For cryin' out loud. I eat pasta, fast food and ice cream!



  • Jerseygirl02
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    Well, I can only say this.. I eat pretty well, but I don't claim to be a clean eater. Lots of fresh fruit, fresh veggies, whole grains, and lean protein in my diet.
    BUT, if someone tries to take my Skinny Cow away, we're gonna have a problem.
    Seriously, its all about your goals. I have no intention of running marathons, or winning Ms. Beachbody, or posing for Playboy at 50. My goal was to lose weight, lower my cholesterol, get my liver values right, and reduce my risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Oh, and also to get my BMI out of the "Obese" range.

    Guess what, I'm no longer Obese. My FLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) has completely reversed and my liver values are now within normal range, and my cholesterol is lowering. My risk of Type 2 diabetes is still there, but I still have weight to lose, so we're still working on it. I exercise, and I love it. Not because it allows me to eat more, but because I can feel my body getting stronger.

    Best of all, I don't feel like I'm on a restrictive diet at all. My Sicilian husband gets his occasional pasta (though mostly whole grain now), I get Ice Cream, though the Skinny Cow version, we eat out, and one day I may actually exceed my calorie goals without any guilt whatsoever, because I've earned it.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    I eat what I want also. Portion control is key. Yes, I have my alcohol~I just log it along with everything else. And I am not "skinny-fat". I run Sat, Tu, TH and lift M, W, F. I am a healthy thin~not skinny. I have lost 132 pounds doing it this way. I do not feel deprived so I do not have the cravings that so many people have. Plus, my weight loss has been slow and steady, none of the yo-yo, up and down stuff that frustrates so many people. So, yes, I have my cake and eat it, too!
  • gauchogirl
    gauchogirl Posts: 467 Member
    Jesus, lady, well good for you. Thanks for letting us all realize how awesome you are, and apparently, how lucky. Some of us CHOOSE not to eat that much garbage because we value the QUALITY of our food and health. But good on ya...
  • Evarell
    Evarell Posts: 143 Member
    Hmmm, should I worry that this bottle of Bogle Merlot suddenly looks rather empty?

    Only if you're expecting company. :drinker:
  • amersmanders
    amersmanders Posts: 118 Member
    I think the point was that if we get too focused on all the things we can't eat then we can feel pretty defeated or discouraged. Period.

    Obviously, the healthier you can eat, the better. Foods that aren't loaded in pesticides, herbicides, hormones and antibiotics are obviously healthier than their conventional counterparts. But when eating stops being enjoyable because you're depriving yourself to such a degree that eating anything makes you feel anxious or self-conscious, consider taking OP's advice: eat the foods you love- but be willing to work off what you eat.

    It's not a license to get out of control. Unless you're willing to work off a 4000 calorie splurge, then pigging out probably isn't the best choice.

    If you have food allergies or dietary restrictions because of medical needs, then you obviously have to make choices within reason, based on the parameters you have.

    But that doesn't mean DESPISE eating! If you hate your "diet", you're probably not going to stick with it.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Well, good for you....what worked for you won't work for every other person on this planet because THEY AREN'T YOU.

    I can't eat pasta everyday, I can't eat ice cream everyday. And no I don't consume much fruit (I get my Vit. C from greens and colorful peppers. I only berries because they are low in sugar. No, I can't because if i do I'll become a full blown diabetic and you don't have to be fat to be diabetic. I'm a 110lb prediabetic (2 in 5 diabetics is thin and the majority of obese people will never become diabetic. Of course, the tides are changing - now kids are getting diabetes). Diabetes is killing my dad and now it's starting on my older brother. It's not going to get me next. But I can thank all those "heart healthy" carbs and the Standard American Diet for giving half my family diabetes.
    My first six months: 1200-1300 calories a day. Weighing food, logging food, counting calories, exercising like a stressed out rodent on his exercise wheel - trudging along and getting nowhere). Eating 5-6 times a day because all those filling whole grains and fruit had my blood sugar crashing 90 mintues later and me running to the cafeteria to get lunch. And I lost 10lbs. My goal. 120lbs. The lowest weight I have ever seen as an adult.
    Then I started Primal Blueprint: Here is is 1 1/2 years later. I'm 110lbs and I have maintained that since September 2011. No counting calories - my body regulates my appetite. No weighing food - I can fill my plate and I will stop when no longer hungry. I get to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast. I get to smother my greens and veggies in real butter. I get to drink full-fat coconut milk and eat full-fat greek yogurt. I get to eat 9-10oz steaks for dinner. I can even eat them an hour before bed. In fact I have to be very careful to make sure I eat enough fat because the faster I take it in the faster my body burns it (you see I'm fat-adapted, not sugar-adapted. My body prefers to use fat as fuel. It lasts longer and burns much, much cleaner). And I do very, very little exercise yet have this amazing muscle definition becuase I also eat high-quality protein. (We don't have access to most of the nutrition and protein in grains. They're all wrapped up in a toxic shell).

    I followed the high-carb (mostly whole grain), low-fat, calorie-restricted SAD to lose weight and I did. But if I hadn't come across Mark's Daily Apple and Primal Blueprint I would be a 120lb (or more) full-blown diabetic right now. (And genetics isn't destiny. There has go to be a defining mechanism to trigger a gene to "turn on" or "turn off". For me it's the SAD)

    And as I get older, I'm also realizing that healthy is so much more important than skinny.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    I'd love to say I eat clean, but I know I don't and I agree the odd treat is fine. But it has to be the odd treat, eating ice cream every day or a burger every other day is not having something in moderation and I don't think it's a good idea to have foods like that everyday.

    I had a look at the OP's diary and as I'm in the UK I find it hard to understand what half the food listed is because i dont recognise it!! But it sounds like a lot of processed food to me and personally although I would be happy I was losing weight eating that way I would still be striving to get more fresh foods, especially if I was pregnant!!
  • Mattdemon
    Mattdemon Posts: 79
    This is absolutely absurd. Call me sexist or whatever it is, but PLEASE, I DARE YOU TO FIND A MALE STARTING THIS EXACT SAME THREAD.

    Cool, your pregnant, like icecream and still overweight. This is not the 'message' you want to send to people saying eat whatever the hell you want who cares that's what makes you happy. Why did you choose to loss weight in the first place? I don't think you are serious about losing weight and I'm not here to demotivate you but why plague the forums with "I eat icecream everyday and you can too blah blah"...

    What I don't like is people making excuses for everything. Some people think washing dishes and gardening is working out and it cracks me up. All that is fine but that doesn't justify having a snickers bar afterwards.

    You can eat those things in moderation but it's also important to eat it less frequently too. It's your life do whatever you want but don't give out bad advice. I smoked cigarettes at night to fight off hunger instead of snacking, it worked but I wouldn't share that as a great idea. Fast food taste amazing but it's not good for you. We all know that and no doctor would recommend eating it, and no matter how much you 'love' it you should avoid it for periods of time.
  • Coco_UK
    Coco_UK Posts: 84 Member
    For the record I lost over 90 pounds on my 20's by eating 3 balanced meals a day and abstaining from sugar and refined carbs.

    Would you not call that clean eating?

    No while flower, no white rice, no snaking, no sweeteners - deffinately no junk food what so ever!

    I kept off sugar and refine carbs for 16 years.

    I was morbidly obese before I started and eating healthy saved my life, I have no doubt about that because my doctor was very clear about how poor my health was.

    I now have less weigh to lose and have a more flexible view on what I eat and I don't eat, that is where I am at now.

    I have absolute respect to anyone who wants to eat clean in whatever way they chose to do it. I also have all the respect and equal admiration to those who eat everything available and make it work!

    Who am I to judge what you are doing if it makes you happy and it works for you??

    Moreover, I am old enough to know that chances are I will change the way i see my relationship with food at some point, and when and if I do I want to be as opened minded, flexible, curious and as tolerant to myself as I am to others today.
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Sixty-seven percent of America is fat or overweight, according to the experts. I ran past a woman the other day on one of those little red scooters, and she was eating Burger King. She was laid back on that scooter in such a way that I couldn't actually see the machine, but common sense told me that she couldn't be floating on air. I thought to myself, "Now that was freedom right there, son. That's the American dream." She had her belly full on a sidewalk transportation unit, and all the freedom in the word; and all I had was a pair of rundown New Balance Runners sweating to the sounds of Chuck Berry with a nagging ache in my left achilles heel. What's wrong with me running like a mad man, when I could be doing what she's doing, and living?
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    :flowerforyou: I agree with weeblex.
    Your post made you sound a bit mean. Just saying

    P.s. this lifestyle may work for you now in your twenties. In your forties, or even thirties your body, hormones, kids may change your ability to eat whatever you want. I'm saying this from personal experience.
    Hopefully, you'll never have those issues. Good luck to you.

    Definitely agree with this. I am only 25 but I have seen my metabolism slow down drastically and I know the closer I get to 30 the better quality of food I am going to have to eat in order to stay healthy. That being said I go for organics...just about everything in my house is organic including my quinoa I eat pasta occasionally too...just the right kind of pasta. We are not perfect and at times that Mickey D's drive thru will get the best of you but it shouldn't on a regular basis. Just my two cents.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member

    I still eat ice cream too :) and chocolate, and I did have a half pound cheesy potato burrito at taco bell yesterday, but I worked my butt off to have it!
  • alsmomma
    alsmomma Posts: 34 Member
    Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)?
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I'm so tired of seeing "I can't eat pasta. I can't eat fast food. I can't eat ice cream. I can't eat fruit. I can't have this. I can't have that."

    Seriously. This is why people don't "diet" because they think they're only going to live on lettuce and nuts.

    I eat pasta.
    I drank booze (can't now because I'm pregnant).
    I eat ice cream EVERY DAY. Yes, EVERY SINGLE DAY (and have for 7 months now)
    I eat fast food.
    Heck, I'll even have that 1000 calorie burrito from Chipotle.

    And yes! I LOST WEIGHT. And how did I do it?

    BY WORKING MY *kitten* OFF.

    Did I really want that burrito? You bet I did. But I exercised to earn it.

    Do I REALLY eat ice cream EVERY DAY? Sure do. I remember the days I would down half a container of Breyer's. Not anymore. The key is portion control. I get the Skinny Cow. Actually, right now I have full fat, full calorie TRIPLE CHOCOLATE DRUMSTICKS in my freezer. I had one last night, and golly, I made it fit into my plan.

    *gasp* PASTA?! OH NO. Yes, I eat pasta and I do regularly. I'll usually have 1.5-2 servings of cheese ravioli WITH sauce PLUS vegetables with butter!

    My macros are set at 45-35-20 and I hit them almost every day on point with calories to spare at the end of the day! Today - my macros came all to 0 at the end of the day.

    You CAN eat all the "evil" foods. It's not a "diet", it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and the key to a lifestyle change is to enjoy everything you enjoy, but to adapt them in a way to make them fit into your new lifestyle.

    THANK YOU!!!!! This is how I have been successful... I have been eating what I like to eat, to make this stick for YEARS to come! Sure it would come off faster if I ate only fruit and veg, but that's not a reasonable expectation for the rest of my life!
  • jogglesngoggles
    jogglesngoggles Posts: 362 Member
    Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)?

    you got it!!
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)?
  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    Hmmmm...this does seem to be a very sensitive subject to some, doesn't it? One question...what is a macro? Is that my other nutrients (fiber, fat, protein, etc.)?

    Yeah. Macros are the ones you stated and micro are the vitamins and stuff. You need a lot of macros and not so much micros.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Just so much anger coming from you on what could have been a simple conversation is all...just don't get it...Never said you where a bad person, or anything as such just that you obviously have issues, that's all. if you get this angered over a simple conversation online with someone you never met, well i hope you can go talk to someone about them. i really do. no one else where should have that much control over your anger or any other least not for a simple difference in opinions.

    I'm sorry. I just get upset when I've already had so much success in weight loss and then to get bombarded with messages with the sentiment that I'm doing it wrong. I've lost almost 60 pounds (most of which before joining MFP) so clearly I must be doing something right. :P