Expressions you hate..



  • chlorisaann
    chlorisaann Posts: 366 Member
    "same difference" *twitch twitch*

    O-M-G!!! This is mine!!! Makes me want to SLAP someone!!!
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    Not really an expression, but I have identical twin boys, and I have been asked way too many times "Did you have them naturally?" I understand they are asking if I used fertility drugs or not, which is still way personal and no ones the way no I did not take fertility drugs.... but one day I was beyond annoyed and told the lady "Why yes, I pushed them both right out of my v* drugs. Thanks for asking. How did you have your kids?" Yep, I think I offended her.......oh well.
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    the heat is killing me - no it's not you big baby drink some water and move on
    I can't wait - well you have to, so obviously you can
    I'm starving - go to a homeless shelter and see people who are really starving.
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Oh, I could go on for hours and hours.

    Do not "ax" questions, ASK them.

    Do not "pacifically" describe something (unless it's the ocean, ha), SPECIFICALLY describe it.

    Do not order "expresso", what is that, fast coffee? It's ESPRESSO.

    You do not "loose" weight, you LOSE it. "Loose" is the opposite of tight.

    What the hell is "my bad"? When did "bad" become a noun?

    Also, DO NOT ABUSE APOSTROPHES!!! What did they ever do to you?

    EDIT: Oh, we can't forget "irregardless". People! That is not a word! It's REGARDLESS.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    1) "guestimate"... it's "estimate"... thanks. "guestimate" is NOT a word.
    Guesstimate is a great word! When you don't have enough facts to make a solid estimate, but you have enough to keep it from being a total guess--guesstimate!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Not really an expression, but I have identical twin boys, and I have been asked way too many times "Did you have them naturally?" I understand they are asking if I used fertility drugs or not, which is still way personal and no ones the way no I did not take fertility drugs.... but one day I was beyond annoyed and told the lady "Why yes, I pushed them both right out of my v* drugs. Thanks for asking. How did you have your kids?" Yep, I think I offended her.......oh well.

    hahahaha awesome! I love when people ask about boy/girl twins, "are they identical"? duh . . .
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    "Let's play it by ear" I don't know why but when someone says this, I get REALLY annoyed.
    "let's stick a pin in that for later."
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yolo and swag if the persona saying is NOT being ironic.

    I recently found out that YOLO wasn't a person's name, as I'd previously thought. I thought they'd just done something that a person on Jersey Shore (or whatever TV show) would do. "I just ate ice cream. YOLO!!!!"

    But swag I only know in the context of shwiggity shwag, what's in the bag? And I like that one.

    The most annoying expression is "Regards". I HATE it when people sign "regards" at the end of their emails. "Kind regards." "Warm regards." WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING I HATE YOU

    HAHAHAHA. I know someone who signs everything "warmly". Really? Warmly?
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    Not really an expression, but I have identical twin boys, and I have been asked way too many times "Did you have them naturally?" I understand they are asking if I used fertility drugs or not, which is still way personal and no ones the way no I did not take fertility drugs.... but one day I was beyond annoyed and told the lady "Why yes, I pushed them both right out of my v* drugs. Thanks for asking. How did you have your kids?" Yep, I think I offended her.......oh well.

    hahahaha awesome! I love when people ask about boy/girl twins, "are they identical"? duh . . .

    LOL A friend of mine has boy/girl twins and she gets asked that all the time....after years of explaining how they scientifically/medically CANNOT be identical, she just started saying "Yep, they sure are! "
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    4. Surrounding a miscarriage or death of a child "You can have another one."
    Yes! Especially when you can't have another one.
    Trust me girl! I get tired if hearing that. I've had 6 miscarries. Also "just give it time" "it'll happen someday" just want to smack everyone that tells me that. It's like saying its not okay for me to just not be a mom. I'm really happy, not being a parent right now.
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    I hate anythin that has to do with "karma", it is what it is, it happened for a reason....If I took it is what it is as an answer I would not be where I am now, because you can work to change things. I've even seen women in a "New England Moms" board say "Everything happens for a reason" in a conversation about rape/abortion. Yes, a bunch of women were pretty much okaying rape. All of those cliches are annoying though. Weight related, my MIL likes to say "We're/I'm not fat just fluffy" and other things ot make being fat sound cute. Since I've been posting about working out and stuff she commented on my facebook that exercise makes you look silly (while you work out) and she's "allergic" lol. I'm allergic to dying young I guess :)
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    "Theoretically speaking" instantly stops me from listening further because if you're theorizing, you obviously don't have anything useful or practical to offer to the discussion. I, therefore, refuse to spend any more time listening to your garbage. :glasses:
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    "You know what I mean?" at the end of every other sentence. If I knew, I wouldn't be listening to your explanation -__-

    I do know what you mean! lol

    Oh, I can't stand that ! I work with somebody who constantly says "you know what I mean?" And to make it even worse, she'll look right at you like you are completely clueless when she says it. Sometimes she'll take it up a notch with "seriously, you know what I mean?" There have been many times when I've wanted to grab her by the throat and say "Yes, I do know what you mean, because you took my idea/suggestion/method and reworded it and verbally vomited it all over the place so that it sounds like you thought of it yourself." YES, I know what you mean!!!

    The same woman who signs everything "warmly" writes "KWIM?" all the time. I had to ask what it meant. Ugh. You know what I mean???
  • kaseysospacey
    kaseysospacey Posts: 499 Member
    Not really an expression, but I have identical twin boys, and I have been asked way too many times "Did you have them naturally?" I understand they are asking if I used fertility drugs or not, which is still way personal and no ones the way no I did not take fertility drugs.... but one day I was beyond annoyed and told the lady "Why yes, I pushed them both right out of my v* drugs. Thanks for asking. How did you have your kids?" Yep, I think I offended her.......oh well.

    hahahaha awesome! I love when people ask about boy/girl twins, "are they identical"? duh . . .

    LOL A friend of mine has boy/girl twins and she gets asked that all the time....after years of explaining how they scientifically/medically CANNOT be identical, she just started saying "Yep, they sure are! "

    That drives me crazy too. Twin genetics are much more complicated than just identical or not...but there's a big difference between that X and Y chromosome!

    Thinking about it more, I think its worst when people say "Well X has it worse than you" or "Well, we managed to get through X fine..." when you are having a hard time. My mil says those to me all the time if my house isn't 100% like showroom clean and I have 3 kids 4 and under (something she NEVER had to deal with!)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    "Twelve, one half-dozen or the other"

    Well that is classic ignorance; getting the cliche wrong! "Six of one, half dozen of the other".
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    That drives me crazy too. Twin genetics are much more complicated than just identical or not...but there's a big difference between that X and Y chromosome!

    Thinking about it more, I think its worst when people say "Well X has it worse than you" or "Well, we managed to get through X fine..." when you are having a hard time. My mil says those to me all the time if my house isn't 100% like showroom clean and I have 3 kids 4 and under (something she NEVER had to deal with!)

    uugh, that drives me insane too!! I don't care if they made it through, I need support now!! People really are dumb i think........ lol
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    "Sorry but you have insufficient funds" or
    "You have zero balance in your account"

  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    "Been there, done that, bought the Tee Shirt." Hate it when people have to one up you on everything.
  • tungsten93
    tungsten93 Posts: 76 Member
    All of the above (though I've never heard "twitch twitch").

    Here, here! - instead of Hear, hear!

    LOL - I've never found an instance where "LOL" was used and the sentence preceding it was the least bit funny, let alone laugh out loud funny..
  • Kmsnomaha
    Kmsnomaha Posts: 167 Member
    "God doesn't give you anymore than you can handle" I have a severely handicapped daughter and yes there are days when it is definitely more than I can handle! I hate this saying...