For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Is having frozen yogurt instead of ice cream good? I love my pomegranate blueberry frozen yogurt or is it not clean enough because it's still dairy? >.>

    Dairy is for baby mammals, are you a baby mammal?

    My mom calls me her baby and humans are mammals. :P

    Seriously, I can't imagine life without dairy products. I love cheese, ice cream, yogurt, etc. If you want to do it, go right ahead. I'm not making myself miserable by depriving myself of everything I love just to be "clean."
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Is having frozen yogurt instead of ice cream good? I love my pomegranate blueberry frozen yogurt or is it not clean enough because it's still dairy? >.>

    Dairy is for baby mammals, are you a baby mammal?

    It s bizarre that we are the only mammals to a) drink the milk of other mammals, and b) do so after weaning.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Holy crap, just reading this thread is really telling to why the world is getting fatter and unhealthier. People are so defensive about their sugar addictions that they will go so far as to attack those that avoid the disgusting stuff! Reminds me of addiction to many hard drugs out there. There are cravings, moods, sicknesses and even withdrawals. Let's get the stuff scheduled as a controlled substance ASAP, it would be one of the few drugs that actually belong there.
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Some reckless *kitten* advice in this thread...

    Yes, the most important things are your macros and daily net calories. If you have a terrible diet (with a stabilized weight) and you simply add exercise, you will begin to lose weight because your net calories have gone down. However, that will only get you to a point where your net calories are zero, which, if you're eating 4000 calories a day is probably not anywhere near your ultimate weight loss goal. Not that it's impossible. For example, when Dean Karnazes runs, he consumes around 10,000 calories a day. Michael Phelps is another example of an athlete who requires massive caloric intake.

    But hey, none of you are Dean or Michael. You don't burn 8000 calories a day via training. So manage your f**king diet.

    (It's also worth noting that those athletes mentioned pay more attention to what they eat than anyone.)
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    Holy crap, just reading this thread is really telling to why the world is getting fatter and unhealthier. People are so defensive about their sugar addictions that they will go so far as to attack those that avoid the disgusting stuff! Reminds me of addiction to many hard drugs out there. There are cravings, moods, sicknesses and even withdrawals. Let's get the stuff scheduled as a controlled substance ASAP, it would be one of the few drugs that actually belong there.

    I feel the same way about bacon. Let's ban that crap! Legislation is the answer!
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    Even people with diabetes can eat whatever they want as long as they do so in moderation and properly count their carbs. The whole "I can't eat it because I'm a diabetic" thing is a myth.
  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    Seriously. This is why people don't "diet" because they think they're only going to live on lettuce and nuts.

    I eat pasta.
    I drank booze (can't now because I'm pregnant).
    I eat ice cream EVERY DAY. Yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY (and have for 7 months now)
    I eat fast food.
    Heck, I'll even have that 1000 calorie burrito from Chipotle.

    And yes! I LOST WEIGHT. And how did I do it?

    BY WORKING MY *kitten* OFF.

    Did I really want that burrito? You bet I did. But I exercised to earn it.

    Do I REALLY eat ice cream EVERY DAY? Sure do. I remember the days I would down half a container of Breyer's. Not anymore. The key is portion control. I get the Skinny Cow. Actually, right now I have full fat, full calorie TRIPLE CHOCOLATE DRUMSTICKS in my freezer. I had one last night, and golly, I made it fit into my plan.

    *gasp* PASTA?! OH NO. Yes, I eat pasta and I do regularly. I'll usually have 1.5-2 servings of cheese ravioli WITH sauce PLUS vegetables with butter!

    My macros are set at 45-35-20 and I hit them almost every day on point with calories to spare at the end of the day! Today - my macros came all to 0 at the end of the day.

    You CAN eat all the "evil" foods. It's not a "diet", it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and the key to a lifestyle change is to enjoy everything you enjoy, but to adapt them in a way to make them fit into your new lifestyle.

  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374
    For reals.

    I would have lost doing something restrictive...but it would be back with a vengeance by now!! The only reason I've lost so much is because of logging the good stuff I eat and YES ALL THE CRAP TOO!! haha
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I agree but with a slight tweak. I'm a fan of the 80-20 rule, so personally I try to stay on my eating plan of eating more fruits, veggies, lean protein, whole grains and dairy 80% of the time, and 20% of the time just doing WTH I want. :laugh: For some people, it's better to plan treats within a day of eating healthy, but I feel I'm better off with one day of "cheating". And I don't cram everything I can in my mouth, either, nor do I take advantage of each day I "allot" for myself (once every week).

    I find that if I have treats more than that, it increases my cravings. That's just my take. :smokin:

    This is well said. Most people are not machines and can't eat "clean" all of the time. I'm sure everyone is trying to do their best. We're all here for our own reasons and we're not all going to agree on what's best of each of us.

    I think this is what she is meaning. I feel the same way I eat 80/20 as well. Now if I am out late and it's not my splurge day and my husband ordered pizza for dinner than I will fit it into my calorie range.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    I agree. No food is off limits. That will only make me want it more - and probably cause a binge.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I don't know why people care so much about what others eat/don't eat.
    I do what I do for ME, I eat what I eat for ME. I don't really care of someone
    else doesn't want to eat pasta, ice cream or bread.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Meh... I try to not eat at least the fast food all the time... why? Because I become tired and sluggish and just ultimately feel like crap... I don't like feeling that way... it sucks.
  • higgins09cait
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    This is the way I feel too. I won't put anyone down for feeling otherwise, but it's not the lifestyle I choose to live. For me, it's more about WHAT I put in my body and knowing where it came from, how it was processed, etc.

    Agree 110%. For me it's about goals and the way I feel. If I eat 1000 calories made up of ice cream pizza, etc, ite inevitable I'll feel sluggish and not to mention, I'm not giving my body ANY nutrients. Now, if I use those calories with lean chicken breast, broccoli, brown rice, etc, then I know I'm giving my body its macronutrients and feeding my body energy. To me, being strong is healthy, not the number on the scale. Its all about choices your choices.
  • Journalartista
    Journalartista Posts: 84 Member
    I want to eat to live. For me it's a mindset. Others may label me as "restrictive", that I'm "depriving" myself, that "binges are inevitable". Pure BS. I have never felt better than how I feel when eating clean.

    To each thier own.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't know why people care so much about what others eat/don't eat.
    I do what I do for ME, I eat what I eat for ME. I don't really care of someone
    else doesn't want to eat pasta, ice cream or bread.

    I don't think it's a matter of caring what others eat, in a "you MUST have pasta or ice cream!" kind of way. It's seeing topic after topic after topic of people who DO want to eat those things, but think they can't.

    Obviously, medical issues trump desires. A diabetic shouldn't have cotton candy. Someone with Cialic disease should avoid gluten. Someone with shellfish allergies shouldn't have lobster.

    But if you're a normal, active person... and you really want pizza, there's absolutely no reason to avoid pizza. For most people, some bread, some cheese, and some tomato sauce are not bad foods if eaten individually. They're not bad foods if you put them all together and call it pizza, either.

    I hate seeing people suffer and struggle. And I firmly believe that the biggest hurdle for anyone trying to lose weight is the emotional/mental aspect of it. What you put in your mouth matters, but a sustainable way of eating long term matters more. How many times have people adopted a "diet" that excluded lots of their favorite foods, then something happens... they end up eating an entire cake or pizza, feel like they failed, and quit.

    Someone who's already adopted a "everything in moderation" attitude is less likely to eat an entire cake, because it's not forbidden. They might still have that major binge, but accept it as part of life. They understand it's a just a detour, that they can turn themselves around and get back on course.

    For most of my 30s, I maintained a weight at the high end of acceptable. Just a little bit more than I wanted to weigh. A few times, I tried to lose weight, but cutting calories too much. That never worked. Then I lost both parents, my job and my cat within a very short span of time (I know the cat sounds ridiculous to get upset about, but losing a young, healthy cat was unexpected and the straw that broke the camel's back), got severe depression and gained a little more weight.

    This time around, I didn't want to restrict myself. I didn't want to just "lose weight." I wanted to get fit, healthy and strong. And I did it by watching my calories and macros, and exercising regularly. I typically ate between 1800-2000 calories a day, and had pizza once a week at least. I reached my goal so much easier than any other time in my life, and this was the first time I actually stuck with an eating plan (hate to call it a diet) to my goal weight. I've been maintaining for over a year.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    Holy crap, just reading this thread is really telling to why the world is getting fatter and unhealthier. People are so defensive about their sugar addictions that they will go so far as to attack those that avoid the disgusting stuff! Reminds me of addiction to many hard drugs out there. There are cravings, moods, sicknesses and even withdrawals. Let's get the stuff scheduled as a controlled substance ASAP, it would be one of the few drugs that actually belong there.

    I feel the same way about bacon. Let's ban that crap! Legislation is the answer!

    I was making a joke there about legislation, if it wasn't obvious. Sadly, bacon does not share any of the physically addictive qualities that sugar has. If I had craved bacon as much as I used to crave sugar and carbs, I wouldn't have been in the place I was when I began this weight loss.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Is having frozen yogurt instead of ice cream good? I love my pomegranate blueberry frozen yogurt or is it not clean enough because it's still dairy? >.>

    Dairy is for baby mammals, are you a baby mammal?

    It s bizarre that we are the only mammals to a) drink the milk of other mammals, and b) do so after weaning.

    Because milk is delicious. Other mammals don't seem to care about the taste as much. XD
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    It s bizarre that we are the only mammals to a) drink the milk of other mammals, and b) do so after weaning.

    No more bizarre than that we're the only mammals to cook our foods, plan and prepare meals, keep foods in refrigerators, etc. Humans do a LOT of things that could be considered unnatural.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    It s bizarre that we are the only mammals to a) drink the milk of other mammals, and b) do so after weaning.

    No more bizarre than that we're the only mammals to cook our foods, plan and prepare meals, keep foods in refrigerators, etc. Humans do a LOT of things that could be considered unnatural.

    Thank you! Sometimes unnatural isn't a bad thing after all. :P
  • nortiekeeks
    nortiekeeks Posts: 59 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    ummm, pretty sure she's not referring to people who literally CAN'T have something for medical reasons or what-not... thinking it's more about the peeps who think that dieting is torture, and expressing that it doesn't have to be, because if you want to consume all of the "regular" food, it just has to be done with caloric moderation and with lots of exercise...

    oh, and you could learn to follow your own advice about being nasty... as you were the only one not following that rule here...