Why is a man's attractiveness defined by his height???



  • she_elf
    she_elf Posts: 108
    My first reaction was "it is?!" but then I thought about it and yeah taller is nicer (although attractiveness isn't defined by it.) I'm 5'7" so when I wear heels I occaisionally am taller than guys and it makes me feel like a huge Amazon which isn't a fun feeling. Same feeling when I'm in flats and the guy is shorter. I dunno I guess it's more about me not wanting to feel like a giant than about the guy.

    I love feeling like an Amazon. But to each her own. I once went on a date with a guy who was like 6'7" and I felt so TINY. It was the weirdest, most uncomfortable feeling ever. O_o
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    When I was in high school I had a crush on a guy who was several inches shorter than me (I'm 5'6"). He was cute, sweet and funny so his height didn't bother me. Height is very low on my list of things I find attractive.
  • neakahnie
    neakahnie Posts: 1
    I think a man's attractiveness is more defined by his waist line than his height!
  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    Maybe I'm just the odd girl out- but it never mattered to me the height of a man- My current man is 5.. 5? I don't even know- I just know that I'm taller. I find that when I was younger I always thought of tall men- but I'm continually drawn to shorter men (I'm 5'9) I feel like it would be awkward if they were below boob height though... there would be alot of neck problems lol and situational problems. Maybe your just picking ickygirls. (Picky women)
  • MSimm62385
    MSimm62385 Posts: 227
    I think it's more about relative height, that the guy is taller than (or the same height as!) the girl.

    And the truth is most guys are probably just as susceptible to this rule of attraction. I may be able to find a taller girl easy on the eyes, but I'm FAR more comfortable approaching a girl that is my height or shorter.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I like shorties! 5'9 is just fine in my book, then again, my hubby is 5'4
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    sorry OP but get over it, women have like 5011 things we are judged by in terms of attractiveness yet guys b*tch and moan about being judged for only heights


    OMG yes!
  • mrowrmeowmrowr
    mrowrmeowmrowr Posts: 288 Member
    Because leaning down to kiss your man feels awkward...

    For me at least, I'm the shortest in my family at 5'9". It's awkward bringing around shorter guys when everyone in your family is 6'+.

    Regardless, it is not a deal breaker for me. Shortest guy I've dated was 5'6". I'd do it again. You just have to be confident if I decide to wear heels when we go out!
  • RedHotHunter
    RedHotHunter Posts: 560 Member
    As a woman who is 5'10", I can tell you that it is hard to feel feminine when you are taller than the average male. There is something very sexy about feeling small and feminine next to a man. Short girls CANNOT understand this. They have always felt this way. That being said...my husband and I are the same height. So just because it makes you feel pretty, it doesn't define your relationships.

    ^^^ This
  • DOElston
    DOElston Posts: 102
    Well, my initial reaction was that I have no time for this with all the demands our Western society makes upon a woman's physical appearance. Men cry over being short and bald when we women have a half-a-football-length of requirements we must live up to.

    To the point though, and I know every feminist is going to sense a disturbance in the force though I see others have said that - a man bigger than us gives us a sense of protection and safety. I believe women are hardwired for security in a relationship and physical stature is part of that.

    Interesting though that what nature created to protect us can be warped into becoming what hurts us.
  • kazzari
    kazzari Posts: 473 Member
    I have a few friends that tell me they would only date tall men, and I don't get it at all. Height has never been a consideration for me. It is just not an issue at all. My bf is very handsome, very masculine and sexy and he is 5'7-1/2". I am 5'6". I did briefly date a guy who was 5'2" and he was very athletic and it was evident that he tried very hard to make up for his size deficiencies, the least of which was his height. Everything else was proportional to his height, and that didn't work too well for me.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,443 Member
    For the ladies who say their tall man protects them. I'd say I'd whip them silly and f you stupid but... one of those things has already happened.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    I knew that many people would have beaten me to it

    I too am tall, 5'11" and HATE it when I am looking down at a man. It doesn't make you feel feminine. Kind of like you are wearing the pants in the relationship and he is your little b***ch!

    You want to be cuddled and feeling protected when you hug on to your man, not the other way around.

    I even feel a bit awkward with men who are my height or a TINY bit taller, as I know that I can never wear heels around them!! and I LOVE my heels!!

    Although in saying that, I don't find many men above 6'1" unfortunately :( Part of the reason why I am single lol
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    I've yet to find a guy under 5'9'' that's been attractive TO ME personally, but that's really mainly because I'm too self-conscious because I'm 5'10''. So my own problem, not theirs. :) Sure I've found people shorter cute, but never in a "Ooh, I would date them" sense. I hope this doesn't sound mean...
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I'm 6'2", so it's incredibly hard for me to find a man taller than I am who actually WANTS to date me lol... I prefer them to be 6'4" or taller lol Personally, I like a taller man because taller men make me feel feminine. I've always been tall (and big), so I don't typically feel feminine enough... a taller man who can spoon me and lift me (maybe not now, but when I lose weight lol) and have to lean DOWN to hug me... that just makes me feel good, and SMALLER than someone for once.

    Ironically enough, I settled down with a 5'2" mexican LOL His height may be unfortunate, but he makes up for it in other ways. He has a [pleasantly] surprisingly HUGE...................... heart. :) And he's in damned good shape... mmmph! And I wouldn't trade him for the world cause he treats me like a queen, which is all that REALLY matters. For some people anyway. ;)

    This is awesome. :D I love it when people don't give a care to what others prefer and go with their heart, because if a couple loves each other then they automatically look adorable together. I'm 5'8 and my boyfriend is 5'6, but he's confident. I just have super long legs, he doesn't mind at all. I totally don't feel "Amazonian" or like a taller guy could "protect me" better, he can easily carry me. :)

    Edit: In fact, in response to all these tall girls saying they like large guys to protect them, I'll be the odd one out, I'm quite tall but I have a tiny frame and super tall guys (6'+, especially muscular ones) actually scare me because I'm worried they could crush me. x) So I actually prefer the 5'6 - 5'11 range haha.
  • Romans624
    Romans624 Posts: 822
    within an inch shorter, up to however much taller. I don't want to feel like I am older or bigger than him. I could probably get over a little difference if I got to know him for a while, but it would take getting used to.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    sorry OP but get over it, women have like 5011 things we are judged by in terms of attractiveness yet guys b*tch and moan about being judged for only heights


    OMG yes!

    I call BS. In my experience, it's women judging women, or more accurately, each specific woman judging THEMSELVES. All of this 'society places soooo many burdens on women' crap is really, really old (yes, I know half of you will hate me for saying it). Know what judgment is? Being judged for supporting/leading your family, then being judged for not. Being judged for HOW you support your family is even better. Hold a door open for the wrong woman...and you're likely to be spit at she'll be so mad. You're either a complete jerk...which is the only way to get attention by the way (and I don't care how many of you say you don't go for 'that guy' lol), or you're a pushover and ignored. All you women have to do, is pick. And believe me, I know how incredibly difficult that is for you all (NO SARCASM HERE!! Picking a man is often worse than picking an outfit!)

    Also, for the record...know what I judge beyond personality? If I'm attracted to her. And guess what?...a large chunk of that is based on...yep, her personality.

    Oh, one other thing. If you can't see the semi seriousness and major humor in my commentary here...please, just skip the post and move along to the next lol.
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    I call BS. In my experience, it's women judging women, or more accurately, each specific woman judging THEMSELVES. All of this 'society places soooo many burdens on women' crap is really, really old (yes, I know half of you will hate me for saying it). Know what judgment is? Being judged for supporting/leading your family, then being judged for not. Being judged for HOW you support your family is even better. Hold a door open for the wrong woman...and you're likely to be spit at she'll be so mad. You're either a complete jerk...which is the only way to get attention by the way (and I don't care how many of you say you don't go for 'that guy' lol), or you're a pushover and ignored. All you women have to do, is pick. And believe me, I know how incredibly difficult that is for you all (NO SARCASM HERE!! Picking a man is often worse than picking an outfit!)

    Also, for the record...know what I judge beyond personality? If I'm attracted to her. And guess what?...a large chunk of that is based on...yep, her personality.

    Oh, one other thing. If you can't see the semi seriousness and major humor in my commentary here...please, just skip the post and move along to the next lol.

  • lolagurlx0x0
    lolagurlx0x0 Posts: 149 Member
    I like shorties! 5'9 is just fine in my book, then again, my hubby is 5'4

    True- and Awesome.
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    It interests me that everyone defines a man under 6' as short - I would consider under 5'5" short. Anything above is average to tall. I am 5'7", I have dated above and below my height and never thought either end of the height range was a problem.