

  • JMeka
    JMeka Posts: 26
    wow, most of you responders are seriously rude! you can respectfully disagree without sounding like jerks. i can't believe how hateful some of your posts have been. you should be ashamed to act with such immaturity.

    rant done.

  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Sheesh... that list of forbidden food looks an awful lot like a list of the 'regulars' in my food diary!

    I especially liked: #46 All deserts. Personally, I find I get fatter every time I visit the Gobi or the Sahara. :laugh:

    All kidding aside, the list is silly. These foods can definitely be included in a healthy diet as long as they're eaten in moderation and fit within your calories/macros.

    I'm 40, female, 5'9, 137 pounds with 21.5% body fat. I lost all the weight I wanted (and then some) without avoiding any type of food (other than the foods I just don't care to eat)
  • Pauline3290
    Fear mongering is one of the best tools for creating misconception about food.
    If you like a certain type of food and you want to lose weight, all you need to know is "Do you have room in your macros to eat it?"
    Do you know your TDEE?
    This article would have been good if it stated that all the foods are fine to eat in moderation.
    If it had some type of science behind it to back it up.
    Coffee causes stress?
    Any type of stimulant causes stress.
    Green tea is a stimulant BTW!

    What a bunch of garbage.

    No wonder we have girls on here afraid to eat above 1200 cals and who sit in the corner crying because they had 1 cookie.

    To summarize:

    If the food you like fits your macros then eat it.
    You will lose weight as long as you are at a deficit.

    Rant done.

    Lol, I love this rant! In fact I think I'm in love with you Dan full stop!! I edited the quote cos it was nearly 34miles long btw.
  • KourtneyP83
    KourtneyP83 Posts: 319
    Gosh - what can you eat according to that article? I too am of the opinion that if it fits in eat it or drink it...and I have lost 84lbs doing just that.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Boiled sweets <----WTF is a boiled sweet?
    LOL! Dan! That really made me laugh... but only because it's true: WTF IS a boiled sweet?

    Nicely done on the rant.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    i feel ganged up on :(
    maybe i should have made it say "foods to try to stay away from"
    i hardly eat any of that stuff anyway.. but i do sometimes if theres nothing else at a party or if i have a craving and just make up for it later w/ exercise or something
    for the most part i try to stay healthy as possible. theres other foods you can eat instead of those that are good for you and taste just as good....... but again im sorry!!! im not starting posts anymore lol

    Totally fine post for the people who have a hard time controlling there caloric intake via calorie dense foods. That is usually the quest for most people controlling there calories, to find delicious yummy foods low in calories so you can eat alot of it and feel satiated.

    ex. McDonalds 1/4 lbr 520 kcal
    Homemade 80/20 1/4 lbr 320 kcal
    Your "homemade" version is just the patty (80/20 beef is roughly 80 calories per oz, 4 oz would be 320 calories) while the McDonald's burger you listed includes a bun, ketchup, mustard, pickles, onions, and 2 slices of cheese. Adding all that to your homemade burger? About 550 calories (320 for the meat, 120 for the hamburger bun, 15 for the ketchup, 5 for the onion, and 90 for the cheese.)

    It's all well and good to compare homemade vs not homemade, but you have to compare things identically, otherwise you have no real credibility.

    If I am making a Homemade burger vs. McD's then I am using 93/7 Lean Ground Hamburger Patty, 4 ounces is only 170 calories , and I use Healthy Life Wheat buns at 80 calories a bun and Sargento's thin slice swiss @ 40 calories a slice and a TBSP. of Ketchup and my burger comes in at 290 calories and usually pitted against McD's I can have 2 and am still only pushing 580 calories... It all in the ingredients......
    This is true, and is completely different than the other poster's comment. The advantage of home-made is you can customize things to your own needs, but then again, you could also turn around and make a burger much, much worse than anything McDonald's has ever made. It is all in the ingredients.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member

    No wonder we have girls on here afraid to eat above 1200 cals and who sit in the corner crying because they had 1 cookie.

    To summarize:

    If the food you like fits your macros then eat it.
    You will lose weight as long as you are at a deficit.

    Huh. The scale, my clothes sizes and the mirror must all be defective. Sad.

    We must be using the same scale, wearing the same clothes and looking in the same mirror. :wink:

    If if fits my numbers, I'm going to eat it. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet.

    The biggest change I've made is portions. I eat less of the same things. It's going quite well. :-)
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    LOL this is funny seeing how I have eaten most of these foods and lost 73 lbs!!!
    This is like the third post Ive seen from this person about a what to eat and not to eat website. Is it her website???? LOL
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Boiled sweets <----WTF is a boiled sweet?
    LOL! Dan! That really made me laugh... but only because it's true: WTF IS a boiled sweet?

    Nicely done on the rant.

    It's hard candy :tongue:
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Boiled sweets <----WTF is a boiled sweet?
    LOL! Dan! That really made me laugh... but only because it's true: WTF IS a boiled sweet?

    Nicely done on the rant.

    It's hard candy :tongue:
    Think humbugs etc. Sweets you have to suck :p
  • dme1977
    dme1977 Posts: 537 Member
    I mean REALLY??!!!!

    the point of this article was what?!!
    DONT EAT?!

    I have eaten just about EVERYTHING on that list in the past 6 months:love: and have successfully lost weight and am STILL keeping it off.... :drinker:

    hmmmm. makes you wonder what this threads poster had in mind when putting this up...
  • Phoenix59
    Phoenix59 Posts: 364 Member
    ...Sweets you have to suck :p

    Well, I'll tell my husband, but he's not gonna like that. :tongue:
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