I Feel the Need for a Rant



  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Could the McDonlads people please understand what I am saying. I don't care if she eats there. I have eaten there because i WANTED to eat there. She is saying she HAS to eat there. She doesn't HAVE toeat anywhere she doen't want to.

    Also, ADDITION to my rant.

    6. PLEASE UNDERSTAND what you are reading before you send off a response.
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.

    Thank you. I read alot of your posts and you are way more articulate than I.

    Let's be fair, usually I'm a smartass and I curse alot.

    I'm short on patience with most things :)

    EXACTLY why you are a good read. :tipofhat:
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Aaaand this is why I rarely post my own questions in the forums. Google doesn't judge.
    It judges you silently.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Could the McDonlads people please understand what I am saying. I don't care if she eats there. I have eaten there because i WANTED to eat there. She is saying she HAS to eat there. She doesn't HAVE toeat anywhere she doen't want to.

  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    Aaaand this is why I rarely post my own questions in the forums. Google doesn't judge.
    It judges you silently.

    I knew it...
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Aaaand this is why I rarely post my own questions in the forums. Google doesn't judge.
    It judges you silently.

    I knew it...

    Did you see where google had to pay a fine of millions of dollars for spying on APPLE users, using a certain program? I don't know all the details of it.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    Sorry, I couldn't resist so I changed my profile pic. : )

    I eat at McDonalds sometimes. I also eat at Burger King or other fast food places if I feel like it. For the most part I workout and most of the time follow a healthy diet.
  • rustyfla
    rustyfla Posts: 15 Member
    'I value the opinion of others, as long as they agree with me' --Rusty Scott (yeah, my quote)

  • Moretakitty
    Moretakitty Posts: 168 Member
    For the 15 yr old McDonald's girl, did she actually say that it was because of friends? I didn't read all 10 pages or so, but as far as we know it could have been a family event.
    We just don't know her family dynamics.
    Growing up at the age of 15, I personally was not allowed to say to my parents, "Sorry no, I don't like what you are having, I'll just eat something else." I ate with the family, especially for a family event. Also, I had to eat what my mother prepared for dinner. If I didn't eat anything, I was in trouble because you eat your meals.

    When I first moved to the US, I lived with my husband's parents. You ate what was served on your plate. Sad to say, I used to have to hide food from my plate so that I did not have to eat everything I was served.

    I am not saying this is the case, and I am certainly not saying my experience is normal.
    Point is, unless she tells us, we just don't know someone's circumstances.
  • andthenwhat
    andthenwhat Posts: 69 Member
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    :drinker: Saw the McDonalds one. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, which I rarely give because people get nuts when it conflicts with theirs. I agree with you for the most part... just my opinion :wink:

  • mommaPeach72
    Hungry people are cranky...:wink:
  • katamus
    katamus Posts: 2,363 Member
    Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how to react to it.

    For both sides. People get all huffy like you're attacking them when you're trying to be logical, but then you get all huffy because you're like "WHY AREN'T YOU PEOPLE GETTING MY ACTUAL MESSAGE HERE??!?!?!??!??!!!?"

    I do it too. But we can't change anyone except for ourselves.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    For the 15 yr old McDonald's girl, did she actually say that it was because of friends? I didn't read all 10 pages or so, but as far as we know it could have been a family event.
    We just don't know her family dynamics.
    Growing up at the age of 15, I personally was not allowed to say to my parents, "Sorry no, I don't like what you are having, I'll just eat something else." I ate with the family, especially for a family event. Also, I had to eat what my mother prepared for dinner. If I didn't eat anything, I was in trouble because you eat your meals.

    When I first moved to the US, I lived with my husband's parents. You ate what was served on your plate. Sad to say, I used to have to hide food from my plate so that I did not have to eat everything I was served.

    I am not saying this is the case, and I am certainly not saying my experience is normal.
    Point is, unless she tells us, we just don't know someone's circumstances.

    While all this is great, a 15 year old should not be on MFP in the first place. It is against the Terms of Service. I strongly encourage anyone to report underage users to the mods so we can preserve this site for what it is intended for.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    It seems utterly absurd on an open forum of feedback and discussion that operates on the principle that some people here do know what works and what is right; to tell people not to "judge". Every time someone says not to "judge" it makes me want to punch a dolphin. It has become one of the most inane and utterly obnoxious things to hear or read since the moment I could form friggin thoughts.

    We all judge. We form conclusions. Sometimes something can be completely *kitten* backwards and it NEEDS to be pointed out. This is natural, this is okay. To say otherwise is completely assenine and makes you look like you are are some kind of thoughtless, gelatenous blob of a personality that can really just be swayed any which way because they shall not form a definitive judgement on anything.

    Some people are wrong, and some people are willing to admit they are wrong on these forums. Quite a few people though do not want to be wrong, or refuse to hear anything that is not an enabling statement or comes with the proper amount of coddling and pampering lest they feel any bit of emotional discomfort. Yes there ARE stupid questions, we live in an age where quite a bit of information can be readily obtained from authoratative sources instead of coming to an open forum to ask a question or for input and then argue down people that aren't verbally fluffy enough.

    To OP, I heart you.

    To everyone else, stop reporting me for cursing. You make the mods sad because they all like me.

    Yes!! I just wrote similar on my status...but not as long lol! You would have to be brain dead not to judge.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    Hungry people are cranky...:wink:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • HildeDanmark
    HildeDanmark Posts: 65 Member
    Aaaand this is why I rarely post my own questions in the forums. Google doesn't judge.
    Exactly. That and you'll get a million different opposite opinions. "No, you should eat 1400" "No minimum 1800", "No, I eat 1900 at your height and lose weight". Yeah, ummm, ok?
    ATOLLIT Posts: 149
    This is ridonkulous! I don't imagine that a 15 year old girl going to mcdonalds and asking what the best choices might be REALLY considered whether she should have said " I'm going" instead of "I have to go" because someone might be anally retentive enough to get their knickers in a twist about the fatalist implications of the phrase!

    Really? And also does anyone really have a problem giving advice on best options for them personally when eating out?! On a board meant for the open sharing and discussion of that kind of thing?

    Also the people whose teens never eat at McDonald's need to get out of the house now, because there is some alien infestation going on and those things will be bursting out of chests and fighting predator all over the shop which can get quite messy

    A lot of people have bad use of the English language - using "have to eat somewhere" can easily be understood to mean "I want to fit in with all my friends, we are going there and I want to eat the best I can in this situation". Unless of course you are being deliberately facetious and making a point out of it.

    I actually think you have a valid point for most of your things, but it seems a little like you are deliberately taking a superior attitude instead of gently and calmly informing people of your opinion (based on this thread alone). I have also learnt that people on these forums will disagree with you just for the sake of disagreeing, even if you are talking about things you know very well to be fact. If that happens, just ignore the post and move on.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Could the McDonlads people please understand what I am saying. I don't care if she eats there. I have eaten there because i WANTED to eat there. She is saying she HAS to eat there. She doesn't HAVE toeat anywhere she doen't want to.

    Also, ADDITION to my rant.

    6. PLEASE UNDERSTAND what you are reading before you send off a response.

    Apparently you dont remember what it was like being a teenage girl :happy:

    I can remember trying to convince my parents to let me do all the things I "had" to do. They were a lot like you and didnt think i really "had" to.

    Seriously I get what you are saying. I dislike excuses too. I just see it a little different
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    While I do agree with you......sadly it's just another day on the boards. I'm continually amazed at the lack of knowledge people have in regards to weigh loss. There are still so many out there thinking there is some sort of quick fix that they missed or they are somehow 'sensitive' to an entire food group and that is why they are 100 pounds over weight...not because they have just out right been consuming too many calories. The just don't want to take accountability, take control of their lives!!

    On the other hand....there are so many out there on this site...working hard, meeting goals, changing there lives and being successful!!! It's always so inspiring to see!!!!!
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