The embarrasing questions thread....



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Are you guys fart while doing your excercises?

  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    My question is:

    Why does a healthy diet cause me to fart so much?

    i noticed since cutting out processed carbs and just eating veggies/protein, i never do! its weird but a good side effect :D
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    why is it when i do butt flexes i feel my wee wee go in and out?

    Thanks, I just spat coffee all over my laptop. I'm still such a kid that words like wee-wee make me giggle.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Okay so I'm curious reguarding people who lost weight i cant help it sorry.. so thought be nice so have some light hearted questions and answers reguarding curious, strange, embarrasing questions you want to know... tak to each other have a giggle..

    so mine is - people who lost weight do you lose weight in your pubic area? x

    I think for us gents, our schlong grows an inch for every 30 lbs or something like that.

    True dat...Myth confirmed!

    My question.... If you dont eat enough you wont crap True or false?

    False... it'll just look like rabbit turds.

    Why was the OP question about genitals?

    How big does a thigh gap have to be to be a measurable gap?
  • PittShkr
    PittShkr Posts: 1,000 Member
    Are you guys fart while doing your excercises?
    What is it? A gassy foods diet means not eating foods that can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort. Some foods cause you gas after you eat them. Each person has their own reaction to single foods. You may not develop gas when eating all of these foods.


    Do not eat the gas-causing foods below for a few weeks or until your gas goes away. Try the less gas-causing foods on the second set of lists.

    When you are ready to try the gas-causing foods again, add one at a time to see if you get gas. Wait a few days before trying a new food. This will help you find out which foods cause you gas.

    Ask caregivers about lactase enzyme pills, like Lactaid™ if you have trouble with dairy foods and drinks. These pills help break down the milk sugar (lactose) that may be causing your problem.

    Sometimes cooked dried beans cause some people too much gas. Try one of the products made to help digest (break down) beans, like Bean-o™.

    There are other things that you can do to keep from getting gas.

    Do not use straws or drink from bottles with narrow openings. Drink fewer bubbly liquids, such as soda pop, bubbly water, or beer. Do not eat foods that have a lot of air in them, such as whipped cream or meringue.

    Sipping drinks, chewing gum, or sucking hard candy make you swallow often. You may swallow extra air and then have more gas. Eating slowly and not smoking will also lessen gas.

    Increase your fiber intake slowly over a period of several months. This will give your body more time to get used to the fiber without causing too much gas.

    LESS GAS CAUSING FOODS: The following foods cause less gas.


    Lowfat cheese and cottage cheese

    Lowfat frozen yogurt

    Plain or fruit lowfat yogurt


    Smooth peanut butter


    Cooked or canned fruits without peels, like applesauce or fruit cocktail

    Filtered fruit juices without added fructose (sugar)

    Lower fiber fruits, like grapes, kiwi, plums, or nectarines


    Angel food cake

    Breads, rolls, and pastas made with white or refined flours

    Cooked pastas with light sauces

    Farina type cereals, like cream of wheat or rice

    Mashed potatoes without skins

    White rice


    Eggs cooked without frying, like poached or boiled

    Lean meat, fish, and poultry cooked without lots of fat



    Summer squash and winter squash

    Vegetable soup

    THE FOODS BELOW CAN CAUSE GAS: Avoid these foods for a few weeks to see if your problems with gas lessen.


    Mannitol (TM)

    Sorbitol (TM)



    Ice cream

    Ice milk


    Milk products


    Baked beans

    Dried beans, like kidney, pinto, garbanzos, lima, and navy

    Dried peas, like split peas and lentils







    Prunes and raisins


    Bran cereal or breads

    Large amounts of wheat products


    Fatty meats

    Fried foods



    Rich cream sauces


    Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower



    Green peppers


    Onions and leeks

    Radishes, rutabaga and turnips



    You have questions about the serving sizes on this diet.

    You have questions about how to prepare or cook foods on this diet.

    You have questions about how or where to buy foods on this diet.

    You have questions or concerns about your illness, medicine, or this diet.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Why does a healthy diet cause me to fart so much?

    OMG - Or that running could give you the runs if you DON'T eat healthy!
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Oh my gosh I can't stop laughing. Thank you for posting this!!!!
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
  • morningmud
    morningmud Posts: 477 Member
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?
  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    What is this? A freak show? Lose weight and see what happens.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    My question is:

    Why does a healthy diet cause me to fart so much?

    Pobably because healthy foods tend to have fiber. I call Fiber One bars Farter One bars, and it's pretty accurate.

    I totally fart while working out, and I don't care. It's just me at home

    ^^This^^ Fiber is known to make you gassy. I can only eat one Fiber One bar or I have to leave the room.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Why does a healthy diet cause me to fart so much?

    OMG - Or that running could give you the runs if you DON'T eat healthy!

    Sounds like a personal problem... <shrug>
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?

    sweat contains salt. when it dries, you get a gritty feeling. just like after swimming in the ocean.
  • WestCoastPhoenix
    WestCoastPhoenix Posts: 802 Member
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?

    That just means you need to shower more.
  • doug4018
    doug4018 Posts: 130
    I find myself touching my face more as I lose weight, just feeling the outlines of the bones. Does anyone else do that?

    I don't my face, but I touch my hip bones and ribs all the time. It's weird to feel bones like this when I never have before. Also, when I sleep on my side, it hurts to have my knees together, I lost padding there apparently, so I have to seperate my legs when I sleep on the side.

    I LOVE these problems, haha!
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?

    sweat contains salt. when it dries, you get a gritty feeling. just like after swimming in the ocean.

    OMG I always wondered why I could taste salt when I licked my lips after running. Now I know!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?

    sweat contains salt. when it dries, you get a gritty feeling. just like after swimming in the ocean.

    OMG I always wondered why I could taste salt when I licked my lips after running. Now I know!!

  • 33neenaj
    33neenaj Posts: 306
    why is it when i do butt flexes i feel my wee wee go in and out?

    Thanks, just got a visual in my head
  • nickyjl81
    nickyjl81 Posts: 66
    Are the grainy feeling bits on my face after I work out pieces of dirt that I sweated our of my pores?

    sweat contains salt. when it dries, you get a gritty feeling. just like after swimming in the ocean.

    OMG I always wondered why I could taste salt when I licked my lips after running. Now I know!!


    Yes I know I'm a bit dim :ohwell:
  • gemmalouise85
    gemmalouise85 Posts: 157 Member
    I wasnt being mean or wanting cause a freak show, i was genuinly curious as i have fat everywhere and google gave me wierd results, so I posted here about fat 'there' yea its embarrasing and wondered if anyone else as curious mind and any embarrasing questions we can all help with regarding losing weight or just a curious question.. thought be light hearted topic and better than the 'rate me' stuff :) x

    sorry if i caused affence or people thought i was taking the p#ss i honestly wasn't.