I Feel the Need for a Rant



  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    About the McDonalds thing. I agree with you. She did NOT need to have it.
    I'm 18, I still live with my parents, and go out with friends to eat, and I'm obese. If they go somewhere that's fast food I just get a water and eat when I get back home.
    It does not take a genius to cook, anyone with internet access can simply look up how to if they don't know how.
    Now, I do believe you should have something you want once in a while, and if that something is fatty or high cal it should be worked off.
    I have to cook for myself every day due to my family not changing there ways. And if I and a whole bunch of other people could do it - this girl could have too.
    I don't eat clean 24/7, but when it comes to fast food, in my mind that's a big no no.
    Just my opinion on this.

    Have a great afternoon everyone ! :)
  • Josh
    Josh Posts: 123 Member
    Howdy folks,

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    MyFitnessPal Forum Staff
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