For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • alladream
    alladream Posts: 261 Member
    I eat organic chocolate, raw when I can get it, which to me tastes great but doesn't wreck me up. I have been vegetarian for decades, and stick to organic when I am able, which is everything I personally buy for the house. I never drink soda or booze, but i do drink expresso with half and half every day. We don't eat fastfood and genetically-modified stuff and stuff with checmicals, which make me so sick and grossed out, but I eat smartpuffs and pirate booty, and just make sure my calories work out. I find that wheat makes me bloated, so I avoid gluten pasta, but I enjoy the tinkyada brand of rice pasta--best I've tasted. I guess it's all choices, and sometimes people get completely overwhelmed. Lifestyles are really different, and maybe folks who live in cities feel like they have fewer choices at times--I hate when I travel and have few options at a place if I didn't bring food along or plan ahead.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I try to eat according to functionality, not my appetite. That's not to say I'm completely immune to good tastes. But I don't treat getting nutrition as something to do for fun except on occasion.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member

    I can haz whole category? :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I don't care what other people eat or not, but it does bug me when people contend that if someone loses or has lost weight but didn't cut out "junk" food, that they are internally unhealthy. If that is the case, why do I pass my physicals with flying colors and have no health problems when my diet is 15-20% "unhealthy" food? My bloodwork is impeccable and my blood pressure is so low that I joke with my doctor that I'm dead. And yet, I haven't put any restrictions on my diet.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    Okay, let me get this straight, are you talking about fat, high end normal or over weight? You're talking obese, not heavy, not skinny fat, but overweight, not just a little chubby, but obese.

    And for diet you mean all the way, but not half way, or in the beginning, but from the start, from start to finish, as in ALLL the way?

    Am I reading that right?

    You're funny.

    Yes, I'm being overly dramatic because I'm not going to take advice from someone that had a little to lose. I'm going to take advice from someone who has been there, been obese, and UNDERSTANDS what I'm going through. Someone with 15 lbs to lose doesn't understand what it's like to be obese. Sorry.
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    You're funny.

    Yes, I'm being overly dramatic because I'm not going to take advice from someone that had a little to lose. I'm going to take advice from someone who has been there, been obese, and UNDERSTANDS what I'm going through. Someone with 15 lbs to lose doesn't understand what it's like to be obese. Sorry.

    Glad that made you laugh.

    I've had my head handed to me for "being a clown" before.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    What the hell is "clean" food anyway? Every time I think something's clean I get attacked saying that nooooo that'll make you faaaaat. I wash my veggies before cooking them, does that make them clean? Maybe I should just drink water for the rest of my life, unless well water will make me fat too. :/

    Clean food is food that is right out of the ground. Or food that has a parent.

    So meat, fruit and veggies and that's it? No olive oil? No natural cheeses? No bread at all? Even whole grain breads? Not a lot of room for variety. :/

    Ummm....Olive oil comes from olives, which come off trees, which are from the ground......Cheese is a product of an animal that had a parent......whole grains, again, come out of the ground.

    Just sayin'

    So deep fried butter in duck fat would be clean? butter comes from cows, the batter is flour and water or beer and the fat is from an animal?

    Again, moderation.....I do cook with butter. Often. I cook fresh vegetables in organic butter and serve them with wild caught seafood and whole grain pasta. I've lost 90 pounds, I've gone from not being able to run 100 feet to completing a half marathon and a full marathon. I've lowered my blood pressure, my cholesterol, my blood sugar and I'm no longer at risk for heart disease.

    I also don't claim to be a 100% clean eater. I like Mounds Ice Cream bars....they're effing delicious! I have one every other week. I have my huge, full fat Starbucks drink with whipped cream (roughly 500 calories of Heaven) once a month. THAT is an occasional treat.

    A Big Mac every other day or ice cream every single night is not "moderation" nor is is "occasional". That was my only point in response to the OP.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    Thank goodness I am not the only I eat everything too, of course I eat foods that are good for me too but now and then I enjoy a little of everything else.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    Uhm, 90% of the posts I've skimmed over on this thread are beside the point.

    The OP's original point was that she regularly eats foods others take out of their diets when trying to lose weight but still loses weight.

    The direct counter argument to that is that eating whatever the hell you want only keeping within a caloric budget WON'T work for everyone. The fact that this method won't fit into other health goals is pretty obvious.
  • losermomof3
    losermomof3 Posts: 386 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    Okay, let me get this straight, are you talking about fat, high end normal or over weight? You're talking obese, not heavy, not skinny fat, but overweight, not just a little chubby, but obese.

    And for diet you mean all the way, but not half way, or in the beginning, but from the start, from start to finish, as in ALLL the way?

    Am I reading that right?

  • Nessiechickie
    Nessiechickie Posts: 1,392 Member
    I say I don't /very rarely eat pasta/bread.
    Because I just don't find them very tasteful and also i have a problem with dislocated/clicking jaw.
    Some people like their pastas and for me I love my booze.
    I have a drink almost every night and yesterday I had Burger King... yum!
  • njgal35
    njgal35 Posts: 28
    I hear you

    In the last 4 years I have been on every crazy diet that limits type of foods

    I just eat healthy that includes fruits vegetables grains nuts And pizza and ice cream. 9in moderation)

    I have lost 13 pounds which is more than what I have lost with crazy diets over years.

    Here's to keeping it up
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    I know I only had 69 lbs to lose so I don't qualify for your search, but I have lost 53 eating clean, start to finish, and I saw a post yesterday of a girl who had lost over 150 lbs eating pure clean eating the entire time, not one cheat. She was awesome, I'll see if I can find it for you!!

    I undesrtand that these people exist, I don't think they are the norm. Sorry.

    "I want to see an example of someone who lost a lot of weight eating clean." *get an example* "But they're not the norm!"

    Mediocrity is the norm.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    RealWomenLovePitbulls Posts: 729 Member
    that is perfectly written and something a friend and I (who are both using MFP, exercising and tracking what we eat) keep trying to explain to people. you do not have to eat "diet food" in order to eat healthier, you can eat the same things as always, just in moderation, and tracking it everyday just makes u realize what u are taking in. I'm not saying my food habits haven't changed, but if i want something, i eat it, i just add more exercise or have lower calorie things the rest of the day when i know i will be having something high in calories.
  • mcedes02
    mcedes02 Posts: 56 Member
    THANK YOU!!! for this post! That's exactly me (minus pregnant and ice cream only 3-4x a week) And that soda once a week!! It really is portion control, smarter choices, over all self control and get your butt off the sofa!! I really believe that's where a lot of ppl fail.They "diet". Diet is so temporary sounding and for most it only last for a short time!! And they remove EVERYTHING from thier food choices and simply grow bored with it and leave the body craving so much more! I want to be satisfied at the end of the day and have a plan that I can live by for a long time to come!!
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    I know I only had 69 lbs to lose so I don't qualify for your search, but I have lost 53 eating clean, start to finish, and I saw a post yesterday of a girl who had lost over 150 lbs eating pure clean eating the entire time, not one cheat. She was awesome, I'll see if I can find it for you!!

    I undesrtand that these people exist, I don't think they are the norm. Sorry.

    TRUE! I'm not content being "the norm", I want to be amazing :) I think therein lies the difference!
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Dunno why people are arguing though, because *most* of this thread I see a symposium of good points on both sides, and they don't necessarily conflict:
    -it's better not to eat processed foods very often
    -you can still eat junk and be skinny if you control calories but you won't be healthy
    -but you will be healthier than if you ate tons of junk every day and become obese
    -everyone has different idea of healthy foods, some foods that are healthy for one body aren't healthy for another
    (I consider steaks and white rice healthy but whole wheat bread unhealthy, because of how my own body handles the foods!)
    -you are what you eat. your body breaks down the lipid and polymers you eat and uses the parts to create you. if you eat chemicals it has to put those somewhere too.
    -sometimes you want a giant slice of cake, so you eat it. It won't make you fat if you don't make it a habit or consider it something your body needs to thrive (not just survive)

    See, almost everyone is right! Yay!

    edit: I can't spell worth a darn, yay for being a science major. x)

    Grass fed organic beef (raised on a small family farm) has half the fat of factory farmed. So yes, of course steak is healthy. In my house we call this "happy meat"

    You say this as if fat is unhealthy. (Hint: it's not.)

    But yes, otherwise I agree, grass finished beef is an entirely different food than CAFO beef.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    I want to meet these people that were obese. not overweight, not high normal, OBESE at one time and ate clean all the way to goal. Not clean eating at goal, clean eating during their loss...all the way to goaI. Not halfway to goal and eating clean. ALL THE WAY.

    And I'm talking losing 50 pounds or more. I'm not talking about those that were at the high end of normal or even overweight. I'm talking O.FREAKING.BESE. Because I'm kinda thinking that most of the clean eating harpies never really had huge weight problems to begin with.

    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I see way more "moderation" obese to normal weight success stories than I do, clean eating. The clean eaters either didn't have all that much to lose to begin with, or lost it with moderation and switched closer to/at goal. Which is fine.

    Flame away, IDGAF.

    I know I only had 69 lbs to lose so I don't qualify for your search, but I have lost 53 eating clean, start to finish, and I saw a post yesterday of a girl who had lost over 150 lbs eating pure clean eating the entire time, not one cheat. She was awesome, I'll see if I can find it for you!!

    I undesrtand that these people exist, I don't think they are the norm. Sorry.

    "I want to see an example of someone who lost a lot of weight eating clean." *get an example* "But they're not the norm!"

    Mediocrity is the norm.

    Sorry I didn't word it properly. Trying to make a point which is quickly becoming lost, that's fine.

    If I am mediocre, then I am mediocre.