Tanning ?



  • kittyhasclaws
    kittyhasclaws Posts: 446 Member

    I think you were the same that comment on my picture. Not sure how "uzi and teddy bear" equates with "having family members watching you die from a horrid disease". And I call BS on the "you have to be tan to not burn in the south". I lived in both of the Carolinas (four years in all) and the only time I burned was when we were at a tarmac for a day for an air show. And I spent plenty of time outside- always with sunscreen and usually a long sleeved shirt, even when it was over 100F.

    Ok you have me going: Sorry for the others:::;

    You are talking about us just tanning once in a while (not being tanning mom the freak), hoping we dont have family and being irresponsible for wanted to die in front of them????
    1st: we dont always get cancer from being in the sun..... less die. (% lower than other cancers)
    2nd: I hope YOU dont have a family by your pic of pointing a rifle at a teddy bear, which is even more irresponsible than plain exposure in the sun (and I will not enter the conversation of americans love affair with rifles coz it will get ugly - (most of them))
    3rd: We are not all crazy to get out in the sun at 35C (95F) and suffocate because I have a long sleeve t-shirt and full jeans. I put sunblock
    4th: Never said you had to be tan to go, lets say, CUBA. You go there white has milk unless you keep your sweater and stay in the shades you will burn to death even with sunblock... you need a LITTLE tan, a LITTLE color. But since since you put sweaters even at this kind of temperature you must not know that.

    End of story. I WILL NOW BE POLITE AGAIN.

    I do accept others opinions, but not when they almost call you dumb*ss!!!

    Hmmm... Trying to figure out where I "almost" called you that. I called BS on needing a base tan to go closer to the equator. It's not needed if you take other precations. You can ward off "suffocating" (and by the way, where did you get "sweater" out of any of that? Long sleeves are not equal to sweater) by taking regular breaks into the shade, drinking cool liquids and knowing your body well enough to know when enough is enough. It IS irresponsible to do something for vanity reasons (sorry, but those who have skin problems are NOT the majority when it comes to tanning) when there are more health risks involved in the long term than benefits in the short term. Having cancers removed is not pretty. Having them spread when they go unchecked is even less pretty. No, most people don't die from the skin cancers, but why even take the chance for vanity? I do what I do because I've seen the gouges in my dad's back and legs from getting melanomas removed. I've also seen how it scared the crap out of my mother. Why would anyone want to do that to people they care about just because, "oh, it looks nice right now"? If you're diligent about sunscreen (which most people don't apply as often as they should), you will not burn to a crisp. Sorry, but this strikes a major chord with me. To me, it's just plain wrong to put your health at risk just to get a little color.

    On a side note, I don't consider a teddy bear's life to be all that sacred. Especially with a non-loaded, fully cleared gun. I promise, I'm not some militia nutter waiting to go postal.

    ETA: You can get the health benefits of vitamin D by taking a supplement or going outside for very short periods of time with minimal skin exposure.
  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok, guess I'll have to talk seriously on the subject.

    Fact 1: 1800s-1900s - working outside all the time, no sunblock - Highest cause of death in adults: Pulmonary viruses. I read a lot and never saw "CANCER" yet.

    Fact 2: My old friend's brother was 14 years old when he got a skin cancer. Never tanned, he couldn't has a red hair he would simply burn.

    Fact 3: At normal dose, there is benefits (normal is not like tanning mom) http://www.healthiertalk.com/sun-really-so-dangerous-0597

    Fact 4: Sun or not, some will age awfully, some will never hydrate the skin a be beautiful at 90 some not. Hydrate, sun or not... mostly when sun bathing.

    Fact 5: I will NEVER stop going in the sun, with a lil sunblock or a tanning salon once or twice per weeks during winter time. I need it to get my "vitamins".

    If we listen to everything, we would be drinking purell, and walking in the streets in big bubbles.

    Just a statement on the Pulmonary virus deaths. You can't really use that as a comparative statistic as deaths to pulmonary infections dropped after the invention of antibiotics. It would still be the number one killer except for improvements due to medical advancment, better food, hygene and most of all antibiotic drugs.
    Also people worked in the sun they didn't work under a tanning bed.

    If your pale you do not need a tanning bed to get your vitamins. The paler you are the quicker you are able to produce huge amounts of vitamin D with short exposure to natural sunlight.
    Its darker skin people living in colder cloudy climates that are much more at risk of too low vitamin D levels.

    UV mutates DNA in our cells. Our body has a defense system to deal with this but when a mutated cells slips notice or is aggressively fast in its growth we end up with cancer. Its not the only reason DNA mutates which is why people who have not had a lot of UV exposure can still get cancer. Increased UV will increase the amount of DNA that is damaged over time thereby increasing your chance of developing skin cancer. Its a numbers chance game. Like russian roulette increasing your UV exposure (the bullets in the chamber) is increasing the possibility of your immmune system letting a mutated cell slip through.

    You don't have to listen to "everything" just select quality information from scholary sources to consider. There is wisdom in informing yourself of risks. If you still think, stuff it Ill take my chances because I like the way I look tanned then so be it thats your choice.

    Personally I think sun beds should be for medical treatments for psorisis sufferers and thats about it.

    Rock the skin your in. So many women tanning or bleaching their skin and putting their health at risk because society keeps on trying to dictate rigid ideals of what is beautiful. Give the middle finger and find what is beautiful about yourself that doesn't involve compromising health.


  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member

    And, I know there are arguments that tanning doesn't keep you from burning, but in my own personal experience, it absolutely does!

    where did you hear tanning doesnt help prevent burning? isnt that the reason we tan? i have the same experience as you. if i have no tan and am in the sun i will get burned. the tanner i get the lesser i get burned.

    maybe they mean it doesnt prevent exposure to UV or decrease your chance of skin cancer. that i can believe.

    Having a base tan from tanning beds enabled me to lay out in Florida with just tanning oil and there's NO WAY I coulda been able to do that without getting a tanning bed base first. My dad has basal cell carcinoma (he's never laid in tanning beds lol) and I finally gave up my tanning bed addiction this year. It's been HARD...I'm truly a tanorexic but I'm doing it...had to use SPF at the beach for the first time in 20yrs the other day and I do Mystic now (yes with nose plugs and winkies). I may already have skin cancer from all my blistering sunburns as a child and then my years and years in tanning beds but I can't even enjoy laying in a tanning bed with Dad's basal cell carcinoma staring me right in the face everyday. Time to grow up for me and be responsible!

    If you acutally research it, tanning is not supposed to prevent burning. It is already damaging your skin, and just because your skin is damaged already, doesn't really mean you won't burn. Dermatologists recommend you use sun screen rather than tan first. However, I would absolutely burn!

    And the person who said they don't burn in the southern states, I agree. I have never burned in Florida, South Carolina, etc. However, in Jamaica and St Lucia and other islands in the Caribbean, I definitely will!
  • HulaHips83
    HulaHips83 Posts: 129
    I tan and love it. It's my 20 minute nap when no one can bother me. No little ones sticking their fingers under the door yelling "Mommy! Mommy! What you doin?" It's just peace and quiet. Just the hum of the bulbs. Glorious!
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I hit the tanning booth every year in the spring. Never had a problem. I ride to a lot of rallys on my bike in the summer and think a a base tan beats the heck out of getting burnt on the road.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have a long family history of cancer. Every person IN my family that has passed, died as a result of cancer. My grandparents were healthy, hardworking people and my aunt who currently has cancer is another healthy person who takes care of her body.

    I've decided to enjoy my life, though it may be short, and not stress over the risks of cancer when I am sure to get it some day. I will smoke, sunbath and live my life happily and confidently! I know cancer is going to get me someday but I'm going to go out with a bang knowing I didn't live my life in fear of it.

    ETA: I typically only sunbathe for a nice glow. Never go for that bronze, leathery look.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I tan outside in the sun, with 50spf sunscreen. I still get a great tan and I love the natural glow the sunlight gives me. I've never been big on the tanning salon look. Most over-do and a lot of people I personally know look like they have dirty skin after going to the tanning salon a few times. I think, for your skins safety, sunlight and sunscreen is a good idea. My kids and I all are super tan and we wear sunscreen whenever we're at the pool or outside AND we never burn.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    I'll go in the winter before vacation.

    In the summer I tan out on the back patio for about an hour a day. Can't beat that vitamin D boost!
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    I tan at will.
  • mevalentina
    mevalentina Posts: 362 Member
    I only lay out in the sun or spray tan.. Tanning beds age you, and the risk of skin cancer is not worth it..
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    My family is prone to skin cancer so I don't go tanning. But you can still go outside with sunscreen on and you'll get a tan. I didn't believe people when they told me but I've been outside a lot this summer and I'm getting a very nice tan :)

    So tan safe!! Lol

    This is absolutely true. I'm a melanoma patient and my docs have already told me that if I get a tan, don't freak out. Sunscreen will NOT prevent you from tanning.
  • Stinaa91
    Stinaa91 Posts: 199 Member
    My mom had skin cancer. I kid you not,she went tanning for ONE week before going to vegas, her whole life goes tanning once aside from going outside and sunbathing. sometimes the sun can be just as dangerous. My best friend also got skin cancer, but she used to go tanning everyday for the allowed limit (30 minutes) and then would go to ANOTHER tanning bed and go for another 30 minutes. so you have my mother who went for one week her whole life and my friend who would go for 60 minutes a day. sometimes its just what happens. I will however, NEVER step inside a tanning bed and I always make sure to lather up the sunscreen. Id rather have my pasty white a** than get skin cancer, its just not worth it to me.