Does myfitnesspal work?



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    YES! And if it's not working for you, then you aren't being honest with yourself about how you are doing it.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    MFP isn't a diet. It is a tool to help you lose weight. YOU have to be willing to make the changes necessary in order for it to work. It takes time, patience, dedication and most of all hard work for it to be effective. If you are willing to give it 100%, MFP is an excellent tool to help you be successful. Fad diets are just that.. diets. They aren't meant to last for the rest of your life. A lifestyle change is meant to last a lifetime.

    Good Luck.
  • SGT_Reg
    SGT_Reg Posts: 186 Member
    MFP isn't a diet. It is a tool to help you lose weight. YOU have to be willing to make the changes necessary in order for it to work. It takes time, patience, dedication and most of all hard work for it to be effective. If you are willing to give it 100%, MFP is an excellent tool to help you be successful. Fad diets are just that.. diets. They aren't meant to last for the rest of your life. A lifestyle change is meant to last a lifetime.

    Good Luck.

    I was about to write the same thing, but here it is. Well said.
  • Taylor0212
    Taylor0212 Posts: 72 Member
    YES! However, you have to be true to it. Even if you go way over your calories, make sure you add in your food. You are only cheating yourself if you dont! Scales dont lie! Also, have lots of friends so that they can motivate you! Your friends on MFP wont judge you if you splurge for a day and go way over, because lets face it, we've all been there! Add me if you'd like! :)
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    It works if you do the work to make it work. It is not an easy or quick fix. It is simply teaching you better habits. The better you eat the more you can eat. The more you exercise the more calories you burn. It has been my experience that those fad diets work, but once you stop you gain all the weight back plus.

    Good luck.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Yes, it does work but you need to be very commited and motivated. The best thing about this site is the people, there are so many nice people that will push and motivate you if needed. I am a very supportive and motivational person, but I still love every friend I have on here because they check in daily and they ask how things are going. It's easy to lose weight with someone else, like a workout partner. I don't have a workout partner, but everyone on here is enough to get me going :smile: You can lose the weight you need to, just be honest and accurate and push yourself!
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    MFP isn't a diet. It is a tool to help you lose weight. YOU have to be willing to make the changes necessary in order for it to work. It takes time, patience, dedication and most of all hard work for it to be effective. If you are willing to give it 100%, MFP is an excellent tool to help you be successful. Fad diets are just that.. diets. They aren't meant to last for the rest of your life. A lifestyle change is meant to last a lifetime.

    Good Luck.

    ^ This! You can't think of it as a diet because that makes it "temporary" in your mind. It is a lifestyle change. If you eat the right healthy foods - you won't get hungry and it's very easy to live with. Good luck! Feel free to add me for encouragement if you like.
    For me MFP has worked. First time in my life I have been able to lose so much weight, I tell people I am not on a diet, diets didn't work for me. I try to watch portion control and exercise now. I do most of the time watch what I eat but don't deprive myself totally just don't eat as much so yes for me it is a lifestyle change not a diet. I have lost 64 lbs now since January and for me that is great. I would recommend using this program because it does make you conscience of what you are eating and exercise and friend support on here is awesome. Best wishes!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I think if you're like me and you really only have two modes: Obsessed or couldn't care less, MFP is great. It lets you concentrate on your weight loss, gives you tools and information and a community of like minded people to spend (way too much!) time with. Before I would have acted out on my obsessive tendencies by getting on the scale ten times a day and working myself up into a rabid, impatient froth.

    Now that I've typed that, I really hope for everyone's sake most people aren't like me about losing weight, but if anyone is, this site really helps me direct my focus in a better way than I have previously!
  • samandlucysmum
    MFP is good because you can see what your are eating and what's in it, and you have friends that are here for the same reeason who can support and guide yoou, and you can support them too which is good for you too.
  • kbizzle13
    kbizzle13 Posts: 3 Member
    yes it does work. I lost 75 lbs using it..unfortunately I STOPPED using it, thinking I could do it myself and gained back 30, so I started tracking again. If you use it, it will work, guaranteed,
  • imaspaceguy90
    You can always see what you will weigh in 5wks with fitness pal, however, to low and you will go into starvation. Be careful and don't make goals that are to hard.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    Yes, it works. You will be amazed at how many calories certain foods had before you started dieting. You will make better choices for lower calorie foods to fit into your weight loss goals. I'm very careful about what I waste my calories on.
  • natural813
    natural813 Posts: 186 Member
    Yes it does work. If you track your calories everyday and exercise on a regular basis, trust me the weight will come off, but to see results you have to do the work. I have lost 32 pounds since joining in March. This is the first time I haven't give up on losing weight within the first month.
  • imthelobster
    imthelobster Posts: 179 Member
    It works, for sure!

    I started seriously tracking in late Feb of this year, and have lost 35 lbs so far. Just stick with it, be honest when you log, and make sure you eat!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    My Fitness Pal IS "simple diet and exercise". Good luck with it.. I've lost 13 pounds and toned up considerably since joining. It's helped me pinpoint major issues in my past eating habits and train myself to stay within a calorie "budget". I wouldn't call MFP a diet at all.. just a guide to help one live a sensible and healthy lifestyle.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 894 Member
    I think for me the biggest thing with MFP as opposed to any other time i tried to lose weight is the support. Any other time my goal was simply to lose weight and i usually accomplished that, to some degree, with calorie restriction and such.

    From MFP, i have learned sooooo much. I have learned about what i am eating, i have learned about how to fuel my body the right way (enough calories, enough protein, etc) I have learned how and why i need to exercise, etc.

    The support here is great! The forums can be helpful for finding information, inspiration, and success stores, but there are also some negative posts here and there and sometimes contradicting information, but keep reading and learning.

    My weight loss progress is below, and there are tons of people here with much higher losses of several hundred pounds. Not everyone is successful, for one reason or another. You have to be ready.

    My biggest "gain" here is the feeling that i can do this, that i have support, that really, i can accomplish anything! For the first time ever in my life i have fitness goals. I want to lose weight, sure i guess. but i am really focusing on improving my fitness and health, reducing my body fat %, increasing my muscles and strength, and being the best me that i can be. THAT is far more than what i originally came here for, but I am so glad i did! :)

    Best of luck! You can do this!
  • AwesomelyAmber
    AwesomelyAmber Posts: 1,617 Member
    I joined back in May of 2011 but didn't really START until the last week in July... I started at 200 pounds and have lost 31.5 over the last year. MFP has been essential in this for me, learning to count the NSV as well as the scale victories, talking with others who have the same struggles, learning that each of us has our own way of doing this, encouraging others and receiving encouragement... ALL of it has been AWESOME.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    ok I feel miserable... weighed myself today and after eating the right amount of calories and working out every day I gained 5 lbs... Im about to give up!

    Make sure to give yourself recovery days. Working out every day you can actually be holding water in your muscles. Let your muscles recover. Also, mix up your exercises a bit, don't do the same thing every day. Depending on your exercises you could be losing fat but gaining muscle. In doing that you may not see the scale go down but you could be seeing your clothes are a bit looser (muscle is denser, takes up less room than fat). Stay with'll get there :wink:

    Isn't this the truth!! When I work hard, the scale goes up 1-5 lbs. If I slack off, it goes back down. It's a good thing. I understand it and I trust it. I know to NOT go by numbers. I know to COMMIT because it works. I'm one of those that checks the scale every day. I can do this without getting upset. If you are going to get upset over it, you have to stop. Check one time per week or every other week- same time of day. Otherwise, you'll see huge fluctuations pending your water intake, sodium intake, muscle activity, menstrual cycle, etc, etc. Good luck.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    It works so long as you continue to track - that's my only problem with it.
    I almost feel like you'd have to count calories for the rest of your life to remain successful.

    On the plus side you do get a good idea of what you should and shouldn't eat (and what contains what), but I find for those who eat whatever they want, but hold back on calories taken in, if they stop counting, then the weight comes back on.

    No doubt it works while you're doing it though.

    After a while you get to know your portion sizes and approx calories in a meal. I went on vacation last week and lost .1% of body fat and didn't track a thing. I also had some treats that I don't normally have when not on vacation. I just ate like I wanted but was responsible with what I had.
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