Someone threatened me



  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    in the town my father grew up in(ill not metion its name) if your neighbores found out about this gie they would burn his house to the ground for you.....but thats niether here...but defanitly still there... get the restraining order and a big mean dog, possibly a gun to...and ask your neighbores to keep an eye out for him good luck, also get a lawer:wink:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You should have said, what are you waiting for, flop it out and lemme see what you got. Then when his hands are full of pants and penis, kick him on the inside of his knee and run like youve been training to do.
    Don't ever do this for any reason, ever.

    An explanation of why not would leave a more lasting impression more than , because I said so :(
  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    Is this a real thread or just a troll. I find this hard to believe.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I have never spoken a word to this man. I was taking pictures and he thought i was taking a picture of him. Thats when he spewed all that crap to me. I have seen this man trying to break into my neighbors house before. Those are the only times I have seen him.

    1. I cannot move. I cannot afford it
    2. I did nothing wrong. Wrong place at the wrong time.
    3. There are only 4 patrol cars in my town. Since I live in a **** neighborhood they are around but sometimes it takes 30+ minutes to get them to my house.
    4. I haven't had much luck with police officers. The one I spoke with today was one of the better ones.
    5. I can't afford the gun or classes. I am unemployed.

    How do you afford a house, phone or internet if you are unemployed?

    i know this was just a question, but if it is not an inquisitive question and more of an attack, you are totally ignorant. people in poverty, or underemployed, or unemployed, can acquire benefits from the government and/or have assistance from their family, or savings.

    Hey just asking a question - to me this whole conversation seemed kinda fake, I have looked at her profile and in one she has lived in switzerland and has a big yard, with chickens and garden so if she has all this how can she be living in a bad neighborhood? I'm just confused

    I live in a bad neighborhood and a lot of people have big gardens and is that not conductive to her living in a bad neighborhood?
  • KStambulic
    KStambulic Posts: 131
    Restraining orders are only there to tell the cops that hey, this guy was not supposed to come near her. I have seen these things work almost zero times. The only thing that these guys understand is staring down the barrel of a 38 or a black belt. Shove his $@#S into is throat.

    As someone who lived with someone like this, I agree. I don't know what your laws are like but when I tried to get a restraining order on my ex after he threatened to shoot me and the kids, the police told me that they couldn't do anything until he actually did something physically to me. Makes a whole lot of sense after the fact, doesn't it? Concealed weapons are illegal here (he had guns for hunting) but if someone threatened me like that now, I'd invest in some bear spray. Much more effective and easier to use in a stressful situation.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    1. Take your shotgun
    2. Point it in his face
    3. If he advances or threatens you again, pull the trigger
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I would fill out an affidavit and pursue as much as you can. I don' t know how far you can go with that.

    I recommend signing up for a Conceal Carry class (especially if you can find one that caters to women), and getting your license and a conceal carry firearm. I personally carry a .38 snub nose Smith & Wesson Airweight. It's a revolver with an internal hammer--so it's easy to use and clean. If you buy a pistol like this, please have a gunsmith lighten the trigger pull to where you are comfortable. It still needs to have somewhat of a heavy pull, but you don't need to feel like a weight lifter trying to shoot it.

    If you feel comfortable carrying a larger firearm, you can try semi-auto pistol in 9mm, 40 mm, or 45 mm. Of course, the 45 mm is going to have the most knock-down power, but you also have to be able to handle the recoil. If you sign up for the class, ask the instructor if you can try these different firearms or ask the store where you will be purchasing one. You need to be comfortable with what you choose, and you may or may not need custom work done on a semi-auto pistol, such as an extended magazine release, so that you can reach the button.

    If you really want to learn the most you can about shooting a pistol, see if you can attend a Babes with Bullets camp:

    Even if you're not interested in competing in the shooting world, the skills you learn in camp apply to so many other things. They do show you how to do a basic tear down and cleaning on a Smith and Wesson M&P 9 mm pistol. If you go to them, I would recommend asking them or the instructor in your conceal carry class to teach you how to shoot a shotgun, and I would buy and keep a shorter barrel shotgun as your primary home defense weapon.

    If your state has anti-Second Amendment tendencies toward the conceal carry laws and you don't want to mess with it, then at least learn how to shoot a shotgun and keep one in your household.
  • journalistjen
    journalistjen Posts: 265 Member
    I forgot to mention that sometimes Babes with Bullets offers discounts and/or scholarships.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    File a restraining order, insist on a police report and get all of this documented so you can proceed legally.
  • LizJ08
    LizJ08 Posts: 127
    Sounds like me that the officer you talked to didn't want to do his/her job. I would call the police department (not 911), and speak to the shift supervisor. It would help if you have the officer's name and badge number to report him/her and the incident. What you were referring to is Terroristic Threatening. My husband would also agree about getting a gun/concealed carry permit. He has his and has been on me for years to get mine (I'm a social worker/probation officer). I'd have to say if that happened to me, I probably would too. I don't like guns but at the same time, I understand we live in a crazy world and people need to protect themselves!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    In England, he would have been arrested for making threats to kill, for threatening behaviour, and being as guns are illegal here, had his home raided and his guns taken and then gone to prison.

    I am SO glad I don't live in America, it sounds like a scary place to me. Poor you, what a horrible thing to happen :flowerforyou:
  • brianblinn
    brianblinn Posts: 70 Member
    What can you do really..? Other than try to learn from it and protect yourself next time (pepper sprays your best shot). Guns are typical, only in MERICA! Its illegal to have a weapon of any sorts here... Unless its licensed and not used for protection..

    If you really have a problem, go talk to the police about it. I'm sure you won't see this man again.

    I am ex-military police & tell this to all my femaly family members & friends. Some states view pepper/mace spray as a weapon. An easier way is to buy insect spray for wasps/bees. They have a range of 29 feet while most pepper/mace is less than 10 feet. You don't need any kind of permit, don't need to get near the perp AND anyone srayed in the eyes MUST go to an E/R or be permanently blind. ;)
  • sunrise611
    sunrise611 Posts: 1,866 Member
    Not great support or comfort from the police.

    I read that wasp spray is very effective. You don't have to get too close to the perpetrator and can spray him in the eyes from a distance.

    That won't cause permanent injury but will temporarily blind and stop him in his tracks so that you can get help.
  • grandmasally13
    Rude in your online name? It fits! What are you doing - blaming the victim? This lady is scared to death, and rightfully so. And you want to know what SHE did to him???????
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    youneed to go back to the police department, charges need to be laid

    that is sexual harrassment
    and probably all sorts of other charges

    go back to the police department, if you need to speak with someone higher up, do it

    or go to google, type in 'the line' and send them an email and they will provide further guidance

    good for you for seeking additional help <3

    This!!!! ^^ No charges, no police report, wtf????
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I can't see how this wasn't terrorist threats...he said he had a gun and that he would shoot you. There were also sexual statements made. I would go to the chief of police about it, the mayor and maybe even the newspaper. Don't take this lying down. Make as big of a scene about this as you can and let your friends and family know. The squeeky wheel gets the oil. I would also move....I don't care if you have a job or not. Would you rather be dead? I'd live in my car across town if I had to.
  • Benji49
    Benji49 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm sorry it happened. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do except what you already have, and

    1. Document everything. Write down exactly what happened when and where. Be as specific as possible.
    2. Keep documenting - keep a small notebook by your front door or in your purse and each time you see him any where near you write down where - when - what he was doing (even if he doesn't approach you).
    3. Try not to be a victim - stay safe, be aware of your surroundings, walk with your head up not down.
    4. Take a self defense class or have someone you know teach you how and where to hit or kick someone enough to get away - if you know anyone who works in corrections or the police force see if they will teach you the trick to bring someone down using just their hand.

    Most Important: If you have to use what you learn it then do - and RUN and YELL. Unfortunately in today's world the best thing to yell is FIRE! People are going to stay away from a HELP because they are afraid to get involved.:ohwell:

    Let people know around you what is happening - people will keep an eye if they know there is a potential for violence in their neighbourhood.

    Take care of yourself. Stay safe.
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    I am all about independant women having the capabilty to protect themselves against thugs like this. But I have also been known to be a bit radical. LOL

    I am female. I own guns (plural). I have had self-defense training, have received firearms training from a former Marine sharpshooter (or whatever the title is) and am planning to get my CCW. That said, I do NOT advocate that folks just run out and get a gun. If you are not comfortable firing a gun - and in particular, not comfortable with the mindset that you should only draw when you are prepared to kill (not just injure) - then you should not have a gun. Besides, if this guy is an imminent threat, then months of training (plus practice) is not practicable.

    Carry wasp spray. It has a 20 foot range, sticks to whatever it lands on (aim for the eyes), and gives you the opportunity to GET AWAY (ultimately the goal).

    Never approach him, but if he approaches you again, calmly tell him that he needs to leave you alone. If he gets close to you, and chooses to not let you be, then go insane. For real, yell, scream, flail, act crazy (let your inner 2 year old out). It'll get other people's attention and he won't expect it - he might even buzz off. If he gets within 10 feet of you, fire away with the wasp spray.

    Practice scenarios at home, so you can react without thinking. If he approaches you, your adrenaline is going to be pumping like crazy. I read this recently (in regard to handling nerves in this kind of situation): You don't need to calm the butterflies, just get them to fly in formation.

    Keep a notebook, and write down everything that happens, detailing dates and times. That way if you ever have to go to court, or present information to the police, you don't have to worry about remembering everything.

    Good luck!
  • LinaBo
    LinaBo Posts: 342 Member
    If you happen to know if your neighbours are reasonable people who are also aware of this guy as a problem individual, I would get together with a few of them and discuss a strategy to keep an eye out for each other's person and property. Sort of like a micro-neighbourhood watch.
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    They didn't even take a report? Jeez! I was asleep one afternoon after getting out of the hospital and a bunch of kids got off the bus in front of my house and were all over my front yard. One of them was banging something and I thought it was another drive by shooting at the gang guy that lives three doors down. I don't know exactly what I said when I looked out the window. Something to the effect that I thought someone was shooting and to stop beating on the light pole in my front yard. I was still a bit groggy. Thirty minutes later, someone was BANGING on my front door. I woke me from a sound sleep and scared the Hell out of me. I was afraid to go to the door because of the way they were banging. There is a window right next to it and I didn't want whoever it was to see me and know I was home. I got out my gun and called 911 and told them someone was pounding on my door and wouldn't go away. They just kept pounding. I told the 911 operator that I felt very threatened and was chambering a round. I peeked around the corner and saw the sleeve of a police officer. I told 911 I was putting my gun down and opening the door and that it was the police. I was shaking and confused and still medicated. They started asking me questions about what I said to the kids. I couldn't tell them word for word, but basically to stop pounding on the light pole because I thought someone had opened fire out there. The kids had told a parent that was waiting that I said I was going to open fire on them. NOT what I said. While I was talking to the two officers that had shown up at my door, the 911 operator radioed one of them that I was armed. Next thing I knew I had 5 cops swarming my house, coming inside without my permission, asking for my gun, and running the serial number on it, with no warrant or real reason. They detained me in my living room and wouldn't even let me answer my phone. I finally told one of them, I was calling my husband to come home and unless they were going to arrest me there was nothing they could do about it. At that point they emptied my gun, handed me the bullets, and put my gun by the front door and beat it out of there. They took reports from the kids and the parent. The parent didn't even hear anything and the kids were lying! All that because they said I threatened them from my bedroom window. I can't believe the police in your town wouldn't even take a report! I believe you can go to the police station and tell them that you WANT to file one and they have to take it. Even if they don't do anything about it, if there is another incident, you have something on record that it's not the first time and they may take it more seriously.