't the weight I am going to be watching, it will be the measuring tape and general fit of clothing etc. And especially, how I feel:) Anyone who is a "friend" here can see my diary so you all can see what I eat, I will log everything honestly. I want to discover for myself, but if I can help another person, even one with this "test" then it will be worth it, even if it doesn't work. I mean if the fat doesn't go away and I don't show change in my figure. I will post more pics when there is a difference, I figure there will be one, one way or the other.

If it does work it will prove what I now believe, for me. I can eat normal food including the calorie amount suggested(5 food-groups), not be hungry, and get in the best shape I can for my years and body-style. Best of all, know that I am not losing any lean muscle, just clearing out those fat-stores:bigsmile: :drinker:

I know some special cases are not able to eat certain foods, I know metabolism differs in people, I know there are reasons why maybe some have been told by a doctor to eat less calories. I am for sure not a doctor, lol, just a lady that wants to be in shape, but do it the healthiest way possible while forming a lasting life-style change.

See you all on the journey! Denise


  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    I love your post. I believe by eating enough you will increase your metabolism. Bless you!
  • E_K71
    E_K71 Posts: 31 Member
    Love this post and look forward to following your progress. Good luck :drinker:
  • Misslisat
    Misslisat Posts: 203 Member
    Great post! I've done something very similar. I stopped logging my exercise so I'm not trying to figure back in those calories burned. I'm on a set caloric intake of 1700 and my macro is 40/30/30. I've done this for 2 weeks now, and it's working. Previously, I was dropping weight quickly, exercising like a madwoman and not eating enough. I hit a plateau after losing 45 pounds and then gained 2-3 back. Long story short - eat! Your body needs the fuel.
  • ltkasmala
    ltkasmala Posts: 109 Member
    I don't think I have eaten my 1200 calories on any day in the almost 3 weeks I have been using this tool. Most days I do get extra calories for exercise which do allow me more flexibility for a snack or other thing during the day. I am also noticing the scale going down, which is great considering I have been trying for the past 10 years to loose weight (and in reality put more on so that now I have twice as much as I originally started out with).

    I did read some place recently, however, that you want to try and eat the correct number of calories as your body will start using muscle tissue instead of fat and that not only reduces the amount of fat you are loosing but places you in danger health wise, particularly since your heart is a big muscle and why I know crash diets are definitely not the way to go!

    I know we will all reach our weight goals in time! :) Good luck!
  • JMeka
    JMeka Posts: 26
    I'm just coming to realize the same thing too as i'm hitting many plateaus since starting. I'm going to try netting my bmr starting today.
  • gxm17
    gxm17 Posts: 374
    I have had great results with eating my exercise calories back. Even more, I am finding it is best for me to log all *extra* exercise, like hiking (a long walk to the bird sanctuary) or gardening. When I started eating those calories back too, I began to achieve the fitness results I was hoping for. Although I'm sure that adding Turbo Fire HIITs to my workout regimen, for five weeks now, has been a factor too.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I believe too;) I prayed for faith this a.m. while I was walking. By the way, I am now in love with my Ft4!! I feel so much more confident reading my very, own heart-rate. I know there are lots of people who can't afford one and I don't want to discourage because I believe what online calculators provide are so close to being right. I have compared some figures to my calcs and only a minimum diff.

    Hugs my Texas bud'ette!! denise
    I love your post. I believe by eating enough you will increase your metabolism. Bless you!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Great Eileen, you can help keep me accountable, LOL!! Good to have you as a friend, denise:)
    Love this post and look forward to following your progress. Good luck :drinker:
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Boy you can't beat that "living" proof can you :bigsmile: :drinker: So glad we are here!! denise
    Great post! I've done something very similar. I stopped logging my exercise so I'm not trying to figure back in those calories burned. I'm on a set caloric intake of 1700 and my macro is 40/30/30. I've done this for 2 weeks now, and it's working. Previously, I was dropping weight quickly, exercising like a madwoman and not eating enough. I hit a plateau after losing 45 pounds and then gained 2-3 back. Long story short - eat! Your body needs the fuel.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,396 Member
    Good luck! I strongly believe you have to fuel your body so I eat MOST of mine back. I try not to eat them all though because I am not religious about weighing and measuring and don't always log those little licks and tastes throughout the day. I've put a few lbs. back on since I've been in maintenance mostly because I was (duh!) eating too much but it's slowly coming back off. I'll be curious to see your results.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    That's what my test is about, finally finding out first hand how this might change things for me "for the good". For example, just after 1 day of eating lots of good foods, and, all my exercise calories(I actually went over about 30)I woke up at 6 a.m. and was just pumped up ready to go. That is totally new. My muscles are still recovering but I did a bit slower walking pace. Also, today I incorporate some new exercises for upper body strength. I will wear my heart monitor so I can see firsthand how much I burn.

    Thank you for your reply, I really do love coming here and knowing I am not alone:) denise
    I don't think I have eaten my 1200 calories on any day in the almost 3 weeks I have been using this tool. Most days I do get extra calories for exercise which do allow me more flexibility for a snack or other thing during the day. I am also noticing the scale going down, which is great considering I have been trying for the past 10 years to loose weight (and in reality put more on so that now I have twice as much as I originally started out with).

    I did read some place recently, however, that you want to try and eat the correct number of calories as your body will start using muscle tissue instead of fat and that not only reduces the amount of fat you are loosing but places you in danger health wise, particularly since your heart is a big muscle and why I know crash diets are definitely not the way to go!

    I know we will all reach our weight goals in time! :) Good luck!
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    food tastes to good to not eat them back ;-)
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    So happy to hear from you and I look forward to helping and being helped:) Let's stick together in this awesome journey!! denise:)
    I'm just coming to realize the same thing too as i'm hitting many plateaus since starting. I'm going to try netting my bmr starting today.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am so not perfect but as I have heard so many times, it is more about progress. I will try to keep everyone updated on this thread as I mentioned. And I will not hold back on any negatives that might occur:)

    Good luck! I strongly believe you have to fuel your body so I eat MOST of mine back. I try not to eat them all though because I am not religious about weighing and measuring and don't always log those little licks and tastes throughout the day. I've put a few lbs. back on since I've been in maintenance mostly because I was (duh!) eating too much but it's slowly coming back off. I'll be curious to see your results.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I agree but also I've noticed that healthier choices of foods are even tasting better to me:) Like dropping the salt I realized I hadn't even been tasting food, just salt, LOL! It's a great journey and I wouldn't have gotten on it if it hadn't been for MFP:) (the people here;) denise
    food tastes to good to not eat them back ;-)
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    I've been curious about this same thing. I eat back most of my exercise calories. When I don't work out, 1200 calories seems like very minimal food. In a way it's good, because it motivates me to work out so I can eat a bit more. I'm curious how this will work out for you. Good luck!
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    I did that when I was working out 100 minutes a day and I gained 8 lbs in a month and then 6 weeks of plateaus. Now I do a TDEE deficit and lower carbs and I dont eat my exercise calories and I have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks. To each his/her own just dont be afraid to change it up if it doesnt work for you.

    Good luck.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am totally thrilled to meet so many great, people! And thank you for the encouragement with eating back calories!! From what I can see you are looking great!! The heart rate monitor was for the exact reasons you mentioned. There are a lot of activities that burn we don't think of. I plan to wear mine as often as I can;) ty soooooooo much, denise:drinker: :drinker:
    I have had great results with eating my exercise calories back. Even more, I am finding it is best for me to log all *extra* exercise, like hiking (a long walk to the bird sanctuary) or gardening. When I started eating those calories back too, I began to achieve the fitness results I was hoping for. Although I'm sure that adding Turbo Fire HIITs to my workout regimen, for five weeks now, has been a factor too.
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    This is EXACTLY what happens to me! Ty for sharing it! I do mean exactly so I don't need to type it again, :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: Awesome to meet you, denise

    I've been curious about this same thing. I eat back most of my exercise calories. When I don't work out, 1200 calories seems like very minimal food. In a way it's good, because it motivates me to work out so I can eat a bit more. I'm curious how this will work out for you. Good luck!
  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    Amen to this, it is to each his own and not to be afraid to try something else if it isn't working the way I think it should;) Best wishes and thank you for your reply;)
    I did that when I was working out 100 minutes a day and I gained 8 lbs in a month and then 6 weeks of plateaus. Now I do a TDEE deficit and lower carbs and I dont eat my exercise calories and I have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks. To each his/her own just dont be afraid to change it up if it doesnt work for you.

    Good luck.