Ladies 5'4 - 5'6, what are your goals?



  • aimeeinohio
    aimeeinohio Posts: 301 Member
    5'3" and I'm shooting for 135....Would like to be a size 8, have the boobs shrink some (GAWD they are heavy).

    I still have my high school class ring. When I can wear it, I will be happy.
  • EmilyPamEastman
    I wanted 115 lbs at 5'6"
    which is less then I weighed in 5th grade...
    now I want less. but I need 120lbs
  • empty_with_you
    5'5" my goal is to be around 120
  • EmilyPamEastman
    5'6", when I was younger, I felt good at about 140. Gained weight in Iraq & never lost it, then another 10 lbs from pregnancy -- up to 165. I'm now back down to 145 (and dropping), but my body fat percentage is too high, so I'm focusing more on that than weight right now. Once I get the body fat percentage down to a reasonable range, I'll see how I feel. Not really sure what my end goal is!!

    I think you may be my body double!? haha I'm primarily focused on my BF% too. I have one of those digital scale that tells me weight, bf% water% muscle mass% and bone density % and even tho my weight is dropping I haven't seen the BF% moving very much.... I want to get to 18%. Or at least 20%. I think 130lbs will get me there but I'm not sure.

    I have always assumed I had a lot of muscle, because I've always been strong -- like Monica-on-Friends freakishly strong. But we have a bod-pod at work, which is supposed to be the second-most-accurate method of measuring actual body fat percentage (a close second to water immersion)...and it showed me at 34%. 34%!!! And I'm not even that overweight!!! That freaked me out. So I'm aiming for 25%, which is supposed to be the upper limits of healthy. Once I get there, I'll see if I think I've got room to realistically/healthily/happily get to 20%. I don't want to start out with 20% as the goal, because at my height & weight, I'm not sure what losing 14% body fat means for me.

    for me it meant no period... which sucks... medically wise. although its kinda nice
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    I am 5'5 and currently at 169 but my goal is to be down at 140! 29 pounds to go!
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    5'5.5". goal of 150-165.
  • etherealdoll
    I'm 5'4 and currently 120 (the most I've ever weighed :mad: ). My goal for now is to get back down to 97 where I was last year, then eventually around 90.

    (LOL LET THE FLAMES BEGIN. :laugh: )
  • jasminemonique1
    I Want To Be Between 135-140. I want To Have A Flat Stomach And Slimmer Thighs Hopefully I'll Achieve This Look. I Am 5'3 And A Half But I Round It 5'4 Since I am Closer To 5'4.
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    My short term goal is 182lbs. When I reach that i'll think again.
  • ana137131
    ana137131 Posts: 25
    5'5 and around 140 pounds right now, goal is around 120 pounds or whenever I start feeling comfortable in the clothes I want to wear =)
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    I'm 5'6" and my goal is 132-140 pounds. (167cm and 60-64 kg). I was on a plateau at 147 and begin gaining the last two weeks. Hope meeting my goal until September.
  • daniellexcara
    daniellexcara Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'3.5/5'4 and my goal weight is about 120, hopefully a little less like 115 if i can get there :)
  • ezavora
    ezavora Posts: 59 Member
    5'4" and 154 right now. I don't think Ive ever been below 140. When I look at pics of me from then I look semi- fit, not fat, but with some flab. I'm thinking 130 will be about right, but I will be happy with whatever weight makes me feel great.
  • cadynappi
    cadynappi Posts: 63
    I'm 5'5, 128 lbs, but I'm very athletic so I've got lots of muscle (also some fat :tongue: ). My goal is to be around 125, get a flat stomach, and lose my love handles!
    Now I wanna hear all of your goals! :smile:

    I am 5'5" also and weigh 126 currently. I would like to weigh between 120-125. My goal is to be defined, especially in my arms/ shoulders and have a flat stomach!
  • atlanticgypsy
    atlanticgypsy Posts: 51 Member
    I am 5'6. 205lbs and almost half way to my goal (in five months)! I have been cardio training and strength training. So even though I still have a ways to go.....I am in the best shape of my life (even when I weighed less....I wasn't fit). I can run 6miles in 75mins. I am even starting to feel "slimish". Fitting into most size 12s!

  • wilkinswoman
    wilkinswoman Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'4ish (close to 5'5) just want to lose the tum. Ultimately goal is to be comfortable and confident so it's just 1 kilo at a time.

    Figures wise. I'm at 106.3k would like to be 63.5k. Written like that it's a mountain to climb.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 140 at the moment. Would love to be 125-130.
  • vsecret921
    vsecret921 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm 5'3 and my goal is 120-125
  • hazleyes81
    hazleyes81 Posts: 296 Member
    I like 17% body fat. Around that point my ribs start wanting to show so I don't like to lose any more fat than that. Scale numbers matter a little less to me, as long as I'm in the 120's I'm good. I'm 5'4" by the way.
  • kassiebby1124
    kassiebby1124 Posts: 927 Member
    I want my size to be an 8 and toned/fit. I don't care too much about the weight as long as I reach the size