30 Day Shred Challenge



  • Hi. I am also interested in starting the 30 day shred. My sister has been telling me to do it for awhile now, I'll start today!!!! Im also training for a marathon so I won't be able to do it on the days I run...

    I have no idea what to expect with the shred since Ive never seen one of the videos, but Im pretty excited bout it.

    Starting weight: 180.5
  • theresefulford
    theresefulford Posts: 22 Member
    i have been doing this for about 2 weeks, on level 2 now, it gets easier, just hang in there!!!!

    where did you find the demand dvd for free last week, inquiring minds want to know, lol!!!!!!!!

    Go to on demand then sports and exercise then you will see alot of choices on different videos. it changes every few weeks.
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Day 2 done...I have to say, yesterday was a pain...literally...in my thighs...today wasn't as bad already. My shoulders however (i have really bad shoulders due to injury) are in some serious pain....I know it'll subside...so I just keep pushing!!!

    Well...I'm happy to say that I first weighed myself on Monday and I as 141...today...140, however I'm not sure that will stay that way...my body is notorious for seeing weight gain when i work out...so for those of you with that are seeing these same results...try checking your measurements! Sometimes the scale says you've gained (MUSCLE) but you've still lost inches!

    I do love this workout...I just hope I keep my motivation UP!!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Day 2 done (7:00 pm)
    Level 1

    My shoulders were aching all day from last night's Shred; legs felt like they had gotten a good workout. I was hurtin' when I did it tonight, but I pushed myself through. Push-ups are a killer! And I could barely keep up with the cardio. But I'm definitely hooked! I'll be back next week!
  • UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am up a pound????? WTF....

    Ok so today I def, need some encourgament. I have worked out every day this week, sometime 2x running in the evening. now I'm weighting in at 229, last week I was 228:sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Why is this weight not coming off? in general I am staying under my calories, because I don't want to eat all of my excerise calories....I know I need to stick with this, but I really want to start to see some of this weight drop.

    In June I gave birth to surrogate twins, I gained 30 pounds with the pregnancy and at my 1 week check up I was down 35lbs. Since then I have lost 20 more pounds, but still have 50+ to go......
    HELP ME:cry:

    Ok...don't panic, that's the first thing. when i first started doing the shred back in Nov 08, i had the same thing happen to me. DO NOT get discouraged, your body is still trying to balance out calories, hormone levels, and most importantly making muscle, which is going to weigh more than fat. also with the amount of weight that was lost in such a short time your body has kind realized that is has done it and shocked itself, again don't panic.
    Also don't fret too much on eating the calories that you just burned off, what i've been doing is just sticking to under 2,000 calories like MFP is telling me and working out, if you start to worry and stress out about it your weight won't fall off. Stress can actually make moew weight for you. So relax, don't stress it too much let the weight fall off and before you know it 5 lbs are gone just like that. Also make sure that you are getting enough calories, if not your body will go into a starvation mode and you will plateau something fierce. Stick with it, all the way through enjoy the workouts and enjoy the day as well. Drink plenty of water and enjoy the day. we are here for you.
  • oh i forgot to post earllier.
    1210pm Level 1---30 Mins

    Keep up the good work Shredders
  • Day 2 done (7:00 pm)
    Level 1

    My shoulders were aching all day from last night's Shred; legs felt like they had gotten a good workout. I was hurtin' when I did it tonight, but I pushed myself through. Push-ups are a killer! And I could barely keep up with the cardio. But I'm definitely hooked! I'll be back next week!

    It doesn't really matter if you can keep up with the cardio or not, as long as you are moving that is all that matters. I'm glad that you are hooked. Push-ups are killer no matter what level you do they are there. Keep it up and i am glad that you are pushing yourself, that is what it takes.
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    hey guys!!!! i want to join :smile:

    i need a challenge for the month of October and i think this would be good to supplement my walking.

    i am going to start tonight after work. i have never done the shred so i am a little nervous but i really

    need a strength training program. i thought this would be a good way to start :wink:

    so my starting weight is 141.......

    good luck to all :drinker:
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So I ran last night, 3.5 miles just over 30min.. Good for me. I'm doing a 5k November 1st!!!!
    Also reviewed my diet with my chiroprcator, and I may be eating too much fruit., boosting my insulin and making it hard for my body to lose the weight.

    only did pilates this morning, looking at Jillian agian tomorrow.

    Thanks for the support, I'm not giving up!!!!!!!
    Have a great day
  • hey guys!!!! i want to join :smile:

    i need a challenge for the month of October and i think this would be good to supplement my walking.

    i am going to start tonight after work. i have never done the shred so i am a little nervous but i really

    need a strength training program. i thought this would be a good way to start :wink:

    so my starting weight is 141.......

    good luck to all :drinker:

    great, welcome to the group
  • So I ran last night, 3.5 miles just over 30min.. Good for me. I'm doing a 5k November 1st!!!!
    Also reviewed my diet with my chiroprcator, and I may be eating too much fruit., boosting my insulin and making it hard for my body to lose the weight.

    only did pilates this morning, looking at Jillian agian tomorrow.

    Thanks for the support, I'm not giving up!!!!!!!
    Have a great day

    no problem, anytime. keep up the good work
  • another Shred bites the dust
    Level 1 - 30 mins 12:10pm

    "do or do not, there is no try" - Yoda
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Today was day 3 of working out for me...instead of 30 day shred I did Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout...I have to admit...I wasn't ready for it! After about 20-25 minutes...I was ready to be done...but I did complete it!
    I'm planning on doing 3 days of shred with every 4th day doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism...what do you think of this? Any insight? Anyone else do that video at all?

    Also...how do I input my workouts? I searched specifically for the Jillian Michaels workouts but they don' t show up...so what do I need to do?
  • Today was day 3 of working out for me...instead of 30 day shred I did Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism workout...I have to admit...I wasn't ready for it! After about 20-25 minutes...I was ready to be done...but I did complete it!
    I'm planning on doing 3 days of shred with every 4th day doing Banish Fat Boost Metabolism...what do you think of this? Any insight? Anyone else do that video at all?

    Also...how do I input my workouts? I searched specifically for the Jillian Michaels workouts but they don' t show up...so what do I need to do?

    that seems fine, it's good to switch it up from time to time. i input the Shred under circuit training in the cardio section. i've seen the video on Exercise on demand, but i haven't gotten around to it yet but it looks tough and painfull lol, i do so many other workouts throughout the day besides the shred as well. Keep up the good work
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Had a great day yesterday, staying with in my calories, and worked out with pilates in the am, yoga in the pm...Felt great to stretch my muscles, since I have been useing them so much lately.. Even my 10 year joined in the PM yoga.. So sweet.:love:

    Did a Bob, cardio this morning, will do Jillian tonight when I'm home from work!!!
    Happy Friday to everyone:drinker: :drinker:
  • TGIF everyone
    1pm 30 Day Shred - Level 1
    30 mins

    Now it's off to the Gym
  • hkjung
    hkjung Posts: 6
    Jillian Michaels and other workouts are on demand. Check with your local cable network and ask about Free on Demand. Or you can check your local guide.

    Jillian Michaels is the best !

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Chart
  • Can I join?? I bought the dvd and started on Sept 30. Starting weight 149pds. Skipped yesterday and doing level 1 tonight....
  • I started the 30 day shred on Monday and it has been difficult but I am keeping at it. My goal is to loose the pregnancy weight from my girls and be at my ideal weight before or by Thanksgiving at the lastest. I am excited to see others do this as well. One of my friends, just started the dvd today! (:

    Good luck and God bless to all of you!

    We can all reach our weight goals! :smile:
  • I forgot to add this but does anyone know how many calories the workout burns at Level 1, then Level 2 and Level 3 when you all get there?

    I am on level 1 and my friend and I guessed what it would be. Thank you !
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