Why is a man's attractiveness defined by his height???



  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Oh, and this, for girls who like a guy shorter than them and are worried they'll look awkward.


    Often it's cute, and you end up looking like a supermodel next to them. Tall girls, would you really not give Daniel Radcliffe, Josh Hutcherson, Elijah Wood, or Robert Downey Jr a chance if they asked you out? Because all of them are under 5'9.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Oh, you're a man with a less-than-ideal height? Welcome to what it's like to be a woman with a less-than-ideal weight...or boob size...or height (tall women have the exact same issue.)

    I don't personally have an issue with "shorter" men, but I'm not extremely tall myself (5'5) so it hasn't been much of a problem for me. I don't think couples where the female is taller look weird, either. I actually tend to think it makes them seem more secure in themselves.
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    Personally for me, it's because I've been a big girl for so many years now that I feel even bigger next to a guy who is shorter than I am. I seriously can not date anyone shorter than me. I feel like a bigger heffalump than I already am.
  • pawneed5
    pawneed5 Posts: 37
    I'm 5'4" and I like to look up at my signifigant other when were together. It makes me feel safe and comfortable. Also, I wear very high heels and I don't like to tower over him because I already have a dominate personality. Some men aren't comforatble with both of those, lol. I need to be able to look up a little at least. It is all about preference. I'm sure you have things you prefer. Also, you need to get better female friends, just a suggestion.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    Bottomline: Women like feeling tinier than their man.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    As long as the guy doesn't have a big problem with it and ask me to slouch or dictate my footwear choices, we're all good.
  • TISH27kidneytransplant
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
    You're special. Wish you the best and wish I could solve the issue.
  • nicholettebell
    Not to me! My boyfriend is 5'9" which is perfect for me since I'm 5'3.5". I've been with a tall guy 6'1" and that was too tall for me and it didn't work out....but not because he was tall. But I don't think that attractiveness is only based on height....I hope.
  • TISH27kidneytransplant
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
    You're special. Wish you the best and wish I could solve the issue.

    Awwww, thank you! I think sometimes he does it so I will ask for his help:) I think sometimes it makes him feel needed and there nothing wrong with that!
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
    You're special. Wish you the best and wish I could solve the issue.

    Awwww, thank you! I think sometimes he does it so I will ask for his help:) I think sometimes it makes him feel needed and there nothing wrong with that!
    You're my hero!
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    I'm 5'6" at the max, I find it funny that alot of my friends the same height insist that they are 5'10". I haven't really dated since my divorce so I don't know what the reaction to my height is, but I have noticed that short women seem to date very tall men.
  • Larence
    Larence Posts: 37 Member
    At 5'9 I have also heard this too.
  • jadedzen
    jadedzen Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a 5'9 male who I think is fairly attractive but was told that I would be much more attractive if I was only 6 ft tall. Ladies, why is a man's attractiveness defined by his height? Why is height soooo important to women

    it is? i'm dating someone who is 5'6. It's not the size, it's how you move it.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    My bf is shorter than me lol. It was super weird at first but looks really shouldn't matter that much. I'm a sucker for boys that make me laugh.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    I'm 5'11 and dated plenty of guys that were not as tall as I am. Height doesn't matter when you're horizontal. :blushing:

    That being said, my husband is 6'3 and built like a tank. He literally swept me off of my feet, and I was toast. However, he has many, many more things going for him other than his height.

    Just some advice...if a girl won't date you just because of your height, then she's not a girl worth dating.

    Edited to fix a spelling error.
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
    You're special. Wish you the best and wish I could solve the issue.

    Awwww, thank you! I think sometimes he does it so I will ask for his help:) I think sometimes it makes him feel needed and there nothing wrong with that!
    This is one beautiful young woman who is fighting for her health. We need to support her, She deserves our support and is meaningful to us all. Please pray for her to overcome!
  • torygirl79
    torygirl79 Posts: 307 Member
    I've got no problems with shorter men... As long as they don't get upset about my height.

    I'm only 5'7" but a previous boyfriend tried to guilt trip me out of wearing heels as it made me taller than him.
  • carini_wini
    carini_wini Posts: 17 Member
    I know this sounds stupid.. but I sell women's shoes and I swear I get this complaint all the time.. they want to wear high heels because it's slimming and makes their legs look nice, but they don't want to be taller than the guy!

    I think it's a subconscious thing of trying to look passive and submissive because back in the day that was considered sought after. If they are taller than their significant other it makes them look dominant and masculine, whereas they want to be dainty and femanine :/ silly things our brains think of when we're not paying attention. Now this is all just a guess on my end, to be honest I don't really care either way.

    It also could be a protection thing? The larger male is more capable of protecting the female and as such we look for the largest specimen. This just sounds like something out of national geographic, I'm sorry xD!
  • Gunnarbear
    Gunnarbear Posts: 186
    I have dated men all shapes and sizes. Height never mattered to me. It just so happened that the guy I clicked with the most is my now husband, who is 6feet2 and half inches tall! He was the one for me and he just happened to be tall! I'm 5'4" by the way and wish all the time I was taller! hubby likes to put things out of my reach.
    You're special. Wish you the best and wish I could solve the issue.

    Awwww, thank you! I think sometimes he does it so I will ask for his help:) I think sometimes it makes him feel needed and there nothing wrong with that!
    This is one beautiful young woman who is fighting for her health. We need to support her, She deserves our support and is meaningful to us all. Please pray for her to overcome!