What were you like in High School???



  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Plaid & Black band tee-shirt wearing, long hair having...Doc Martins kicking stoner crowd.... I was the blonde with the bad perm in the middle.. dry humping to Metallica and naming my best friends bongs!

    *smiles* Good times!
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    In my freshman year I was expelled and sent off to juvie.....the start of a long, wonderful career as a "profit recovery" consultant.....:smokin:
  • vbrent07
    vbrent07 Posts: 115
    I was the shy nerd that everyone picked on. I got bullied so badly it started making me a mean person and I ended up doing a lot of dumb stuff because I wanted to fit in. I ended up losing site on what is really important. 11 years later I can say that I am doing well, I think that being picked on has made me a stronger and better person, it just took awhile to realize it. I am finally happy and accept myself for who I am.
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    Painfully shy, fat, never fit i with any 'group', always felt like everyone was laughing at me.

    An artsy bookworm. Detested gym.
    A student.

    So insecure it was painful.

    I've come a long way... starting with suddenly discovering (when i was about 24) that there was no reason at all to feel shy, because most people felt just as awkward and uncomfortable as i did around new people. I sorta went out of my way from that point on to try to make others feel less uncomfortable in such circumstances.

    Now no one would ever believe i had been that shy *L*

    The insecure feelings, unfortunately, did not go away then.

    I am much better there days (30 years later *L*)... but i still have lots of self-doubting moments. The diff now is i dont let them rule my life anymore *S*
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    Well, Freshman year, I was fat and had blue hair


    Sophomore year, I was a fat/try hard goth pot head/alcoholic


    Junior year, I was still "goth", but I learned to do my makeup better, I was also a lot thinner.


    And senior year, I was skinny and "goth"




    lol, I was weird. And my soph/fresh pics are embarassing :-P
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    Nirvana/NIN/Smashing Pumpkins/Pearl Jam loving/converse and flannel wearing/Grungy/Punk/stoner / smoker/Tori Amos wannabe! LOL I was sort of anti-social, but strangely enough loved acting and playing lacrosse. I was also valedictorian (despite being a stoner)...though to be fair, I went to a really small Catholic school. At the time, I thought I hated it, but looking back, it really wasn't that bad!
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    I was a *kitten* to certain people. Some people really rubbed me the wrong way so I tormented them a little bit. That was yr 11 & part of yr 12. On the flipside, when I was in yrs 8 & 9 some older girls had an issue with me for some unknown reason and tormented me for a bit. The circle of life I guess hahahah. Also drank too much and was a pest in classes I hated, to the point if I got bored or the teacher said something I didnt like, I would just walk out. Such an angel student haha

    Now I am still a *kitten*, but I tone it down and try to be nicer to others.
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Goth Chic with older boyfriend..(now hubby)
  • canelly
    canelly Posts: 731 Member
    I was the shy quiet girl nobody knew was there, now look am me I'm freaking hot!! People don't recognize me even if we had more than 2 classes together !!!! Lol...
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    I was and still am that crazy dude.

    Did you get bicep implants?
  • muscravageur
    I had long purplish hair or black, had much thicker hair than i do nowadays, had to have the longest eyelashes I could get out of mascara. I was picked on after rumors started circulating that I was an alleged lesbian and that they'd seen me kissing my friend in the back of the school buildings. I lived in a small town in PR, I liked post-punk and literature, I was endlessly picked on. endlessly. didn't want to be friends to the handful of metal kids because I thought they were retrograde in their ideas and dumb. i was also picked on because i had a curvy body and wasn't a small petite girl nor was I one of the pregnant girls. They didn't know what to do with me. I was all shy and overtly sensitive and there was no program in the schools that helped me to hone any of my skills. Only teams sports and Business Adm. I turned my energies to negative activities like skipping school, skipping town, and stuff. I felt incredibly alienated. Mom got me out of school at 15 because the bullying was so disproportionately ridiculous. Lived in Michigan for 4 months with my very religious aunt. The snow and suburbs actually succeeded at making me homesick (The Tropics, man!). Finished high school taking courses in the evenings. Got high score on my college board. Started college at 17. Still a teenager, still overprotected and awkward. I made my own clothes. A-line skirts sewn by hand with upholstery fabrics. My mom's nurse coats dyed bright yellow.They were crazy. Had very few friends. I started making friends when I was 18.
  • muscravageur
    Book nerd, chubby, in the band...overall, incredibly sexy.

    hahahah! yeah!
  • nickandmiah
  • BenKnowsFitness
    BenKnowsFitness Posts: 451 Member
    I remember in pre-school I was a ladies man. It's no wonder that my children are a little older than I am.
  • nena2310
    nena2310 Posts: 5
    I was the shy girl who never had a problem with anyone. I also played a lot of sports like soccer and basketball!
  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    I was the the girl that everyone knew and liked, but wasn't the popular one in any means. However, I was a Band Wing Junkie - this was the only "clique" I belonged to. Mornings before school started, we hung out by the lockers in the band wing to catch up on the gossip from the night before. Lunch was eaten in the band wing - we practiced and caused a ruckus!! Gossiped some more. After school, especially Friday's, we hung out and practiced - we just loved to jam out together. Went to Orlando,FL all 4 years with the marching band - I played the Xylophone - Did I just admit I was in the marching band?? lol
  • amivox
    amivox Posts: 441 Member
    nothing wrong with band. I was an art nerd, mostly. I was also on the bowling team, in international club, in photography and art clubs, and by senior year, pretty much everyone at school knew me or knew of me. Usually if they knew of me it was because I was the "goth metal chick" or because they saw my art hanging in the halls.
  • mleugene
    mleugene Posts: 5
    I don't remember being particularly unhappy in high school, but I don't remember being particularly happy either. I left home the day after graduation and went off to find the world. I went back for my 10 year reunion and realized that many of my classmates had not changed in that decade and how strange I must have been to them, as, after ten years of being around people that I liked instead of was just thrown in with, they all seemed pretty strange to me. I didn't bother with the twenty year reunion and don't think I will ever return.
  • aeonmhz
    aeonmhz Posts: 1 Member
    How was I in High School???
    That's hard... I mean, I'm IN college right now but I don't have a clear uhh clue
    but what I CAN say is that:

    I wasn't in those cliched groups, I USED and STILL love all things anime related xD
    and I had Blue and Purple hair while my staying in high school.... I was respected by my train of thoughts since they were apparently "too weird" to handle, I used to speak a lot of Japanese in High School and bake cakes like crazy... ay >_> my sweet tooth...
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    I was nobody. I had like 2 friends.