Favorite things to do with an Avocado



  • Walckygirl
    Walckygirl Posts: 7 Member
    I like to take 1/2 an avocado and mash it up. Then, I add a can of chicken (minced up a little bit), a tid bit of salsa, a tid bit of parmesan cheese and then blend all of that together. I eat it like normal chicken salad on bread (with a piece of swiss cheese) or on crackers like a dip.
  • sparkdoc
    sparkdoc Posts: 45 Member
    TOYGRRRL Posts: 251 Member
    First thoughts were too funny to mention... tee hee he...

    But more seriously... Have you had Avocado Ice Cream! ! ! Or even just made into a shake with vanilla or green tea ice cream as the base? Add in some cantalope or honey dew melon if you have some! YUM YUM YUMMY.

    I tend to eat them right out of the shell with a lil salt or sugar depending on my mood, or sliced on sandwiches, in salads, guacamole (of course) or added to salsa! So many ways to enjoy them.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    First thoughts were too funny to mention... tee hee he...

    But more seriously... Have you had Avocado Ice Cream! ! ! Or even just made into a shake with vanilla or green tea ice cream as the base? Add in some cantalope or honey dew melon if you have some! YUM YUM YUMMY.

    I tend to eat them right out of the shell with a lil salt or sugar depending on my mood, or sliced on sandwiches, in salads, guacamole (of course) or added to salsa! So many ways to enjoy them.

    Yes I make my own avocado ice cream, so good. Haven't had it made into a shake using those things though, it does make an amazing shake. Love it the other way as well.

    Today I had avocado pudding. MMMMMM
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    Cut them in half and then put tuna salad inside - delicious!
  • Tlopez428
    Tlopez428 Posts: 115
    I haven't tried it but would like to... bake an egg inside an avocado.

    preheat oven to 425, have cast iron pan in there

    Slice avocado in half, take out pit

    take pan out, put avocado half on, crack egg in

    put whatever you want on top

    place in oven and cook till your eggs [are done how you] desire
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Avocados..... Avocados .... Avocados,

    I am sure I wil eat them on just about anything, next to anything .....and just one there own

    Some of my favorites
    Avo in cous cous salad
    Avo in green salad
    Avo in its shell/peel
    Squashed with salt n pepper on toast / crackers
    Avo& Fat free cottage cheese for dip n chips
    Avo & Eggs
    Sliced on the sideo f just about anything with some salt and even some vinegar
    Avo with steak
    Avo with sardines on toast / crackers

    When they are in season like I now I have them as often as possible!
  • LadyBugLex17
    LadyBugLex17 Posts: 146 Member
    I LOVE AVACADO!!!!!!!!!

    I have a whole one with my scrambled eggs with veggies every morning! YUM!
    I eat them plain as well or with minced garlic. anything avacado is delicious to me.
    I'm loving the Avacado and tuna idea.
    Keep these ideas coming people! I might need to plant my own tree soon too :love:
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    avocado, walnut and Stilton served on rocket (dressed with honey and mustard dressing).

    Not low cal but damn it's the best salad I've ever had.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Zesty crab stuffed avocados (can use shrimp/prawns if you cant get crab meat). Serves 1 as a meal or 2 as a snack/starter.

    -1 avocado
    - 1/2 chopped red chilli pepper
    - 1 can crab meat
    - 1 tbsp lime juice
    - 2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander (cilantro)
    - 2 chopped spring onions (scallions/green onions) Green & white part.

    Chop avocado in half, de stone and mix the ingredients together in a bowl & stuff
  • BobsLittleBird
    BobsLittleBird Posts: 28 Member
    First thoughts were too funny to mention... tee hee he...

    But more seriously... Have you had Avocado Ice Cream! ! ! Or even just made into a shake with vanilla or green tea ice cream as the base? Add in some cantalope or honey dew melon if you have some! YUM YUM YUMMY.

    I tend to eat them right out of the shell with a lil salt or sugar depending on my mood, or sliced on sandwiches, in salads, guacamole (of course) or added to salsa! So many ways to enjoy them.

    I think you may have been the only one to notice the quote at the bottom!!
    I have never had or even heard of avocado ice cream, maybe I live to far north in the snow country but next time I travel south I am going to look for it.
  • cooper258
    cooper258 Posts: 15 Member
    I love half an avocado smashed with kosher salt, pepper, and fresh lime juice. Spread it on a toasted whole wheat pita. Top with a fried egg. It's amazing.

    Also, this dip is phenomenal...http://www.twopeasandtheirpod.com/creamy-avocado-yogurt-dip/
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    My favorite: A BLTA (turkey bacon, lettuce, tomato and avacado). There's no need for mayo. I also like it just plain sliced with a little sea salt and pepper. YUM!
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Half an avo, sliced a few times lengthwise, sea salt, pepper. That's it. World's greatest snack. BAM.
  • iSvelte
    iSvelte Posts: 1
    Sliced/smashed on toast (with or without ricotta)
    Pear, rocket, avocado and pine nuts in a salad with a lemon dressing or no dressing...
    With my poached eggs and toast
    Avocado with tuna in a salad

  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Avocado slices topped with king prawns, finely chopped fresh chillies, torn basil, cherry tomatoes and a good grind of fresh pepper, drizzle of olive oil mmm-mmm-mmm!!!:love:
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    You can use it as a replacement for butter in recipes - can make them vegan.

    Guacamole of course with lots of cilantro and lime, yum!!

    I made a crab salad on avocado last week and it was delicious!!

    Also, slices of avocado and tomatoes with fresh basil and some good olive oil and balsamic. Yum...that says summertime to me!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member

    sauteed in garlic and spices and crammed into a mini pita with skim ricotta and cilantro and the cold/hot combo is amazing. Put the rest of the cooked avocado bits around a flower salad for some super scrumptiousness!!!!!
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Cut an avocado in half.
    Remove the pit.
    Leave the skin on.
    Sprinkle your favorite salt/seasoning over the avocado.
    Fill the pit hole with feta cheese.
    Drizzle over with extra virgin olive oil.
    Sprinkle with crumbled bacon or real bacon bits.
    Dig in with a spoon and welcome to heaven.
  • colleenerd
    colleenerd Posts: 3 Member
    Half it, score it, sprinkle with siracha and a little parm cheese and broil it just til the cheese is bubbly. Delicious eaten plain, with chicken or of course with tortilla chips.