For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • Gyllain
    Gyllain Posts: 39 Member
    I would love to be able to eat 100% clean all the time, for the sake of my health, but I'm sooo weak willed!
    I aim to do 80% healthy and 20% indulgent, but I just can't seem to stick to this all the time, especially just before that time of the month when my junk food cravings intensify (like now!)
    I think it would be easier to keep the house a junk food free zone if I didn't have kids.
    However, they do like the low sugar, low carb cookies I made, so perhaps I could do more of that type of cooking... hmm!
  • kierstin1976
    kierstin1976 Posts: 123 Member
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

    Exactly. Its not about just being within your calorie range. It's about being healthy, too. At least for me it is!

    But if I only eat 100% healthy foods, I can't meet my calorie goals. So I gotta eat a mixture of healthy and not-so-healthy-but-okay-in-moderation foods. >.<

    Do you eat nuts? Avocado? Whole grains? There are plenty of high calorie healthy whole food options.

    WHY do some people who THINK they are eating "Clean" and /or Healthy believe that High Allergen foods (NUTS, Dairy, Whole Grain/Gluten, Soy, even fish and shell fish...) ARE HEALTHY for EVERYONE!!!? People need to start to use COMMON SENSE and whatever Works for them, and they want to Do it...Then "More Power To You!"

    I just hope people know that all these EXCESSIVE Exercise Routines are NOT sustainable; not only that, they cause joint, muscle and tissue damage, and Running is one of the worse exercises you can do. So, choose what you eat and to exercise, come 45+ you will PAY for it. You don't see people over 45 going much for the Extremes, because they did it, know it is not sustainable and many are now paying for the BAD Extreme choices they made at a younger age. The arthritis, back problems, muscle damage, foot problems, stomach problems, cancers...SoOoOoO, choose your poison NOW, we'll see the RESULTS at 40+ y.o.
    STICK with Moderation in All Things and as you age you will be able to make "Shifts" (in diet and exercise, and Life) Easier. But hey, I was told that too, when I was younger...didn't listen, paying for it...So, knock yourselves out! Do Extreme Everything!
    Those that take it to extremes are a small number compared to those with obesity and heart problems.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    But if I only eat 100% healthy foods, I can't meet my calorie goals. So I gotta eat a mixture of healthy and not-so-healthy-but-okay-in-moderation foods. >.<


    "But Doc, I had to eat that double whopper with cheese!! I had to eat back my exercise calories!!"
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I just think its a bit sad when people talk about 'depriving' themselves of ice cream or sweets like theyre an essential nutrient. 'I dont want to deprive myself'.....your body doesnt NEED it, its a psychological feeing, it tastes nice to you, so you want it, youre not 'depriving' yourself by not having it, youre just not having it.

    I eat mostly unprocessed foods, no dairy, grains, etc. Do I feel deprived, no. I eat awesome delicous food every day and I enjoy it, I feel great. Sometimes I'll order a dessert when I go out, eat a little grain. I have a glass of wine if I want one. I dont feel deprived when I see people at work eat cake. I choose not to eat it, it doesnt make me sad. Its not that I CANT have it, its that I dont WANT it.

    I'm sorry that you feel like I am saying that I am sad and deprived or depriving myself of sugar.
    I agree, they're not an essential nutrient as you mention, but what I am saying is that, like with many others in this post it is about everything in moderation. (BTW I lost 20kgs pre-back injury and maintained until said injury, so I know I can do this again).
    My 65kg 29yo male partner was craving ice cream tonight. I wasn't.
    Why? Because I genuinely didn't feel like it.
    I'm not saying I NEED it, I'm just saying if there is that time when I feel like something sugary and sweet, I will have it. I don't eat ice cream or cake (not even a huge cake fan) or pie etc. every single day, nor have I ever. But when I would eat it, I would indulge. Now, as I have demonstrated twice today, I know when I don't want something.
    I also hate McDonalds, KFC, Hungry Jacks/Burger King, Red Rooster etc. I gave them up cold turkey 15 months ago, and just the smell of them makes me want to be sick. I don't have a problem with anyone who eats them though.

    Today I chose fresh cherries over a packaged muesli slice that was laden with sugar. I know what's right, I know what's wrong. I watch what I eat. I'm succeeding, I'm seeing results and my fitness is returning.

    Oh I wasnt talking to you in particular, just mulling over the phrase. I dont think theres anything wrong with eating certain things in moderation, just dont like the pharse 'depriving'. It makes not eating a cookie sounds so much more dramatic than it need be.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Amen, sistah!

    I love ice cream. And my family is italian so giving up pasta is not happening (had some last night)! But you're correct moderation is key. I don't have ice cream everyday but maybe once a week. But if I had it yesterday and wanted it again today, I would get it. I will also work out and eat a healthier dinner.

    Pasta? I just use whole wheat noodles. There is nothing wrong with that. I also get mostly (not all) organic stuff. But I still watch my calories. I'm not depriving myself of anything, I refuse! I just do it all in moderation!

    Oh, and disclaimer: When I say "deprive" like a few others have said in here, I mean deprived of something I ENJOY like ice cream. I am aware that I do not need ice cream to survive. But I enjoy it. Doesn't have to be able something you need. And not everyone needs/wants the same things.
  • AbbsyBabbsy
    AbbsyBabbsy Posts: 184 Member
    The whole "skinny isn't healthy" bit is just wishful thinking on the part of people who want to feel they have superior control over their longevity by eating "clean." Having a normal BMI lowers a person's risk for all sorts of diseases no matter what the person is eating. 90% of type 2 diagnoses are overweight or obese. The idea that a thin person will give themselves diabetes and heart disease by eating pasta and ice cream is absurd.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I lost 25 pounds in college and I ate pizza and pasta everyday. Was that a stable and responsible way to feed my body's needs? Not really.

    While you may stay in your calories, are you thinking about your cholesterol levels, your blood pressure, or if you are getting the essential nutrients your body needs every day?

    This is just my personal POV, but I think of myself when I'm 85 years old. How are my decisions now going to affect me then?

    Point of my post, eat what you want, but don't knock others that are more scrutinizing about what they put in their body.

    Wow! How did you lose weight in college? College is where I began packing on pounds.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    But if I only eat 100% healthy foods, I can't meet my calorie goals. So I gotta eat a mixture of healthy and not-so-healthy-but-okay-in-moderation foods. >.<


    "But Doc, I had to eat that double whopper with cheese!! I had to eat back my exercise calories!!"


    I don't have THAT many calories to eat back. Just enough where an ounce of chips or cheese and crackers handles it fine.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    But a Skinny Cow Ice Cream is not a "normal food". There are tons of chemicals in those! You're better off with a nice full fat 1/2 cup of breyers if you can fit it into your allotment.

    So true! If you are going to have ice cream go for the real stuff and enjoy every bite. Heck I even lick the bowl!

    Totally agree. I tried a Skinny Cow cup and afterward my tongue felt like someone sprayed it with PAM. I asked my DD about it and she told me DONT EAT THAT JUNK. So I purchased a tiny cup of Haagen Daas....twice the calories but all good stuff. Its worth it to eat real food.

    When it comes to ice cream, I *have* to agree. My thing with ice cream is that I can't just eat a flavored ice cream. I am a freakoid for TOPPINGS! Hot fudge, salted peanuts, marshmallow, carmel, etc. I have to get myself to where I can work-out enough to burn off all those calories. I was so sedentary for so long, that 10 minutes is the length of my workout. I'll get there though. Maybe once I have gone down 70 pounds like the OP my workouts will be easier.

    I am mostly trying to watch my sugar closely because I have a hard time with it.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    Full fat ice cream is low GI and glycemic load, but is unclean so shouldn't be eaten anyways. And dairy is terrible for you cause Paleo man didn't eat it.

    Thank God, I'm a modern woman and not a cave man!
    (*picturing Capt. Caveman cartoon right now*)
  • FatStoatLondon
    FatStoatLondon Posts: 197 Member
    Couldn't agree with you more. *salutes you*
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I'm all for moderation, but I can't stand when people eat 1200-1800 calories of *only* junk food and think they're healthy. You might be losing weight if you do that but you're not healthy. I'm trying for health, so for me moderation isn't something that's highly processed once a day, it's an unhealthy meal once or twice a week, or just a bite of something here or there. Weight loss is okay but coming from a skinny-fat person (I am thin but utterly flabby and weak) health is better. :)

    If you ate only 1200-1800 calories of junk food a day, you would starve. I think you misread the OP.

    What she is referring to is MODERATION. Junk food all day is NOT moderation. And for some people, like myself, we are much better off eating a small serving of a favorite treat, or one "dining out" meal on occasion than to deny ourselves yummy food for so long that we fall off the wagon and binge. Slow and steady wins the race. It's a marathon, not a sprint. etc.
  • slabstick
    slabstick Posts: 6
    I was told once that, if you tell yourself you can never eat pizza, or something you like, you will fail your weight loss plans. So every Sunday is the day I go off my diet. It works for me because I can more easily stick to my plan for 6 days a week looking forward to rewarding myself on Sunday.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I think it's fine to eat something out of the ordinary once in a while (last night I had an amazing pasta dish, from a restaurant that I go to once a year - absolutely not something I would eat more than that). I chose to have it because it is my favorite thing, and I know I can only get it there (which is too far to drive to regularly). That said, I only ate about a cup of the pasta and then ate all of the other delicious (and healthy) foods that were tossed in with it.

    However, I am really with everyone who are cutting out fast food. It isn't good for you, tastes terrible, and, at least with me, it seems to breed bad eating. Sometimes fast food shows up on my diary, but unless it is a salad (the least bad option if carefully chosen, IMO), I have usually used that to substitute for something I've eaten out that I can't find quickly in the tracker (like when I'm on the road).

    For me it's all about choice. I choose not to eat crappy foods. Even though I splurged diet-wise last night, I got up early this am and made my healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks for the day. I'm not going to let one splurge turn into a day/week/month worth of bad choices. I am choosing to be a more healthy me.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    I agree, some what. As it should be a lifestyle change for the rest of your life. So moderation is key. Assuming you are able to control yourself, as discussed here, not everyone is able to or can even eat those foods at all.
    (Though the healthier you eat, the less you should be craving these foods.. at least ideally)

    For me, its about moderation. And moderation is more than just watching my serviing size. Its how often I let myself have them.

    I will usually indulge in some pasta at a restaurant, or Chipotle (with no tortilla and no sour cream), and frozen yogurt on my big workout/'splurge' days.

  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I am the same way. I eat food. For me, I could never stick to a diet where something is off limits. I try to eat healthy for the most part but I need some junk food, every single day.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    I think it's fine to eat something out of the ordinary once in a while (last night I had an amazing pasta dish, from a restaurant that I go to once a year - absolutely not something I would eat more than that). I chose to have it because it is my favorite thing, and I know I can only get it there (which is too far to drive to regularly). That said, I only ate about a cup of the pasta and then ate all of the other delicious (and healthy) foods that were tossed in with it.

    However, I am really with everyone who are cutting out fast food. It isn't good for you, tastes terrible, and, at least with me, it seems to breed bad eating. Sometimes fast food shows up on my diary, but unless it is a salad (the least bad option if carefully chosen, IMO), I have usually used that to substitute for something I've eaten out that I can't find quickly in the tracker (like when I'm on the road).

    For me it's all about choice. I choose not to eat crappy foods. Even though I splurged diet-wise last night, I got up early this am and made my healthy breakfast, lunch and snacks for the day. I'm not going to let one splurge turn into a day/week/month worth of bad choices. I am choosing to be a more healthy me.

    I am the same way, I did cut out fast food because it is BAD for you. But I LOVE ice cream. I will have it every once in a while and not feel bad about it. I'll just work out and eat healthy for the rest of my meals or until I want some more. Ice cream and chococalte are really the only "unhealthy" things I couldn't live without! (not to be taken super literally lol)
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    First things first.. you dont need to be nasty about it.

    Secondly, there are many people who have serious medical problems that warrant the elimination of those types of foods. I have patients who have such issues who use MFP for tracking under the physician's advice.

    Then you have people who come out and admit that they dont have control when they eat those types of foods thus they do their best not to have them.

    So yes, there are people who legitimately cant have those types of foods.

    I wasn't talking about people with health issues. If you have a realistic health issue (ie-diabetes) you are excluded from this conversation. I'm talking about normal, everyday people who are basically overall in good health who just THINK they can't have "normal" food.

    An estimated 20% of people in the US have insulin resistance. Most of these people are overweight. So the percentage of people on MFP that have insulin resistance is most likely higher than 20%. When you have insulin resistance, your body doesn't digest carbs the way the body of someone without insulin resistance does. It's best to follow a low carb, high protein diet when you have insulin resistance. Sooooo those people CAN'T have ice cream, pasta, pizza, etc on a normal basis and be successful at losing weight.

    So although you say you weren't talking about "those people", a lot of "those people" are on this site.

    Wrong. I have insulin resistance (prediabetes) I still eat those things in moderation and I'm still losing. And the more I lose, the more my body can process those things. Win-win.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Is having frozen yogurt instead of ice cream good? I love my pomegranate blueberry frozen yogurt or is it not clean enough because it's still dairy? >.>
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Is having frozen yogurt instead of ice cream good? I love my pomegranate blueberry frozen yogurt or is it not clean enough because it's still dairy? >.>

    Dairy is for baby mammals, are you a baby mammal?