Women 50+ for October



  • kcfva122
    :happy: Good morning, everyone.,

    I've gotten over my blues from yesterday. Today in Northern VA it's a clear, crisp, beautiful fall day. I've been out for my walk and I have lots to do today at home. I have some healthy snack mix baking in the oven; then I'm going to bake some Snickerdoodles to take to school tomorrow. My exercise will allow me to have one for "quality control." :laugh:

    :smile: Hello, Vickie M. I spent a week in Baton Rouge a couple of years ago visiting a friend. It was in the summer, so I remember hot and humid. We toured around a lot and visited the LSU campus, the capitol building with all its scandalous history, New Orleans, and some other nearby towns. I wonder what the weather is like there in late October.

    :smile: Barbiecat - is that where the "cat" in your name comes from? Your cat love? I'd be delighted to tell you about my cats, and when I can get a good picture of them I'll post it.
    Moses(his name when I got him) is 5 years old, he's a small solid gray cat who looks something like a Russian blue. I recued him from PetSmart shortly after the death of another beloved cat of 14 years. He bonded with me immediately and now he's like Velcro. He will let me do anything to him - cut his nails, give medicine, though he hates when I have to give him a shot. He has "eocinophilic granuloma" which means he's allergic to just about everything; it makes him itchy and he breaks out in scabs and sometimes his mouth swells. For most of his life he has been on various cortisone pills and shots, but the vet warned me about side effects. So I bit the bullet and had him tested. Now I have allergy shots which seem to be working somewhat. He has cost me a lot of money but I love him dearly.
    Yasmeen (also her name when I got her) is another story. She's a Somali, an exotic long-haired breed. I took her in a couple of years ago when she was 9 and needed a home. She is a beautiful and very sweet cat, but she's a bit aloof and doesn't trust me, especially when I have to give her medication of any kind. Unfortunately, she has some inappropriate elimination issues from time to time and has ruined my carpets. Some of my friends say I should just get rid of her, but I love animals and I have committed to taking care of her, so what the heck! The carpets are already ruined and I have them cleaned every 3 months now. When she isn't with me any more I'll have my floors redone.
    Well, Barbiecat, that's probably more than you ever wanted to know, but there it is. Now can I hear about yours?

    :flowerforyou: Have a great day, everyone!

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning ladies. Yep...I had the final melt down last night. Handled my overeating just about as well as my Huskers handled their football yesterday. Hmmm, they fumbled eight times in one game (boo hoo):cry: . Finally shut off the game two minutes into the fourth quarter, armed myself with a hooded jacket and umbrella and went for a 40 minute walk in the sprinkles of rain. After a fairly spread out day (I usually tend to skimp calories a bit too much over breakfast and lunch and then have this huge list at supper to record) where I ate my 1200 plus all but 10 of my exercise calories I then succumbed (sp?) to a weight watchers soft oatmeal raisin cookie, an ounce of dry roasted peanuts and finally a miniature Mr. Goodbar. What I was probably doing was trying to "eat" myself out of the Mr. Goodbar. Should have eaten it first, darn it.

    Anyway, today is another day. Following the rules of a skinny person, I will just make up today by being extra good and exercising twice as much. And about the football game... I don't really get too upset when my team loses because I always stop and think about how good the other teams players, their families and their fans feel!!

    Have a great day everyone... I intend to. I am leading the OA meeting this afternoon. Typical of me, I've been going for a month and a half to the meetings...sure I'll lead the next one! Oh well, I'll do my best. Maybe that's what I've been eating about the past few days...maybe I've been secretly nervous and have resorted to old bad behaviors. Hmmm, I think I need a psychologist.:ohwell:

    :heart: :heart: Terri
  • kcfva122
    Don't we all!!!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Terri- I hope you do have a good day. Don't dwell on what happened yesterday, just look towards today.


  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Still working to get back on track!
    Can't look back now!
    Did start the day with 10 minutes of rowing and 30 minutes on the elliptical.
    I also have my meal planned out for the rest of the day.
    I refuse to give up!!!
    It's the emotional eating that is a challenge for me.
    :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile: :grumble: :bigsmile: :grumble: :glasses:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Can I play?
    I'm 51 and I started just a week ago, and I've already lost 5 pounds. My husband is stationed overseas (left today) and I"m here with college-student son (other son lives out of state.) I've decided to stay really really busy now that I'm on my own for the first time in almost 30 years. I was laid off in June so I started a little online business (selling shea butter) and I'm also a graduate student.
    I really want to surprise my husband and please myself by losing another 20 pounds by March 1. Think I can??

    :flowerforyou: Welcome! Are you really a belly dancer? :wink: If so, I hear that will help you to lose weight if your food is in control! Lots of ladies have done terrific. I guarantee that if you stick to tracking your food, and exercising, you will see a difference. How much...that's different for each of us. But you have 5 months, which is a long time ,so it might be possible. What is absolutely guaranteed is that you will feel better about yourself and get a aqainted with so many from all over that can help you on your journey! The best results happen when you take it one day at a time! Good luck!
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Hi Karen,
    You are right in summer it is hot and humid. In late October it is anyone's guess. It can be hot and humid or cold and windy or just nice. Yesterday was really nice. We got a cool front early in the week and we were comfortable during the day, but needed jackets at night in the stadium. I visited your state 3 years ago and loved it. We stayed in Williamsburg and visited the area and went to DC for a day. We also stayed in Alexandria 2 years ago. I love Alexandria. My favorite area. Cant wait to go back.
    Glad you joined us. Look forward to hearing from you.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :flowerforyou: Suzy: Those sneakers sound interesting. Do keep us updated and congratulations on another lb!!!

    :flowerforyou: Kathy: Life always has a way of getting in the way. :grumble: Take a deep breath, pick your priorities (and YOU should be on that list) and do the best you can! Remember…you’re a winner as long as you try!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Terri: One day at a time and you can do it!!
    Don’t worry about a little slip…. :ohwell: as you said today is a new day and a new goal! Y:flowerforyou: You can do it! Leading an OA meeting is something that can help to give you incentive! I did it many, many times over my 14 years and I found that reaching out and helping others….really helped ME more than them!
    Remember the only thing we have is today…yesterday is gone and tomorrow hasn’t gotten here yet. So live in the present moment…be positive and grateful and you’ll conquer!
    As far as a psychologist, as Kathy said, don’t we all!!:laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Becky: The winners don’t give up….You’re so close!! Remember who you are….a winner!

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie: Glad there was no serious damage to you mil. You seem to have a lot of things on your plate! My mother always said that God doesn’t give you more than you can handle….but she also said….sometimes I think He overestimates us!!:laugh: :laugh: (just kidding, a little of my mother's humor)

    :flowerforyou: Rosemarie: Wogging!! I never heard that word! :laugh: Sorry about the hips. Hope you get moving again and keep that pain at bay!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Karen: That’s it!! Go to MFP instead of the refrigerator! It really helps! Glad you’re over the blues! Sounds like you’re a real cat lover! You’ll have lots of friends on this site!

    :flowerforyou: KC: Hope your weigh in goes well, but even if you don’t lose what you think you will (and it may be more) celebrate the fact that the craving has gone!! :flowerforyou: What a victory! :flowerforyou: If the scales moves, than consider it just an extra victory! You’ve made such great progress!:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Barbie: I agree with you on being alone. I love it for a certain amount of time but then I get lonely! :cry: Jake will call and you’ll have sweet dreams!:love:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki: Walk up 9 flights 4 times?! I’m sure you couldn’t do THAT 54 lbs ago!!
    I think you’re doing real well by doing stairs rather than elevators. We don’t realize how much energy we burn doing that over and over again.:flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity: As Barbiecat would say…never, never, never give up! You either progress or you go backwards. This journey is an ongoing one and moves in one direction or the other. 98lbs!!! If you can do that…you can do anything! Make today matter!

    Have a great Sunday!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ladies…what a wonderful day.:wink: Got up made breakfast, was proud of myself I only ate scrapple with 1 biscuit with 2 tablespoons of sausage gravy. In the past I would have eaten 2 or three biscuits covered in gravy with fried eggs and grits. :noway: (what was I thinking) Went shopping with my hubby and bought some beautiful steak fish. We came home and I fixed the fish, baked potatoes and a lovely garden salad. Then I talked him into going for a walk with me. We took Starr our German Shepherd with us. Then we came home and did yard work. Hubby cut down two huge bushes and I drug almost all of the branches up and over our septic mound over to the woods, boy did I work up a sweat and got my heart rate up. I am exhausted.:yawn:
    :heart: Hi Birdie- I actually stole that term from someone on another thread. I start out walking about 2 blocks then I jog two blocks then walk two blocks etc… hence the term wogging.:laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Well just got a call from my Mother in-law to tell me she is home so I can bring her dinner so I gotta go. Everyone have a wonderful evening. Hugs and love to all, Rosemary
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • l_mahloy
    l_mahloy Posts: 118
    Hello All,

    Has been a busy weekend we puppy sat our grand pups they are the cutest girls ever one is a jack russel beagle mix one is a pit bull mix then we have a rat terrier mix. All of the dogs were rescues and love being at grandmas house. One day I hope to have grandchildren but until then I will spoil the pups.

    Have a wonderful evening,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy Sunday, I woke up too early.......Jake called at six because he had to be at the first event of the day at 7. After walking the dogs I didn't feel like "Sweatin' to the Oldies" or going for a walk....today's my Isagenix cleanse day so I'm working on fewer calories.......so I got started on making applesauce with the apples that I picked off my friend's tree on Thursday. When it started raining I was glad that I hadn't gone for a walk. I've done laundry and taken the dogs to the dog park....I guess this will be my day of rest...even so, I already have 10,000 steps on my step counter thanks to chores and dog walking......the dogs don't mind the rain :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I like taking the stairs in hotels.......partly because I'm not patient about waiting for the elevator :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Karen, I just read on your profile that you teach music....that sounds like fun.

    :flowerforyou: Terri, I'll bet you'll find a lot of answers for yourself when you lead the OA meeting.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity, it sounds like you're already well on your way to getting back on track:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, keep on keeping on. You're so encouraging to everybody. It is such a pleasure to read what you post.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary you are a darling to bring dinner to your MIL. I hope she realizes how lucky she is. Your day sounds really busy and fun.

    I think I'll get on the exercise bike and watching some TV that I've recorded.
    have a great evening. hugs :love: :love: :heart: :heart: Barbie :drinker:
  • katznketo
    katznketo Posts: 323 Member
    Well, I just wrote a long response to each of you and then it went bye bye. I guess it wasn't to be. I just want to say to each of you, I kinda feel like were family.

    Today I weighed with Jose. He lost 5 pds, and I lost one. I was gonna have a melt down because I feel like I've lost a dress size. But I have lost 12 pds in 13 days. Now I'd say that's great.

    And I feel wonderful and no cravings.

    To each one of you, thanks for listening to me whine. I need to vent and you guys all pushed me on. Thank you.

    Barbie - don't be lonesome, you've got us.
    Teri - thanks for sharing and O A is great I did it for years and did have success
    Fabulocity - I was at the end of my rope and God brought me South Beach. You'll find yours.
    Vicki, have a good time!
    And to all thanks for bringing me into this group.
    here's to another good week. kc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Karen, thank you for telling me about your cats. I've had the same experience of spending endless funds on cats because I love them so much.
    You can see pictures of my cats on my profile....Haifa, the black and white cat is 14 years old. We found him abandoned as a tiny kitten at a rest stop on US 101 about 125 miles south of where we lived in California. He has been the most healthy and affectionate cat. When we moved here five years ago he spent six weeks at a fancy cat boarding place then a month in a motel/trailer with us before we moved into our house. He was quite outraged two years ago when we got Bernie. Bernie's mother was a stray that was already pregnant when a friend of ours took her in. He teases the dogs and bugs Haifa a lot. He loves to hunt and run around outdoors. Both cats are indoor/outdoor. They sleep wherever they want in the house including in bed with us and if they stay out past dark I worry just I would about children. I've had cats all my life. Jake is the one who insisted that we have a dog and now we have two. I adore the dogs but cats have always been my first love. :heart:

    :flowerforyou: kc, if I had a dime for every time the computer lost my work, I'd be rich :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Losing a pound is great :bigsmile: :bigsmile: don't forget the number one rule of weight loss "don't compare yourself with anyone male" :laugh: The most important thing is what you have----a willingness to do this for another day. Just keep on keeping on. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, I'll take grandpups over grandkids any day.

    hugs to all (especially to those of you who are lurking and not posting :laugh: :laugh: ):heart::heart: :heart:
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Thanks for the encouragement kc, Birdie and Barbie---I hope I didn't miss anyone!

    Decided to look at some of my before pictures and posted them on my profile page.
    I also looked at my original photo that i still have on my fitness membership card.
    Sometimes it's good to remember what you have accomplished--which is what I did today.:wink::wink:
    I am looking forward to a wonderful week!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I guess it has been a few days since I posted, so I confess to "lurking." Today I discovered that when it comes to killing vacuum cleaners, Mai Li's hair is the champion!!:grumble: :happy: First my own vacuum died during the chore. I was getting into areas that I don't normally go, trying to get things re organized so that little Bradley the Yorkie will have a little space to himself. I borrowed my neighbor's vacuum. It lasted about 5 minutes before the hair accumulated and stopped the beater brush on THAT one as well. Fortunately, with a well placed scissors and some pulling (and a few words I won't repeat on the website--we'll suffice by saying "expletives deleted" a la Watergate :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:) I managed to revive the second vacuum, and complete what I was trying to do.

    I got involved in something this morning, so I didn't go to Mass until this evening. I live on the border between two parishes, so I go to services at both of them. The one with the Sunday night mass also has a "parish supper" every Sunday night, where you can have dinner for 3 dollars!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Tonight was build your own tacos, and they had lots of great veggies, so by going easy on the taco meat and the sour cream and shredded cheese, and heavy on the veggies, I enjoyed two soft tacos and stayed under my calories for the day.

    After dinner, I came home to change clothes and feed the doggies. They eat about the same time in the evening because that is the one time of day I am always home, regardless of my work schedule. I left them home and drove to my friends to pick up Bradley. He loved the doggie treats I brought with me, and thanked me with lots of kisses. He is more of a "kisser" than either of my others. We went for a walk at my friend's house and then she put his doggie bed into the back of my car.

    Everything went smoothly til she put HIM in the back with it. He started getting a little agitated when she was reaching thru the window saying good bye. The drive home was a little anxious, with him going between the front seat and his bed, and a lot of time spent looking out the windows and a little whining. The most interesting part of the trip was when Bradley decided to crawl across the console and give me a kiss while I was driving on the freeway. :noway: I put a stop to THAT immediately, as I could not SEE where I was going with a doggie in my face!!:laugh: :laugh:

    When we arrived at my home, I decided the best way for my little darlings to get used to the idea of Bradley coming in the house was to bring them outside and take all three for a walk before we went inside. I also thought it might help Bradley calm down if he had a chance to do something he enjoys. My plan seemed to work. Once we came in, there was a lot of sniffing and tail wagging. I passed out a few treats and offered Bradley some doggie food up on my bed to keep other noses out of the dish. He didn't have to be asked twice to eat, and within a short time he climbed into his bed and is now snoozing away.:smile::smile:

    I have Monday off and don't have anyplace to go, except for a short trip to the bank, so we will concentrate on getting acquainted, and introducing Bradley to the "doggie door." Learning to use it is an important skill on days when "mama" can't come home for lunch. Fortunately, that is only 2 days out of 5.

    So far so good.

    The other thing I did today was go visit a friend who was a prolific shopper when she was the same size I am now. Lucky for me. I came home with about a dozen pair of pants, 2 jackets, several sweaters, knit tops, a skirt, and a perfect pant suit that I can wear to the anniversary lunch I will be attending in Seattle in two weeks. The only complication is that my friend is about 5 or 6 inches taller than I am, so most of the pants need to be shortened, but the alterations place I used only charges $8 to hem slacks, so that won't break the bank. Thanks to my wonderful friend, I have enough clothes to get me through the winter, and I don't have to go bankrupt to get them. I was to the point where I had two pairs of jeans that fit and one other pair of pants that were borderline too big. Everything else I own is now too big. Like my friend said, this is a problem she wishes she had!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Anyway, it is late, and I need to take advantage of all these sleeping canines and get some sleep.:yawn:


    Then I hopped
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good Morning ladies,
    I vow this Monday morning to get back on track. I would like to lose about 5 or 6 pounds before our trip after Thanksgiving. I would like more but dont want to set my goals too high. I finally tried on little black dress for hubby and he took picture so I posted it. Not sure if it will come out on ticker or not. If not it is on my profile page. I look a little hippy in it but that will be last place I lose for sure. I had a good breakfast this morning and took my apple cider vinegar and I am drinking lots of water. I am cooking a gumbo and plan to do some sewing and while little ones are napping I will ride exercise bike and watch a little tv. Then hubby and I will go to gym when he gets home from work. Okay I see this all the time but it is getting freakly. You know how when you search the web after that you get all kinds of email about the subject you are searching. Happens all the time to me. Well after I just uploaded my picture in little black dress the add on top of this is saying to me Our famous Lose 10 lbs Little Black Dress. That is just too freaky to think about. Have a good day ladies. Will post later.
    Vicki M
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I got it on there but if you go to profile you can see whole picture. will try to fix if I can figure it out.
    Vicki M
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :heart: Susan- Welcome home and congratulations to you as well. One question, how did you get that picture of the shoe on the thread? :noway: I tried to put a before and after picture on and couldn’t figure out how to do it.

    There is a html code you enter just before and after the link to make a picture show up in a post. I've tried putting the actual img code on here but it won't show up, so hope this makes sense. THE CODE IS:

    left bracket, img, right bracket, html address, left bracket, forward slash, img, right bracket

    As for walking in Shapeups: It takes a few minutes of walking to get used to rolling your foot from heel to toe on each step, but is a very comfortable feeling. I didn't notice any real difference until the next morning when my glutes were sore. So maybe these things RELLY DO work!

    Today I'm unpacking, doing laundry and repacking for a road trip to take my MiL to see her sister about 6 hours away. Last time I was there I blew it big time by succumbing to a piece of pecan pie which reawakened all kinds of carb cravings. This time I'm packing my Shapeups, hand weights, my 4 Fast Miles DVD and healthy snacks like pumpkin seeds and nuts.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Calculator

    Thanks for the encouragement kc, Birdie and Barbie---I hope I didn't miss anyone!

    Decided to look at some of my before pictures and posted them on my profile page.
    I also looked at my original photo that i still have on my fitness membership card.
    Sometimes it's good to remember what you have accomplished--which is what I did today.:wink::wink:
    I am looking forward to a wonderful week!:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Wow! What a difference! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You ARE fabulous! Keep up the positive choices!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :smile: Barb: Lucky you…… with the clothes! It’s better that your friend was TALLER than you rather than SHORTER! That’s a little harder to address!:laugh: :laugh:
    Have a great day off!

    :flowerforyou: Vickie: Love the black dress! It looks great! I always say that women lose weight the way a candle melts down.:angry: The top goes first, but the thighs and legs hang in there until the end!!:explode: :laugh: :laugh:

    :smile: SuzyQ: My husband and I love walking on the beach but it certainly can be a workout. It’s interesting that you get the results without the huffing and puffing!

    :huh: Okay, so I admit I’m a little slow with the computer address info. What is img?:ohwell:

    :noway: Pecan Pie??!! That would kill me! Someone told me once that it’s too sweet! I thought, can ANYTHING be too sweet! I have a huge sweet tooth so the less I have the less of it I crave! Stick to your plan.:flowerforyou: Bring your before and after picture with you, too. When the pie comes out say “Do I want that pie or to look even better than that already awesome picture of me?” That would work for me accept I don’t have an awesome picture like you!!! (YET):laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    Have a great day!:flowerforyou: