

  • _Refried_
    _Refried_ Posts: 194
    I WAS fat because I ate like *kitten*, noone to blame but me
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I am fat because I ate like pure and total unhealthiness and I didn't keep track of it. I let it get totally out of control.

    I am fat and unhappy. Well, now I'm taking back me.

    Almost 40 lbs later, I'm not so fat and I'm not nearly so unhappy :happy:

    In fact, now I'm a size 6 (sometimes still an 8). I'm feeling pretty small most days.

    I don't think I'm fat at all now.
  • tmagill9719
    tmagill9719 Posts: 1 Member
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Stress, portion size and menopause! Put on 30 pounds over the past three years.
  • stockholmhasago
    I am fat because

    1) I really, really enjoy my sweets and coke
    2) I would always find an excuse to not work out
    3) I have no self control when it comes to eating.
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    I have had two children, the second was a c-section which layed me up for a bit, then I had a major back injury which eventually led to surgery. Of course I suffered not being able to exercise for 30 years AND I LOVE food. I have no self control but I am working on it.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Not blaming it ALL on my parents, but I didn't know anything about nutrition. They were really, really poor, and we ate hamburger helper every day of the week. Once a month, if my dad wasn't too drunk, he would cook steak, potatoes, fried shrimp, and velveeta shells and cheese. Very occasionally we would have spaghetti. I had never been exposed to any vegetables besides potatoes, corn, carrots, and green beans, all out of cans. I thought mac and cheese was a vegetable until I became an adult.

    Also, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 11. I started treatment for it when I was 22. My parents never put me on the meds, and I didn't think that it would matter all that much. By 16, I was almost 200 pounds, gaining a steady 20 pounds A YEAR for 5 years. By 21 I was 250 pounds (at this point, I tried in vain to change my eating habits, but I didn't know anything about food!). Once I started taking the medicine, with no lifestyle change, I was at least able to maintain my weight.

    When I was 19 I was diagnosed with PCOS. The doctor didn't know very much about it, and didn't tell me anything. She recommended birth control, but I was TTC so I didn't take it.

    Now I have a good doctor who has my dosage right for my thyroid and has me on good, non-BC meds for my PCOS. The weight is really starting to move.

    I don't discount my own hand in this- eating bad foods and not moving enough. But I gained so much weight as a child that exercise was like punishment and it was embarrassing. I didn't know what it could do for me. I am responsible for not being more proactive in my health issues, but I just didn't know what they were. The doctors did a poor job of helping me past "you should take this pill and start losing weight". It was a very turbulent time for my body.
  • pjbrundage
    pjbrundage Posts: 9 Member
    I'm fat because I am an emotional eater and I love to eat and eat and eat and I was too lazy to work out ! ! ! !

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • davidsgirl145
    davidsgirl145 Posts: 162 Member
    i ate and sat on my butt :embarassed:
  • tishad58
    tishad58 Posts: 110 Member
    Calories in exceeded calories out :(

    Too many lifestyle changes over the last ten years that were all negative for me in the long run.

    Changing those things up now! :)
    MFPBONNIE Posts: 94 Member
    I am fat because I eat the house down and then exercise till it hurts several times a day but it doesnt even out the calories which consist of sugar and starch. (getting better tough)
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    Like most, I WAS fat, because of my greedy gluttony and laziness.
  • melaninny
    melaninny Posts: 5
    I drink and/or go out to eat at least once a week.
    Basically it's the way I spend my social life that needs tweaking I think.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    because i'm hypothyroid and went undiagnosed and untreated for over 4 years, my house burnt down and i almost died and i went quite a while without eating anything, then eating a lot, back and forth... and i had two kids 15 months apart.
  • heretic911
    heretic911 Posts: 66 Member
    -ate unhealthy
    -didn't work out
    -became too comfortable in relationships & let myself go

    ^^^ This. Exactly this.

  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    It never occurred to me that a serving of macaroni and cheese might be less than 2 cups.

    This was my problem too! lol :laugh:
  • Roeri011
    Roeri011 Posts: 77 Member
    I had a bad day at work! So now I'm going to drink a bottle of wine, have a frozen pizza, and eat cheesecake until I feel like I'm going to throw up.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    mcdonalds, burger king, wendys, taco bell, chipotle, sonic, dairy queen, chik fil a, starbucks.... LOL
  • socalsweetheart87
    socalsweetheart87 Posts: 38 Member
    i am fat because I'm addicted to food. a smoker can never smoke again, gambler never needs to gamble again.... but a food addict, how can you not eat ?

    I am fat because I've spent too much time saying i couldn't find the time to exercise

    i am fat because my husbands thinks french fries are a veggie, biscuits with sausage gravy is a rounded meal, and begs for burger king.

    I am fat because its easier to be fat than work to be thin.
  • dietanderson
    I resent the premise......

    The first thing to do is to like yourself and not put yourself down.

    To me that statement is a put down.

    I suggest you join MFP to change your lifestyle and get healthy and NOT because you feel FAT. For that feeling you need to seek counsel elsewhere!

    ps. I guess I'm also taking issue with the CAPS in the statement