1200 cals this way works...



  • Kybelle132
    Kybelle132 Posts: 71 Member
    So after spending 45 minutes reading about how I "should be banned" because of my diet.. thank you oh shirtless arrogant one, I thought I'd offer just a little advice to my friends who are doing a 1200 calorie diet and having a little struggle with it. 1200 can be pretty tough because it's not a lot. But, 1200 produces results. Especially in those of us that are vertically challenged and have an ideal weight of 115 or so.

    To be fair the post was about people consistently eating UNDER 1200 calories as it encourages unhealthy eating habits (eating too little). It wasnt slating people who NET 1200 a day.

    Also, the OP is the very OPPOSITE of the kind of people the guy was slating. You eat good, healthy nutritious food and eat back exercise calories.

    Not really. He didn't say anything about whether the food was healthy or not. He said those that eat under 1200 should be banned.

    @OP good for you!

    If people who ate/net under 1200 a day should be banned from this site, so so so so SO many people would be banned, TONS of people burn through so many calories working out and eat back very few of those cals....
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    That pizza in your diary looks really nutritious and healthy too :)

    Ha! Yup.. don't judge for one day or two. I've been out of town visiting the parents. :) That pizza was DAMN good!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member

    I'm 5'2 and id starve or kill someone on 1200 calories. I feel sorry for all the people on here who are gonna gain all their weight back after working so hard and starving themselves because its impossible to maintain that lifestyle for any real length of time!
    But i'm sure i have no idea what im talking about so no problemo!

    At least u understand that you have no idea what you are talking about.

    For the record, "I tried the eat more to lose" philosophy. It didn't work for me. This does. And, I can maintain this lifestyle for a real length of time. It's just food. Sorry you lack self discipline. I feel sorry you. I'm sure that it translates into the other areas of your life as well.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    why do people chose to eat less when they can lose weight while eating more? do they just not like food? :noway: i like food too much to eat 1200 but that's just me. my body is loving every ounce of the 1850 calories it gets and the scale is moving...but even better, my body comp is totally changing....no skinny fat here.

    and i don't like this assumption that just cuz people are eating more means they're eating fast food and junk. :huh: most of my meals are home made and are a good balance of some kind of meat/whole grains/veggies. if i find that i'm short a few calories, i have a protein shake or have a handful of almonds....not grab the fattiest, most calorie dense thing i can find.

    I didn't lose eating more.
  • selbeeps
    selbeeps Posts: 5 Member
    I am eating between 1,000 to 1,200 calories per day as directed by my physician and nutritionist. Too many people have already made up their minds about this issue and truly believe anything not in line with their way of thinking is just wrong. As they say, opinions are like a**holes, everybody's got one and everyone thinks everyone else's stinks!