Tanning ?



  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    Rediculas! More bs from pharmacon. I tan both in sun and booth. I am the healthiest I've ever been. I don't burn and haven't in 6 years. NO I don't use sunscreen either.

    Tanning safely = vita d boost
    vita d boost = cancer prevention and super healthy immune system
    Oh skip all tanning goops and sunscreen unless you do want cancer.

    www.mercola.com search vitamin D
    You will be both shocked and angry something so simple, necessary, and natural is being kept from you.

    Educate yourself and you empower yourself.
    enuff said.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    Tanning daily for 15 minutes every single day of your life will almost always cause cancer. Tanning once or twice a week to prevent sunburns? probably a great idea.
  • PuggleLover
    PuggleLover Posts: 261 Member
    I have eczema and no treatments were working. My dermatologist told me to go tanning. Within a month, it had cleared up. I do the highest (safest) level beds and use the tanning lotions to help my skin. Tanning also works on psoriasis. I was terrified at first but after a few sessions, it became my favorite part of the day. I get 12 minutes to relax with NO interuptions. It's bliss.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    My legs are so white they scare small children. I don't tan naturally, and there is no way I would go near a sun bed, have had too many friends get badly burnt using them.

    I use fake tan on my legs if they are going to be on public view. I buy fake tannning products specifically for fair skin, I find them easy to put on, they don't streak and they don't come off onto my clothes or bed linnen. I would advise wearing a surgical glove when administering the products, as they can stain your hands.
  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    I'm pale as hell and I would never consider tanning. Not only because I know that my family is very prone to skin cancer, but also because of way it destroys your skin. Tanning ages you. It reduces the amount of collagen and the elasticity of your skin which will lead to more wrinkles. It can also damage your eyes if they're not well protected.

  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member
    Rediculas! More bs from pharmacon. I tan both in sun and booth. I am the healthiest I've ever been. I don't burn and haven't in 6 years. NO I don't use sunscreen either.

    Tanning safely = vita d boost
    vita d boost = cancer prevention and super healthy immune system
    Oh skip all tanning goops and sunscreen unless you do want cancer.

    www.mercola.com search vitamin D
    You will be both shocked and angry something so simple, necessary, and natural is being kept from you.

    Educate yourself and you empower yourself.
    enuff said.

    Dude, you can't even spell "ridiculous" correctly, and you're telling people to educate themselves? Take a D supplement (at the same time as calcium) and you'll get all the D you need.
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    Don't do it; try spray tan. It's a cancer risk and it can age you.
  • Artemis726
    Artemis726 Posts: 587 Member
    I love being outdoors, but I douse myself with SPF50 spray-on sunblock for babies. Never been in a tanning bed. Never will.

    <-- This is as dark as I get.

    Same here. Well- I went into a tanning booth before my junior prom one time- all it did was grew more freckles. :tongue: My family has lots of red heads, so the importance of sunscreen was all around me growing up. I use a low SPF every.single.day. on my face, and the baby 50SPF when I am out. I am pasty white- so in the summer I do use a self-tanner here and there to make me feel more confident in shorts. :smile:

    Each to their own though. My MIL is a sun bather and calls it her vice. I'm not going to preach at her, and it's something she obviously enjoys...
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Tanning (Sun or sunbed) is like drugs and alcohol: Dont abuse and take your precautions! :glasses:

    Then it should be just fine.

    Just go that far:::::::::::::


    I was about to eat breakfast. THanks! haha
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Rediculas! More bs from pharmacon. I tan both in sun and booth. I am the healthiest I've ever been. I don't burn and haven't in 6 years. NO I don't use sunscreen either.

    Tanning safely = vita d boost
    vita d boost = cancer prevention and super healthy immune system
    Oh skip all tanning goops and sunscreen unless you do want cancer.

    www.mercola.com search vitamin D
    You will be both shocked and angry something so simple, necessary, and natural is being kept from you.

    Educate yourself and you empower yourself.
    enuff said.

    As long as you don't turn into Tanning Mom you will be ok.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I have tried to tan in the sun, I burn I can't tan. I have tried tanning in a booth, I burn it's a waste of money. To much of anything is bad for you, there are a lot of things that cause cancer, you can get cancer from being in the sun to much, so just do it in moderation if you do it. I am going to go try out the spray on tan's soon.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    One day I will die. I will live my life enjoying it in whatever way I find appropriate. The odd tanning bed for 99.9% people won't change a thing.

    Too much of anything kills you, everything is toxic at a certain level.

    Do what you find appropriate for you and allow others the same virtue! :)
  • LeggyKettleBabe
    LeggyKettleBabe Posts: 300 Member
    The best approach is to do what you want after some research.

    Public forums are full of people that love to post stupid opinions, post ignorant pictures and say totally false stuff.

    use skin protection when you tan, good luck.

    And for all the "cancer" posts, im so sure you put on SPF50 all over your exposed body every day of your life. Everyone is exposed to the sun daily. Get real.

    Totally negative responses are LAME.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    If you aren't sure it's worth the risk, then perhaps you should base your decision on research rather than our opinions. Just sayin. Carry on.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I know that everyone is not the same, but my friend who is only like 18 got skin cancer from tanning 2-3x a week. It doesn't run in her family or anything and they new it was from tanning. I wouldn't... I still get a tan wearing 50 spf out in the sun for like 4-6 hours. I don't like being brown I just like a glow, and getting it in a healthier way...
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I tanned when I was your age and had to have two moles removed, now I have two large scars. Once you are in your 30s and 40s and beyond, you'll regret tanning, I do. Now, I use an uber expensive face cream (La Mer serum & cream) to make up for tanning.
    When I want color, I get an airbrush tan. They look natural if you don't go too dark. When I'm out in the sun, I use SPF 50 on my face and SPF 80 on my body.
  • kmac524
    kmac524 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm the idiot that ignores all the risks people talk about and do it anyways, I find it incredibly relaxing and having a bit of a tan gives me a little more confidence.

    Ditto. I know the risks, but...
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I'll post a pic. I am deeply tanned, all my family tan easily. We are big swimmers and I have a swimming pool at my complex (2!)
    I don't go to tanning beds and I use sunblock - I start with a 25 broad spectrum, then go to an 8 after I get my base but still I get a tan. I protect my face as much as I can (vanity) and keep a 45 on it. My face right now doesn't actually match my body tan but I use tinted moisturizer for that and nobody can tell.
    I'm not staying indoors all summer, NOT bundling up in hot uncomfortable clothes and I refuse to hide from the sun. So I guess you can say I'm taking my chances but there it is.

    Just to clarify once more - you can still tan WITH SUNBLOCK/sunscreen. It takes longer and you won't tan as brown but you CAN get a tan. from the sun. probably tanning beds too
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    In my salon we do not recommend our clients to use tanning beds. The UV you are exposed to is far stronger than if you were out in the sun naturally. It's not worth the risk. Not only that but it ages your skin something terrible.

    Personally, I'm pale as chalk. I'm covered in ink, I'm not ruining my artwork with UV rays, even from the sun. If I wanted a tan I would get a spray tan, if you get it done properly it will not end up too dark,
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    One day I will die. I will live my life enjoying it in whatever way I find appropriate. The odd tanning bed for 99.9% people won't change a thing.

    Too much of anything kills you, everything is toxic at a certain level.

    Do what you find appropriate for you and allow others the same virtue! :)
    Well said bro .. and yes, I've been in the sun since I can remember as a kid. We all have to die .. living in fear won't prolong it.