Women 50+ for October



  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Since we are talking pedometers. I replaced the battery in mine the other day. I bought it about six months ago. Well now, it doesn't work right. I know that I walk about 3 to 5 miles a day but it is showing less than 1 half mile. I did reset it when I put the new battery in. I think that I am out $30.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello all,

    Heather-We do have a lot in common. I'm glad to hear your children are doing well in school also. I know how you feel with your daughter gone on a trip. You are brave for letting her go and she will be home before you know it.

    Barb-Thanks for the advice on the pedometer. I will add an Omron one to my Christmas list. I've been using the ones I get free at work.

    KC- I'm glad the South Beach diet is working for you. It must feel great to see the inches going away.

    Becky- Hang in there. I admire you for doing as well as you have and I know you will shed those last 4 pounds soon.

    Hubby just called. He got to Mesa, AZ safely & found his mom in the hospital. She isn't awake yet from the procedure they did today, but the doctor said it really was a mild heart attack and there was no damage to her heart! His brothers and sister now have the hard task of convincing her to move back closer to one of her children. I'm glad he went turns out his brother that lives there is in Florida working.

    To all of us "sandwichers" (taking care of kids/grandkids and parents/grandparents) - may we all get a good night's sleep and wake up tomorrow rested and ready to face another day.

  • bellydancer33
    Can I play?
    I'm 51 and I started just a week ago, and I've already lost 5 pounds. My husband is stationed overseas (left today) and I"m here with college-student son (other son lives out of state.) I've decided to stay really really busy now that I'm on my own for the first time in almost 30 years. I was laid off in June so I started a little online business (selling shea butter) and I'm also a graduate student.
    I really want to surprise my husband and please myself by losing another 20 pounds by March 1. Think I can??
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Can I play?
    I'm 51 and I started just a week ago, and I've already lost 5 pounds. My husband is stationed overseas (left today) and I"m here with college-student son (other son lives out of state.) I've decided to stay really really busy now that I'm on my own for the first time in almost 30 years. I was laid off in June so I started a little online business (selling shea butter) and I'm also a graduate student.
    I really want to surprise my husband and please myself by losing another 20 pounds by March 1. Think I can??

    Welcome, you've gotten connected to the best support group you could ever find. We're glad to have you join us. Take it one day at a time and stay open minded to the new ideas you'll find on MFP and you could lose those nasty 20 pounds in time to surprise your husband (even if you only lost 16 it would still be a great victory :bigsmile: )

    Check in every day and log your food and stay connected with us. This will be a great journey for you.
    Barbie :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: and drink lots of water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Good evening everyone. I am once again stuck at my weight. I have been here for almost two months. I added more exercise and so far it hasn't helped. Today I just about gave up entirely. But, I didn't. I ate my usual healthy lunch. I guess that I am just getting depressed up this.
    Nice thing is that I have the house to myself for a few hours. My girls are at the football game and my husband is at work. I am planning on driving three and a half hours on Sunday to pick up two more of my daughters for a visit. So, I will be having a busy weekend.

    Becky, Are you eating your exercise calories? Are you adding more lean protein (broiled fish or chicken) and veggies and staying away from sodium and processed foods ? Never, never, never give up. Those last 4 pounds must love you a lot and not want to leave you. :laugh: :laugh:
    hugs :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    My calf feels so much better already! My knees are still stiff but I can massage them and take some Advil and they should be okay. I also bought some compression socks today at a "Shopping Party" (so I got 20% off) and they should help too.

    I'm going to race no matter what -- the question is whether I end up walking most of the run or am actually able to run.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Home for the weekend just hanging out with my sweetie. We'll leave on Tuesday to take his mom to see her sister. I got up and did some weight training while he slept in.

    I bought some Shapeups - a new kind of tennis shoes that mimic walking in the sand while I was in Pittsburgh. Supposedly designed to improve circulation and help you tone your back, abdomen, buttocks and calves.. I'll let you know how it goes. I'm planning to wear them this afternoon when hubby takes me junktiquing.


    I'm thrilled to see the scale is still my friend! I'm down another pound. :happy:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, those shoes sound interesting. I'll be awaiting your report on how they feel . Congratulations on losing another pound. Your tenacity continues to pay off. You continue to inspire me with your "never give up" attitude and your positive outlook on what you do.
    hugs :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    I'm going to race no matter what -- the question is whether I end up walking most of the run or am actually able to run.

    you go, girl
    never, never, never give up
    whatever you do, be safe.:heart::heart:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Sometimes my life gets in the way but I'm not giving up.

    :heart: Kathy
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello ladies. Woke up this morning to a beautiful sunny autumn morning. Unfortuantely the sunshine did not last...unlike the slightly nagging headache I woke up with. Just wanted to wish all of you a blessed and happy Saturday.

    Becky...you hang in there. Wow what does it feel like to be within four pounds of your goal? It's been so long since I was anywhere near a normal healthy weight that I've forgotten what it feels like. Hang in there though, we have been promised that we will be granted the desire of our hearts.

    Birdie and Barbie, you are so encouraging to all the members here. Thank you. By the way Barbie, am I mistaken or has your ticker changed from 60 to 61 pounds lost? Congratulations to you either way...the desire of my heart is 60 pounds and seeing others do it gives me so much hope.

    Last night was another minute at a time night. I hung in there, got my 30 minutes on the treadmill in and kept calories in line. Hopefully these evening food obsessions will leave me soon!

    Great day all. :heart: Terri
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Sometimes my life gets in the way but I'm not giving up.

    :heart: Kathy

    In the word's of Barbie...never never never give up. When I have lots of challenges that get in my way I like to remind myself that I'm not trying to change my weight by dieting so much as I am trying to change it by changing My Life. And what is life but the day to day stuff that happens and that we have to wade through while hopefully staying on track.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    ...the desire of my heart is 60 pounds and seeing others do it gives me so much hope.

    When I started this journey in January, I hoped to lose about 40 pounds and feel more comfortable about myself. When my clothes started to get looser I couldn't believe it and when they got really loose and I bought a smaller size, I still didn't believe it. It was the ladies on this thread who told me to get rid of my bigger clothes because I would never need them again. I am amazed daily that I have lost this much weight. It has been gradual and done safely and in a way that I can live with forever. Losing this much weight seemed like something that happened to other people, not to me. I believe that it will happen for you, too, if you keep doing what you're doing.
    hugs :heart: :love: :drinker:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kathy-I've been meaning to tell you that I love your dog/ticker picture. What a lucky dog!

    Speaking of dogs, I finally just read Marley & me. We've had it since it first came out, but I knew it would be too painful to read right then, so I stuck it away. It is a good book for those of you who are any kind of an animal lover and haven't read it yet. My Kiowa dog (from the accupuncture story) was one of those dogs. I find reading keeps me from munching at home. It keeps both my hands occupied keeping the book open and held in a manner that keeps enough light on it at night.

    Susan- welcome home. Can't wait to hear about them shoes.

    Barbie- I'm going to get my pedometer out of the cabinet right now before I forget. Today is another one of those errand days.

  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening everyone. I missed you yesterday. I went straight to my daughters after work and her computer is down. I am still staying within my calories but exercising has been a challenge the last few days due to my stupidity. I was wogging (jogging /walking) a few weeks ago and did something to my hip. :grumble: It is fine as long as I am active, but when I sit for any length of time and then try to stand, it hurts like the devil.:devil: I am an Administrative Assistant / Receptionist and sit most of the day. A friend gave me 2 Aleve and it really made a difference so back to exercising tonight.:happy:
    :heart: Jeannie- I envy you going to school for parent teacher conferences. This year is the first time in 30 years I won’t have a child in school. I really miss PTA, being class mom, going on field trips and volunteering for sports events. Now I have my grandchildren and I hope I will be able to be active with them.
    :heart: Lynn- I am keeping your in-laws in my prayers. I work in a nursing home and see couples who have been married for years and one or the other ( a couple of times both) are in need of care. May God give you and your family the strength to get through what lies ahead.
    :heart: Barbie- I want to come visit you. What a wonderful day of exercise. Congratulations on another pound gone forever. You keep going like this and you’re going to disappear. I wish my husband would go on a trip for a few days. Don’t get me wrong I have been married to this man for 35 years. For most of our married life he has worked swing shift. Now we are together almost 24 hours a day. We work at the same place thus ride to and from work together. Sometimes I would love to have a whole day alone.:bigsmile:
    :heart: Karen- Welcome to the best support system you could ever hope to find. :flowerforyou:
    :heart: Susan- Welcome home and congratulations to you as well. One question, how did you get that picture of the shoe on the thread? :noway: I tried to put a before and after picture on and couldn’t figure out how to do it.
    :heart: Terri- I hope your head is feeling better soon.
    :heart: Kathy -I love the picture of your beagle.
    Time for me to get off here and exercise. Everyone have a wonderful night, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kcfva122
    Hello, everyone,

    Thanks for your welcoming words. I think this site is going to help me bigtime. Today I have been a bit lonely. I live alone except for my two cats, and my BF lives in Canada, 1200 miles away. I talk to him every day, and that helps. I also talked to my sister in Texas, and that was good, too.

    Normally when I feel like this I head for the fridge but today I headed for MFP and looked around to see what everyone was up to. I don't know people well enough yet to speak to you all individually, but soon I hope.

    :ohwell: Laurel I know how you feel about wishing for a day to yourself - I've been there, too - but I know that you are so thankful for your husband and family, as I would be in your shoes.

  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Karen,
    I think this site is great too. I try to get on at least every other day. It is amazing how good it is and for once I'm getting something far more than what I pay which is nothing.

    Since I am on a very low income that means everything to me. But it wouldn't if it weren't good. Everyone on this thread is so kind. and inspiring.

    Today I went to the Pumkin Patch. I took my turkey burger and veggies, and my homemade beakfast bar and you know what?

    You guys I am so sold on this South Beach. Every since craving is gone. But what's more is, my mind has totally left food. This is a first for me. Every one was doing their snacking. I was just enjoying the day. I pulled out my food and ate on time and I feel so good.

    Well, in the morning Jose and I are weighing in on the scale. We are playing who's the biggest loser for the week. I don't care if I beat him. But for me, I want to have a great weight loss. I am so excited to have off a good hunk by my birthday Nov 22. Well, good night all, kc
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Hi Belly dancer,

    I am so interested in your Shea Butter business. Do you have a web site? Tell me more and yes, I think your weight loss is very doable. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    This wonderful marathon workout has been fun but I'd rather have Jake home. I was single for a long time before I met Jake and my wise friends told me that I needed to learn to be OK alone or I wouldn't survive, so I'm really good at entertaining myself and being OK alone, but I like being married better than I like being alone. One interesting result of all the exercise is that I have a bunch of exercise calories so I've been able to have a bunch of fun snacks today (peanut butter and wasa, hummus and wasa, apple, an extra big bowl of Kashi cereal with almond milk).

    :flowerforyou: I agree with all of you about checking in with MFP friends. You all keep me going. After reading your posts I head for the exercise bike or the dog leashes instead of the refrigerator. :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Karen, tell me about your cats. I have two cats and can't imagine a life without them.

    :flowerforyou: kc, I'm so glad that you've found an eating plan that works for you especially the absence of cravings for food that isn't good for you. Good luck on your weigh in tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, This is very unusual for Jake to be gone so much. Usually my time to myself is when he plays golf. Four or five hours alone is just about right.

    I'd go to bed early but Jake is still at a training meeting and he's going to call when he's back in his hotel room so I'll wait up.
    Pleasant dreams and hugs to all :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good evening ladies, Actually it is Sunday am here. Late night. My I cant believe how much I have missed and I only missed readling for one day. I read fast and cannot remember it all so, welcome to new comers. Congrats to those who lost and keep up good work for everyone else.
    We left after work yesterday to drive into Baton Rouge. We spent night here and got up this morning for LSU game. Hubby and I went down to the gym this morning at hotel. they have 1 treadmill, 1 bike, 1 ellipitical and weight machines. there was a lady on bike, her mom on treadmill and her 5 yr old daughter playing on ellipitical. Hubby and I did our weights and I did a few minutes on ellipitical when child got off then we just decided to go walk along the levee by the hotel. the hotel is on the Mississippi and levee runs along side of it. We walked levee for about 45 min and then used the stairs at hotel instead of elevator. We are on 9th floor. So far today we have walked up and down them 4 times. I hate elevators so i will use stairs whenever possible but especially now for exercise. Then we left for stadium about 10:30. We walked around stadium until game time at around 6 pm. I had my HRM on and it said I burned about 800 cal for the day just by walking. My eating was not great. I did not really go over but just strange foods. I had real breakfast of grits, scrambled egg beaters, fruit, bacon. Then had a bagel for lunch that I saved from breakfast buffet. Then for afternoon snack I had fiber one bar, then popcorn at game, then after game we ate and I got a salad, but only ate about 1/4 of it and packed rest to come home. I drank lots of water but not like usual. Just getting out of routine messes up my stomach. Hope to get back to normal tomorrow. I will try to catch up more posts tomorrow. Have a great Sunday.
    Vicki M.