Running or Elliptical



  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    Why just choose one? I prefer running but a hip injury has forced me to add to my exercise. Do both!
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Started out only doing the elliptical, that's how I lost the bulk of my weight, but I can't stand it anymore. The only cardio I can do now is running outside!
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    I used to love the eliptical, but my trainer told me that running is much better for you. So I started power walking/jogging on the treadmill & I noticed a huge difference. I've found that I burn more calories in 20 minuets on the treadmill than I do 30 min on the elpitical.
    Just curious, why wait until you're under the 200 mark?

    Good question! I think it's more of a mental thing. Because I am seeing such good results on the elliptical I wanna keep that up until I reach a certain goal. And maybe those 6-7 lbs wouldn't be as hard on my knees lol

    I do the "hills" intervals on the ellitpical so it's not just one setting/level the full 20-30 minutes that I'm on there. I sweat like crazy on that thing. It's actually quite embarassing some days :blushing:

    Ok, I see. I have a friend that uses the eliptical because she has bad knees, it makes it hard for her to run. Maybe start out at a half mile. I'm 214 right now & I really hate running, but I can't deny the benefits, especially since I've noticed such a change in my endurance. I was an eliptical buff until my trainer said that I really needed to start jogging. At first, I couldn't get past a half mile & even then, I did more walking than jogging. Then, just to get myself started, I remembered something they had us do in Junior High/High school when we had to run the mile for PE. I would use the track setting on the eliptical, then walk the curves, & jog the straights. That's really helped a lot. I'm hoping that soon, I'll be able to jog an entire lap without stopping & just work my way up from there.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    I used to only do elliptical, until I could literally go an hour without breaking a sweat. I wasn't losing weight, either...never really did with the elliptical.

    Then, at 270 pounds I started running. I could only run a minute at a time, if even that.

    Now, I weigh 189 and I can run 3+ miles at a time without stopping.

    No question...running was better for me.

    That's a heck of an accomplishment!! Congrats!! You ROCK! :drinker:
  • msgunder
    msgunder Posts: 65 Member
    I tried it! I jogged off and on at the gym today. I warmed up for 5 mins by walking and then I would jog for 60 secs and then walk for 90 secs until I got to only 4 minutes left. Then I walked to cool down. I was a bag of sweat by the time I got done! It about killed me and I could barely make my minute jogs sometimes but I'll keep pushing.

    Thanks for everyone's advice/opinions!!

  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    Personally, my philosophy is...why run unless you are being chased by A BEAR??

    That said...someone pointed out to me that on programs like The Biggest Loser, people who take up running lose more weight and do better.

    I do the Couch to 5K program (I think it's now 'Ease into 5K' or some such).