30 Day Shred Challenge



  • I just did the Shred for the first time - level 1 & I couldn't keep up with the jumprope & butt kickers. :sad:
    I don't know if I'll do this daily. It seems my bike burns more calories, but i can do it longer.
    Are you all going to do it every day?

    Yes you are suppose do it every day. it is a rough workout, but as you keep at it, it will become easier. actually if you do the whole 30 mins, you'll burn a little bit more than you do on the stationary bike for the same amount of time, and tou also start toning and strengthening the rest of your body as well. keep up with it, it will get easier and you'll be kicking the butt kickers soon.
  • I've been doing level 2 (with a few little rests--my god!) :sick: I haven't been losing any weight for the last few weeks, but I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 3 pounds! :happy: Thank god, I was starting to worry. A combination of the Shred and Jillian's Cardio Kickboxing dvd are finally doing the trick! I've just ordered her Banish Fat Boost Metabolism dvd, too. Jillian is the best.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    yeah level 2 was wicked, wait till level three....merciless, but i know you'll knock it out. you probably didin't lose a little weight for a while because you are develpoing muscle. Muscle is heavier than fat. but i am sure that you look a little thinner though. just keep trucking it will fall off.
  • My DVD didn't come with any brochure or anything.
    How often are you supposed to do it?
    I'm already so sore!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
    Just 20 minutes doesn't burn that many calories to make you lose 20 pounds in a month...am I getting my videos mixed up?
    Is there more to it that I'm missing?

    you are suppose to do it at least once everyday (me i try for 2X a day), it's not just the calories that you burn in those 30 mins that help you lose the 20 pounds, it's also all the muscle that you are developing while you are doing it. yes you are going to be sore, and all those muscles that got sore in that 20 mins will develop into lean muscle. Muscle has to burn 50-100 calories alone just to stay muscle, that is why the workout is about 30 mins. make sure you stretch before and after the workout, and a nice hot shower to relax those muscles. stick with it, it worked for me and will work for all of you out there
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I'll give it my best shot!
  • thanks!
    I'll give it my best shot!

    that is all that we can ask. it's well worth all the hard work believe me.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Ok, so over the weekend I did Jillian 1x and I have a Bob work out that i did 1 x too... Sometimes I get bored so I have to mix it up a bit...
    couldn't bring myself to work out this morning, my back is sore..Going to walk at lunch and hit Jillian after work.

    Good Luck everyone!!!!!
  • Ok, so over the weekend I did Jillian 1x and I have a Bob work out that i did 1 x too... Sometimes I get bored so I have to mix it up a bit...
    couldn't bring myself to work out this morning, my back is sore..Going to walk at lunch and hit Jillian after work.

    Good Luck everyone!!!!!

    yeah i hear that, i have a bunch of the Biggest Loser DVD's, yeah it's good to mix it up to prevent from getting discouraged from doing it. I play basket ball everyday. I just try to fit it in once a day.
    Keep it up, it's worth the journey.
  • Here i am again Shredders.

    Monday - 30 Day Shred Level 1 (needed to change it up a bit, and it still hurt lol)
    30 Mins
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So like I said earlier, it's hard to get motivated today.... My plan was to walk during my lunch hour, it's raining:sad: :sad: but wait I walked the mall and ran the stairs each time I saw them.....
    Still have to do Jillian tonight, but def, feel better already:love:
  • another shred down, feeling sore but gooooooooooooooooooood!! lol
    9:45pm - 30 Day Shred level 3 - 30 Mins
  • today at 1210
    30 Day Shred - Level 1
    30 Mins.
  • <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com/weight-loss-ticker"><img border="0" src="http://tickers.myfitnesspal.com/ticker/show/22/6890/226890.png&quot; /></a><p style="text-align:center;width:420px;"><small>Created by MyFitnessPal - Free <a href="http://www.myfitnesspal.com">Calorie Chart</a></small></p>
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    I know you all started a week ago but is it too late to join your group now?!?!?

    I completed my first 30 day shred, level 1 today. I was little skeptical at first b/c I have done the p90x workouts previously...but after completing those 90 days...I didn't workout for 3 months :( Now I don't have time for a 60 minute workout everyday...so The Shred it is!!!

    One thing I learned...my muscular thighs don't help when completing this workout...they were BURNING!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Hi - Like DreeDub, can I join this challenge too? I finally did the Shred tonight (after wanting to for about 3 weeks now). Yeah, it kicked my butt! :laugh: But worth every minute! I'm going to try to commit to everyday, although I know there will be a few days when it will be physically impossible (in-laws coming to visit this weekend). But, I'm definitely hooked! My girls (6 and 3) enjoyed watching Mommy "exercise" too. :smile:
  • nmartin07
    nmartin07 Posts: 8 Member
    Okay, so when you say 30 day shred, you're talking about the DVD, right? I thought you meant the workouts in her book "Making the Cut". She's got a 30 day plan in there, but it's super comprehensive... like you figure out what kind of metaboliser you are by taking this questionnaire and then you're supposed to follow the diet and exercise program. The workouts are detailed and very difficult. You need access to a gym. Anyway, I've only done a few days, not the whole 30. Good luck!
  • I know you all started a week ago but is it too late to join your group now?!?!?

    I completed my first 30 day shred, level 1 today. I was little skeptical at first b/c I have done the p90x workouts previously...but after completing those 90 days...I didn't workout for 3 months :( Now I don't have time for a 60 minute workout everyday...so The Shred it is!!!

    One thing I learned...my muscular thighs don't help when completing this workout...they were BURNING!!!

    it's never too late to Join our cause and become a Shredder lol. i know what you mean about the P90x, the workouts are too long and i can't stand listening to that guy just BS for that long either. me personally think the Shred is a better workout. Keep it up the burning will calm down (but won't stop) Welcome to our group
  • Hi - Like DreeDub, can I join this challenge too? I finally did the Shred tonight (after wanting to for about 3 weeks now). Yeah, it kicked my butt! :laugh: But worth every minute! I'm going to try to commit to everyday, although I know there will be a few days when it will be physically impossible (in-laws coming to visit this weekend). But, I'm definitely hooked! My girls (6 and 3) enjoyed watching Mommy "exercise" too. :smile:

    Yes Join us. I understand how hard it is to do it everyday. I have to plan it around my Daughters naps on the weekend lol. it is worth every minute. My daughter (2 yrs old) watches sometimes and jumps and tries what i am doing, it's pretty funny, but she tries lol. Welcome to the Group.
  • Okay, so when you say 30 day shred, you're talking about the DVD, right? I thought you meant the workouts in her book "Making the Cut". She's got a 30 day plan in there, but it's super comprehensive... like you figure out what kind of metaboliser you are by taking this questionnaire and then you're supposed to follow the diet and exercise program. The workouts are detailed and very difficult. You need access to a gym. Anyway, I've only done a few days, not the whole 30. Good luck!

    Yes we are talking about the DVD. i know the workout that you are talking about and correct you need gym access to do that one from the book. the DVD is easier to follow but just as tough. good luck and welcome to the Group
  • Today is Weds, end of the first week, time to post starting weights for the start of this week
    Wed 23 Sep ----Starting weight for last week 235 & 26% Body Fat
    Wed 30 Sep ----Starting weight for this week 228 (-7lbs woo hoo!!!!) & 22% Body Fat (-4% YEAH!!!)

    if you are not comfortable posting your weight for any reason, you do not have to. if you have lost some weight i encourage you to post it and share it no matter how much you lost.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up a pound????? WTF....

    Ok so today I def, need some encourgament. I have worked out every day this week, sometime 2x running in the evening. now I'm weighting in at 229, last week I was 228:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Why is this weight not coming off? in general I am staying under my calories, because I don't want to eat all of my excerise calories....I know I need to stick with this, but I really want to start to see some of this weight drop.

    In June I gave birth to surrogate twins, I gained 30 pounds with the pregnancy and at my 1 week check up I was down 35lbs. Since then I have lost 20 more pounds, but still have 50+ to go......
    HELP ME:cry:
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