Fruit: Yes or No?



  • mistimn
    mistimn Posts: 58 Member
    Eat the fruit its what we were MEANT to eat...I'm a believer in a lot of the Paleo stuff. If your body isn't getting nutrition but your cutting calories whats the point? The end result is not healthy.
  • badgerbabs
    badgerbabs Posts: 49 Member
    Folks, white table sugar is "natural" sugar, too; it comes from sugar cane or sugar beets. Its chemical makeup is not changed during processing. Sugar is sugar. The bad thing about refined sugar, or processed foods containing sugar, is the AMOUNT of sugar we can too easily take in. The sugar in fruit is no healthier than the sugar in a twinkie; fruit just has a lot less of it. I'm a Type II diabetic and I have to limit my fruit intake, just as I do any other food containing sugar. Remember, too, that your individual metabolism is not the same as anyone else's. I've known people who do quite well eating plenty of fruit; I've also known people who ate plenty of fruit and couldn't lose an ounce until they reduced their fruit intake. Whatever works for YOU.
  • HunterKiller_wechange
    HunterKiller_wechange Posts: 369 Member
    Folks, white table sugar is "natural" sugar, too; it comes from sugar cane or sugar beets. Its chemical makeup is not changed during processing. Sugar is sugar. The bad thing about refined sugar, or processed foods containing sugar, is the AMOUNT of sugar we can too easily take in. The sugar in fruit is no healthier than the sugar in a twinkie; fruit just has a lot less of it. I'm a Type II diabetic and I have to limit my fruit intake, just as I do any other food containing sugar. Remember, too, that your individual metabolism is not the same as anyone else's. I've known people who do quite well eating plenty of fruit; I've also known people who ate plenty of fruit and couldn't lose an ounce until they reduced their fruit intake. Whatever works for YOU.

    Great answer.
  • rockerbaby2003
    rockerbaby2003 Posts: 42 Member
    I really don't see how fruit can be bad for you no matter what type of diet your on. Your body needs natural sugars to help keep it running. It also has valuable vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants. The only way I could see it being bad for you is if you scarf a ton of it late at night. From what I've been researching, it is best to eat fruit before a work out to help fuel your body.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    Eat the fruit its what we were MEANT to eat...I'm a believer in a lot of the Paleo stuff. If your body isn't getting nutrition but your cutting calories whats the point? The end result is not healthy.


    Nutrition is paramount. You can cut your calories, but if you are deprived of most of your required fiber, vitamins and minerals you will lose weight, feel bad and probably binge.
  • angrodriguez92
    angrodriguez92 Posts: 193 Member
    Fruit makes you feel good, energized, and healthy. I eat too much of it sometimes... Keep it around 2 - 3 servings a day. I would generally try to eat it before 2 - 3 pm. I think that is a good rule. If you are weight training have a serving right after your work out. The fast sugar is good for your muscles post work out. However, mangos and bananas are very high in sugar, so stick to berries, fruits with pits, and small fruits (very small apple, orange, or a kiwi).
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Berries are fine. Limit other fruits.

  • Love2LaughMK
    Love2LaughMK Posts: 18 Member
    They say its because they have sugars. Albeit, natural sugars, but to a lot of people any sugar is BAD.

    Fruits have natural sugars that your body recognizes and knows how to process ... processed sugars your body doesnt recognize and doesnt know what to do with so it just stores them. My understanding of a "clean" diet is eating foods with only 1 ingrediant ... strawberries only have strawberries as an ingrediant LOL ... Everyone is different my trainer eats carbs constantly ... I cant eat hardly any carbs or I feel like a sloth ... I eat fruits constantly and feel amazing though =)
  • MrsFolk
    MrsFolk Posts: 205
    That kind of restriction is just silly. Fruit is healthy! Vitamins, anti-oxidants, fiber, etc.

    You lose body fat by creating a calorie deficit. Eating mostly "healthy" whole foods will produce better results but there's usually plenty of room for other foods as well.

    Agree... whole, raw fruits and veggies all day and all night and getting good results, feeling great :)

    Agree to both. You should never ever leave fresh/raw fruits and veggies out of your diet. Fruit is a staple in my diet, I juice fresh fruits and drink them and I have some type of veggies everyday at least once a day. Fruit and veggies are your friend!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Yes. The fiber, low calories, and nutrient dense nature of fruit far outweigh the sugar in it everyone seems to harp on. Besides, plenty of other foods have naturally occurring sugars in them too, like some vegetables and milk, yet no one is up in arms about the sugar in those foods.

    Eat fruit. It's good for you. No one ever got fat from eating fruit.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Sorry but your trainer sounds like an idiot.
  • royah1976
    royah1976 Posts: 6 Member
    Fruit is something that is good for you...making whole/natural foods "evil" is just silly. It's kinda like eating nuts, to me--nuts are SO GOOD for you but you can't eat them all day, every day. Everything in moderation.
  • photocolorful
    photocolorful Posts: 19 Member
    To me eating clean is eating natural whole foods in the natural state. I eat fruit! You need to fruit sugar after a workout to help repair and energize.. Seriously, there aren't people getting fat on eating fruit or nuts... Just silly!!!
  • photocolorful
    photocolorful Posts: 19 Member
    Also I don't limit bananas because they are sweeter, your body needs the potassium from them.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Oh my god, do you believe anything anyone tells you?

    Fruit bad for you... I've heard it all now, rofl.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Well, fruit is crazy good for a person and it is also what we evolved eating so....yeah, not the same as table sugars.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I eat fruit every damn day. Usually with a cheese stick. I even eat bananas. I try to vary the fruit I eat so I'm getting different colors. Before you laugh, have a look at the vitamins you get from different colors of fruits and vegetables, there is a definate spectrum of benefit.

    I haven't read the whole thread but I bet someone mentioned not having a lot of juice. Fruit Juice has no fiber and fiber helps to keep you from spiking your blood sugar and then crashing.

    I am never hungry. I am losing weight. My Cholesterol is 150. Fiber is your friend. Fruit is your friend. Especially blueberries, not for any specific benefit (though there are many) but because they are so damned yummy.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    When I'm trying to cut I eat less calories, when I'm not trying to cut I eat more calories. I try to hit my macros, and eat whatever I feel like eating that will combined get me there. My raspberries in my yogurt today were devine.
  • Rhodium1976
    Rhodium1976 Posts: 81 Member
    Fire your trainer.
