


  • Tlay479
    Tlay479 Posts: 1
    Hi! I need friends as well. My best friend and I are in the struggle together, though my struggle seems harder than hers because I have much farther to go, though not taking anything away from her struggle because I know it is hard no matter how far you have to go. I am new to fitness pal and would love some new fitness buddies. I have been married for almost 12 years now and could use a total makeover which is why I want to lose this weight. I want to feel young again before I get too old and I am sure some of you can relate! Feel free to add me!:smile:
  • mlptabb
    mlptabb Posts: 2
    I'm new and need friends too! Add me!
  • Nessy808
    Nessy808 Posts: 8
    I feel you all on this! My husband is the same way, he says if you are not happy with your weight do something about it, he loves me all the same. So I've been on a weight loss journey and he makes it so hard (not on purpose). He's a truck driver so he's home only on the weekend and when he comes home, the next morning he's got this HUGE breakfast with bacon, eggs, sausage, grits, rice, and toast! OMG, my will power isn't there! Sunday mornings are the hardest!

    I'm glad for MFP, for having a huge online support team!
  • MelissaDawn1253
    My boyfriend is the exact same way! it's nice up to a certain point but doesn't help me with the motivation i need!
  • anglonut
    anglonut Posts: 3
    Hey Girl. Listen, here: we each have to make it up in our minds that WE are worth the effort. Even in the face of ridicule and neglect. You don't have to give any value to anyones negative vibes about what you are doing (though I knowo it's hard when the negative or even neutral vibes are coming from one you love)! Hang in there! For me , the sabatueur, is myself.
  • linehaul54
    When I drive a night if anyone wants to call me and shoot the breeze like about health stuff it helps me stay awake and keeps my mind off ciggeretts Ive never done this beforehope no one gets affended. My # is i betternot
  • amy_ed
    amy_ed Posts: 1 Member
    Oh, same here no support! My brothers don't believe in me. Instead of saying you can do it they just say "working out? Don't worry nothing will happen" and that just disappoints me as hell! Then I don't believe in myself! But I try to cheer myself up by seeing some people who lost weight. And my mom doesn't support me either, it's only me who supports herself in this house!
  • becky000
    becky000 Posts: 15
    Feel free to add me
  • havs23
    havs23 Posts: 68 Member
    ah! i know how you feel! feel free to add me i'll be plenty supportive :)
  • missalice7
    I am right there with you - my husband could care less what I weigh. He supports me to lost and all but he isn't gonna change his eating habits. It is really hard to not snack at night when someone else is sitting right beside you having all those yummy things. He can eat all the crap and not gain any weight me I have been fighting with my weight all my life.

    But this time I am determed to do it. I would love to add you and help each other on the way....
  • shlybll16
    shlybll16 Posts: 3 Member
    I would be honored to be your friend!
  • akiss4u2tam
    You can do it!! I think there are a lot of us with spouses that aren't on the band wagon... This is a great site for support!!! Friend me :o)
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    About a year ago actually, my hubby poked my flub and said... "So...have we been together long enough to talk about the size of this??"
    Like a mature adult, I glared fiercely at him and poked between his legs, saying, "Sure, babe. Right after we discuss the size of THIS."

    Needless to say we were at a stalemate.

    Best comeback ever!!!!!!!!!!
  • jnewsome62
    jnewsome62 Posts: 13 Member
    I think I get a lot of support from the discussions and topics on here. I am lucky my husband supports me, but I don't think he really gets it. He has never struggled with losing weight or even weight issues. So, the discussions on here is where I get a LOT of support. Keep up the good work, I know that in the long run when we reach for these goals the health improvements alone will make it all worth it.
  • skykymom
    skykymom Posts: 10
    Hahaha...I am new here and I think we may have the same husband! ;)
  • candy69apple79
    candy69apple79 Posts: 36 Member
    My wife is very supportive and is doing this with me but on the same note I have allot of health problems heart wise that i was born with and allot more weight to lose so I do so enjoy the support of others as well that are going through the same thing I hit my first goal today and have another 150lbs to go before I figure out my new goal and where exactly I want to be weight wise. so please anyone out there that needs an MFP for a long term commitment go ahead and add me I will be more then happy to help encourage you on your journey.
  • sheilajoan6
    I would like some friends to keep me motivated too, especially if you are in the St Louis, MO area. Would like to find some like minded people to bike ride or walk with!
  • jasminecandle
    Sent the request!
  • amiers11
    amiers11 Posts: 33
    I am on here several times a day. Feel free to add me.
  • AriG88
    AriG88 Posts: 14
    YOU ARE ALL SO AMAZING. My husband is now jealous of this site (it's getting a lot more attention now than him)....way to turn the tables ;) Thanks again!!!