For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    What the hell is "clean" food anyway? Every time I think something's clean I get attacked saying that nooooo that'll make you faaaaat. I wash my veggies before cooking them, does that make them clean? Maybe I should just drink water for the rest of my life, unless well water will make me fat too. :/

    Clean food is food that is right out of the ground. Or food that has a parent.

    So meat, fruit and veggies and that's it? No olive oil? No natural cheeses? No bread at all? Even whole grain breads? Not a lot of room for variety. :/

    lmao no one is attacking you...we are just trying to explain our opinion on why we eat that are the one saying that we are going to burn down stuff...lmao. any way eating clean can mean different things to different people just like moderation can mean different things just like low carb can mean different things...etc. MY personal way is the 10 way. I either eat fresh meat, veggies, fruits, cheeses and grains, or if i have to buy something that i cant get fresh it has to have 10 ingredients or less and i have to know what they all are. if i cant pronounce something or i don't know what it is/where it comes from well then i wont get it. it makes it pretty easy for me, and i feel better with it.

    But what if you have a great vocabulary and can pronounce most words? That never worked for me as I learned how to pronounce the chemical names. I just feel like a horrible ugly fat person now who will never be good enough or beautiful. Apparently I must have lost almost 60 pounds from magic because I don't eat 100% clean. I thought I had this all figured out but apparently I don't. Please teach me oh wise ones for I'm a ****ing moron. :cry:

    Wow hun you have issues.....I feel sorry for you....and it has NOTHING to do with eating clean...or dirty.

    Thanks. I already know I have a mental disability and am prone to panic attacks. But those things also probably make me a horrible person too right? I eat bad and don't have a 100% healthy brain. Now I'm off to the gym on my ultimately hopeless quest in trying to look good. Hope you guys feel good about yourselves, making a disabled person cry. :cry:
  • happythermia
    happythermia Posts: 374

    FFS! :P
  • Lulubear511
    But those aren't clean foods,therefore you're destroying your health

  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    Yep! Although I'm a pretty clean eater, I'm also a pretty BIG eater. Thus I'm a big fan of exercise too, LOL

  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thank you all for the lively debate.
    Gonna go to the gym now and then follow it off by a Big Mac meal from Mickie D's.

    Why? Because this pregnant girl has a craving for it and I already planned it into my day!

    No offense but I feel sorry for you. At least have a burger that is not factory farmed. Why not get a burger and fries from a small family owned restaurant? Or make it at home?

    Agreed. Why McDonalds, when it takes 5 min to make a homemade burger, with 50% less calories. Still fattening, but better then McDonalds. Personally, my stomach turns when I think about their food.. so processed and no nutrition from it at all.

    Thank you for talking about how fast it is to make a burger at home and for agreeing with my earlier statement. Plus, as I mentioned above...depending on your beef choice it CAN have half the fat of factory farmed meat. Simply based on what that cow was fed. Grain fed, feed lot, factory farmed beef is 50% more fat. That's just science. Cows can't properly digest a grain-based diet.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Just another day on
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I had to see my dr. Because I wasnt losing weight by eating healthy and exercising. She said to go back to my old plan (One I lost a weight with). It has a few restriction, but this is the only plan I have found to work. Yes, I am one of those people....sorry :(. I am eating clean and healthier and I feel good so please don't judge! Oh, and yea...I am losing!!!

    P.s. those that say this is not lifelong reality bullcrap plan.....I can add in my restrictions when I am at a maintable weight.

    Don't judge if you haven't walked in their shoes. This site is for helping people not criticizing!!!
  • alsmomma
    alsmomma Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for this post! I've only been doing MFP two weeks now (and haven't dared to weigh yet). I don't really know any of the "rules" but when I put my info in MFP told me how many calories I could eat a day and how many I earn by exercising. I, too, have eaten ice cream almost every single day but it's a big difference from the almost half-gallon I used to eat to the now 1/2 cup serving I carefully measure out. I feel like I'm cheating but I figure if I stay within my calories surely I will lose weight because I'm eating much less than I used to and I'm getting more and more active. You're's not a diet but a lifestyle change!
  • tinksmommy2006
    What the hell is "clean" food anyway? Every time I think something's clean I get attacked saying that nooooo that'll make you faaaaat. I wash my veggies before cooking them, does that make them clean? Maybe I should just drink water for the rest of my life, unless well water will make me fat too. :/

    Clean food is food that is right out of the ground. Or food that has a parent.

    So meat, fruit and veggies and that's it? No olive oil? No natural cheeses? No bread at all? Even whole grain breads? Not a lot of room for variety. :/

    lmao no one is attacking you...we are just trying to explain our opinion on why we eat that are the one saying that we are going to burn down stuff...lmao. any way eating clean can mean different things to different people just like moderation can mean different things just like low carb can mean different things...etc. MY personal way is the 10 way. I either eat fresh meat, veggies, fruits, cheeses and grains, or if i have to buy something that i cant get fresh it has to have 10 ingredients or less and i have to know what they all are. if i cant pronounce something or i don't know what it is/where it comes from well then i wont get it. it makes it pretty easy for me, and i feel better with it.

    But what if you have a great vocabulary and can pronounce most words? That never worked for me as I learned how to pronounce the chemical names. I just feel like a horrible ugly fat person now who will never be good enough or beautiful. Apparently I must have lost almost 60 pounds from magic because I don't eat 100% clean. I thought I had this all figured out but apparently I don't. Please teach me oh wise ones for I'm a ****ing moron. :cry:

    Wow hun you have issues.....I feel sorry for you....and it has NOTHING to do with eating clean...or dirty.

    Thanks. I already know I have a mental disability and am prone to panic attacks. But those things also probably make me a horrible person too right? I eat bad and don't have a 100% healthy brain. Now I'm off to the gym on my ultimately hopeless quest in trying to look good.

    Just so much anger coming from you on what could have been a simple conversation is all...just don't get it...Never said you where a bad person, or anything as such just that you obviously have issues, that's all. if you get this angered over a simple conversation online with someone you never met, well i hope you can go talk to someone about them. i really do. no one else where should have that much control over your anger or any other least not for a simple difference in opinions.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Just another day on

    Actually I've never been overweight.
  • annabellio
    annabellio Posts: 127 Member
    :flowerforyou: yay for the voice of reason.
    I went to a eating disorders specialist/therapist who changed my life when she told me by restricting or saying "can't" you, especially if you have eating disorders ,set yourself up for a fall. She told me to be mindful. That's all. It works. The minnute I start saying I can't or cut something out i fall right back into old habits. And by the way name an eating disorder and I've had it.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Regularly eating it means what? Once a day, once a week, once a month?

    I probably eat junk food once or twice a week. I also drink almost every weekend. I am not trying to lose weight. I am healthy and in shape. What's the point here?

    Let's just say, compare your diary to the OP's... Fast food every other day, for instance. I'm not a clean eater either, but having been in the fitness/nutrition world for years, the thing I notice about people who maintain athletic bodies is that the bulk of their diet is nutritious... "Junk food" is a snack or a dessert, not a meal. And if it is, it's a rare meal.

    Just wondering what the difference is between people in this argument. Of course people see results on both sides in terms of weight loss, I'm just interested in the people who are maintaining a slim/athletic body, not losing weight

    I also must assume that if you are eating McDonalds every other day, it is much easier to all of the sudden start binging on those types of things because that is what you are used to eating. But if you train yourself to eat it everyonce in a while like once every couple of months it's not really something you are going to be thinking about once you have reached your goal weight. Also the OP gets to eat over 2,000 calories a day, and that is without any really workout. I think eventually when she gets closer to her goal weight she will understand why she can't do this so much, beacuse eating 800 calories at mcdonalds is only going to leave her 600-800 calories the rest of the day for all of her snacks, and meals.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks for this post! I've only been doing MFP two weeks now (and haven't dared to weigh yet). I don't really know any of the "rules" but when I put my info in MFP told me how many calories I could eat a day and how many I earn by exercising. I, too, have eaten ice cream almost every single day but it's a big difference from the almost half-gallon I used to eat to the now 1/2 cup serving I carefully measure out. I feel like I'm cheating but I figure if I stay within my calories surely I will lose weight because I'm eating much less than I used to and I'm getting more and more active. You're's not a diet but a lifestyle change!

    Welcome to MFP! All of the forum discussions are not as wild and crazy as this one. Hope we did not scare you.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I read that your pregnant now. I took a look at your food diary. You need to eat more nutritious foods so your baby can get all the right nourishment it needs to grow well.

    Please don't jump down my throat; my post is well-meaning. I'm glad you've lost weight but your not eating just for you right now so choose to put clean, healthy, nutritious foods in your body.
  • Cristofori44
    Cristofori44 Posts: 201
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    Seriously. This is why people don't "diet" because they think they're only going to live on lettuce and nuts.

    I eat pasta.
    I drank booze (can't now because I'm pregnant).
    I eat ice cream EVERY DAY. Yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY (and have for 7 months now)
    I eat fast food.
    Heck, I'll even have that 1000 calorie burrito from Chipotle.

    And yes! I LOST WEIGHT. And how did I do it?

    BY WORKING MY *kitten* OFF.

    Did I really want that burrito? You bet I did. But I exercised to earn it.

    Do I REALLY eat ice cream EVERY DAY? Sure do. I remember the days I would down half a container of Breyer's. Not anymore. The key is portion control. I get the Skinny Cow. Actually, right now I have full fat, full calorie TRIPLE CHOCOLATE DRUMSTICKS in my freezer. I had one last night, and golly, I made it fit into my plan.

    *gasp* PASTA?! OH NO. Yes, I eat pasta and I do regularly. I'll usually have 1.5-2 servings of cheese ravioli WITH sauce PLUS vegetables with butter!

    My macros are set at 45-35-20 and I hit them almost every day on point with calories to spare at the end of the day! Today - my macros came all to 0 at the end of the day.

    You CAN eat all the "evil" foods. It's not a "diet", it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and the key to a lifestyle change is to enjoy everything you enjoy, but to adapt them in a way to make them fit into your new lifestyle.

    Yep, portion control. There's really nothing wrong with a little gelato, a slice of pizza, or a few cups of pasta.

    (Most fruits and pasta are also low in glycemic index, incidentally--not the same thing as wolfing down some cookies and a 32-oz. coca-cola).

    I do stay away from burritos, personally, if only because I realized that a combination of a 9-inch deli sandwich for lunch and a 1,100-calorie burrito for dinner were the main culprits in my weight gain. Though if I would have worked harder in the gym I could have had these things.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    100% agree. I'm tired of the "YOU'RE NOT HEALTHY THOUGH IF YOU DON'T EAT COMPLETELY CLEAN FOODS!!!!!1!!1!"

    Oh please. Not all of us care to live the healthiest lifestyle in the world. I always thought I had to give up pasta, pizza, sweets, chips, fast food in order to lose weight. But did I? No. And I am starting to lose weight. 5lbs away from a weight I haven't seen in ages! The difference is, I eat when I can eat in my day, but if it's too much, I don't eat it. I exercise. I move. I burn.

    Sorry, but there ain't a single soul in the world that's going to convince me to only eat fruits and veggies my whole life. If that's the case, it's just not worth it.

    Not just to single you out, but has anyone on here ever said that?

    However, I've heard several people make the argument of "I have to supplement my diet with junk in order to...."
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    I LOVE this post! I am the same exact way. I am making a lifestyle change and I am sure in heck not on a "diet". Diets are short term plans to lose weight, most of the time by denying yourself the foods you love. A lifestyle change is about learning to eat healthy, well portioned food that you love and eating sweets, fats and carbs in moderation.

    Simple as that.
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I personally choose to eat the way I do because I believe it's the healthy way and will give me the best life possible,...if you think your way is right too, then more power to you!! Good luck to everyone on here, I hope we all live long healthy active lives :)
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Regularly eating it means what? Once a day, once a week, once a month?

    I probably eat junk food once or twice a week. I also drink almost every weekend. I am not trying to lose weight. I am healthy and in shape. What's the point here?

    Let's just say, compare your diary to the OP's... Fast food every other day, for instance. I'm not a clean eater either, but having been in the fitness/nutrition world for years, the thing I notice about people who maintain athletic bodies is that the bulk of their diet is nutritious... "Junk food" is a snack or a dessert, not a meal. And if it is, it's a rare meal.

    Just wondering what the difference is between people in this argument. Of course people see results on both sides in terms of weight loss, I'm just interested in the people who are maintaining a slim/athletic body, not losing weight

    Gotcha. Thanks for that explanation. I am definitely someone who loves food and junk food haha. But it's a treat for me.
  • Lulubear511
    And for the record, I'm well aware that I don't eat "clean."

    I am a single woman who lives alone and I find when I buy everything "clean", a lot of stuff goes to waste because I can't consume it all in a reasonable amount of time. I can't tell you how much money I have lost by throwing away fresh fruits and vegetables, gallons of milk, loaves of bread because they turned rotten and moldy. I'd rather eat as "well" as I can without wasting money.

    You can freeze a loaf bread and take out what you want each day. You can also cut up vegetables and freeze them as well. Same goes for fruit.