300 - 600 Calorie Daily Intake



  • Timalein
    Timalein Posts: 20 Member
    I don't think the question of "serious" was in reference to Ramadan but rather to the caloric intake question.
  • 2idjane
    2idjane Posts: 20 Member
    Evolutionary wise, our bodies are well equipped for fasting. There is a lot of research out there confirming that calorie restriction and intermittent fasting has several benefits. Whether fasting for regious or weight loss purposes, you should research the topic first. Here is a link to a website you might find useful.

  • xxthoroughbred
    xxthoroughbred Posts: 346 Member
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

    Agreed - but more floored by the number of people who won't bother to just look it up. :huh:

    Most people just read the topic/anywhere in the post that mentions 300-600 calories and jump. They are all-knowing health experts, after all! :huh:
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    the fasting is fine, the shakeology idea is crap.
    there is nothing wrong with fasting! the 'starvation mode' so many people are worried about won't even affect her if she eats normally the 12 hours she can.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    observe your religion as intended:

    EAT FOOD after sunset!

    I would personally opt for a 1200 calorie meal after sunset and then get up early and drink a bunch of water before sunrise to avoid dehydration until the sun sets again...rinse, repeat....
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    is this serious??

    Did you not read she was doing it for a fast? It's for religious purposes. Lets try to not be so rude.

    Yes. I know. I have friends who are Muslim and I have worked and lived in Muslim countries. Muslims eat before and after dark during the month of Ramadam. As soon as it gets dark the restaurants fill up with people coming out to eat.

    It does not mean you have to limit the amount of calories you eat. It just means nil by mouth whilst it's light. So no water, chewing gum, food etc.

    I am not being rude. I am just not ignorant like some people suggest I am. Please don't pass judgement when you have no idea.

    I was asking if OP was serious to eating so few calories at a time when she will not be feeling her best as it is.

    Good luck to the OP in her fasting.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Has anyone had experience with consuming 300-600 calories per day? I am seriously considering at least trying this while I observe a month long fast (Ramadan).

    You need to eat better than that. I was in Saudi Arabia during Ramadan one year and people eat really well after sunset. I can't tell you how much goat we had or how much sweet tea was consumed. There's nothing wrong with eating well after the sun sets.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

    THIS!! and it's not even my religion, but at least I know!
  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    Why would you limit yourself before sunrise and after sunset? IMO it sounds like a silly plan.

    This is ignorant. There is such a thing as Google to look up things you are not familiar with.

    Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ Ramaḍān, IPA: [rɑmɑˈdˤɑːn]; variations Persian: Ramazan‎; Urdu: Ramzān; Turkish: Ramazan) is the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days according to the visual sightings of the crescent moon according to numerous authenticated (Sahih) Hadiths.[2][3][4] It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which Muslims hoping for reward from Allah will -- only from dawn until dusk -- refrain from eating & drinking, sexual relations, forged speech & evil actions,[5] such as fighting and quarreling,[6] and increased recitation of the Qu'ran.[7] The benefits of fasting are many, but in this month, they are amplified.[8][9] Muslims fast in this month for the sake of demonstrating submission to God (Arabic: الله‎, trans: Allah)[10] and to offer more prayer than usual, as was the tradition of Muhammad

    ETA: I don't think you should eat that little though, I am just defending the practice of fasting during particular hours. Try to get your 1200 calories anyway. :flowerforyou:

    No, I understand the fasting while the sun is up is part of her religion. What I don't understand, and think is silly is eating so little during the times eating is okay. There is no reason to eat so little after the sun goes down and before it comes up.

    ETA - There is a post right before your post calling out my "ignorance" that clarifies.

    Think I jumped the gun and misread your message - I read it as why fast between sunrise & sunset. Ooooops....sorry. :blushing: I got a bit defensive there....
  • jsanspree
    jsanspree Posts: 3
    You are assuming that no one knows anything about Ramadan if they did not mention it in their responses, and you are wrong. For example, I have family from Turkey that is Muslim and practices this ritual, however, each individual and family practices it differently. You cannot possibly think that an entire religion is just like what you find on Wikipedia. Most Muslims that I am acquainted with do not condone starving your body, but giving up specific foods for that month. We know that starving yourself at 300 calories a day can be dangerous and shouldn't be recommended. Obviously this girl's family does not commonly practice this, otherwise she would not be asking this question on a public forum.
  • Timalein
    Timalein Posts: 20 Member
    Such a low caloric intake would be dangerous. Your heart is a muscle, when you don't consume enough calories your body will choose to consume muscle tissue before going after your stored energy reserve. I would not recommend forcing your body into starvation mode if there was no rational reason (i.e. your plane crashes on a deserted island and there is only sand and no food and water available for consumption).

    When I lived with my father’s family in Lebanon we also followed Ramadan but we still ate when allowed, and we ate enough that we were able to feel alright during the times were not eating. Now I don’t practice Ramadan any longer or anything for that matter but I implore you from the bottom of my heart be kind to your body and soul, you only get one of each and for neither can you buy replacement parts without a price.
  • mielchat
    mielchat Posts: 41 Member
    Why not try splitting, for example 600 calories and 600 calories after? That way you'd reach a minimum healthy amount of 1200, 300-600 really won't help you in the long run. Good luck!
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

    ^^^^^ This! I am shocked too!
  • Loozin
    Loozin Posts: 91
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    I don't think the question of "serious" was in reference to Ramadan but rather to the caloric intake question.

    Thank you!!!!! Someone gets me! :laugh:
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

    ^^^^^ This! I am shocked too!

    I laugh because I get reported for being too harsh on these forums all the time, I wish you could report people for being unwilling to take 5 minutes to educate themselves before dispensing moronic advice.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    Off topic but I'm floored at the number of people who don't know what Ramadan is. :noway:

    ^^^^^ This! I am shocked too!

    I laugh because I get reported for being too harsh on these forums all the time, I wish you could report people for being unwilling to take 5 minutes to educate themselves before dispensing moronic advice.

    haha proper lol'd at this!! And jumping on people who do know what they were talking about! My best friend at school was Muslim and she used to eat mints in secret cos she was so hungry during the day. The OP will feel terrible on 600 cals a day.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I honestly think that is too little to be taking in for the entire month. I'm not sure where you are now with your daily intake, but I'd try to get in the 1200 range if possible.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I'm sorry you're getting such bad responses from everyone. This for her religious believes [sic], guys.

    No, I'm sorry, it has nothing to do with religious beliefs. This is about a dangerously low caloric intake. No one is criticizing Ramadan.

    There's nothing in scripture that says you must also deprive yourself of the calories you need to survive. Ramadan is about respecting God, not trying to meet up with Him sooner.
  • jsanspree
    jsanspree Posts: 3
    Your body will go into starvation mode and start to store fat. Your metabolism will slow down dramatically to help your body do so. There are also other risks, including loss of hair, brittle nails, anemia, brittle bones, depression, and many more. Calorie intake that low is not safe and can have serious long-term effects on your health. The best method to staying fit and strong while losing weight is to eat many small meals (low in calories) throughout the day. Plus, lots of good exercise. This helps boost your metabolism and makes your body strong.

    No no no no no no no no no no stop it no no no seriously stop wrong wrong wrong no no stop.


    I read this website you recommended. Interesting. Where were the scientific sources? The problem with the internet is that anybody can post a blog with advice and make claims. Where is the actual research? Where is the data? I was a biology major and had to complete real research projects on this topic and if we dared use an internet website we would automatically fail the paper based on lack of accreditation. Don't trust everything you read on the internet. Please.
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